
I've installed Catalyst::TraitFor::Model::DBIC::Schema::Caching and it seems to work fine, but it conflicts with Catalyst::Plugin::I18N::DBI.

I made the following settings in order to be able to use C::TraitFor::...

'Model::DB' => {
 traits => ['Caching'],
 schema_class => 'BRK::Schema',
 connect_info => {
   dsn => 'dbi:mysql:database=brk',
   user => 'root',
   password => "",
   quote_char => '`',
   name_sep => '.',

'Plugin::Cache' => {
 backend => {
   class => 'Cache::FileCache',
   cache_root => '__path_to(temp,cache)__',

Each time I access a page that contains a string which was not translated, instead of replacing the key with "? $key" and inserting that key in the database, MyApp just prints the key and it doesn't insert it into the DB.
And the follow error message is printed to STDERR:

[error] Failed within fail_with(): Can't use string ("BRK") as a HASH ref while "strict refs" in use at E:/perl510/site/lib/Class/Accessor/Fast.pm line 10.

This error is printed in the module
at line 255.

If I comment the line
 traits => ['Caching'],
in the Model::DB settings above, then Catalyst::Plugin::I18N::DBI works fine again.

I've seen that the program seems to end in Catalyst::Plugin::I18N::DBI at line 240, and this line is:

my $res = $c->model($cfg->{lex_class})->search({ key => $key, lang => $lang, lex => $default_lex })->first;

I've seen that the program ends there no matter what search I made using DBIC.

That line is enclosed in a eval {} block, but no matter it is enclosed in eval {} or not, the program doesn't break, although when it is enclosed in eval it fails and sets that error in $...@.

If I take that line outside the eval {} block and put a $c->log->error line above it and another $c->log->error line below it, the error put above it prints to the error log, but the line below it it doesn't. (And it is the same if I do this in the eval {} block. That's why I said that the program seems to end on that line.)

I don't know what's Catalyst::TraitFor::Model::DBIC::Schema::Caching doing that it doesn't allow C::P::I18N::DBI work correctly, but I have no idea how to solve this issue.


Thank you.


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