RE: [Catalyst] How best not to use the system perl

2011-09-30 Thread John Karr
I recently put up an article on my technical blog (

Here's the cut and paste:

 Installing an Alternate Perl with perlbrew 

  put a current Perl at /usr/bin/perl5. I prefer this solution to the env 
perl approach many others have chosen. It does require that for your scripts 
you change the #! line by appending the 5, but it is much easier to append a 5 
to the line than remember where your alternate perl is buried in the file 
system (for scripts run outside your environment).

To begin, you’ll need to fire up your system CPAN for its first and only ever 
run. But even before that you may need to install a few things like gcc. On 
ubuntu it is as simple as (sudo) apt-get install build-essential. You also need 
to decide which user is going to maintain perlbrew, it is not unreasonable to 
choose root, it is also quite reasonable to choose a different user.
(sudo) cpan App:perlbrew

Say yes to installing dependincies 89 times. There are two tricks you can use 
to make this a little easier: install App::cpanminus first, it has fewer 
dependencies and can install perlbrew quietly, alternately Ubuntu Oneric has a 
perlbrew package, install it and then use perlbrew’s self update option.

If installation of perlbew fails, open up a cpan session and type

force notest install App::perlbrew.

>From this point onwards we consider ourselfs to have 2 perls, our real Perl 
>(perl5) the system perl which we will never touch, but which is a dependency 
>for packages needing perl we might have installed.
 export PERLBREW_ROOT=/opt/perlbrew
(/usr/perlbrew and /usr/local/perlbrew are also good choices)
 perlbrew init 

/opt/perlbrew/bin/perlbrew available
/opt/perlbrew/bin/perlbrew install 

Using Perl 5.14.1 as an example, type the following two lines
ln /opt/perlbrew/perls/perl-5.14.1/bin/perl /usr/bin/perl5
ln /opt/perlbrew/perls/perl-5.14.1/bin/perl5.14.1 /usr/bin/perl5.14.1

This will make Perl5.14.1 your default perl5, and it will give you a specific 
alias to perl5.14.1 if in the future you need to invoke it specifically you can 
type perl5.14.1 from anywhere without having to remember the full path.

Install cpanminus

Now that you have your new perl installed, even though perlbrew has an option 
to do this I recommend using the cpan in your new perlbrew directory. ./cpan 
App::cpanminus, configure cpan and answer the prompts.

When this is done go to /usr/bin, if you don’t have links there for cpan and 
cpanm copy them from your new perl’s directory, if you do, they’re just 
wrappers, edit the #! line to /usr/bin/perl5, so that if in the future you have 
a newer perl5, you won’t need to touch them.

Special case: Padre.

Padre requires a multi-threaded Perl, Perlbrew does not build a multi-threaded 
Perl by default. I update Padre about once a month. You have a two choices, you 
can tell Perlbrew to build a threaded Perl, or you can leave Padre on your 
system Perl, which means that you need to make sure that you update it in your 
system Perl, not your real Perl. If you don’t want a threaded perl a third 
option would be to build a special threaded perl for Padre (but as long as it 
works with system perl, why bother?).
/opt/perlbrew/bin/perlbrew install \
perl-5.xx.x -Dusethreads -Duselargefiles \
-Dcccdlflags=-fPIC -Doptimize=-O2 \
-Duseshrplib -Dcf_by="Your_name_here" \

-Original Message-
From: Dermot [] 
Sent: Friday, September 30, 2011 10:39 AM
To: The elegant MVC web framework
Subject: [Catalyst] How best not to use the system perl


I have got a new server that I want to put into production. To comply with the 
manufacturer, I have installed RedHat 6.1 on it. Up till now we have used 
Debian based machines and have been using the system perl. That worked ok 
because all the necessay libperl*.deb could be installed via the package 
manager. That's not an option with yum. I know using the system perl is frowned 
upon by some so I'd like to do the right thing before the server is deployed. 
AFAIK, there are two options; 1) install a perl from source into somewhere like 
/usr/local and set-up the environment so that's the perl that's used or 2) use 
the system perl (5.10.1) and local::lib. I'm sure there are others with my 
hardware set-up and I'd be interested in hearing what approached they've taken. 
Similarly if there are other options to consider or there are strong reasons 
for using one approach over an other, I'd appreciate hearing them.


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Re: [Catalyst] How best not to use the system perl

2011-09-30 Thread Stephen Clouse
On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 10:00 AM, Joe Landman <> wrote:

> For years, we've been putting our Perl under the
> tree.  We've run into so many problems with system supplied Perl, that in
> general, we simply ignore it.  We also have, in the past when we were doing
> more Catalyst apps, shipped our baseline tree with everything pre-installed
> ... it was *much* easier than going through a build

This is basically what we've been doing at $work, as well -- install our own
Perl into /opt/perl (or something like that) with all the dependencies for
our applications, pack it into an RPM, then deploy that to our customers'

Another thing that hasn't been pointed out is that the system Perl tends to
be built in the most pants-on-head moronic way possible.  Red Hat, in
particular, enables ithreads, which almost nobody uses anymore (due to its
faulty design) but incurs a severe performance penalty just for having it
compiled in.  Anyone that is serious about Perl development should probably
be avoiding these builds like the plague.

Stephen Clouse 
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Re: [Catalyst] How best not to use the system perl

2011-09-30 Thread Jorge Gonzalez

Hi Dermot,

in my development machine I have a Perl environment installed in my home 
dir with perlbrew. That way I can install anything I need without 
disturbing (or using) the system perl. Later, when doing a deployment to 
the production environment, I deploy my app and my full perlbrew 
environment, directly copied from the development machine.

When deploying new versions in the production environment, I simply 
rename the current version ($HOME/MyApp directory) to MyApp.pre20110930 
(date; for example), and I do the same (if needed) to the perl 
production environment (rename $HOME/perl5 to $HOME/perl5.pre20110930). 
In this way I have a history of all my deployments (and most important: 
the previous one). If there's the slightest problem with the new 
deployment I can switch to the previous version in a matter of seconds.

Given the size of today's hard disks, it's no problem to have all these 
files laying around, and it's saved my life (professional life, that is) 


El 30/09/11 16:39, Dermot escribió:


I have got a new server that I want to put into production. To comply
with the manufacturer, I have installed RedHat 6.1 on it. Up till now
we have used Debian based machines and have been using the system
perl. That worked ok because all the necessay libperl*.deb could be
installed via the package manager. That's not an option with yum. I
know using the system perl is frowned upon by some so I'd like to do
the right thing before the server is deployed. AFAIK, there are two
options; 1) install a perl from source into somewhere like /usr/local
and set-up the environment so that's the perl that's used or 2) use
the system perl (5.10.1) and local::lib. I'm sure there are others
with my hardware set-up and I'd be interested in hearing what
approached they've taken. Similarly if there are other options to
consider or there are strong reasons for using one approach over an
other, I'd appreciate hearing them.


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Re: [Catalyst] How best not to use the system perl

2011-09-30 Thread Joe Landman

On 09/30/2011 10:52 AM, Stuart Watt wrote:

Perl 5.10 isn't really supported any more, so it is highly likely
that at some stage the system Perl will get upgraded behind the
scenes, breaking binary compatibility with modules even if they are
in local::lib. The only safe solution is to use your own Perl (I'd
not put it directly under /usr/local, but somewhere application
specific, but then I am fairly paranoid). That way, no surprise
upgrades will break your application.

For years, we've been putting our Perl under the


tree.  We've run into so many problems with system supplied Perl, that 
in general, we simply ignore it.  We also have, in the past when we were 
doing more Catalyst apps, shipped our baseline tree with everything 
pre-installed ... it was *much* easier than going through a build, 
*especially* due to the inherent brokenness of the WWW::Mechanize 
modules, and the unfortunate dependencies upon them.

We haven't done much with Cat as of late, but we are definitely still 
shipping our own Perl build (5.12.3 as of now, shortly to move to a 
5.14.x by the beginning of the new year).

Joseph Landman, Ph.D
Founder and CEO
Scalable Informatics Inc.
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Re: [Catalyst] How best not to use the system perl

2011-09-30 Thread Stuart Watt
Perl 5.10 isn't really supported any more, so it is highly likely that at some 
stage the system Perl will get upgraded behind the scenes, breaking binary 
compatibility with modules even if they are in local::lib. The only safe 
solution is to use your own Perl (I'd not put it directly under /usr/local, but 
somewhere application specific, but then I am fairly paranoid). That way, no 
surprise upgrades will break your application.

All the best

On 2011-09-30, at 10:39 AM, Dermot wrote:

> Hi,
> I have got a new server that I want to put into production. To comply
> with the manufacturer, I have installed RedHat 6.1 on it. Up till now
> we have used Debian based machines and have been using the system
> perl. That worked ok because all the necessay libperl*.deb could be
> installed via the package manager. That's not an option with yum. I
> know using the system perl is frowned upon by some so I'd like to do
> the right thing before the server is deployed. AFAIK, there are two
> options; 1) install a perl from source into somewhere like /usr/local
> and set-up the environment so that's the perl that's used or 2) use
> the system perl (5.10.1) and local::lib. I'm sure there are others
> with my hardware set-up and I'd be interested in hearing what
> approached they've taken. Similarly if there are other options to
> consider or there are strong reasons for using one approach over an
> other, I'd appreciate hearing them.
> Thanks,
> Dermot.

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[Catalyst] How best not to use the system perl

2011-09-30 Thread Dermot

I have got a new server that I want to put into production. To comply
with the manufacturer, I have installed RedHat 6.1 on it. Up till now
we have used Debian based machines and have been using the system
perl. That worked ok because all the necessay libperl*.deb could be
installed via the package manager. That's not an option with yum. I
know using the system perl is frowned upon by some so I'd like to do
the right thing before the server is deployed. AFAIK, there are two
options; 1) install a perl from source into somewhere like /usr/local
and set-up the environment so that's the perl that's used or 2) use
the system perl (5.10.1) and local::lib. I'm sure there are others
with my hardware set-up and I'd be interested in hearing what
approached they've taken. Similarly if there are other options to
consider or there are strong reasons for using one approach over an
other, I'd appreciate hearing them.


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