[Catalyst] Catalyst / DBIx Class Relationship many_to_many problem

2009-02-01 Thread Jakub Tutaj


I've started using Catalyst, and now I've started writing my second app
(after 1st one - MyApp from tutorial)

I've created db tables analogic to tutorial:

courses (id, name)
users (id, name, email, etc.)
course_users (course_id, user_id)

When trying to list all users from one course,
in my tt view list.tt2 I do:

[% FOREACH course IN courses %]
  [% tt_users = [ ];
  tt_users.push(user.name) FOREACH user = course.users %]
[% END -%]

And then I get error:

Couldn't render template undef error -
DBIx::Class::Relationship::ManyToMany::__ANON__(): DBI Exception:
DBD::Pg::st execute failed: ERROR:  syntax error at or near .
LINE 1: SELECT user.id, user.name, user.email, user.pass, user.role ...
   ^ [for Statement SELECT user.id, user.name, user.email,
user.pass, user.role FROM course_users me  JOIN users user ON ( user.id =
me.user_id ) WHERE ( me.course_id = ? ) with ParamValues: 1='1'] at
/home/jtutaj/workspace/saps/root/src/courses/list.tt2 line 29

From message I can see there's something with many_to_many relationship, but
found nothing when comparing to working tutorial MyApp application.

My Schema relationship parts are:

__PACKAGE__-has_many(course_users = 'saps::Schema::CourseUsers',
__PACKAGE__-many_to_many(users = 'course_users', 'user');

__PACKAGE__-has_many(course_user = 'saps::Schema::CourseUsers',
__PACKAGE__-many_to_many(courses = 'course_user', 'course');

__PACKAGE__-belongs_to(course = 'saps::Schema::Courses', 'course_id');
__PACKAGE__-belongs_to(user = 'saps::Schema::Users', 'user_id');

I already tried getting just simple data like user.name / course.name /
and it all works fine, but when  
FOREACH user = course.users 
error always occurs.

Any help?

Jakub Tutaj

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Re: [Catalyst] Catalyst / DBIx Class Relationship many_to_many problem

2009-02-02 Thread Jakub Tutaj

J. Shirley wrote:
 This is actually a DBIx::Class issue and not Catalyst, but the answer
 to your problem is to simply enable quoting.  Since 'user' is a
 reserved word, you must quote it.
 See this section in the DBIx::Class cookbook:

That works perfectly!
A lot of thanks for fast support.

Jakub Tutaj
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[Catalyst] LEFT JOIN with AND statement

2009-03-17 Thread Jakub Tutaj


I'd like to prepare query like:
SELECT group_tasks.*,student_tasks.* 
FROM group_tasks 
LEFT JOIN student_tasks 
ON group_tasks.id = student_tasks.group_task_id AND student_tasks.user_id =
WHERE group_tasks.group_id = 1

I stuck at this point:

$c-stash-{studentgrouptasks} = [$c-model('sapsDB::GroupTasks')-search(
'me.group_id' = 1,
join = [qw/ studenttasks/] 

I don't know where can I put 'AND student_tasks.user_id = 1' so it's
corresponding with 'join'. I'd like to have list of all grouptasks designed
for the student and if student already did the task (there's a studenttask
record in DB) I also want info about it. That's why I need this 'AND' in
JOIN .. ON statement, instead of normal JOIN .. ON .. WHERE clause. Any

My tables are something like this:



has_many and belongs_to :

saps::Schema::GroupTasks-has_many(studenttasks =
'saps::Schema::StudentTasks', 'group_task_id');
saps::Schema::StudentTasks-belongs_to(grouptask =
'saps::Schema::GroupTasks', 'group_task_id');

Another question is, if I have proper query, how to distinct
studenttasks.status and grouptasks.status using stashed 'studentgrouptasks'
variable in TT (using FOREACH etc.)?

Jakub Tutaj

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Re: [Catalyst] LEFT JOIN with AND statement

2009-03-24 Thread Jakub Tutaj

Zbigniew Lukasiak wrote:
 but answering
 your question I think the only way to do it is via a custom ResultSet
I tried the Cookbook way, but Catalyst couldn't find register_extra_source
function...so from there I searched for that problem and found this link:


Basically, I've created file GroupTasksComplex and put it into Schema
folder. It looks like this:

package saps::Schema::GroupTasksComplex;

use strict;
use warnings;

use base 'DBIx::Class';

__PACKAGE__-table(group_tasks); #this probably could be any name
gt_id task_name gt_status gt_opentime gt_closetime gt_task_id gt_groupid
id compilationstatus runstatus originality comment registered codesize
memoryusage group_task_id user_id
); # list of column names you want to get in return

my $source = __PACKAGE__-result_source_instance()-name( \SQL);
SELECT group_tasks.id as gt_id, tasks.name as task_name,  group_tasks.status
as gt_status, group_tasks.opentime as gt_opentime, group_tasks.closetime as
gt_closetime, group_tasks.task_id as gt_task_id, group_tasks.group_id as
gt_groupid, student_tasks.* 
FROM group_tasks 
LEFT JOIN student_tasks 
ON group_tasks.id = student_tasks.group_task_id AND student_tasks.user_id =
? LEFT JOIN tasks ON group_tasks.task_id = tasks.id 
WHERE group_tasks.group_id = ? )

Then to get query in my controller I do:

my $studentgrouptasks = $c-stash-{studentgrouptasks} =
[$c-model('sapsDB::GroupTasksComplex')-search ( 
bind  = [ $c-user-id,$groupId ]
) ];

I hope that will help someone else too. 

Thanks Zbigniew for a hint!

Jakub Tutaj
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[Catalyst] How to bind an array using my own schema

2009-05-13 Thread Jakub Tutaj

Is it possible to bind an array in code like below? Binding simple variables
works perfectly...

@myArray = (1,2,3);

my $superSchema = [$c-model('myApp::mySuperSchema')-search ( 
bind  = [ @myArray, $number]
) ];

I'm using query like that in my schema mySuperSchema.pm:

SELECT column_id, number FROM table 
WHERE column_id IN (?) AND number != ?

Now I get an error: 
Cannot bind unknown placeholder 3

So is it matter of '?' in SQL query or I should specify bind parameter in
different way? 

Jakub Tutaj

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