[cayugabirds-l] Re: [cayugabirds-l] Ithaca Christmas Bird Count unofficial summary

2015-01-02 Thread Dave Nutter
Meena & all,

To clarify, I hope:

The summary I wrote *is* of the Ithaca Christmas Bird Count ("Count"). The vast 
majority of information in that email refers to the Count. The Count is a 
census of numbers of individuals of as many species of birds as can be found 
during 24 hours within a 15-mile diameter circle, plus noting the presence of 
any additional species within that circle during the 3 days before and after, 
known as Count Week.

I also tried to show how the Count relates to the 2015 First Records list for 
the Cayuga Lake Basin ("Basin"). The Basin is a much larger area, and the First 
Records list can grow throughout 2015. The Count almost, but not quite, 
completely within the Basin. The Count, which is conveniently on New Year's 
Day, is the traditional start for the year's Basin records as well. Perhaps 
some people will be interested in both. References to the Basin in my previous 
email occur in 3 places:

(1) in the sentence in the introduction containing the word "also" to indicate 
that the Basin is *not* the main topic,

(2) in a few parenthetical comments about species not found on Count Day for 
the Count but that I was aware were already found in the Basin outside the 
Count circle (I expect there are also additional such species which I did not 
mention), and

(3) in notes on 3 unusual birds for winter (Gray Catbird, Eastern Towhee, and 
Field Sparrow) found near the south edge of the Count, which is also very near 
the edge of the Basin. As it turns out, these 3 finds are within the Basin, so 
they will be considered first 2015 Basin records along with the others.

Sorry if my writing was or is confusing. Perhaps it was/is too much information 
for one email. I thought my previous message was pretty good, considering how 
late and hurriedly I wrote it after such a full day. I'm not so confident about 
the clarity or utility of *this* late message after another long day.

Saturday and Sunday are opportunities to pad the Count with additional Count 
Week species if any can be found within the circle. I hope to see birders and 
birds out there!

--Dave Nutter

On Jan 02, 2015, at 08:43 AM, Meena Madhav Haribal  wrote:

> Dave,
> You seem to have unofficially expanded Ithaca CBC to CLB. Dave Nicosia' s 
> most of birds don't count in Ithaca CBC circle. So it is not summary of ICBC.
> Cheers
> PS:Good to be back home!
> Meena
> Ithaca
> Dave Nutter  wrote:
> These are preliminary records. Some may be adjusted. There may be errors. 
> Maybe you can add to the count week list by adding species on Jan 2, 3, or 4 
> withing the Count Circle (7.5 miles from the intersection of Mt Pleasant & 
> Turkey Hill Rds, also shown on Cayuga Bird Club web site through resources 
> page). Some additions may also be new for 2015 for the Cayuga Lake Basin, 
> while others have already been found outside the count circle. Please report 
> errors, adjustments, or additions.
> Of the species which have been found on the Ithaca Christmas Bird Count in 
> the past...
> These species were missed, but at least 4 are Count Week birds so far:
> Greater White-fronted Goose
> Ross' Goose
> Brant
> Mute Swan
> Tundra Swan
> Wood Duck
> GADWALL (good chance to find in circle; found at Factory St pond Union 
> Springs by David Nicosia)
> American Wigeon (reported Count Week, but 2014)
> Blue-winged Teal
> Northern Shoveler
> King Eider
> Surf Scoter
> White-winged Scoter
> Long-tailed Duck (reported Count Week, but 2014)
> Northern Bobwhite
> Ring-necked Pheasant (reported Count Week, but 2014)
> Red-throated Loon
> Horned Grebe (reported Count Week in 2014; found today in Aurora Bay by David 
> Nicosia)
> Green Heron
> Black Vulture
> Osprey
> Northern Goshawk
> Red-shouldered Hawk
> Golden Eagle
> Killdeer
> Wilson's Snipe
> Bonaparte's Gull (1 at Frontenac Park in Union Springs found by David Nicosia)
> Snowy Owl (reported recently on Seyboldt Rd near Canoga)
> BARRED OWL (let's hope someone is finding one right now as I write!)
> Long-eared Owl
> Red-headed Woodpecker
> American Three-toed Woodpecker
> Eastern Phoebe
> Boreal Chickadee
> House Wren
> Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
> Brown Thrasher
> American Pipit
> Bohemian Waxwing
> Lapland Longspur
> Snow Bunting (Mt Pleasant or Irish Settlement Rd, maybe?)
> Ovenbird
> Common Yellowthroat
> Yellow Warbler
> Pine Warbler
> Yellow-rumped Warbler
> Green-tailed Towhee
> Chipping Sparrow
> Grasshopper Sparrow
> Fox Sparrow
> Harris' Sparrow
> Rose-breasted Grosbeak
> Dickcissel
> Red-winged Blackbird
> Eastern Meadowlark
> Rusty Blackbird
> Common Grackle
> Baltimore Oriole
> Pine Grosbeak
> Red Crossbill
> White-winged Crossbill
> Hoary Redpoll
> Pine Siskin
> Evening Grosbeak
> These species were found:
> Snow Goose
> Cackling Goose (2 at Stewart Park found by Ken Rosenberg)
> Canada Goose
> American Black Duck
> Mallard
> 5
> Northern Pintail (new high of 18)
> Green-winged Teal (high of 2 tied)
> Canvasback
> Redhead
> Ring-necked Duck
> 10
> G

Re: [cayugabirds-l] Belle School Rd - CL Basin or Not?

2015-01-02 Thread Sandy Podulka

I have always understood that the divide between the Susquehanna and 
St. Lawrence basins (The Cayuga Lake Basin is part of the St. 
Lawrence drainage) was "somewhere between Belle School Rd and Ridgeway Road."

So, you have forced me to actually look at the maps.  Check out this 
link:  http://www.tompkins-co.org/gis/physical.html

Here you can download the following:

(1) Town of Caroline--Tompkins County (the physical map)

Then scroll down to Environmental Maps and download:

(2) Watersheds of Tompkins County
(3)  Danby Watershed

The most useful comparison is then to look at the Danby map vs the 
Town of Caroline, where you can see from the Danby map that they draw 
the divide mostly right along Belle School Road. Right around the 
road there it is quite flat and there is marsh on both sides. It is 
probably hard to tell exactly what water flows which way right there 
without testing it. You can see, however, that the watershed line 
(pink) bows away from the road on the south side in one spot fairly 
close to White Church Rd. The catbird was sitting in a bush along the 
road right about where that bows out (I am not making this up), so I 
think we're safe to say that when we saw it, it was in the basin!! 
The Towhee was on the north side of Belle School Road, right where 
the blue dotted line goes under the road (a culvert)--so definitely 
at least a few feet into the basin!! That stream definitely flows 
north between Coddington and White Church, and there is detectable 
flow at least 300' in, and probably sooner, but I can't remember 
seeing whether water flows under the road in one direction or the 
other.  The Field Sparrows were farther in, so not even debatable.


At 10:21 AM 1/2/2015, bob mcguire wrote:
>Congratulations to Bill Podulka & friends for finding Catbird, 
>Towhee, and Field Sparrow on (?) Belle School Rd for the Christmas 
>count. Dave Nutter raised the question of whether they are in or out 
>of the Cayuga Lake basin (for the few of us who really care!) 
>Looking at the aerial photo on Google maps, I'd say that the road 
>itself IS the boundary. So, depending on exactly the birds were 
>seen, they could be in or out. BIll, can you add anything here?
>Bob McGuire
>Cayugabirds-L List Info:
>1) http://www.mail-archive.com/cayugabirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
>2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/Cayugabirds
>3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/CAYU.html
>Please submit your observations to eBird:


Cayugabirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/cayugabirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/Cayugabirds
3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/CAYU.html

Please submit your observations to eBird:


Re: [cayugabirds-l] Ithaca Christmas Bird Count unofficial summary

2015-01-02 Thread Paul Anderson

Question: does the Barred Owl sighting fall within Area VIII (west of 
Sapsucker Wood Road) or Area II (east)?

Never mind. I just found out it was seen on the East side.


Paul Anderson, VP of Engineering, GrammaTech, Inc.
531 Esty St., Ithaca, NY 14850
Tel: +1 607 273-7340 x118; http://www.grammatech.com


Cayugabirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/cayugabirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/Cayugabirds
3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/CAYU.html

Please submit your observations to eBird:


Re: [cayugabirds-l] Ithaca Christmas Bird Count unofficial summary

2015-01-02 Thread Paul Anderson

The discrepancy between your count (96) and mine (97) appears to be 
because my spreadsheet has the hybrid Great Black-backed/Herring Gull as 
the single entry in the "Gull sp." category. I believe that this would 
NOT count against our official species count, so your total is correct, 
except that the Barred Owl now bumps it to 97.

Question: does the Barred Owl sighting fall within Area VIII (west of 
Sapsucker Wood Road) or Area II (east)?


On 1/1/2015 11:06 PM, Dave Nutter wrote:
> These are preliminary records. Some may be adjusted. There may be 
> errors. Maybe you can add to the count week list by adding species on 
> Jan 2, 3, or 4 withing the Count Circle (7.5 miles from the 
> intersection of Mt Pleasant & Turkey Hill Rds, also shown on Cayuga 
> Bird Club web site through resources page). Some additions may also be 
> new for 2015 for the Cayuga Lake Basin, while others have already been 
> found outside the count circle. Please report errors, adjustments, or 
> additions.
> Of the species which have been found on the Ithaca Christmas Bird 
> Count in the past...
> These species were missed, but at least 4 are Count Week birds so far:
> Greater White-fronted Goose
> Ross' Goose
> Brant
> Mute Swan
> Tundra Swan
> Wood Duck
> GADWALL (good chance to find in circle; found at Factory St pond Union 
> Springs by David Nicosia)
> American Wigeon (reported Count Week, but 2014)
> Blue-winged Teal
> Northern Shoveler
> King Eider
> Surf Scoter
> White-winged Scoter
> Long-tailed Duck (reported Count Week, but 2014)
> Northern Bobwhite
> Ring-necked Pheasant (reported Count Week, but 2014)
> Red-throated Loon
> Horned Grebe (reported Count Week in 2014; found today in Aurora Bay 
> by David Nicosia)
> Green Heron
> Black Vulture
> Osprey
> Northern Goshawk
> Red-shouldered Hawk
> Golden Eagle
> Killdeer
> Wilson's Snipe
> Bonaparte's Gull (1 at Frontenac Park in Union Springs found by David 
> Nicosia)
> Snowy Owl (reported recently on Seyboldt Rd near Canoga)
> BARRED OWL (let's hope someone is finding one right now as I write!)
> Long-eared Owl
> Red-headed Woodpecker
> American Three-toed Woodpecker
> Eastern Phoebe
> Boreal Chickadee
> House Wren
> Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
> Brown Thrasher
> American Pipit
> Bohemian Waxwing
> Lapland Longspur
> Snow Bunting (Mt Pleasant or Irish Settlement Rd, maybe?)
> Ovenbird
> Common Yellowthroat
> Yellow Warbler
> Pine Warbler
> Yellow-rumped Warbler
> Green-tailed Towhee
> Chipping Sparrow
> Grasshopper Sparrow
> Fox Sparrow
> Harris' Sparrow
> Rose-breasted Grosbeak
> Dickcissel
> Red-winged Blackbird
> Eastern Meadowlark
> Rusty Blackbird
> Common Grackle
> Baltimore Oriole
> Pine Grosbeak
> Red Crossbill
> White-winged Crossbill
> Hoary Redpoll
> Pine Siskin
> Evening Grosbeak
> These species were found:
> Snow Goose
> Cackling Goose (2 at Stewart Park found by Ken Rosenberg)
> Canada Goose
> American Black Duck
> Mallard
> 5
> Northern Pintail (new high of 18)
> Green-winged Teal (high of 2 tied)
> Canvasback
> Redhead
> Ring-necked Duck
> 10
> Greater Scaup
> Lesser Scaup
> Black Scoter (1 at Stewart Park found by Ken Rosenberg)
> Bufflehead
> Common Goldeneye
> 15
> Hooded Merganser
> Common Merganser
> Red-breasted Merganser (only Area 7: single observer & location?)
> Ruddy Duck (41, likely to be adjusted, but possible new high)
> Ruffed Grouse
> 20
> Wild Turkey
> Common Loon (single finder & location?)
> Pied-billed Grebe
> Red-necked Grebe (1 - finder & location in Area 8?)
> Double-crested Cormorant (6 on west side of Cayuga Lake, finder? site?)
> 25
> Great Blue Heron
> Turkey Vulture
> Bald Eagle (8, may be adjusted, possible new high)
> Northern Harrier (1 by airport found by Jason Harrington)
> Sharp-shinned Hawk
> 30
> Cooper's Hawk
> Red-tailed Hawk
> Rough-legged Hawk
> American Kestrel
> Merlin
> 35
> Peregrine Falcon (1 adult at Cornell compost piles, found by Anne Clark)
> American Coot
> Ring-billed Gull
> Herring Gull
> Iceland Gull (1 immature at Stewart Park found by Ken Rosenberg)
> 40
> Lesser Black-backed Gull (1 at Cornell compost piles, found by Anne Clark)
> Glaucous Gull (1 adult at Stewart Park found by Ken Rosenberg)
> Great Black-backed Gull
> Rock Pigeon
> Mourning Dove
> 45
> Eastern Screech-Owl
> Great Horned Owl
> Short-eared Owl (1 on Buck Rd near Scofield Rd in Lansing heard by 
> Donna Scott)
> Northern Saw-whet Owl (1 in Monkey Run south heard by Gary Kohlenberg)
> Belted Kingfisher
> 50
> Red-bellied Woodpecker
> Yellow-bellied Sapsucker (2, of which I found 1 on Elm St on West Hill 
> in Ithaca)
> Downy Woodpecker
> Hairy Woodpecker
> Northern Flicker
> 55
> Pileated Woodpecker
> Northern Shrike (1 found by Steve Fast on Irish Settlement Rd)
> BLUE-HEADED VIREO (new for count, 1 found by Bob McGuire at 1950 
> Hanshaw Rd)
> Blue Jay
> American Crow
> 60
> Fish Crow
> Common Raven (new high of 38 subject to adjustment)
> Horned Lark (6 found by Donna Scott on Buck Rd in Lansing)
> Black-capped C

[cayugabirds-l] Inside the circle, outside the basin

2015-01-02 Thread Anne Clark
Today (Jan 2, 1520h)  for the first time in weeks, had a pair of Brown-headed 
Cowbirds in our woodsy patch S of our house/feeders at 147 Hile School Road, 
Freeville.  Never saw them at the feeders earlier in the day.


Cayugabirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/cayugabirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/Cayugabirds
3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/CAYU.html

Please submit your observations to eBird:


[cayugabirds-l] Belle School Rd - CL Basin or Not?

2015-01-02 Thread bob mcguire
Congratulations to Bill Podulka & friends for finding Catbird, Towhee, and 
Field Sparrow on (?) Belle School Rd for the Christmas count. Dave Nutter 
raised the question of whether they are in or out of the Cayuga Lake basin (for 
the few of us who really care!) Looking at the aerial photo on Google maps, I'd 
say that the road itself IS the boundary. So, depending on exactly the birds 
were seen, they could be in or out. BIll, can you add anything here?

Bob McGuire

Cayugabirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/cayugabirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/Cayugabirds
3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/CAYU.html

Please submit your observations to eBird:


[cayugabirds-l] Yard Red-Tail

2015-01-02 Thread W. Larry Hymes
A RED-TAILED HAWK is sitting on a post at the corner of our garden, 
about 15' from our kitchen window.  I'm guessing its looking to take one 
of our many squirrels.  I recently put up a metal squirrel decoration on 
our dead tree out front (a Xmas present from our daughter).  Maybe the 
bird took it to be an invitation to come in and dine at our "restaurant"!



W. Larry Hymes
120 Vine Street, Ithaca, NY 14850
(H) 607-277-0759, w...@cornell.edu


Cayugabirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/cayugabirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/Cayugabirds
3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/CAYU.html

Please submit your observations to eBird:


Re: [cayugabirds-l] Ithaca Christmas Bird Count unofficial summary

2015-01-02 Thread Meena Madhav Haribal
You seem to have unofficially expanded Ithaca CBC to CLB. Dave Nicosia' s most 
of birds don't count in Ithaca CBC circle. So it is not summary of ICBC.

PS:Good to be back home!


Dave Nutter  wrote:

These are preliminary records. Some may be adjusted. There may be errors. Maybe 
you can add to the count week list by adding species on Jan 2, 3, or 4 withing 
the Count Circle (7.5 miles from the intersection of Mt Pleasant & Turkey Hill 
Rds, also shown on Cayuga Bird Club web site through resources page). Some 
additions may also be new for 2015 for the Cayuga Lake Basin, while others have 
already been found outside the count circle. Please report errors, adjustments, 
or additions.

Of the species which have been found on the Ithaca Christmas Bird Count in the 

These species were missed, but at least 4 are Count Week birds so far:

Greater White-fronted Goose
Ross' Goose
Mute Swan
Tundra Swan
Wood Duck
GADWALL (good chance to find in circle; found at Factory St pond Union Springs 
by David Nicosia)
American Wigeon (reported Count Week, but 2014)
Blue-winged Teal
Northern Shoveler
King Eider
Surf Scoter
White-winged Scoter
Long-tailed Duck (reported Count Week, but 2014)
Northern Bobwhite
Ring-necked Pheasant (reported Count Week, but 2014)
Red-throated Loon
Horned Grebe (reported Count Week in 2014; found today in Aurora Bay by David 
Green Heron
Black Vulture
Northern Goshawk
Red-shouldered Hawk
Golden Eagle
Wilson's Snipe
Bonaparte's Gull (1 at Frontenac Park in Union Springs found by David Nicosia)
Snowy Owl (reported recently on Seyboldt Rd near Canoga)
BARRED OWL (let's hope someone is finding one right now as I write!)
Long-eared Owl
Red-headed Woodpecker
American Three-toed Woodpecker
Eastern Phoebe
Boreal Chickadee
House Wren
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
Brown Thrasher
American Pipit
Bohemian Waxwing
Lapland Longspur
Snow Bunting (Mt Pleasant or Irish Settlement Rd, maybe?)
Common Yellowthroat
Yellow Warbler
Pine Warbler
Yellow-rumped Warbler
Green-tailed Towhee
Chipping Sparrow
Grasshopper Sparrow
Fox Sparrow
Harris' Sparrow
Rose-breasted Grosbeak
Red-winged Blackbird
Eastern Meadowlark
Rusty Blackbird
Common Grackle
Baltimore Oriole
Pine Grosbeak
Red Crossbill
White-winged Crossbill
Hoary Redpoll
Pine Siskin
Evening Grosbeak

These species were found:

Snow Goose
Cackling Goose (2 at Stewart Park found by Ken Rosenberg)
Canada Goose
American Black Duck
Northern Pintail (new high of 18)
Green-winged Teal (high of 2 tied)
Ring-necked Duck
Greater Scaup
Lesser Scaup
Black Scoter (1 at Stewart Park found by Ken Rosenberg)
Common Goldeneye
Hooded Merganser
Common Merganser
Red-breasted Merganser (only Area 7: single observer & location?)
Ruddy Duck (41, likely to be adjusted, but possible new high)
Ruffed Grouse
Wild Turkey
Common Loon (single finder & location?)
Pied-billed Grebe
Red-necked Grebe (1 - finder & location in Area 8?)
Double-crested Cormorant (6 on west side of Cayuga Lake, finder? site?)
Great Blue Heron
Turkey Vulture
Bald Eagle (8, may be adjusted, possible new high)
Northern Harrier (1 by airport found by Jason Harrington)
Sharp-shinned Hawk
Cooper's Hawk
Red-tailed Hawk
Rough-legged Hawk
American Kestrel
Peregrine Falcon (1 adult at Cornell compost piles, found by Anne Clark)
American Coot
Ring-billed Gull
Herring Gull
Iceland Gull (1 immature at Stewart Park found by Ken Rosenberg)
Lesser Black-backed Gull (1 at Cornell compost piles, found by Anne Clark)
Glaucous Gull (1 adult at Stewart Park found by Ken Rosenberg)
Great Black-backed Gull
Rock Pigeon
Mourning Dove
Eastern Screech-Owl
Great Horned Owl
Short-eared Owl (1 on Buck Rd near Scofield Rd in Lansing heard by Donna Scott)
Northern Saw-whet Owl (1 in Monkey Run south heard by Gary Kohlenberg)
Belted Kingfisher
Red-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker (2, of which I found 1 on Elm St on West Hill in 
Downy Woodpecker
Hairy Woodpecker
Northern Flicker
Pileated Woodpecker
Northern Shrike (1 found by Steve Fast on Irish Settlement Rd)
BLUE-HEADED VIREO (new for count, 1 found by Bob McGuire at 1950 Hanshaw Rd)
Blue Jay
American Crow
Fish Crow
Common Raven (new high of 38 subject to adjustment)
Horned Lark (6 found by Donna Scott on Buck Rd in Lansing)
Black-capped Chickadee
Tufted Titmouse
Red-breasted Nuthatch
White-breasted Nuthatch
Brown Creeper
Carolina Wren (new high of 84)
Winter Wren
Golden-crowned Kinglet
Ruby-crowned Kinglet (1 found by Kevin McGowan at Portland Point, Lansing)
Eastern Bluebird
Hermit Thrush (1 found by Gary Kohlenberg at Monkey Run south)
American Robin
Gray Catbird (1 found by Bill Podulka on RR grade by Belle School Rd in 
Caroline. Is this in Cayuga Lake Basin?)
Northern Mockingbird
European Starling
Cedar Waxwing
Orange-crowned Warbler (1, life bird for Paul Anderson along railroad south of 
Fish Ladder in Ithac