The Clay-colored Sparrow still persists in Trumansburg in a field back
behind Salon Esperanza at 2290 Trumansburg Rd. (Rt.96). (location described
in Saturday's email)

If you walk in to drive way and go straight back behind a garage/shed there
is a large wooden table. The sparrow continues to sing on the same scrubby
bushes that it was on Friday and Saturday when I found it.  However today
it was doing a different version of it's song. Instead of the two notes it
was doing one much longer drawn out insect like sound. It is the same
tone/voice as the 2 note version.

I was able to get a recording and had both the recording and a digiscoped
photo I took around 2:45pm confirmed as Clay-colored Sparrow by Kevin

I have been told that Dr. Orzeck the local Veterinarian was able to get
very good photos of it on Saturday but I haven't seen his photos yet.

David Diaz also got a digiscoped photo that was confirmed as well on

I watched him for 1/2 hour today and he did disappear low down in to grass
in front of bushes for about 10 minutes.

I haven't seen him associating with any other birds yet.

The owner of the land where the table in gave permission for birders to
view from there but the field where bird is itself belongs to Mr. Auble and
I don't think anyone has reached him yet so best not to go in to field.

 Lee Ann

Lee Ann van Leer

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