Robin and I looked for the Danby Northern Shrike between 1:30 and 2 PM today 
without success.  Possibly the stiff breeze and/or the time of day had caused 
the bird to seek cover.  But we were delighted to have excellent views of a 
handsome male NORTHERN HARRIER as it flew low over the field with the hay 
bales, occasionally alighting briefly.  In the vicinity of the intersection of 
E. Miller and Nelson, we also saw a distant corvid, which, based on its 
soaring, dipping flight behavior, large size, and a tail that at times looked 
longer and more wedge-shaped than  a common crow’s, we tentatively identified 

Lindsay Goodloe

The Northern Shrike posted by Eric Banford is still around. I stopped at the 
intersection of E. Miller Rd and Nelson Rd just before 10  this morning to get 
some looks. As Eric posted, the bird is frequenting the tops of the round hay 
bales. I watched as it caught what appeared to be a caterpillar or worm-like 
larvae and flew to the top of a bale, where it flailed it's prey against the 
bale a few times before eating it.

This bird is very cooperative, staying in one place for a few minutes at a 
time, so would be a good subject for photography. Previous sightings of shrikes 
for me have been only brief glimpses as the birds only popped into sight for 
moments before disappearing, so this was a great chance for me to note the 
field marks and observe its behavior.

It seemed to prefer the second row of bales west of Nelson and north of E 
Miller (near second telephone pole S of the intersection), and also the few 
well aged bales on the south side of E Miller in line with those others.


-Never play it the same way once.

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