Here are some highlights and other notes from around Ithaca over the past
few days.  The birding hasn't been quite as easy as in our previous, very
lucky outings, but the common birds, occasional surprises, and even long
silences have still been quite worthwhile.


* FISH CROWS heard calling in northeast Ithaca a couple of times this week,
for the first time all year (exactly on time, based on previous patterns).  

* No woodcocks or owls detected in about 30 minutes around the
Snyder/Mohawk/Neimi area after dark on Thursday.

* One adult LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULL on the wind-lashed ice edge at Stewart
Park on Friday.

* One KILLDEER seen and heard over Simsbury Drive on Saturday morning.  

* A pair of HOODED MERGANSERS and a tight flotilla of male COMMON GOLDENEYES
at East Shore Park on Saturday morning.

* None of the Ruffed Grouse we were hoping to find, but maybe a dozen
GOLDEN-CROWNED KINGLETS along Star Stanton Road.

* One GOLDEN EAGLE seen from Mt. Pleasant, found by Chris Wood and Jessie
Barry south of the easternmost field and neighboring woods at around 11:30
AM.  Tilden saw this bird, its head lustrous "like real gold," in the sun
through Chris's scope.  Chris and Jessie were remarking with satisfaction
how close this eagle was, but by my arguably more normal standards, the bird
seemed very far away.  (The redoubtable Chris and Jessie saw another Golden
Eagle and also a Northern Goshawk before we arrived, plus a Rough-legged
Hawk that I didn't see, but Tilden did, even when I was right there with

* Jessie, Chris, and we also had several nice views of HORNED LARKS,
including one that stood and sang on a snow berm about 15 meters away.


Mark and Tilden Chao








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