Thanks Laura ... I've often thought the same thing. Help others. Also remember, 
when forwarding someone's post, please delete all the Cayugabirds info at the 
end as well as non-pertinent info. 

I side-tracked to Mud Lock this a.m. & saw the ospreys at the former eagle 
nest. We saw no fewer than 15 ospreys between Union Springs & the Rte. 89 ... 5 
& 20 intersection. One eagle was in a tree north of the new nest tree. When we 
moved here 22 yrs. ago I saw my 1st ever osprey there at the lock carrying a 
gold carp. They occupied the tower nest for several yrs. before the eagles took.

I have yet to see any gulls or terns at Frontenac Harbor ... former Castelli's 
Marina.  Harris park breakwall in Cayuga is more productive. For those who 
enjoyed Factory St. pond here in the Springs .... basically forget it. It's a 
mess with fallen trees & all the green scum on the water. I saw a mallard pair 
yesterday. I have talked to the mayor about what an eyesore the pond has 
become. Really would suggest birders write to the mayor of the Springs & tell 
him how much you miss the many birds that formerly were there & the great 
photography opportunities we used to have, etc.. Two yrs. ago he was asking for 
suggestions about how to bring more visitors.

Still have 2 pr. buffles on Mill pond along Rte 90. 


  It would be really great if we could all remember to mention the location 
when we are posting sightings to this listserve. We all become so familiar with 
the area that we sometimes forget, but we must remember the new people to this 
list and to the area who might not be able to benefit if locations are not 
mentioned. Thanks and happy birding!
  Laura Stenzler


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