Please join us at 7:30 on *February 20th* for the a special Monday *THURSDAY
*Night Seminar. As always, these seminars are free and open to the public.
The doors open at 7:00.

This coming Thursday, we will be streaming the seminar live. Be sure to
bookmark for
quick access on Monday evening.


*Joseph Tobias, Oxford University Species Interactions in Birds: From
Microevolution to Macroecology*

*Host: Mike Webster*

Dr. Joseph Tobias of Oxford University will discuss interactions among
species competing for the same food resources and how that competition may
drive evolution in two directions. Competition could foster small genetic
changes resulting in new subspecies or large changes that may result in new
groups of birds. Drawing from work on birds and birdsong, Dr. Tobias will
show that tracing evolutionary development in species over time challenges
common assumptions about the consequence of species interactions, and sheds
new light on broad-scale patterns in evolution.

Hope to see you there!

Marc Devokaitis


*February 24: Art Opening Denis Defibaugh, artist Afterlifes of Natural
History Host: Diane Tessaglia-Hymes *Natural History Museums are
depositories of what was once alive.  Artist and RIT Professor Denis
Defibaugh is interested in the aesthetics and taxonomy of these specimens
and feels they combine aspects of both art and science. Defibaugh uses film
that is obsolete, allowing it to oxidize and eventually become a black
sheet of film. His photographs of specimens are made during the
deterioration process, creating moving images of preservation and
decay--what he calls a "fading memory."

*March 3 Rachel Dickinson, author Have Notebook and Camera Will Travel:
Confessions of a Travel Writer Who Birds to Travel and Travels to Bird.*
*Host: Miyoko Chu*
Freelance author and travel writer Rachel Dickinson has spent the past
couple of decades roaming the globe in search of stories. Armed with a
notebook and a little camera, she's written about far-flung places such as
Siberia and the Falklands, and places closer to home including the Erie
Canal and her hometown of Freeville. Her work has been published in a
number of publications including *Audubon, The Atlantic*, and She is a regular contributor to *The Huffington Post*
and *Men's
Journal* online.

*Dickinson's book, Falconer on the Edge: a man, his bird, and the vanishing
landscape of the American West (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt)*

*March 10 Cayuga Bird Club Meeting Kevin McGowan, Cornell Lab of
Ornithology Waterfowl ID: The Most Important Things *Do you deem distant
ducks disturbingly difficult? Do you find figuring out female fowl
frustrating and fraught with failure? This evening is engineered to
enlighten, engage, and entertain, while welcoming everyone into the
wonderful world of waterfowl. It will introduce the top two tips for
telling tricky ID troubles apart:  shape and color pattern.  Kevin McGowan
works in the Education section of the Cornell Lab, and has been creating
distance learning courses about bird behavior and identification. He will
share highlights from his Waterfowl ID webinar series.

*March 17 Tom Stephenson, author; Scott Whittle, photographer The Warbler
Guide: The Overlooked ID Points that Make Identifying Warblers Easy Host:
Mike Webster*
Birder and author Tom Stephenson and photographer Scott Whittle  will
describe important but often overlooked ID clues for colorful and sometimes
elusive warblers: overall contrast, subtle facial features, color
impressions, feather edging, rump contrast, as well as foraging style,
location, and behavior. Even viewing a warbler from below can reveal
identity clues for many species. Stephenson and Whittle will also address
some of the most challenging species to identify, compare them to similar
species, and illustrate how even partial views can be used to identify
warbler species.

*Stephenson's and Whittle's book, The Warbler Guide, published by Princeton
University Press, will be available for purchase and signing. *

*March 24 Sara Kaiser, Cornell Lab Unraveling the Mysteries of Songbird
Mating Systems*

*Host: TBA *Sara Kaiser is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Cornell
Lab of Ornithology and the Smithsonian Migratory Bird Center. She'll
discuss how habitat quality affects where and how often the seemingly
monogamous Black-throated Blue Warbler mates outside its pair bond. Most
male Black-throated Blue Warblers are "socially monogamous," meaning they
are mated to a single female. However, all is not as it appears: up to 50%
of Black-throated Blue Warbler nests have young sired by a male that is not
the territory holder. Sara has been studying the mating system of these
warblers in the hardwood forests of New Hampshire.

*March 31 Margaret Barker, Elissa Wolfson, Chris Willett Building, Placing,
and Maintaining Great Homes for Great Birds Host: Robyn Bailey *Join
authors Margaret Barker and Elissa Wolfson, along with woodworker Chris
Willett as they share what they learned--and built--while writing and
researching the Audubon Birdhouse Book (Voyageur Press, 2013). Find out how
to build for birds that take up residence within birdhouses--including Wood
Ducks, kestrels, and of course, bluebirds--as well as those such as Great
Blue Herons, Ospreys, and loons that nest "outside the box." We'll explore
the reasons behind birdhouse building, especially where natural habitat is
scarce, the latest design innovations, and how people everywhere are
helping birds by providing them with safe homes.

*April 7 Taza Schaming, PhD candidate; Cornell Lab of Ornithology Clark's
Nutcrackers: Pivotal Players in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem Host: TBA*
Whitebark pine and Clark's Nutcrackers have a fascinating relationship. The
trees provide the birds with rich, fatty seeds that have more calories per
pound than chocolate. In return, the nutcrackers "plant" the seeds that
grow whitebark pines as well as 10 other conifer species--trees needed to
provide food for wildlife and to helping retain snow (and thus drinking
water) on the upper slopes of the Rockies. Schaming will also provide
insights into the social behavior of the Clark's Nutcracker.

*April 14 Cayuga Bird Club Meeting Dr. John L. Confer, Biology Department,
Ithaca College Saw-whet Owls: The Cute Factor Aids Science: 206,000 Birds
Banded by Insomniac Banders Reveal Migration Patterns and Regional
Reproductive Success*

The Northern Saw-whet Owl is widely distributed and an intensive banding
effort provides a data trove for this tiny raptor. Banding records combined
with GIS analyses reveal exceptional detail about migration patterns in
eastern and central North America which allows us to analyze
temporal/spatial patterns of reproductive success for breeding populations
in different portions of North America.

* April 21 Anne B. Clark, Binghamton University; Kevin McGowan, Cornell Lab
of Ornithology; To Know the Crow: Insights and stories from a quarter
century of crow study Host: TBA*
American crows have followed us into our suburban and urban neighborhoods,
making them one of our most familiar birds. But they have socially
intricate lives, with more complex goals than converging at your local
dumpster--in fact, socially, they are probably more like us than any
primate. Ithaca is home to the longest running study of marked American
crows anywhere: it is now 26 years since Kevin first began banding them.
Kevin and Anne will tell some of their stories, including tales of family
values and treachery, stay-at-homes and travelers, dynasties and disease.

* April 28 Alfonso Aguirre Muñoz, Director, Grupo de Ecología y
Conservación de Islas Restoration of Mexican Islands and Conservation of
Birds Host: Eduardo Iñigo-Elias*
The Mexican islands are among the most valuable natural ecosystems. While
well preserved, invasive mammals have been a big threat to its
biodiversity, even causing the extinction of some island species. In
response, Mexico has eradicated 56 populations of invasive mammals from 36
islands, protecting 147 endemic species of mammals, reptiles, birds and
plants. In addition, 227 colonies of seabirds have been protected. The
eradication of invasive mammals from the approximately 40 remaining islands
is a strategic goal achievable by 2025, thanks to the collaboration of
local communities, federal government agencies, academic institutions, and
NGOs, as well as national and international donors and funds.

* May 12 Cayuga Bird Club Meeting Mia Boynton PhD, granddaughter of Louis
Fuertes and independent writer Fuertes Revisited: A Bird Artist in His
Setting *Mia Boynton, a granddaughter of Louis Fuertes and an independent
writer, will talk about the research she has done for her recently
completed biography of Louis Agassiz Fuertes, *Fuertes Revisited: A Bird
Artist in his Setting*. Topics covered will include business realities of
being a bird artist in the early 20th century, sources of inspiration for
Fuertes, sources of difficulty, and the ways in which he survived. Copies
of the book will be available for purchase. This seminar is one event in a
series of events commemorating and celebrating the Cayuga Bird Club's 100
year anniversary

*Seminars are held at 7:30* *p.m. in the Cornell Lab of Ornithology's
Visitor Center auditorium except on night indicated as Cayuga Bird Club
meetings, with club business at 7:30 p.m., followed by the seminar. Doors
open at 7:00 and close when the auditorium is filled. Seminars are free and
open to the public. *


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