The last 5 pairs of Buffleheads left 4 wks. ago from Mill pond, leaving behind 
2 females. Saw two on 7 May. Only one remained on the 11th. On the 13th, none. 

I wondered about their separate disappearance. Did one just get the urge to 
head north & then later the second OR did the big snapping turtle get them, one 
by one??? 

Thus far I have seen no gulls or terns on the breakwall at the former 
Castelli's marina. Due to high wave action, the breakwalls were put out later 
than usual. 

This past Mon. (14th) I discovered a new Osprey nest so obvious it would have 
bitten me had it been a snake. It is almost directly over the 55 MPH sign at 
the south end of  the village of Cayuga along Rte. 90S & it is occupied! Also, 
the nest by Beacon Mills is on the old wooden utility pole as you look towards 
the RR bridge, not out on the big metal tower in the water. A wk. ago the 2 
Bald Eagle juveniles at Mud Lock appeared to be almost as large as the parents.

Today on Truesdale Rd. just east of Union Springs, I saw 2 Cedar Waxwings 
flying down to a roadside ditch, perhaps to get water.

I do have a question ... I have observed our Tree Swallows continuing to 
copulate even tho' they are sitting on eggs. Is this normal?? I don't recall 
ever seeing this occur before.



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