Thanks  Dave Nutter for keeping track of the Western Grebe!

I finally did manage to go down to the lake, first time I went to Stewart park, 
my tripod did not work well. So had to go to get my better tripod, which was in 
the lab. Then as I came down from the campus, I had to make split second 
decision as to go to Hogs Hole  or go to the White Lighthouse Jetty.  Decided 
to do a mile trek to the lighthouse.

I scanned the previously noted location twice and did not see the grebe. So I 
scanned rest of the lake.

Then on third scan, I managed to watch it, as it was just ducking into the 
water. So it was there at  least. A little later came up next a pair of 
displaying Goldeneyes. This time it did not dive back immediately. Actually, 
remained on the surface and waved his leg in the air as if to let me know it 
was there! Then it preened, dove, preened again and dove. Then sat on the water 
and lazily watched around, especially three of its neighbors were displaying 
Goldeneyes, putting there head back and probably saying something.

After watching the grebe  and other waterfowls for half an hour plus, I headed 
back. I had almost reached  my car and then suddenly I felt I need to find car 
keys. I had this nagging doubt that I had left it on the jetty. So stopped at 
one of the picnic tables and searched my numerous pockets on numerous jackets I 
was wearing and my backpack, but did not find it. So headed back to the 
lighthouse and the place I had stopped was behind the lighthouse, so I could 
not see if the keys were there or not until I reached the end. After reaching 
the I did not find the keys. Then I once more was looking for them in my 
pockets, first pocket I felt, there it was! Probably it was hidden between the 
gloves when I first checked.

But as I had come back, I thought I will scan the lake for the grebe again. 
This time I did not find it nor I found any other ducks it was hanging with. 
Maybe some of the local residents had disturbed them. I scanned the lake, but 
seemed not anywhere in view. Probably it is hanging around somewhere at the 
middle of lake.

But anyway I had pay to the grebe debt in 4 miles! It was good to practise with 
load, hopefully an exercise for my upcoming Himalyan trek!



Meena Haribal
Ithaca NY 14850


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