Hung out for a few midday hours at Stewart Park on this beautiful  sunny day.

In the morning a juvenile bald eagle was perched over the lagoon, giving good 
looks to SFO groups, other birders and photographers, and passers-by alike. 
Meanwhile across the way the osprey continued adding sticks to its nest. 
Yesterday our SFO group saw a Canada goose on the next platform briefly before 
the osprey shooed it off and buzzed it a couple times in the water.

In the lagoon was a pair of relaxed Hooded Mergansers while a third flashy male 
would come in frequently looking for trouble, with the first pair's male 
telling it to leave - via chasing but not hood-flashing. Soon I spotted a 
female fly out of the nest box just northeast of the first suspension bridge, 
and before long the flashy male came in to make unwanted advances at that 
female, with multiple unsuccessful long chases. Later a presumably different 
male came in and hung out more amiably with that female, and this pair also 
hung out rather amiably with the first couple. So, it looks like one female is 
occupying that nest box (something to keep an eye on), and I'm 
wondering/conjecturing whether the other couple have agreed to some sort of 
nest-sharing agreement.

I walked up Renwick Woods along fall creek and sat at the lagoon opposite the 
fire training structures, and heard exactly one bout of a winter wren's 
intricate song. When I walked back, I heard some nasal chip calls (reminiscent 
of red-bellied woodpecker) accompanying some mouse-like scurrying around a 
woodpile, but could never get a binocular view of the bird to confirm that it 
was the winter wren.

Earlier in the day I'd stopped by the Stewart Avenue bridge over Fall Creek to 
see a red-tailed hawk sitting in the nest, presumably incubating.


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