This afternoon (1 Dec) I walked from my house through Cass Park, past Treman Marina, to Cayuga Lake.  Birds of special interest included:

an apparent hybrid CANADA GOOSE X BLUE GOOSE in the southeast corner of the lake among the CANADA GEESE.  It had a brown body and a white head and neck, and a point of the brown extending up the side of the neck.

2 BRANT as Jay reported in Treman Marina

1 WHITE-WINGED SCOTER female diving far beyond the piling cluster with

5 RED-THROATED LOONS, the most I've ever confidently seen.  One was diving off East Shore Park, one was floating off the Treman Park lakeshore, and 3 were diving far beyond the piling cluster in the middle of the lake.  This impressed eBird as well as it did me.

2 COMMON LOONS diving far to the northwest toward shore

5 DOUBLE-CRESTED CORMORANTS resting on a log west of the red lighthouse.  This impressed me more than it did eBird. 

12 TURKEY VULTURES soaring over Cayuga Heights.  This impressed eBird more than it did me.

I may have also heard a COMMON REDPOLL calling from a tree along the lakeshore, but it and its buddy flew off before I could get a look.

--Dave Nutter
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