Before anybody gets too excited, the bird we saw was an American White Pelican; 
I just inadvertently clicked on the wrong name when entering data. ebird report 
has been edited.

Pat Martin 

-----Original Message-----
>From: Bird observations from western New York <>
>Sent: Jul 27, 2014 2:28 PM
>To: "" <>, Cayugabirds 
>Subject: [GeneseeBirds-L] Montezuma NWR--Knox-Marsellus Marsh, Jul 27, 2014
>Today was the first of several opportunities offered by the Montezuma National 
>Wildlife staff to walk along the dike separating Knox-Marcellus and Puddler 
>Marshes to get closer views of the shorebirds congregating there. Multiple 
>pairs of eyes failed to turn up any rarities, but we had wonderful comparison 
>looks at Short and Long-billed Dowitchers and certainly enjoyed the huge White 
>Pat Martin
>>Montezuma NWR--Knox-Marsellus Marsh, Seneca, US-NY
>>Jul 27, 2014 8:30 AM - 11:30 AM
>>Protocol: Traveling
>>0.3 mile(s)
>>Comments:     with Dave Nutter, Jay McGowan, 20ish others on dike walk across 
>>36 species
>>Canada Goose  40
>>Wood Duck  3
>>American Black Duck  1
>>Mallard  30
>>Hooded Merganser  6
>>Great White Pelican  1     huge white bird with yellow-orange bill and legs; 
>>bill with knob on upper mandible, continuing
>>Great Blue Heron  37
>>Great Egret  8
>>Green Heron  2
>>Northern Harrier  1
>>Sandhill Crane  2
>>Semipalmated Plover  30     partial count, then estimate
>>Killdeer  3     many heard, but surprisingly few visible out on the mudflats
>>Spotted Sandpiper  1     seen by Jay McGowan
>>Solitary Sandpiper  1     calling bird flying over, which landed in Puddler's 
>>marsh and disappeared
>>Greater Yellowlegs  3
>>Lesser Yellowlegs  100     partial count, then estimate
>>Stilt Sandpiper  3
>>Least Sandpiper  20     MANY fewer than semipalmated
>>Pectoral Sandpiper  20     estimate
>>Semipalmated Sandpiper  400     partial count, then estimate, confirmed with 
>>Short-billed Dowitcher  2
>>Long-billed Dowitcher  4
>>Bonaparte's Gull  2
>>Ring-billed Gull  34
>>Caspian Tern  12
>>Black Tern  4     perhaps more; flying back and forth
>>Purple Martin  1
>>Tree Swallow  X
>>Bank Swallow  X
>>Barn Swallow  X
>>Marsh Wren  2
>>Cedar Waxwing  X     fly overs
>>Yellow Warbler  1
>>Swamp Sparrow  2
>>Red-winged Blackbird  10
>>View this checklist online at 
>>This report was generated automatically by eBird v3 (
>GeneseeBirds-L mailing list  -


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