Re: [ccp4bb] Protein Crystallography challenges Standard Model precision

2014-07-23 Thread Bernhard Rupp
Although Zby's remarks re precision are beyond my original bewilderment
about listed zepto-meter range digits (sans precision measure),
I wonder whether the argument that we have so many data and thus a quite
high precision (n.b. not accuracy) can be attained,
is perhaps somewhat optimistic. What we measure or assign as a 'spot' is
largely predetermined by various integration, profile, 
box selection, etc, parameters and whatever does not fit that spot model
cannot be properly accounted for. I therefore argue that any precision
is probably biased towards optimism by the limitations of the particular
reflection spot model.
Most reflection 'spots' are dirty little creatures with tentacles, fuzz,
bumps, etc

In the listed mmCIF case the senseless printing of double precision format
was actually the simple point to be made. 

Best, BR

-Original Message-
From: CCP4 bulletin board [mailto:CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] On Behalf Of
Zbyszek Otwinowski
Sent: Dienstag, 22. Juli 2014 23:49
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] Protein Crystallography challenges Standard Model

The least-square procedure for unit cell parameter refinement provides very
precise estimates of uncertainty. Why they are so precise? Because we use
many thousands of unmerged reflections to determine the precision 1 to 6
parameters (unit cell parameters). However, although error propagation
through the least squares provides precision of about 0.001 A, or better in
some cases, this is only precision not accuracy, and the precision is
calculated typically with respect to the unit cell parameters averaged
across the exposed volume of a crystal.

In practice, the range of unit cell parameters within a crystal can be quite
broad, and when we consider accuracy it is not clear, which unit cell
parameters should be a reference point. Typically, the distribution of unit
cell parameters in a crystal will not follow Gaussian distribution.
Therefore, the accuracy of unit cell parameters determination is not well
defined, even when we know the experimental conditions very well and
propagate experimental uncertainties correctly.

Variability of unit cell parameters can be quite high for data sets from
different samples. However, description of this variability is typically not
related to the very high precision of determination of unit cell parameters
for an individual sample.


On 07/22/2014 12:33 PM, Tim Gruene wrote:
 Dear Zbyszek,

 when you optimise a set of parameters against a set of data, I guess 
 you can also provide their errors. If I understand correctly, this 
 comes with least-squares-routines. I only pointed out that cell errors 
 are listed in the XDS output (provided you refine them, of course). I 
 am sure those errors are well defined.

 Best wishes,

 On 07/22/2014 06:53 PM, Zbyszek Otwinowski wrote:
 Error estimates for the unit cell dimensions in macromolecular 
 crystallography belong to atypical category of uncertainty estimates.

 Random error contribution in most cases is below 0.001A, so it can be 
 neglected. Wavelength calibration error can be also made very small; 
 however, I do not know how big it is in practice. Goniostat wobble 
 error is taken into account in Scalepack refinement. 
 Crystal-to-detector distance is not used in postrefinement/global

 Due to the measurement error being very small, even small variations 
 in unit cell parameters can be detected within cryocooled crystals. 
 These variations almost always are _orders_of_magnitude_larger_ than 
 measurement uncertainty. Current practise is not to investigate the 
 magnitude of the changes in the unit cell parameters, but when beam 
 smaller than crystal is used, observing variations as large as 1A is not

 The main question is: what the unit cell uncertainty means? For most 
 samples I could defend to use values: 0.001A, 0.01A, 0.1A and 1A as 
 reasonable, depending on particular point of view.

 Without defining what the unit cell uncertainty means, publishing its 
 values is pointless.

 Zbyszek Otwinowski

 Hi Bernhard,

 A look at the  methods section might give you a clue. Neither XDS nor 
 XSCALE create mmCIF - files (you are talking about mmCIF, not CIF - 
 subtle, but annoying difference), so that the choice is limited. I 
 guess some programmer (rather than a scientist ;-) )used a simple 
 printf commmand for a double precision number so the junk is left 
 over from the memory region or other noise common to conversions.

 XDS actually prints error estimates for the cell dimensions in 
 CORRECT.LP which could be added to the mmCIF file - a cif (sic!) 
 file, I believe, requires those, by the way and checkCIF would 
 complain about their absence.


 On 07/22/2014 01:01 PM, Bernhard Rupp wrote:
 I am just morbidly curious what program(s) deliver/mutilate/divine 
 these cell constants in recent cif files:



 _audit.revision_id 1_0


[ccp4bb] correlated alternate confs - validation?

2014-07-23 Thread Bernhard Rupp
Hi Fellows,


something that may eventually become an issue for validation and reporting
in PDB headers:


using the Refmac grouped occupancy keyword I was able to form and refine
various networks of correlated 

alternate conformations - it seems to works really well at least in a 1.6
and 1.2 A case I tried.

Both occupancy and B-factors refine to reasonable values as expected/guessed
from e-density and environment.

Respect  thanks for implementing this probably underutilized secret.


This opens a question for validation: Instead of pretty much ignoring any
atoms below occupancy of 1, one 

can now validate each of the network groups' geometry and density fit
separately just as any other

set of coordinates. I think with increasing data quality, resolution, and
user education such refinements will become more

frequent (and make a lot more sense than arbitrarily setting guessed
independent hard occupancies/Bs

that are not validated). Maybe some common format for (annotating) such
correlated occupancy groups might 

eventually become necessary.


Best, BR


PS: Simple example shown below: two alternate confs of residue 338 which
correlate with one 

water atom each in chain B, with corresponding partial occupancy (grp1:
A338A-B5 ~0.6, grp2: A338B-B16 ~0.4).


occupancy group id 1 chain A residue 338 alt A

occupancy group id 1 chain B residue 5

occupancy group id 2 chain A residue 338 alt B

occupancy group id 2 chain B residue 16

occupancy group alts complete 1 2

. more similar.

occupancy refine


AfaIct this does what I want. True?


Bernhard Rupp 

k.-k. Hofkristallamt

001 (925) 209-7429




Re: [ccp4bb] correlated alternate confs - validation?

2014-07-23 Thread Robbie Joosten
Hi Bernhard,

The validation of alternates is indeed quite poor and any improvements would 
probably depend on proper annotation by the depositor, particularly in complex 
correlated cases.
For your model I would probably make the two waters alternates of each other. 
That way, it is easier to select out one of the two alternate conformations.


Sent from my Windows Phone

Van: Bernhard Rupp
Verzonden: 23-7-2014 10:19
Onderwerp: [ccp4bb] correlated alternate confs - validation?

Hi Fellows,

something that may eventually become an issue for validation and reporting
in PDB headers:

using the Refmac grouped occupancy keyword I was able to form and refine
various networks of correlated

alternate conformations - it seems to works really well at least in a 1.6
and 1.2 A case I tried.

Both occupancy and B-factors refine to reasonable values as expected/guessed
from e-density and environment.

Respect  thanks for implementing this probably underutilized secret.

This opens a question for validation: Instead of pretty much ignoring any
atoms below occupancy of 1, one

can now validate each of the network groups' geometry and density fit
separately just as any other

set of coordinates. I think with increasing data quality, resolution, and
user education such refinements will become more

frequent (and make a lot more sense than arbitrarily setting guessed
independent hard occupancies/Bs

that are not validated). Maybe some common format for (annotating) such
correlated occupancy groups might

eventually become necessary.

Best, BR

PS: Simple example shown below: two alternate confs of residue 338 which
correlate with one

water atom each in chain B, with corresponding partial occupancy (grp1:
A338A-B5 ~0.6, grp2: A338B-B16 ~0.4).

occupancy group id 1 chain A residue 338 alt A

occupancy group id 1 chain B residue 5

occupancy group id 2 chain A residue 338 alt B

occupancy group id 2 chain B residue 16

occupancy group alts complete 1 2

. more similar.

occupancy refine

AfaIct this does what I want. True?

Bernhard Rupp

k.-k. Hofkristallamt

001 (925) 209-7429


Re: [ccp4bb] Off-Topic Q / X Ray FLuoresence Scan Vs XANES

2014-07-23 Thread Dworkowski Florian
Dear Tarek


There are several things to consider:

1-At an MX beamline the X-ray fluorescence (XRF) scans are usually used
to define good energies for measurement of anomalous data.

While XANES and XRF in general are similar techniques, they are used for
very different applications. This said, it would in principal be
possible to do these experiments at an MX beamline. However, in
real-life the resolution of both the monochromator and the detector(s)
will most likely not be sufficient to obtain high-resolution XANES data.
Also, XANES usually employs evacuated endstations, a feature rarely seen
at MX beamlines. Another factor is the uncalibrated detectors. In MX we
usually take raw counts as an arbitrary signal for the scans. In Xanes
you are interested in absolute values calibrated towards the incident
photon flux (I0).

2-f'' is in fact directly proportional to the measured signal, but it is
not exactly a fit. It's relation to f' is defined by the Kramers-Kronig

3-as mentioned before, the data most likely will not be of high enough
quality for these estimations. Also you would have to measure reference
data of defined oxidation states at the exact same setup. 


If you are interested in these kinds of experiments you should
preferably apply for beamtime at an dedicated instrument, preferably at
a synchrotron where you can also use an MX beamline.





Paul Scherrer Institut 
Florian Dworkowski

Beamline Scientist X10SA
CH-5232 Villigen PSI

Telefon: +41 56 310 35 84



From: Tarek DawoD [] 
Sent: Dienstag, 22. Juli 2014 22:40
Subject: Off-Topic Q / X Ray FLuoresence Scan Vs XANES


Doing Fluroscence scan for protein crystal at Cu wavelength prior MAD or
SAD experiment shows usually fig like this


1- Fig A should represent X ray fluorescence scan. is it the same as X
ray absorption scan. what does count represent in fig A (is it equal to
the intensity of the emission).

2- i am wondering whether F double prime in Fig B is just a fit for
counts in Fig A, it looks the same. could F or counts be converted to
I/I0 or F/I0 to replot the data against these value as in XANES. in
other word, Is X ray fluorescence scan in fig A the same as X-ray
absorption near-edge structure (XANES)? could XANES be collected at the
same beamline where diffraction data are collected for crystal ?

3- could data from Fluorescence scan in Fig A or B used to determine the
oxidation or coordination number for the metal say copper for example in


thank YOU


T. DawoD

Re: [ccp4bb] protein crystals?

2014-07-23 Thread Evgeny Osipov

Dear Atul,
I suggest to run SDS-PAGE with your crystals. You can even use 
micro-crystalline precipitate that you probably have from optimization 
stage. May be protein dissociated into subunits in the crystallization 
conditions. But I am not sure because I know nothing about your protein.

Also, how do you cryoprotect crystals?
22.07.2014 16:18, Atul Kumar пишет:

Hi all,

I am trying to crystallize 92 Kda protein. I have got crystals in 
Znso4, crystals are sensitive to radiation and died after few frames. 
Unit cell parameters are a=94.53, b=11.49, c=39.69 (90, 102.3, 90) in 
C2 space group (as suggested by mosflm). I tried to calculate mathews 
coeff and it seems like only 10 kda protein can fit in the given unit 
cell dimension with 44% solvent. Crystal appear in o/n and they have 
sharp edges but after that I notice perturbation to crystal shape in 
the drop. I was wondering whether I have crystals of degraded protein 
or it is because of the poor latices?

I have also attached the image of diffraction pattern.

I would be happy to get useful suggestions.


Eugene Osipov
Junior Research Scientist
Laboratory of Enzyme Engineering
A.N. Bach Institute of Biochemistry
Russian Academy of Sciences
Leninsky pr. 33, 119071 Moscow, Russia

Re: [ccp4bb] ICCBM15 workshop completely full / overbooked

2014-07-23 Thread mesters

As far as the *ICCBM15 pre-conference workshop* is concerned (consisting 
of short presentations, practical demonstrations and hands-on exercises 
taught by an international team of experts), the workshop is already 
completely overbooked.

Students, postdocs and scientists interested in the latest 
crystal-growth methodologies and advances in serial crystallography, 
neutron diffraction and other exciting techniques can still *join 
ICCBM15* (Sep. 17 - 20, Hamburg, but also here the 
number of free places is steadily decreasing, so better sign up sooner 
than later.

Chairpersons: Christian Betzel and Jeroen Mesters

[ccp4bb] CCP4-6.4.0 Update 020

2014-07-23 Thread Andrey Lebedev
Dear CCP4 Users

An update for the CCP4-6.4.0 series has just been released, consisting
of the following changes

• crank:
  – bug fix in bp3
  – update to overcome OMP problem

• ctruncate:
  – update to 1.15.9

• aimless:
  – update to 0.3.7

• pointless:
  – update to 1.9.11
  – fix for inconsistency in number of reflections read from XDS_ASCII.hkl wrt 

• blend:
  – update to 0.5.3

• ample:
  – update to accommodate new MrBUMP
  – fix for results table
  – new interface options

• mrbump:
  – minor fix to the fasta search option

Note that auto-updates work only with CCP4 6.4.0 series, therefore
please upgrade if necessary.  The Update Manager is now included in the
package so you do not need to install it separately.  In addition, all
available updates will be installed automatically if you are using Setup
Manager for CCP4 installation.

Please report any bugs to

Many thanks for using CCP4.

The CCP4 Core Team

Scanned by iCritical.

Re: [ccp4bb] correlated alternate confs - validation?

2014-07-23 Thread Bernhard Rupp
I would probably make the two waters alternates of each other.


Quite possible, but the group definition, i.e. to which alt conf. side chain 
they belong, 

would need to be preserved, too.






Sent from my Windows Phone


Van: Bernhard Rupp
Verzonden: 23-7-2014 10:19
Onderwerp: [ccp4bb] correlated alternate confs - validation?

Hi Fellows,


something that may eventually become an issue for validation and reporting in 
PDB headers:


using the Refmac grouped occupancy keyword I was able to form and refine 
various networks of correlated 

alternate conformations - it seems to works really well at least in a 1.6 and 
1.2 A case I tried.

Both occupancy and B-factors refine to reasonable values as expected/guessed 
from e-density and environment.

Respect  thanks for implementing this probably underutilized secret.


This opens a question for validation: Instead of pretty much ignoring any atoms 
below occupancy of 1, one 

can now validate each of the network groups’ geometry and density fit 
separately just as any other

set of coordinates. I think with increasing data quality, resolution, and user 
education such refinements will become more

frequent (and make a lot more sense than arbitrarily setting guessed 
independent hard occupancies/Bs

that are not validated). Maybe some common format for (annotating) such 
correlated occupancy groups might 

eventually become necessary.


Best, BR


PS: Simple example shown below: two alternate confs of residue 338 which 
correlate with one 

water atom each in chain B, with corresponding partial occupancy (grp1: 
A338A-B5 ~0.6, grp2: A338B-B16 ~0.4).


occupancy group id 1 chain A residue 338 alt A

occupancy group id 1 chain B residue 5

occupancy group id 2 chain A residue 338 alt B

occupancy group id 2 chain B residue 16

occupancy group alts complete 1 2

. more similar…

occupancy refine


AfaIct this does what I want. True?


Bernhard Rupp 

k.-k. Hofkristallamt

001 (925) 209-7429




Re: [ccp4bb] correlated alternate confs - validation?

2014-07-23 Thread Tim Gruene
Hash: SHA1

Hi Bernhard,

do you refer to the PDB who, according to Martyn, remove the altloc
indicator? That's certainly a serious bug that should be fixed as
quickly as possible.

Within refmac the preservation is fine and as you would expect it to
be: altA only sees atoms in altA and those witout altLoc, etc, which
makes sure you PDB file is interpreted correctly by refmac5. That's
how I refmac works.


On 07/23/2014 03:26 PM, Bernhard Rupp wrote:
 I would probably make the two waters alternates of each other.
 Quite possible, but the group definition, i.e. to which alt conf.
 side chain they belong,
 would need to be preserved, too.
 Cheers, Robbie
 Sent from my Windows Phone
 Van: Bernhard Rupp Verzonden: 23-7-2014 10:19 Aan:
 CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK Onderwerp: [ccp4bb] correlated alternate
 confs - validation?
 Hi Fellows,
 something that may eventually become an issue for validation and
 reporting in PDB headers:
 using the Refmac grouped occupancy keyword I was able to form and
 refine various networks of correlated
 alternate conformations - it seems to works really well at least in
 a 1.6 and 1.2 A case I tried.
 Both occupancy and B-factors refine to reasonable values as
 expected/guessed from e-density and environment.
 Respect  thanks for implementing this probably underutilized
 This opens a question for validation: Instead of pretty much
 ignoring any atoms below occupancy of 1, one
 can now validate each of the network groups’ geometry and density
 fit separately just as any other
 set of coordinates. I think with increasing data quality,
 resolution, and user education such refinements will become more
 frequent (and make a lot more sense than arbitrarily setting
 guessed independent hard occupancies/Bs
 that are not validated). Maybe some common format for (annotating)
 such correlated occupancy groups might
 eventually become necessary.
 Best, BR
 PS: Simple example shown below: two alternate confs of residue 338
 which correlate with one
 water atom each in chain B, with corresponding partial occupancy
 (grp1: A338A-B5 ~0.6, grp2: A338B-B16 ~0.4).
 occupancy group id 1 chain A residue 338 alt A
 occupancy group id 1 chain B residue 5
 occupancy group id 2 chain A residue 338 alt B
 occupancy group id 2 chain B residue 16
 occupancy group alts complete 1 2
 . more similar…
 occupancy refine
 AfaIct this does what I want. True?

  Bernhard Rupp
 k.-k. Hofkristallamt
 001 (925) 209-7429


- -- 
- --
Dr Tim Gruene
Institut fuer anorganische Chemie
Tammannstr. 4
D-37077 Goettingen


Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Icedove -


Re: [ccp4bb] correlated alternate confs - validation?

2014-07-23 Thread Bernhard Rupp
?? Refmac knows because of the group definition, otherwise I cannot force 
grouped occupancy refinement.
There is no definition in PDB that eg ALTLOC A (of whatever residue) belongs to 
ALTLOC A of (whatever) residue/water.


-Original Message-
From: Tim Gruene [] 
Sent: Mittwoch, 23. Juli 2014 15:38
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] correlated alternate confs - validation?

Hash: SHA1

Hi Bernhard,

do you refer to the PDB who, according to Martyn, remove the altloc indicator? 
That's certainly a serious bug that should be fixed as quickly as possible.

Within refmac the preservation is fine and as you would expect it to
be: altA only sees atoms in altA and those witout altLoc, etc, which makes sure 
you PDB file is interpreted correctly by refmac5. That's how I refmac works.


On 07/23/2014 03:26 PM, Bernhard Rupp wrote:
 I would probably make the two waters alternates of each other.
 Quite possible, but the group definition, i.e. to which alt conf.
 side chain they belong,
 would need to be preserved, too.
 Cheers, Robbie
 Sent from my Windows Phone
 Van: Bernhard Rupp Verzonden: 23-7-2014 10:19 Aan:
 CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK Onderwerp: [ccp4bb] correlated alternate confs - 
 Hi Fellows,
 something that may eventually become an issue for validation and 
 reporting in PDB headers:
 using the Refmac grouped occupancy keyword I was able to form and 
 refine various networks of correlated
 alternate conformations - it seems to works really well at least in a 
 1.6 and 1.2 A case I tried.
 Both occupancy and B-factors refine to reasonable values as 
 expected/guessed from e-density and environment.
 Respect  thanks for implementing this probably underutilized secret.
 This opens a question for validation: Instead of pretty much ignoring 
 any atoms below occupancy of 1, one
 can now validate each of the network groups  geometry and density fit 
 separately just as any other
 set of coordinates. I think with increasing data quality, resolution, 
 and user education such refinements will become more
 frequent (and make a lot more sense than arbitrarily setting guessed 
 independent hard occupancies/Bs
 that are not validated). Maybe some common format for (annotating) 
 such correlated occupancy groups might
 eventually become necessary.
 Best, BR
 PS: Simple example shown below: two alternate confs of residue 338 
 which correlate with one
 water atom each in chain B, with corresponding partial occupancy
 (grp1: A338A-B5 ~0.6, grp2: A338B-B16 ~0.4).
 occupancy group id 1 chain A residue 338 alt A
 occupancy group id 1 chain B residue 5
 occupancy group id 2 chain A residue 338 alt B
 occupancy group id 2 chain B residue 16
 occupancy group alts complete 1 2
 . more similar 
 occupancy refine
 AfaIct this does what I want. True?

  Bernhard Rupp
 k.-k. Hofkristallamt
 001 (925) 209-7429


- --
- --
Dr Tim Gruene
Institut fuer anorganische Chemie
Tammannstr. 4
D-37077 Goettingen


Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Icedove -


Re: [ccp4bb] correlated alternate confs - validation?

2014-07-23 Thread Tim Gruene
Hash: SHA1

Hi Bernhard,

That's right, the definition is not in the PDB, but REFMAC sensibly
handles it this way. It is certainly a short-coming if not bug in the
PDB (definition).


On 07/23/2014 04:49 PM, Bernhard Rupp wrote:
 ?? Refmac knows because of the group definition, otherwise I cannot
 force grouped occupancy refinement. There is no definition in PDB
 that eg ALTLOC A (of whatever residue) belongs to ALTLOC A of
 (whatever) residue/water.
 -Original Message- From: Tim Gruene
 [] Sent: Mittwoch, 23. Juli 2014
 15:38 To:; CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK Subject: Re:
 [ccp4bb] correlated alternate confs - validation?
 Hi Bernhard,
 do you refer to the PDB who, according to Martyn, remove the altloc
 indicator? That's certainly a serious bug that should be fixed as
 quickly as possible.
 Within refmac the preservation is fine and as you would expect it
 to be: altA only sees atoms in altA and those witout altLoc, etc,
 which makes sure you PDB file is interpreted correctly by refmac5.
 That's how I refmac works.
 Best, Tim
 On 07/23/2014 03:26 PM, Bernhard Rupp wrote:
 I would probably make the two waters alternates of each other.
 Quite possible, but the group definition, i.e. to which alt
 conf. side chain they belong,
 would need to be preserved, too.
 Cheers, Robbie
 Sent from my Windows Phone
 Van: Bernhard Rupp Verzonden: 23-7-2014 10:19 Aan: 
 CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK Onderwerp: [ccp4bb] correlated alternate
 confs - validation?
 Hi Fellows,
 something that may eventually become an issue for validation and
  reporting in PDB headers:
 using the Refmac grouped occupancy keyword I was able to form and
  refine various networks of correlated
 alternate conformations - it seems to works really well at least
 in a 1.6 and 1.2 A case I tried.
 Both occupancy and B-factors refine to reasonable values as 
 expected/guessed from e-density and environment.
 Respect  thanks for implementing this probably underutilized
 This opens a question for validation: Instead of pretty much
 ignoring any atoms below occupancy of 1, one
 can now validate each of the network groups  geometry and density
 fit separately just as any other
 set of coordinates. I think with increasing data quality,
 resolution, and user education such refinements will become more
 frequent (and make a lot more sense than arbitrarily setting
 guessed independent hard occupancies/Bs
 that are not validated). Maybe some common format for
 (annotating) such correlated occupancy groups might
 eventually become necessary.
 Best, BR
 PS: Simple example shown below: two alternate confs of residue
 338 which correlate with one
 water atom each in chain B, with corresponding partial occupancy 
 (grp1: A338A-B5 ~0.6, grp2: A338B-B16 ~0.4).
 occupancy group id 1 chain A residue 338 alt A
 occupancy group id 1 chain B residue 5
 occupancy group id 2 chain A residue 338 alt B
 occupancy group id 2 chain B residue 16
 occupancy group alts complete 1 2
 . more similar
 occupancy refine
 AfaIct this does what I want. True?

- --
 Bernhard Rupp
 k.-k. Hofkristallamt
 001 (925) 209-7429

- -

- -- 
- --
Dr Tim Gruene
Institut fuer anorganische Chemie
Tammannstr. 4
D-37077 Goettingen


Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Icedove -


Re: [ccp4bb] correlated alternate confs - validation?

2014-07-23 Thread Frances C. Bernstein

I agree that it would be excellent to be able to associate
alternate conformations (beyond the individual residue) but
when we defined the PDB format we had an 80-column limitation
per atom and so only one column was allowed for alternate
conformations.  In an ASCII world only 36 characters were available
to define alternate conformations.  This is inadequate to allow
for many residues with independent alternate conformations -
one residue with three conformations would use up 3 of the 36
characters.  Thus there was no way to say that alternate
conformation A in one residue is or is not associated with
alternate conformation A in another residue.


Bernstein + Sons
*   *   Information Systems Consultants
5 Brewster Lane, Bellport, NY 11713-2803
*   * ***
 *Frances C. Bernstein
  *   ***
 *** *
  *   *** 1-631-286-1339FAX: 1-631-286-1999

On Wed, 23 Jul 2014, Tim Gruene wrote:

Hash: SHA1

Hi Bernhard,

That's right, the definition is not in the PDB, but REFMAC sensibly
handles it this way. It is certainly a short-coming if not bug in the
PDB (definition).


On 07/23/2014 04:49 PM, Bernhard Rupp wrote:

?? Refmac knows because of the group definition, otherwise I cannot
force grouped occupancy refinement. There is no definition in PDB
that eg ALTLOC A (of whatever residue) belongs to ALTLOC A of
(whatever) residue/water.


-Original Message- From: Tim Gruene
[] Sent: Mittwoch, 23. Juli 2014
15:38 To:; CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK Subject: Re:
[ccp4bb] correlated alternate confs - validation?

Hi Bernhard,

do you refer to the PDB who, according to Martyn, remove the altloc
indicator? That's certainly a serious bug that should be fixed as
quickly as possible.

Within refmac the preservation is fine and as you would expect it
to be: altA only sees atoms in altA and those witout altLoc, etc,
which makes sure you PDB file is interpreted correctly by refmac5.
That's how I refmac works.

Best, Tim

On 07/23/2014 03:26 PM, Bernhard Rupp wrote:

I would probably make the two waters alternates of each other.

Quite possible, but the group definition, i.e. to which alt
conf. side chain they belong,

would need to be preserved, too.


Cheers, Robbie

Sent from my Windows Phone


Van: Bernhard Rupp Verzonden: 23-7-2014 10:19 Aan:
CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK Onderwerp: [ccp4bb] correlated alternate
confs - validation?

Hi Fellows,

something that may eventually become an issue for validation and
 reporting in PDB headers:

using the Refmac grouped occupancy keyword I was able to form and
 refine various networks of correlated

alternate conformations - it seems to works really well at least
in a 1.6 and 1.2 A case I tried.

Both occupancy and B-factors refine to reasonable values as
expected/guessed from e-density and environment.

Respect  thanks for implementing this probably underutilized

This opens a question for validation: Instead of pretty much
ignoring any atoms below occupancy of 1, one

can now validate each of the network groups  geometry and density
fit separately just as any other

set of coordinates. I think with increasing data quality,
resolution, and user education such refinements will become more

frequent (and make a lot more sense than arbitrarily setting
guessed independent hard occupancies/Bs

that are not validated). Maybe some common format for
(annotating) such correlated occupancy groups might

eventually become necessary.

Best, BR

PS: Simple example shown below: two alternate confs of residue
338 which correlate with one

water atom each in chain B, with corresponding partial occupancy
(grp1: A338A-B5 ~0.6, grp2: A338B-B16 ~0.4).

occupancy group id 1 chain A residue 338 alt A

occupancy group id 1 chain B residue 5

occupancy group id 2 chain A residue 338 alt B

occupancy group id 2 chain B residue 16

occupancy group alts complete 1 2

. more similar

occupancy refine

AfaIct this does what I want. True?


- --

Bernhard Rupp

k.-k. Hofkristallamt

001 (925) 209-7429


- -

- --
- --
Dr Tim Gruene
Institut fuer anorganische Chemie
Tammannstr. 4
D-37077 Goettingen


Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Icedove -


Re: [ccp4bb] correlated alternate confs - validation?

2014-07-23 Thread Nat Echols
On Wed, Jul 23, 2014 at 3:25 AM, MARTYN SYMMONS wrote:

 The practice at the PDB after deposition used to be to remove water
 alternate position indicators - although obviously to keep their partial

This has not been my experience - see for example:

which was deposited as a PDB file, not mmCIF.


[ccp4bb] AW: [ccp4bb] correlated alternate confs - validation?

2014-07-23 Thread Herman . Schreuder
One could check if the alternate conformations are part of a continuous 
alternate zone or if they make contact (no contact, no association). However, I 
think it is time to abandon the PDB format and move to cif or some other format.

My 2 cents,

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: CCP4 bulletin board [mailto:CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] Im Auftrag von Frances 
C. Bernstein
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 23. Juli 2014 17:20
Betreff: Re: [ccp4bb] correlated alternate confs - validation?

I agree that it would be excellent to be able to associate alternate 
conformations (beyond the individual residue) but when we defined the PDB 
format we had an 80-column limitation per atom and so only one column was 
allowed for alternate conformations.  In an ASCII world only 36 characters were 
available to define alternate conformations.  This is inadequate to allow for 
many residues with independent alternate conformations - one residue with three 
conformations would use up 3 of the 36 characters.  Thus there was no way to 
say that alternate conformation A in one residue is or is not associated with 
alternate conformation A in another residue.


Bernstein + Sons
*   *   Information Systems Consultants
5 Brewster Lane, Bellport, NY 11713-2803
*   * ***
 *Frances C. Bernstein
   *   ***
  *** *
   *   *** 1-631-286-1339FAX: 1-631-286-1999

On Wed, 23 Jul 2014, Tim Gruene wrote:

 Hash: SHA1

 Hi Bernhard,

 That's right, the definition is not in the PDB, but REFMAC sensibly 
 handles it this way. It is certainly a short-coming if not bug in the 
 PDB (definition).


 On 07/23/2014 04:49 PM, Bernhard Rupp wrote:
 ?? Refmac knows because of the group definition, otherwise I cannot 
 force grouped occupancy refinement. There is no definition in PDB 
 that eg ALTLOC A (of whatever residue) belongs to ALTLOC A of
 (whatever) residue/water.


 -Original Message- From: Tim Gruene 
 [] Sent: Mittwoch, 23. Juli 2014
 15:38 To:; CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK Subject: Re:
 [ccp4bb] correlated alternate confs - validation?

 Hi Bernhard,

 do you refer to the PDB who, according to Martyn, remove the altloc 
 indicator? That's certainly a serious bug that should be fixed as 
 quickly as possible.

 Within refmac the preservation is fine and as you would expect it to 
 be: altA only sees atoms in altA and those witout altLoc, etc, which 
 makes sure you PDB file is interpreted correctly by refmac5.
 That's how I refmac works.

 Best, Tim

 On 07/23/2014 03:26 PM, Bernhard Rupp wrote:
 I would probably make the two waters alternates of each other.

 Quite possible, but the group definition, i.e. to which alt conf. 
 side chain they belong,

 would need to be preserved, too.


 Cheers, Robbie

 Sent from my Windows Phone


 Van: Bernhard Rupp Verzonden: 23-7-2014 10:19 Aan:
 CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK Onderwerp: [ccp4bb] correlated alternate confs 
 - validation?

 Hi Fellows,

 something that may eventually become an issue for validation and  
 reporting in PDB headers:

 using the Refmac grouped occupancy keyword I was able to form and  
 refine various networks of correlated

 alternate conformations - it seems to works really well at least in 
 a 1.6 and 1.2 A case I tried.

 Both occupancy and B-factors refine to reasonable values as 
 expected/guessed from e-density and environment.

 Respect  thanks for implementing this probably underutilized 

 This opens a question for validation: Instead of pretty much 
 ignoring any atoms below occupancy of 1, one

 can now validate each of the network groups  geometry and density 
 fit separately just as any other

 set of coordinates. I think with increasing data quality, 
 resolution, and user education such refinements will become more

 frequent (and make a lot more sense than arbitrarily setting guessed 
 independent hard occupancies/Bs

 that are not validated). Maybe some common format for
 (annotating) such correlated occupancy groups might

 eventually become necessary.

 Best, BR

 PS: Simple example shown below: two alternate confs of residue
 338 which correlate with one

 water atom each in chain B, with corresponding partial occupancy
 (grp1: A338A-B5 ~0.6, grp2: A338B-B16 ~0.4).

 occupancy group id 1 chain A residue 338 alt A

 occupancy group id 1 chain B residue 5

 occupancy group id 2 chain A residue 338 alt B

 occupancy group id 2 chain B residue 16

 occupancy group alts complete 1 2

 . more similar

 occupancy refine

 AfaIct this does what I want. True?


 - --

 Bernhard Rupp


Re: [ccp4bb] correlated alternate confs - validation?

2014-07-23 Thread Zbyszek Otwinowski
An additional problem is existence of alternative conformations close to
rotational axis that violate crystal symmetry.

If we want to describe such correlated alternative configurations, we need
to describe also how they transform by such rotational axis.

This problems may also exists also for other packing contacts; however,
for conformations close to rotational axis, symmetry operator cannot
preserve conformer ID, and this issue cannot be avoided.

Zbyszek Otwinowski

I would probably make the two waters alternates of each other.

 Quite possible, but the group definition, i.e. to which alt conf. side
 chain they belong,

 would need to be preserved, too.



 Sent from my Windows Phone


 Van: Bernhard Rupp
 Verzonden: 23-7-2014 10:19
 Onderwerp: [ccp4bb] correlated alternate confs - validation?

 Hi Fellows,

 something that may eventually become an issue for validation and reporting
 in PDB headers:

 using the Refmac grouped occupancy keyword I was able to form and refine
 various networks of correlated

 alternate conformations - it seems to works really well at least in a 1.6
 and 1.2 A case I tried.

 Both occupancy and B-factors refine to reasonable values as
 expected/guessed from e-density and environment.

 Respect  thanks for implementing this probably underutilized secret.

 This opens a question for validation: Instead of pretty much ignoring any
 atoms below occupancy of 1, one

 can now validate each of the network groups’ geometry and density fit
 separately just as any other

 set of coordinates. I think with increasing data quality, resolution, and
 user education such refinements will become more

 frequent (and make a lot more sense than arbitrarily setting guessed
 independent hard occupancies/Bs

 that are not validated). Maybe some common format for (annotating) such
 correlated occupancy groups might

 eventually become necessary.

 Best, BR

 PS: Simple example shown below: two alternate confs of residue 338 which
 correlate with one

 water atom each in chain B, with corresponding partial occupancy (grp1:
 A338A-B5 ~0.6, grp2: A338B-B16 ~0.4).

 occupancy group id 1 chain A residue 338 alt A

 occupancy group id 1 chain B residue 5

 occupancy group id 2 chain A residue 338 alt B

 occupancy group id 2 chain B residue 16

 occupancy group alts complete 1 2

 . more similar…

 occupancy refine

 AfaIct this does what I want. True?


 Bernhard Rupp

 k.-k. Hofkristallamt

 001 (925) 209-7429


Zbyszek Otwinowski
UT Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas
5323 Harry Hines Blvd.
Dallas, TX 75390-8816
Tel. 214-645-6385
Fax. 214-645-6353

[ccp4bb] Accuracy and precision of unit cell parameters

2014-07-23 Thread Jrh
Dear Colleagues,
Stimulated by Bernhard's posting, and whilst certainly beyond his sense of 
bewilderment, I recalled that there were studies on this issue. These are 
neatly summarised in the Topical review :-
By Frank Herbstein in Acta Cryst B 
I imagine colleagues will find this of interest.
Best wishes,

Prof John R Helliwell DSc FInstP CPhys FRSC CChem F Soc Biol.
Chair School of Chemistry, University of Manchester, Athena Swan Team.

Re: [ccp4bb] correlated alternate confs - validation?

2014-07-23 Thread MARTYN SYMMONS
I think there has been historically some glitch in the deposition of some 
refmac altloc waters 
So for example  4a9x from Buster is annotated correctly
REMARK   3   PROGRAM : BUSTER 2.11.2   
HETATM 9407  O   HOH A2517 -22.429   1.144 -35.218  1.00 29.73   O  
HETATM 9408  O  AHOH A2518 -18.933  -9.507 -28.753  0.50  3.00   O  
HETATM 9409  O  BHOH A2518 -20.467  -9.093 -29.900  0.50 16.03   O  
so the A and B altloc retained.
for example in 4ac7 
REMARK   3   PROGRAM : REFMAC 5.6.0117 
where these two waters look like they originally were deposited as altloc waters
HETATM 6205  O   HOH A2043  -3.612  86.934 100.843  0.50 25.12   O  
ANISOU 6205  O   HOH A2043 2630   2166   4747   -153 68   1496   O  
HETATM 6206  O   HOH A2044  -3.506  85.122 100.190  0.50 22.20   O  
ANISOU 6206  O   HOH A2044 3710   2476   2248862188 16   O  
and these two
HETATM 6328  O   HOH B2073  -1.182 117.989  73.544  0.50 15.63   O  
ANISOU 6328  O   HOH B2073 2509   1684   1745408173289   O  
HETATM 6329  O   HOH B2074  -0.561 117.641  72.161  0.50 14.37   O  
ANISOU 6329  O   HOH B2074 2023   1187   2247107123   -211   O  

These waters also end up being annotated as close contacts in Remark 500 - 
which would not have happened if they had retained their altlocs.
REMARK 500   OHOH A  2043 OHOH A  2044  1.93
REMARK 500   OHOH B  2073 OHOH B  2074  1.56

Probably other examples can be retrieved but this latter file dates from my 
time at the PDBe and so may have been mangled at my hands.

In my defence I think it is owing to the annotation step when the waters are 
renumbered to fit with the associated macromolecule N to C (for proteins).  I 
think the script that was originally developed for this was not able to deal 
with waters with the same number but differing altlocs. Also alternate 
positions in this step can be associated with different residues by reason of 
being closer to one or other bit of chain. In this case they can have very 
different numbers - or chains.

I think this can be handled better in the new mmCif-based annotation system 
with the cooperation of refinement program authors. 
all the best

Martyn Symmons

Original message
From :
Date : 23/07/2014 - 16:20 (GMTDT)
Subject : Re: [ccp4bb] correlated alternate confs - validation?

I agree that it would be excellent to be able to associate
alternate conformations (beyond the individual residue) but
when we defined the PDB format we had an 80-column limitation
per atom and so only one column was allowed for alternate
conformations.  In an ASCII world only 36 characters were available
to define alternate conformations.  This is inadequate to allow
for many residues with independent alternate conformations -
one residue with three conformations would use up 3 of the 36
characters.  Thus there was no way to say that alternate
conformation A in one residue is or is not associated with
alternate conformation A in another residue.


Bernstein + Sons
*   *   Information Systems Consultants
5 Brewster Lane, Bellport, NY 11713-2803
*   * ***
 *Frances C. Bernstein
   *   ***
  *** *
   *   *** 1-631-286-1339FAX: 1-631-286-1999

On Wed, 23 Jul 2014, Tim Gruene wrote:

 Hash: SHA1

 Hi Bernhard,

 That's right, the definition is not in the PDB, but REFMAC sensibly
 handles it this way. It is certainly a short-coming if not bug in the
 PDB (definition).


 On 07/23/2014 04:49 PM, Bernhard Rupp wrote:
 ?? Refmac knows because of the group definition, otherwise I cannot
 force grouped occupancy refinement. There is no definition in PDB
 that eg ALTLOC A (of whatever residue) belongs to ALTLOC A of
 (whatever) residue/water.


 -Original Message- From: Tim Gruene
 [] Sent: Mittwoch, 23. Juli 2014
 15:38 To:; CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK Subject: Re:
 [ccp4bb] correlated alternate confs - validation?

 Hi Bernhard,

 do you refer to the PDB who, according to Martyn, remove the altloc
 indicator? That's certainly a serious bug that should be fixed as
 quickly as possible.

 Within refmac the preservation is fine and as you would expect it
 to be: altA only sees atoms in altA and those witout altLoc, etc,
 which makes sure you PDB file is interpreted correctly by refmac5.
 That's how I refmac works.

 Best, Tim

 On 07/23/2014 03:26 PM, Bernhard Rupp wrote:
 I would 

Re: [ccp4bb] Protein Crystallography challenges Standard Model precision

2014-07-23 Thread James Holton

Where is it written that compactness of representation and 
accuracy/precision are the same thing?  Is 1/3 more or less precise than 
0.333 ?

If mmCIF were a binary floating-point format file, there would be more 
decimal places in the precision of the stored value for the unit cell, 
despite fitting into only 4 bytes instead of the 13 bytes of text some 
seem offended to see below.  Would that be better?  Or worse?

-James Holton
MAD Scientist

On 7/22/2014 4:01 AM, Bernhard Rupp wrote:

I am just morbidly curious what program(s) deliver/mutilate/divine 
these cell constants in recent cif files:



_audit.revision_id 1_0

_audit.creation_date   ?

_audit.update_record   'Initial release'


_cell.entry_id  4c69

_cell.length_a  100.152000427

_cell.length_b  58.3689994812

_cell.length_c  66.5449981689

_cell.angle_alpha   90.0


_cell.angle_gamma   90.0


Maybe a little plausibility check during cif generation  might be ok

Best, BR

PS: btw, 10^-20 meters (10^5 time smaller than a proton) in fact 
seriously challenges the Standard Model limits

Bernhard Rupp

k.-k. Hofkristallamt

Crystallographiae Vindicis Militum Ordo


Re: [ccp4bb] correlated alternate confs - validation?

2014-07-23 Thread George Sheldrick

Dear Frances,

I don't think that you can put the blame entirely on the 80 column 

The program SHELX76 was limited to 80 columns because the input came as 
punched cards. It introduced a simple concept, the /free variables/, 
that are frequently used to represent occupancies and can be used to to 
build complicated networks of disordered residues with interdependent 
occupancies. Restraints may be applied to linear sums of these free 
variables. Ever since, small molecule crystallographers have used this 
concept to refine the disorders that they frequently encounter.

Best wishes, George

On 07/23/2014 05:20 PM, Frances C. Bernstein wrote:

I agree that it would be excellent to be able to associate
alternate conformations (beyond the individual residue) but
when we defined the PDB format we had an 80-column limitation
per atom and so only one column was allowed for alternate
conformations.  In an ASCII world only 36 characters were available
to define alternate conformations.  This is inadequate to allow
for many residues with independent alternate conformations -
one residue with three conformations would use up 3 of the 36
characters.  Thus there was no way to say that alternate
conformation A in one residue is or is not associated with
alternate conformation A in another residue.


Bernstein + Sons
*   *   Information Systems Consultants
5 Brewster Lane, Bellport, NY 11713-2803
*   * ***
 *Frances C. Bernstein
  *   ***
 *** *
  *   *** 1-631-286-1339FAX: 1-631-286-1999

On Wed, 23 Jul 2014, Tim Gruene wrote:

Hash: SHA1

Hi Bernhard,

That's right, the definition is not in the PDB, but REFMAC sensibly
handles it this way. It is certainly a short-coming if not bug in the
PDB (definition).


On 07/23/2014 04:49 PM, Bernhard Rupp wrote:

?? Refmac knows because of the group definition, otherwise I cannot
force grouped occupancy refinement. There is no definition in PDB
that eg ALTLOC A (of whatever residue) belongs to ALTLOC A of
(whatever) residue/water.


-Original Message- From: Tim Gruene
[] Sent: Mittwoch, 23. Juli 2014
15:38 To:; CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK Subject: Re:
[ccp4bb] correlated alternate confs - validation?

Hi Bernhard,

do you refer to the PDB who, according to Martyn, remove the altloc
indicator? That's certainly a serious bug that should be fixed as
quickly as possible.

Within refmac the preservation is fine and as you would expect it
to be: altA only sees atoms in altA and those witout altLoc, etc,
which makes sure you PDB file is interpreted correctly by refmac5.
That's how I refmac works.

Best, Tim

On 07/23/2014 03:26 PM, Bernhard Rupp wrote:

I would probably make the two waters alternates of each other.

Quite possible, but the group definition, i.e. to which alt
conf. side chain they belong,

would need to be preserved, too.


Cheers, Robbie

Sent from my Windows Phone


Van: Bernhard Rupp Verzonden: 23-7-2014 10:19 Aan:
CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK Onderwerp: [ccp4bb] correlated alternate
confs - validation?

Hi Fellows,

something that may eventually become an issue for validation and
 reporting in PDB headers:

using the Refmac grouped occupancy keyword I was able to form and
 refine various networks of correlated

alternate conformations - it seems to works really well at least
in a 1.6 and 1.2 A case I tried.

Both occupancy and B-factors refine to reasonable values as
expected/guessed from e-density and environment.

Respect  thanks for implementing this probably underutilized

This opens a question for validation: Instead of pretty much
ignoring any atoms below occupancy of 1, one

can now validate each of the network groups  geometry and density
fit separately just as any other

set of coordinates. I think with increasing data quality,
resolution, and user education such refinements will become more

frequent (and make a lot more sense than arbitrarily setting
guessed independent hard occupancies/Bs

that are not validated). Maybe some common format for
(annotating) such correlated occupancy groups might

eventually become necessary.

Best, BR

PS: Simple example shown below: two alternate confs of residue
338 which correlate with one

water atom each in chain B, with corresponding partial occupancy
(grp1: A338A-B5 ~0.6, grp2: A338B-B16 ~0.4).

occupancy group id 1 chain A residue 338 alt A

occupancy group id 1 chain B residue 5

occupancy group id 2 chain A residue 338 alt B

occupancy group id 2 chain B residue 16

occupancy group alts complete 1 2

. more similar

occupancy refine

AfaIct this does what I want. True?

Re: [ccp4bb] Protein Crystallography challenges Standard Model precision

2014-07-23 Thread Bernhard Rupp
The representation is simply non-parsimonious. There is no meaning to 
the zepto-meter digits. 

Numquam ponenda est pluralitas sine necessitate.


From: James Holton [] 
Sent: Wednesday, July 23, 2014 9:58 PM
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] Protein Crystallography challenges Standard Model

Where is it written that compactness of representation and
accuracy/precision are the same thing?  Is 1/3 more or less precise than
0.333 ?

If mmCIF were a binary floating-point format file, there would be more
decimal places in the precision of the stored value for the unit cell,
despite fitting into only 4 bytes instead of the 13 bytes of text some seem
offended to see below.  Would that be better?  Or worse? 

-James Holton
MAD Scientist

On 7/22/2014 4:01 AM, Bernhard Rupp wrote:
I am just morbidly curious what program(s) deliver/mutilate/divine these
cell constants in recent cif files:
_audit.revision_id 1_0 
_audit.creation_date   ? 
_audit.update_record   'Initial release' 
_cell.entry_id  4c69 
_cell.length_a  100.152000427 
_cell.length_b  58.3689994812 
_cell.length_c  66.5449981689 
_cell.angle_alpha   90.0 
_cell.angle_beta    99.2519989014 
_cell.angle_gamma   90.0 
Maybe a little plausibility check during cif generation  might be ok
Best, BR
PS: btw, 10^-20 meters (10^5 time smaller than a proton) in fact seriously
challenges the Standard Model limits….

Bernhard Rupp 
k.-k. Hofkristallamt
Crystallographiae Vindicis Militum Ordo

Re: [ccp4bb] AW: [ccp4bb] correlated alternate confs - validation?

2014-07-23 Thread Bernhard Rupp
An ad hoc kludge that is admittedly undesirable but at least does not break
with the PDB format could be as was done e.g. with the TLS and NCS records -
put the alternate 
group definitions into a REMARK record...
Best, BR

-Original Message-
From: CCP4 bulletin board [mailto:CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] On Behalf Of
Sent: Wednesday, July 23, 2014 5:37 PM
Subject: [ccp4bb] AW: [ccp4bb] correlated alternate confs - validation?

One could check if the alternate conformations are part of a continuous
alternate zone or if they make contact (no contact, no association).
However, I think it is time to abandon the PDB format and move to cif or
some other format.

My 2 cents,

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: CCP4 bulletin board [mailto:CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] Im Auftrag von
Frances C. Bernstein
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 23. Juli 2014 17:20
Betreff: Re: [ccp4bb] correlated alternate confs - validation?

I agree that it would be excellent to be able to associate alternate
conformations (beyond the individual residue) but when we defined the PDB
format we had an 80-column limitation per atom and so only one column was
allowed for alternate conformations.  In an ASCII world only 36 characters
were available to define alternate conformations.  This is inadequate to
allow for many residues with independent alternate conformations - one
residue with three conformations would use up 3 of the 36 characters.  Thus
there was no way to say that alternate conformation A in one residue is or
is not associated with alternate conformation A in another residue.


Bernstein + Sons
*   *   Information Systems Consultants
5 Brewster Lane, Bellport, NY 11713-2803
*   * ***
 *Frances C. Bernstein
   *   ***
  *** *
   *   *** 1-631-286-1339FAX: 1-631-286-1999

On Wed, 23 Jul 2014, Tim Gruene wrote:

 Hash: SHA1

 Hi Bernhard,

 That's right, the definition is not in the PDB, but REFMAC sensibly 
 handles it this way. It is certainly a short-coming if not bug in the 
 PDB (definition).


 On 07/23/2014 04:49 PM, Bernhard Rupp wrote:
 ?? Refmac knows because of the group definition, otherwise I cannot 
 force grouped occupancy refinement. There is no definition in PDB 
 that eg ALTLOC A (of whatever residue) belongs to ALTLOC A of
 (whatever) residue/water.


 -Original Message- From: Tim Gruene 
 [] Sent: Mittwoch, 23. Juli 2014
 15:38 To:; CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK Subject: Re:
 [ccp4bb] correlated alternate confs - validation?

 Hi Bernhard,

 do you refer to the PDB who, according to Martyn, remove the altloc 
 indicator? That's certainly a serious bug that should be fixed as 
 quickly as possible.

 Within refmac the preservation is fine and as you would expect it to
 be: altA only sees atoms in altA and those witout altLoc, etc, which 
 makes sure you PDB file is interpreted correctly by refmac5.
 That's how I refmac works.

 Best, Tim

 On 07/23/2014 03:26 PM, Bernhard Rupp wrote:
 I would probably make the two waters alternates of each other.

 Quite possible, but the group definition, i.e. to which alt conf. 
 side chain they belong,

 would need to be preserved, too.


 Cheers, Robbie

 Sent from my Windows Phone


 Van: Bernhard Rupp Verzonden: 23-7-2014 10:19 Aan:
 CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK Onderwerp: [ccp4bb] correlated alternate confs
 - validation?

 Hi Fellows,

 something that may eventually become an issue for validation and 
 reporting in PDB headers:

 using the Refmac grouped occupancy keyword I was able to form and 
 refine various networks of correlated

 alternate conformations - it seems to works really well at least in 
 a 1.6 and 1.2 A case I tried.

 Both occupancy and B-factors refine to reasonable values as 
 expected/guessed from e-density and environment.

 Respect  thanks for implementing this probably underutilized 

 This opens a question for validation: Instead of pretty much 
 ignoring any atoms below occupancy of 1, one

 can now validate each of the network groups  geometry and density 
 fit separately just as any other

 set of coordinates. I think with increasing data quality, 
 resolution, and user education such refinements will become more

 frequent (and make a lot more sense than arbitrarily setting guessed 
 independent hard occupancies/Bs

 that are not validated). Maybe some common format for
 (annotating) such correlated occupancy groups might

 eventually become necessary.

 Best, BR

 PS: Simple example shown below: two alternate confs of residue
 338 which correlate with one

 water atom each in chain B, with 

Re: [ccp4bb] Protein Crystallography challenges Standard Model precision

2014-07-23 Thread Sampson, Jared
Greetings all -

My interest in the rest of the discussion of experimental precision and error 
notwithstanding, and at the risk of stating explicitly what some might consider 
obvious, it seems to me that no one has actually (intentionally) asserted that 
they have determined the unit cell to 10^-20 meter precision.  Rather, I find 
it far more likely that some program just output the floating point 
representation of a 3-decimal-place number without a proper 3-decimal-place 
format string (something like `printf(“%f”, _cell.length_a)` instead of 
`printf(“%5.3f”, _cell.length_a)`, perhaps).  The extra digits are the “noise” 
of floating point rounding error.  Notice the repeating 9’s and 0’s after 3 
decimal places in each of the values in question:

_cell.entry_id  4c69
_cell.length_a  100.152000427  ==  100.152
_cell.length_b  58.3689994812  ==  58.369
_cell.length_c  66.5449981689  ==  66.545
_cell.angle_alpha   90.0
_cell.angle_beta99.2519989014  ==  99.252
_cell.angle_gamma   90.0

Each of these “extra precise” numbers should simply have been output with only 
3 decimal places.  But I suppose this still doesn’t answer the original 
question of *which* program actually needs to be fixed.


Jared Sampson
Xiangpeng Kong Lab
NYU Langone Medical Center

On Jul 23, 2014, at 5:44 PM, Bernhard Rupp wrote:

The representation is simply non-parsimonious. There is no meaning to
the zepto-meter digits.

Numquam ponenda est pluralitas sine necessitate.


From: James Holton []
Sent: Wednesday, July 23, 2014 9:58 PM
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] Protein Crystallography challenges Standard Model

Where is it written that compactness of representation and
accuracy/precision are the same thing?  Is 1/3 more or less precise than
0.333 ?

If mmCIF were a binary floating-point format file, there would be more
decimal places in the precision of the stored value for the unit cell,
despite fitting into only 4 bytes instead of the 13 bytes of text some seem
offended to see below.  Would that be better?  Or worse?

-James Holton
MAD Scientist

On 7/22/2014 4:01 AM, Bernhard Rupp wrote:
I am just morbidly curious what program(s) deliver/mutilate/divine these
cell constants in recent cif files:

_audit.revision_id 1_0
_audit.creation_date   ?
_audit.update_record   'Initial release'
_cell.entry_id  4c69
_cell.length_a  100.152000427
_cell.length_b  58.3689994812
_cell.length_c  66.5449981689
_cell.angle_alpha   90.0
_cell.angle_gamma   90.0

Maybe a little plausibility check during cif generation  might be ok

Best, BR

PS: btw, 10^-20 meters (10^5 time smaller than a proton) in fact seriously
challenges the Standard Model limits..

Bernhard Rupp
k.-k. Hofkristallamt
Crystallographiae Vindicis Militum Ordo

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[ccp4bb] Post-doctoral position in Singapore at the Duke-NUS is available

2014-07-23 Thread Sheemei Lok
Post-doctoral position in Singapore at the Duke-NUS is
A post-doctoral position is available at the laboratory of Shee-Mei
Lok ( in the emerging infectious disease program
of the Duke-NUS. Duke-NUS graduate medical school situated in Singapore, is a
global partnership between Duke University and the National University of
Singapore. Projects undertaken by the post-doc will investigate the structure
and function of important proteins contributing to the longevity and low rates
of cancer in bats. Individuals with experience in crystallography, protein
expression and purification are highly desirable. 
Interested individuals should send their CV, experience, research
interest, and a list of three referees to Shee-mei Lok 

[ccp4bb] Betreff: Re: [ccp4bb] correlated alternate confs - validation?

2014-07-23 Thread dusan turk

A solution exists also for PDB records:
As a consequence of a discussion with George which took place  years ago, I 
have taken the liberty to extend the PDB record length of 80 characters  and 
use additional characters to specify the group ID and their members list number 
and provided an interface to manipulate them.  Thereby the PDB limitations were 
extended to adopt the SHELX philosophy of treating combined groups of any 

ATOM  1  N   GLY A   1 -31.334 -24.247  23.250  0.54 34.05  1A   N  
 1   0
ATOM   2477  N   GLY A   1 -29.650 -24.643  23.839  0.46 41.88  1B   N  
 1   1

The records with our the group extension are not members of groups with partial 
occupancy. These two records shown are members of group ID 1, the atom in the 
first record belongs to group ID 1 members list number 0 and the second to 
group ID 1 and members list no 1.  (The members lists begin with 0.) 

On Jul 24, 2014, at 1:02 AM, CCP4BB automatic digest system wrote:

 Von: CCP4 bulletin board [mailto:CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] Im Auftrag von
 Frances C. Bernstein
 Gesendet: Mittwoch, 23. Juli 2014 17:20
 Betreff: Re: [ccp4bb] correlated alternate confs - validation?
 I agree that it would be excellent to be able to associate alternate
 conformations (beyond the individual residue) but when we defined the PDB
 format we had an 80-column limitation per atom and so only one column was
 allowed for alternate conformations.  In an ASCII world only 36 characters
 were available to define alternate conformations.  This is inadequate to
 allow for many residues with independent alternate conformations - one
 residue with three conformations would use up 3 of the 36 characters.  Thus
 there was no way to say that alternate conformation A in one residue is or
 is not associated with alternate conformation A in another residue.

Dr. Dusan Turk, Prof.
Head of Structural Biology Group 
Head of Centre for Protein  and Structure Production
Centre of excellence for Integrated Approaches in Chemistry and Biology of 
Proteins, Scientific Director
Professor of Structural Biology at IPS Jozef Stefan
phone: +386 1 477 3857   Dept. of Biochem. Mol. Struct. Biol.
fax:   +386 1 477 3984   Jozef Stefan Institute
Jamova 39, 1 000 Ljubljana,Slovenia
Skype: dusan.turk (voice over internet:

[ccp4bb] moleman2 install problem

2014-07-23 Thread Yamei Yu
Hi all,

I’m trying to install a copy of moleman2 for my new Mac. (the version is 
10.9.3).  while I copy the osx_moleman2 from xutil directory I got the 
following message: The Finder can’t complete the operation because some data in 
“osx_moleman2” can’t be read or written.
(Error code -36)
Could you tell me how to solve this problem?
Thank you so much!
Best wishes!


Yamei Yu
State Key Laboratory of Biotherapy/Collaborative Innovation 
Center of Biotherapy, 
West China Hospital, 
Sichuan University,Chengdu,610041, P.R.China
Tel: 15882013485