[ccp4bb] 77th Annual Pittsburgh Diffraction Conference

2019-09-03 Thread Leighton Coates
Dear Colleagues

You are invited to the 77th Annual Pittsburgh Diffraction Conference
which will be hosted onsite at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Oak
Ridge, Tennessee, USA.

Start Date: 24th Oct 2019
End Date:  26th Oct 2019

URL: https://conference.sns.gov/event/78/

The conference will take place over three days, and feature sessions
focused on all areas of diffraction, from powders to protein crystals.
Topics will include Biological Diffraction, Total Scattering, Magnetic
scattering, and small molecule Diffraction. The Chung Soo Yoo Award,
established by the Pittsburgh Diffraction Society to honor Dr. Yoo’s
memory, and a $400 cash prize will be given to the graduate student
having the best poster presentation at the conference.

Registration for the conference is only $100 and will close on
September 20th, and we are still accepting abstracts for posters until
that date.

Confirmed Speakers are

Jahuan Azadmanesh, (University of Nebraska)
Emil S. Bozin (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
Theodore Betley, (Harvard University)
Chris Davies, (Medical University of South Carolina)
Robert Von Dreele, (Argonne National Lab)
Fred Dyda, (National Institutes of Health, NIDDK)
Martin Egli, (Vanderbilt University)
Jaime Fernandez-Baca, (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
Dustin Gilbert, (University of Tennessee)
Margarida Henriques, (CAS Institute of Physics)
Ken Herwig, (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
Patrick Holland, (Yale University)
Robert Koch (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
Joseph Kolis, (Clemson University)
Cora Lind Kovacs, (University of Toledo)
Patricia Langan, (Lentigen Technologies)
Jeremy Lohman, (Purdue University)
Rebecca McAuliffe (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
Leonard Mueller, (University of California, Riverside)
Tim Mueser, (University of Toledo)
Robert Philips, (University of Georgia)
Raktim Roy, (The Scripps Research Institute)
Ella Mara Schmidt, (Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg)
David J. Schuller, (Cornell University)
Michael Shatruk, (Florida State University)
Timothy Stachowski, (Hauptman Woodward Institute)
Corey Thompson, (Purdue University)
B.C. Wang, (University of Georgia)
Weiwei Xie, (Louisiana State University)
Haidong Zhou, (University of Tennessee)

Best Wishes

Leighton Coates

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[ccp4bb] Postdoctoral Researcher, Membrane Structural and Functional Biology, Caffrey Lab, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

2019-09-03 Thread Martin Caffrey
*Postdoctoral Research Fellow*

*Membrane Structural and Functional Biology – Caffrey Lab*

*Trinity College Dublin, Ireland*

*Post Summary  *The Membrane Structural and Functional Biology group seeks
to solve the structure of medically important membrane proteins for use in
structure/function studies and for structure-based therapeutics
development. Target proteins are involved in communicable and
non-communicable diseases.

An exciting postdoctoral research position is available in the Group. We
are looking for a highly motivated, creative and hardworking individual
with experience in biochemistry and molecular biology to join our
multidisciplinary team at Trinity in a lab that offers superb facilities.
Individuals interested in moving into the membrane protein field are
encouraged to apply.

*Person Specification  *The candidate must have a Ph.D. in biochemistry,
biophysics, molecular biology or a related field. Demonstrated success in
all aspects of molecular biology, recombinant protein production,
purification, and functional characterization is required. Experience with
membrane protein over-expression, crystallization, and structure-function
studies is desirable. The candidate should be a highly motivated and
creative individual who enjoys working as part of a collaborative,
multidisciplinary team. Strong leadership, communication and teaching
skills are decided assets.
  *Salary*  €37,874 - €43,782 per annum depending on experience

*Closing Date*  Until the position is filled

*Principal Investigator * Prof. Martin Caffrey

*Application Procedure*  Candidates are asked to submit a letter detailing
education, training and laboratory experience. In the letter, the candidate
should outline why they feel they are suitable for the position in an
interdisciplinary group that will involve extensive interaction with
collaborators and data collection at facilities around the globe. The
letter of application must be accompanied by a full CV to include the names
and contact details of two referees (email addresses and phone numbers to
be provided). At least one referee should be an individual the candidate
has worked with and who has agreed to provide a letter of reference on the
candidate’s behalf.

*Applications should be emailed to: **msfblab2...@gmail.com

Martin Caffrey  martin.caff...@tcd.ie
Schools of Medicine and Biochemistry & Immunology
Trinity Biomedical Sciences Institute, Trinity College Dublin
Room 5.62,152-160 Pearse St., Dublin 2, D02 R590, Ireland
website: http://www.tcd.ie/Biochemistry/research/caffrey/
phone: +353-(0)1-896-4253; mobile: +353-(0)86-818-7704
Skype: martincaffrey

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[ccp4bb] Fully funded PhD positions in Evolutionary Biochemistry

2019-09-03 Thread Georg Hochberg

Dear CCP4ers,

The Hochberg lab is a new free floater group at the Max Planck  
Institute for Terrestrial Microbiology in Marburg and affiliated with  
the Chemistry Department of Marburg University. The group studies the  
evolution of protein complexes at the interface between physical  
biochemistry and evolutionary biology.

We are looking for highly self-motivated PhD students who are willing  
to tackle an interdisciplinary research program and join our group on  
fully funded positions to start as early as November 2019. For a  
description of the research we do please read below or alternatively  
here: https://www.mpi-marburg.mpg.de/hochberg

The majority of proteins associate into higher-order complexes. They  
range from the simple - containing only a few genetically identical  
subunits – to the baroquely elaborate – containing dozens of  
genetically different subunits in precise arrangements. How and why  
complexes evolve and change in evolutionary history is largely  
unknown, but directly relates to major questions in evolutionary  
biology: Does biological complexity arise through many incremental  
steps, or through rare but drastic jumps? And is it always driven by  
natural selection for some beneficial function, or does blind chance  
play a role in creating and maintaining this complexity? Our group  
uses ancestral sequence reconstruction to resurrect ancient complexes  
that last existed hundreds of millions of years ago. By experimentally  
characterizing these ancient proteins using state-of-the-art mass  
spectrometry and high-throughput techniques, we will unravel the  
interplay of history, chance, and natural selection in producing the  
complexity that exists today.

Experience in evolutionary biology is not necessary, but a sincere  
interest and desire to learn are indispensable. Practical experience  
in biochemistry is welcome. Possible projects include charactering the  
complete set of interactions among all extant and ancestral members of  
a protein family to understand how and why interactions change over  
time; experimentally quantifying the rate at which random chance  
events produced stable protein complexes in evolutionary history; and  
investigating to what degree increases in the complexity of protein  
assemblies are reversible in evolutionary history.

This is a rare chance for young scientists to participate in shaping  
the research program of an emerging group. You will join a thriving  
scientific community at one of Germany’s famous Max Planck Institutes.  
Marburg itself is a vibrant and beautiful medieval university town  
about an hour north of Frankfurt with all the necessities of student  
life. Interested candidates should send a brief introduction to  
themselves as well a CV to georg.hochb...@mpi-marburg.mpg.de to  
express interest.

All the best,

Georg Hochberg
Group Leader
Evolutionary Biochemistry Group
Max Planck Institut for Terrestrial Microbiology

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[ccp4bb] PostDoc program in Integrated Structural Biology @Umeå University

2019-09-03 Thread Magnus Wolf-Watz
Postdoctoral Program in Integrated Structural Biology at Umeå University

Two postdoctoral fellowships are open for the 2019 call at the Integrated 
Structural Biology (ISB) environment at Umeå University.  Umeå University 
offers a vibrant and international atmosphere for structural biology research. 
There are 19 research groups and close to 100 persons affiliated with ISB. The 
ISB environment has regular seminars and candidates will be broadly exposed to 
different structural biology techniques. The university has state of the art 
infrastructure for cryoEM, NMR spectroscopy, supercomputing and x-ray 
crystallography (please visit www.biostruct.umu.se 
for details on equipment).

The openings will be filled using a procedure adapted from EMBL and the two top 
candidates that has applied to one of the six available projects will be 
selected. The projects are interdisciplinary and will ensure that the candidate 
will receive competitive training.

The program is open to all nationalities with relevant doctoral level education 
and work experiences and the openings will include the following to be 
considered by potential candidates:
·   Two years funding (incl. running costs) for research within a 
multidisciplinary structural biology environment
·   Access to ISB affiliated core facilities and technical platforms
·   Integration with postdocs at ISB and also MIMS (Molecular Infection 
Medicine Sweden)  for carrier development and joint activities

Candidates should (in addition to submitting their CV, publications, 
certificates, etc.) write a “MOTIVATION LETTER” (1-2 pages) specifying: i) why 
you are interested in performing postdoc research studies within ISB and ii) 
why in particular you wish to do this with the PI:s and project idea selected 
from our list The applicants must also write a one-page research plan for the 
project. We encourage the applicants to contact the PIs for discussion of the 
project before submission. Please email your application to i...@umu.se no 
later than October 15. For inquires please contact the indicated lead-PI or 
co-PI’s from the list of projects. Further info about the ISB Postdoctoral 
program can be found here: 

Below please find a list of the available projects together with contact 
information to PI’s.

Mechanistic origin of ATP-dependent ion transport
Computational methods can be used to reveal connections between subtle trigger 
events and large-scale conformational changes in proteins. In this project, 
computer simulations and time-resolved X-ray solution scattering experiments 
(TR-WAXS) will be used to identify such connections in ATP-dependent membrane 
protein transport. Specifically, classical MD and QM/MM simulations will 
characterize effects of phosphorylation, protonation/deprotonation, and ion 
binding in P-type ATPase ion transport. Existing high-resolution protein 
structures as well as low-resolution models of transient states in solution 
(obtained from time-resolved X-ray scattering experiments) will serve as the 
basis for the simulations. The project aims to determine structural dynamics 
and corresponding free energy levels to provide a structural/thermodynamic 
basis for understanding ATP-driven ion transport across biological membranes. 
The project will be lead by Dr. Andersson (classical MD/X-ray scattering) and 
Dr. Nam (QM/MM). Part of the project will take place at University of Texas, 
Arlington, USA.
Lead PI: Magnus Andersson: magnus.p.anders...@umu.se
Co-PI:   Kwangho Nam: kwangho@umu.se

Mechanistic study of the autophagic protein ATG8/LC3 in membrane morphogenesis
Autophagy is a highly conserved and sophisticated “self-eating” process in 
eukaryotes and plays a key role in human health and disease. Formation of 
double-membrane autophagosomes is the key process in autophagy and the LC3 
protein family is required for autophagosomal membrane expansion and closure. 
However, the molecular mechanisms of these processes remain unclear. In this 
project we will focus on the membrane interactions of the LC3-PE protein. Wu’s 
lab have prepared LC3-PE by semisynthetic approaches and showed that LC3-PE 
promotes membrane fusion in vitro . The protein will here be studied using 
structural biology tools, primarily NMR spectrosocpy, together with Mäler’s 
group. The proposed project provides an excellent opportunity for combining 
Wu’s expertise concerning protein chemistry with biophysical and structural 
biology (NMR) studies of the interaction between one key component in autophagy 
and lipids in Mäler’s group.
Lead PI: Lena Mäler: lena.ma...@umu.se
Co-PI:  Yaowen Wu:  yaowen...@umu.se

Functional and structural analyses of the dynamic conformational changes of 
Opsins upon photo responsiveness
Opsins, including Opn3 and Opn5, are G-coupled receptors that detect light by 

[ccp4bb] PhD position to explore the structural mechanisms of ubiquitin ligases in infection; Sonja Lorenz' lab, Würzburg, Germany

2019-09-03 Thread Sonja Lorenz
Dear colleagues,
we are looking for a PhD student to study the structural basis of ubiquitin 
signaling in an exciting infection model system. 
I would be grateful if you would make the ad below available to suitable 
candidates at your institutions.
Thank you very much and best wishes,
Sonja Lorenz


The ubiquitin signaling research group headed by Sonja Lorenz at Rudolf Virchow 
Center for Experimental Biomedicine, Würzburg, Germany
is recruiting a PhD student

The Lorenz lab explores the fundamental mechanisms of how posttranslational 
modifications encode specificity in cellular signaling with a particular focus 
on the ubiquitin system in tumorigenesis and infection. Our lab combines 
cryo-EM and X-ray crystallography with biophysical, biochemical, and cell 
biological analyses.

 We are supported by the EMBO Young Investigator Program, the Emmy Noether 
Program of the German Research Foundation, the Mildred Scheel Cancer Center, 
research unit FOR2314 (“Therapeutic windows”), and the graduate training group 
GRK2243 (“Understanding ubiquitylation”). The successful candidate will have 
the opportunity to be affiliated with GRK2243 and investigate the structural 
mechanisms of an exciting class of enzymes essential for infectious disease.

The Rudolf Virchow Center is a highly competitive international research 
institute with an outstanding infrastructure. The Lorenz lab has in-house 
access to state-of-the-art instrumentation in cryo-EM (Titan Krios), X-ray 
crystallography, and an extensive range of modern biophysical and cell 
biological equipment. We are integrated into a stimulating environment that 
includes the Helmholtz Institute for RNA-based Infection Research, the Max 
Planck Research Group in Systems Immunology, the Biocenter, the Institute for 
Molecular Infection Biology, and the University Hospital in Würzburg.

Würzburg is located in the beautiful, wine-growing area of Franconia, in 
proximity of Frankfurt (1 hour by train) and Munich (2 hours).

Applicants should have an MSc or equivalent degree in the life sciences or a 
related discipline and a passion for structural biology and protein 
biochemistry. Good English language skills are necessary; knowledge of German 
is not required.

The position can begin immediately or upon mutual agreement. Salary will be 
according to the German TVL scale. In case of equivalent qualifications, 
disabled applicants will be preferentially considered.

Applications and inquiries should be sent to Sonja Lorenz by email and include 
a letter of motivation stating research interests and expertise, a CV, and the 
contact information of at least two references. 
Application deadline: 30 September 2019. Review of applications will begin 
immediately until the position is filled.

twitter @ SLorenzLab

Sonja Lorenz, PhD
Rudolf Virchow Center for Experimental Biomedicine
University of Würzburg, 97080 Würzburg, Germany
E-mail: sonja.lor...@virchow.uni-wuerzburg.de

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[ccp4bb] PhD fellowship application, Mito- and Pathogenic Proteins

2019-09-03 Thread Maria Sola i Vilarrubias
Dear all,

Next September 2019 there will be the opening of a call for 4-years
PhD fellowships
‘FPI’ from the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities. We
are looking for highly motivated candidates to apply for this fellowship.
The goal of our group is to understand the structural basis of disorders
associated with alterations of mitochondrial DNA regulatory proteins. Likewise,
we are interested in proteins essential for pathogen viability and
virulence. Understanding the molecular basis of diseases is a preliminary
stage for target-based rational drug design aimed at therapy and cure. In
the lab, we produce the proteins of interest and analyze them by X-ray
crystallography. If necessary, we include additional techniques such as
FRET, electron microscopy and SAXS in collaboration with other groups to
disclose the functional mechanism of proteins with a broader,
multi-disciplinary approach.

Our lab is at the Institute of Molecular Biology Barcelona, from the
Spanish Research Council, located at the premises of Barcelona Science
Park, www.pcb.ub.edu.  More information about our projects can be found at


*>Candidates should have a university degree and a master's degree by
September 2019,* with a minimum of 300 European Higher Education Area ECTS
credits (at least 60 must come from the master's studies). In addition,
candidates must have a good level of English.

During September candidates to apply for the fellowship will be selected.
The final official selection by the Ministry is expected by May 2020. For
non-European successful candidates, please consider that visa
procedures can delay the process by about 4-6 months after the official

By *September 25, 2019, *interested candidates should have sent to
maria.s...@ibmb.csic.es the following documentation:

-   Personal data and CV specifying education and experience

-   A motivation letter

-   The Certified Academic Record, showing the grades obtained
(degree and master degree). If these are not in Spanish or English,
applicants should attach a translation to one of these languages.

-   The addresses of two referees

After the closing date, the applications will be reviewed. Students will be
selected on the basis of academic and technical excellence, reference
letters, and their motivation. By the end of September, selected candidates
will apply for the fellowship through the official online application form
the Ministry.

Maria Solà
Dep. Structural Biology
Baldiri Reixach 10-12
Tel: (+34) 93 403 4950
Fax: (+34) 93 403 4979
e-mail: maria.s...@ibmb.csic.es

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