[ccp4bb] Postdoctoral position at the Sussex Drug Discovery Centre

2024-04-28 Thread Erika Mancini
Dear ccp4bb community,

We have a postdoctoral position available to join the Drug Discovery team at 
the Sussex Drug Discovery Centre (SDDC) under the supervision of Prof Erika 
Mancini and Prof John Spencer.
The successful candidate will work in a multidisciplinary environment on an 
exciting and emerging area of oncology drug discovery and interact closely with 
our cellular biology and medicinal chemistry teams.
The Post-doc will be involved in high-throughput X-ray crystallography, 
fragment-based screening and structure-based drug design and will be 
responsible for crystallisation, structure determination, structural and 
biophysical analysis of protein-ligand complexes.
This is a one year contract funded by Omaze-Blood Cancer UK for a collaborative 
project with the group of Prof Nerlov at the University of Oxford.

For more information on the job and how to apply, please visit the following 

Research Fellow Ref 30876 - Job page - University of Sussex Job 
For any questions, feel free to send me an email.

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Re: [ccp4bb] replacement for Scientific Linux

2024-04-28 Thread Guillaume Gaullier

I don’t know if crystallographic software is commonly GPU-accelerated. Most 
software we use to process cryoEM data is and requires CUDA, which only works 
on Nvidia hardware with their driver. Also seems to be the case for a lot of 
deep learning software. Like it or not, it’s simply a fact. So if you use such 
software, then one important criterion to help narrow down the list from 
distrowatch is to pick a distribution that Nvidia officially supports with 
their driver.

See here for supported distributions: 
This leaves the usual suspects as compatible options, with the notable 
exception of Alma Linux. So, if you hesitate between Alma and Rocky, having an 
Nvidia GPU and software using CUDA is a situation in favor of Rocky.
A recent nice development is that Nvidia now offers an open-source version of 
their driver. I have been using it on Rocky 9 and it works smoothly (and I was 
surprised it took so little time between the announcement and the actually 
usable release).

As Tim suggested, Debian would also be a fine option, with a supported Nvidia 
driver. It would be a bit less familiar than Rocky for someone coming from 
Scientific Linux. The smooth upgrade between major versions is a good reason to 
choose Debian (among other good reasons). As far as I know, Rocky doesn’t let 
you upgrade to the next major version, but with an adequate partition scheme 
you can do a "clean" installation without touching the home directories for the 
same result (it is just a bit more work than one command, and more critical to 
back up the home directories beforehand).
Regarding the heartbleed vulnerability, some versions of Debian were affected, 
but a fix was released promptly: 
CentOS as well: 
Rocky and Alma didn’t exist back then.

I hope this helps,


On 26 Apr 2024, at 19:18, Jonathan Clinger 
mailto:clinge...@gmail.com>> wrote:

If you want to keep as close to scientific linux as possible, I would suggest 
Alma or Rocky Linux. Those were the two options my group considered when the 
writing was on the wall for scientific linux and we were ramping up our 
workstations. We ended up going with Alma, but I'm not sure it is any better 
than Rocky. We'll have to wait and see how much they diverge over time.

If you are ok with moving to something more different, Ubuntu or one of its 
derivations would probably do just fine.

Cheers! -Jonathan Clinger

On Fri, Apr 26, 2024 at 9:58 AM Jon Cooper 
Hello Harry

Any of the top 50 on distrowatch.com will basically be 
fine and the next 20 or so on the list will probably be fine. Then you start 
getting into the twilight zone. I am sure that will help greatly to narrow down 
your choice ;-0

Best wishes, Jon Cooper. 

Sent from Proton Mail mobile

 Original Message 
On 26 Apr 2024, 16:46, Harry Powell < 

Hi folks For many years I’ve been using Scientific Linux as my OS of choice 
(when not using my Mac) - but it’s been discontinued. SL was based on RHEL, and 
had useful things like a less-buggy Fortran/C/C++ compiler than that released 
by RH. What do people here recommend as a replacement? Harry 
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[ccp4bb] Virtual Registration for 10th CCP-EM Spring Symposium & BCI User Meeting 30th April - 2nd May 2024

2024-04-28 Thread Tom Burnley - STFC UKRI
Hi everyone,

We're looking forward to the 10th CCP-EM Spring Symposium & BCI User Meeting 
next week.

If you aren't able to make it person you can still register as a virtual 

Registration page:

N.B. virtual registration is free and you'll be able which the live stream (and 
ask questions) for all the talks from our wonderful speakers including

CCP-EM Symposium

Yifan Cheng (UCSF)

Wah Chiu (Stanford)

Dan Clare (DLS)

Hans Elmlund (NIH)

Judy Hirst (MRC-MBU)

Oleg Kovalevskiy (DeepMind)

Martin Pilhofer (ETH Zürich)

Lorenz Lamm (Helmholtz Zentrum München)

Kyle Morris (EBI)

Thomas Mulvaney (CSSB)

Alexis Rohou (Genentech)

Chris Russo (MRC-LMB)

Carsten Sachse (Jülich)

Helen Saibil (Birkbeck)

Filo Sanchez Rodriguez (York)

Sjors Scheres (MRC-LMB)

Sriram Subramaniam (British Columbia)

Rebecca Thompson (TFS)

Peiyi Wang (SUSTech)

Martyn Winn (STFC)

Tzviya Zeev-Ben-Mordehai (Utrecht)

Xiaodong Zhang (Francis Crick Institute)

Ellen Zhong (Princeton)

Confirmed BCI speakers:

Vicki Gold (Exeter)

Mangala Srinivas (Wageningen)

Stefan Raunser (Max Planck Molecular Physiology)

Plus eBIC user meeting round-table discussion

Symposium scientific organisers:
Peijun Zhang (DLS/Oxford)
Peter Rosenthal (Francis Crick Institute)

Biological Cryo-Imaging user meeting organising committee:
Lorna Malone (eBIC, Diamond)
Archana Jadhav (B24, Diamond)

Full details and schedule:

All times are UK (BST) and most talks will be available to view later.

We look forward to welcoming you all either in-person or virtually in 
Nottingham .

Best wishes from CCP-EM & DLS BCI

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[ccp4bb] ECM34 "MS01 - Nucleic acids - protein interactions"

2024-04-28 Thread Marco Nardini
Dear colleagues and friends,

the 34th Meeting of the European Crystallographic Association 
(https://www.ecm34.org/) is going to be organized in Padova, Italy, from the 
26th to 30th of August.
As chairperson of the microsymposium  "MS01 - Nucleic acids - protein 
interactions"  I am looking forward to receiving your contributions.

The deadline for abstract submission has been extended to May 7th.

Best regards

Marco Nardini

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