Re: [ccp4bb] Merging Data from Multiple Crystals

2014-03-29 Thread Alexander Batyuk
Dear Tassos,

Do you know by chance whether BLEND is available?

Best wishes,


On 27 Mar 2014, at 16:06, Tassos Papageorgiou 

 You may also try BLEND to choose the optimal data sets before scaling and 
 Foadi J, Aller P, Alguel Y, Cameron A, Axford D, Owen RL, Armour W, Waterman 
 DG, Iwata S  Evans G (2013) Clustering procedures for the optimal selection 
 of data sets from multiple crystals in macromolecular crystallography. Acta 
 Crystallogr D Biol Crystallogr 69: 1617–1632
 Tassos Papageorgiou
 Jarrod Mousa wrote:
 I am trying to solve the structure of a membrane protein. The protein has 12 
 helices and I have a good molecular replacement model that seems to work for 
 about half of the structure. I used chainsaw to convert the amino acid 
 residues to that of my protein sequence, and the density fits the structure 
 well on one side of the protein, but on the other side (about 5 helices), 
 there doesn't seem to be any density for the side chains. Has anyone had 
 experience with this? The completeness is high ~99% for 3.2 angstroms. The 
 data was collected from fairly small crystals ~ 20um.

Alex Batyuk
The Plueckthun Lab

[ccp4bb] Fortran runtime error in Procheck on Mac OS X 10.6.8

2011-09-15 Thread Alexander Batyuk
Dear colleagues,

I have a problem running procheck on Mac OS X 10.6.8. It stops with the 
following error:

Stereochemical quality plots and residue-by-residue listing
At line 2639 of file 
/sw64/src/ (unit = 14, 
file = 'rama.sum')
Fortran runtime error: Sequential READ or WRITE not allowed after EOF marker, 
possibly use REWIND or BACKSPACE

I would appreciate any help.

Thank you and best wishes,


Alex Batyuk
The Plueckthun Lab

Re: [ccp4bb] rosetta/ubuntu

2011-07-08 Thread Alexander Batyuk
Hi Harry,

Recently I successfully compiled rosetta 3.2.1 with gcc 4.5 following these 


Rosetta 3.2 with Ubuntu 11.04
Rosetta is a very useful program for the prediction of protein structure, 
folding and interactions be that docking with proteins or ligands.

However, the current version of Rosetta (3.2.1) uses SCons to compile itself on 
your system. This is usually fine except that these use gcc libraries 4.1 and 

Ubunutu 11.04 considers anything before gcc v4.4 to be obsolete and you can't 
install them (even with apt-get).

As a result, a small amount of hacking is required.

First get SCons. Open a new terminal window.

sudo apt-get install scons

Check that the file tree has been updated

sudo apt-get update

Now you can unzip your Rosetta download to wherever you like. I personally put 
new software into /opt

Change your terminal window to the correct path. So in my case

cd /opt/rosetta

Now in a perfect world, and according to the installation instructions you 
should be able to type:

scons bin mode=release

And Rosetta will install and compile itself. However, amongst a load of other 
errors you'll see the root of the problem


KeyError: Unknown version number 4.5 for compiler 'gcc'

Now, the first thing I tried was to specify a fixed gcc version for SCons to run


scons bin mode=release cxx=gcc cxx_ver=4.4

But this doesn't work as gcc v4.4 is still too new. And any version before 4.4 
isnt supported by Ubuntu.

The solution

This isnt a short or elegant solution, but it is a solution that got Rosetta to 
install for me. If you have any troubles yourself I recommend you head on over 
to the Rosetta forums.

Install zlib

Install zlib (developer version) to ensure all your necessary libraries are 

sudo apt-get install zlib1g-dev
sudo apt-get update


In /rosetta_path/tools/build there is the file basic.settings

At line 203, I needed to add


gcc, 4.5 : {
appends : {
version   : [ 4, 5 ],
flags : {
compile   : [ -param inline-unit-growth=1000,
-param large-function-growth=5 ],
I didnt change line 329 but you can for completeness if you so wish.



In /rosetta_path/tools/build there is the file options.settings

Line 11 and 12 now read

cxx : {
gcc : [ 3.3, 3.4, 4.0, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3,4.4,4.5, * 
So as to include v4.4 and 4.5

Finally and most importantly, in  /rosetta_path/src/core/conformation/symmetry 
open At line 357 there is an if statement. What we need to do is 
change the else argument so that the reference is correct (I've commented out 
the old line)


#ifdef WIN32
pose::PDBInfoOP pdb_info_src (new pose::PDBInfo( pose.pdb_info() ));
/// pose::PDBInfoOP pdb_info_src = new pose::PDBInfo::PDBInfo( pose.pdb_info() 
pose::PDBInfoOP pdb_info_src = new pose::PDBInfo( pose.pdb_info() );
Apparently this is required as the new versions of gcc are fussier about their 
name references than older versions.
After which we can now go back to the terminal and type:

scons bin mode=release cxx=gcc cxx_ver=4.5

After some amount of processing time (~30mins on my dual core 2.8 GHz), you 
should be greeted with the final lines


Install file: 
build/src/release/linux/2.6/64/x86/gcc/4.5/super_aln.linuxgccrelease as 
scons: done building targets.
Credit goes to those on the Rosetta forums for help.

qrsh -cwd ./ bin mode=release cxx=gcc cxx_ver=4.5 extras=static -j16 
doesn't work

the working solution:

module load gcc/4.5.0
/ bin mode=release cxx=gcc cxx_ver=4.5 -j16


Best wishes,


On 8 Jul 2011, at 15:21, Harry Xu wrote:

 Hi, everyone on board.
 I want to try mr_rosetta for my project, but I had problem installing rosetta 
 on my computer. My computer is running ubuntu 11.04 with gcc 4.5. Compiling 
 of rosetta 3.2 failed with the message: KeyError: Unknown version number 4.5 
 for compiler 'gcc' .
 I want to know whether anybody had any experience install rosetta in ubuntu? 
 Or do I need to change to a different linux distribution? If so, what linux 
 distribution is best for running most of the main stream crystallography 
 thanks in advance.

Alex Batyuk
Lab of Prof. Dr. A. Plueckthun
Biochemistry Institute
University of Zurich
Winterthurerstrasse 190
8057 Zurich, Switzerland
Phone: +41 44 635 5574

[ccp4bb] Buccaneer 1.5 error on Mac OS X 10.6.4

2010-07-22 Thread Alexander Batyuk
Dear all,

I'm having trouble running buccaneer 1.5 from within ccp4i on mac os x 10.6.4 
with the following error:

* Information from CCP4Interface script
The program run with command: python -u 
/sw/share/xtal/ccp4-6.1.13/bin/buccaneer_pipeline -stdin 
has failed with error message
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /sw/share/xtal/ccp4-6.1.13/bin/buccaneer_pipeline, line 3, in module
from CCP4pipeline import Control
ImportError: No module named CCP4pipeline

The module CCP4pipeline appears in locate:


I would appreciate any help.

Best wishes,


Re: [ccp4bb] Buccaneer 1.5 error on Mac OS X 10.6.4

2010-07-22 Thread Alexander Batyuk
Thank you!

export PYTHONPATH=/sw/share/xtal/ccp4-6.1.13/share/python/

added to my .bash_profile did the trick


On Jul 22, 2010, at 11:22 AM, Kevin Cowtan wrote:

 Maybe your PYTHONPATH isn't set?
 should give
 (This should happen automatically from the setup scripts however)
 Alexander Batyuk wrote:
 Dear all,
 I'm having trouble running buccaneer 1.5 from within ccp4i on mac os x 
 10.6.4 with the following error:
 * Information from CCP4Interface script
 The program run with command: python -u 
 /sw/share/xtal/ccp4-6.1.13/bin/buccaneer_pipeline -stdin has failed with 
 error message
 Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /sw/share/xtal/ccp4-6.1.13/bin/buccaneer_pipeline, line 3, in 
from CCP4pipeline import Control
 ImportError: No module named CCP4pipeline
 The module CCP4pipeline appears in locate:
 I would appreciate any help.
 Best wishes,