2011-04-27 Thread Fatima Fonseca
Dear all:

I am dealing with a SHELXL/ BAVERAGE issue.

I have refined a few structures in SHELXL but I think I am not converting 
properly the coordinates into the .pdb format. I am trying to use Baverage but 
I get an error 

The program run with command: baverage XYZIN C:/datasets/34_MolP.pdb XYZOUT 
C:/datasets/34_MolP_baverage1.pdb RMSTAB C:/datasets/34_MolP_bavrmstab1.txt 
has failed with error message
 BAVERAGE:   XYZOPEN: Error opening logical name XYZIN

Thank you very much. Any comments will be appreciated.


Re: [ccp4bb] Density peaks to build

2010-07-21 Thread Fatima Fonseca
Dear Chris and Leo,

Thank you for your suggestions.

I am refining the 1.08 A structure in SHELXL and I have Hs added; I think 
refinement is at a final stage. I did start with the 50%, 25+25% occupancy but 
then I changed to 0.33 each ... I need to refine this further.

For the 1.35A data, model is complete (except for some C- and N-terminal 
residues) and I've refined alternative conformations too. The crystallization 
condition is Sodium acetate and PEG3350 with ethylene glycol as cryo. I have 
some molecules of cryo and Na in the model. I’ll try other cat/anions and 


[ccp4bb] Ligand weak density in SHELXL

2010-06-07 Thread Fatima Fonseca
Dear all,

I solved the structure of an enzyme at resolution of 1.1A with a bound 
substrate using Refmac5 and Coot for refinement/building. I have a very nice 
density for my ligand and a very good structure, as judged by Molprobity 

Now I'm using SHELXL to finish refinement but most of the density for my ligand 
disappears when I put it in, and it gets very high B factors. I though it could 
be some problem with the occupancy so I did a set of runs with different 
occupancies ranging from 0.2 to 1 and I got the best R factors when using 
0.4/0.5 for the occupancy.

However, I still have most of the ligand outside electron density… In Coot I 
get no ligand with “Find ligand” even when I reduce the cluster sigma level to 

What am I missing here?

Just another question, how to reduce the acceptable fit fraction in Coot “Find 

Thanks for any advice,