[ccp4bb] Junior research group "Theoretical Structural Biology"

2020-09-02 Thread Holger Dobbek
The TU Berlin has on opening for a 

Rese­arch Assist­ant (Post­Doc) - salary grade E14 TV-L Ber­liner Hoch­schu­len 
- junior rese­arch group lea­der 
(part-time employ­ment may be pos­sible)

Work­ing field:
Set­ting up and head­ing of a “The­or­et­ical Struc­tural Bio­logy” junior 
rese­arch group, devel­op­ment of a rese­arch and pub­lic­a­tion con­cept in 
the area of mod­ern the­or­et­ical meth­ods in struc­tural bio­logy and their 
app­lic­a­tions in com­plex bio­lo­gical sys­tems, teach­ing four course hours 
per week in the “Bio­tech­no­logy” and “Bio­lo­gical Chem­istry” mas­ter’s 

Suc­cess­fully com­ple­ted uni­ver­sity degree (Mas­ter, Dip­lom or 
equi­val­ent) and a doc­tor­ate in nat­ural sci­ences or a com­par­able 
dis­cip­line; rel­ev­ant rese­arch work; innov­at­ive pro­ject pro­pos­als to 
sup­ple­ment the Clus­ter of Excel­lence’s rese­arch pro­gram in the sta­ted 
area of rese­arch; will­ing­ness to con­duct work on an inter­dis­cip­lin­ary 
basis; abil­ity to work as part of a team; exper­i­ence of teach­ing as well as 
of head­ing rese­arch groups and super­vising/guid­ing stu­dents; social 
com­pet­ences and an apti­tude for staff lead­er­ship; very good Eng­lish 

For fur­ther details regard­ing this pos­i­tion, please con­tact 

How to ap­ply:
Please send your writ­ten app­lic­a­tion with the ref­er­ence num­ber and the 
usual doc­u­ments (a let­ter of app­lic­a­tion, CV includ­ing a list of 
pub­lic­a­tions, a four-page rese­arch con­cept, two-three key pub­lic­a­tions, 
cop­ies of cer­ti­fic­ates, con­tact details for ref­er­ences and a copy of 
your doc­tor­als the­sis (if avail­able)) only by e-mail to Elisa­beth Simon 

By sub­mit­ting your app­lic­a­tion via email you con­sent to hav­ing your data 
elec­tron­ic­ally pro­ces­sed and saved. Please note that we do not pro­vide a 
guar­anty for the pro­tec­tion of your per­sonal data when sub­mit­ted as 
unpro­tec­ted file. Please find our data pro­tec­tion notice acc. DSGVO 
(Gen­eral Data Pro­tec­tion Reg­u­la­tion) at the TU staff depart­ment 
https://www.abt2-t.tu-berlin.de/menue/themen_a_z/datenschutzerklaerung/ or 
quick access 214041.

To ensure equal oppor­tun­it­ies bet­ween women and men, app­lic­a­tions by 
women with the requi­red qual­i­fic­a­tions are expli­citly desi­red. 
Qual­i­fied indi­vidu­als with dis­ab­il­it­ies will be favo­red. The TU 
Ber­lin val­ues the diver­sity of its mem­bers and is com­mit­ted to the goals 
of equal oppor­tun­it­ies.

Tech­nis­che Uni­ver­si­tät Ber­lin - Der Prä­sid­ent - Fak­ultät II, 
Exzel­len­zclus­ter UniSy­sCat, Elisa­beth Simon, Sekr. BEL4, Straße des 17. 
Juni 135, 10623 Ber­lin

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[ccp4bb] PhD and postdoc position – Humboldt-Universität Berlin Germany

2019-10-21 Thread Holger Dobbek
Dear colleagues,

We are looking for a PhD candidate (m/f/d) and a Postdoctoral researcher 
(m/f/d) to strengthen our structural biology/biochemistry team at the 
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (HU).

Our research focuses on the biochemical principles how archaea and bacteria use 
carbon monoxide (CO) and carbon dioxide (CO2) as carbon and/or energy source. 
We use protein crystallography in combination with protein 
chemistry/spectroscopy and kinetics to study the structure, mechanism and 
assembly of the (multi)complex metalloenzymes at the heart of these molecular 
energy conversions.

Our laboratory has state-of-the-art facilities for protein production, 
biochemical characterisation, and protein crystallisation/x-ray 
crystallography. HU is a member of the Joint Berlin MX-Laboratory, enabling 
direct access to the local synchrotron facility (BESSY II, Berlin).

For more details see: 

Postdoctoral position:
You should have a university degree and PhD in biochemistry, chemistry, 
biophysics or biology. Expertise in either x-ray crystallography, preparative 
(recombinant) protein production and/or functional characterisation is 
essential. Previous research experience should be documented through 
peer-reviewed publications (at least one as first author).
The focus of your contribution to the research projects will be on 
cofactor-dependent enzymatic reactions, protein crystallography and enzymology. 
You will contribute to the lectures by assisting in the design, organisation 
and supervision of lectures, seminars and practical courses. These tasks will 
allow you to acquire and train skills for further academic qualifications.

PhD position:
You should have a university degree in biochemistry, chemistry, biophysics or 
biology. Experience in biochemical, biophysical and structural biology methods, 
especially in the characterisation of enzymes is welcome.
You will work in the research project “Fe/S-double-cubane-cluster: a new 
cofactor in biology (DCCP)” within the priority program “Fe/S-clusters for 
life” (https://www.ironsulfurforlife.de <https://www.ironsulfurforlife.de/>). 
Your tasks are the purification and the biochemical and structural 
characterization of oxygen-sensitive metalloenzymes in order to elucidate the 
role of Fe/S-double cubane-clusters.

Both positions are funded for 3 years (German salary level E 13 TV-L HU for 
postdoctoral fellow, 0,65 E 13 TV-L for PhD fellow). Please submit your 
application (letter of application, CV and two references) preferentially 
electronically (a single PDF file not exceeding 10 MB) with a subject line 
“AN/300/19” for the postdoctoral position and “DR/187/19” for the PhD position. 
Deadline for application is 30.10.2019.

Email contact: holger.dob...@biologie.hu-berlin.de 

Holger Dobbek
Structural Biology/Biochemistry
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

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[ccp4bb] Full Professorship/Chair of "Structural Biology" at the Technische Universität Berlin

2018-08-15 Thread Holger Dobbek
The Technische Universität Berlin, Fac­ulty of Pro­cess Sci­ences, Insti­tute 
of Bio­tech­no­logy has an opening for a chair/University Professor (W3) of 
"Structural Biology“. 

For details about the research profile, requirements and how to apply, please 
follow the link:

Applications should be sent until 24th of August.

On behalf of the search committee,

Holger Dobbek
Institut für Biologie
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Tel.:+49 30 2093 6369
holger.dob...@biologie.hu-berlin.de <mailto:holger.dob...@biologie.hu-berlin.de>

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