[ccp4bb] error on installing arp/warp

2010-07-15 Thread Jian Wu
Hi all,
Something wrong has happened when I install arp/warp7.1 in my CentOS
machine. What it told me during the installation is as below:

[r...@lenovo6 arp_warp_7.1]# ./install.sh

ARP/wARP installer is checking your c-shell...
c-shell is installed on your machine at /bin/csh
Your login shell is: /bin/bash

Checking permissions for /dev/null- OK
Checking availability of sed command  - OK
Checking availability of tail command - OK
Checking availability of awk command  - OK
Checking decimal separator- OK
Checking ARP/wARP directory path  - OK
Checking ARP/wARP directory structure - OK
Checking java installation- installed version is "1.6.0"
Checking java version number  - OK
Checking python installation  - installed version is 2.4.3
Checking python version number- OK
Python executables are available in
Checking operating system name- Linux
Checking processor type   - i686
ARP/wARP version 7.1 executables for this platform
are available in /local/prog/arp_warp_7.1/bin/bin-i686-Linux

Installing script and data files for:

Checking CCP4 & ARP/wARP installation - OK
Checking refmac5 installation - installed version is 5.5.0109
Checking refmac5 version number   - OK
if: Badly formed number.

Has anyone have encountered the same problem and what should I do to solve
that completely?

Any suggestion will be greatly appreciated.


Jian Wu

Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology
Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences
Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)
Tel: 0086-21-54921217
Email: prote...@gmail.com

[ccp4bb] Amazing B-factor

2009-06-01 Thread Jian Wu
Dear all,

Recently we have collected one set of data which is processed to 2.9A and
3.0A and the Wilson-B values are 50.1 and 59.1, respectively. As for the
completeness of the highest shell is only 66% in 2.9A (80% in 3.0A), we use
the dataset with 3.0A for phasing and refinement.

Everything is OK during phasing. Routinely, we use CNS (rigid, minimize and
bgroup) for primary refinement and the R and freeR values go to 31.1 and
34.1. Surprisingly, the B-factor is 137.2. I have modified the B-factor to a
fixed value (59.1 A^2) in the searching model coordinate file, however it
changed to 127.6 after 'rigid' and subsequently to 131.9 after 'minimize'.
In all the scripts above I used the default option "anisotrpic" at "overall
B-factor correction". I don't know whether it is right to use this option at
low resolution, so I have tried the other two options "no" and "isotropic".
In the 1st choice, the B-factor is seemingly reasonable (55~59) but the R
and freeR are very  high (45.9 and 51.9). In the 2nd choice, the B-factor, R
and freeR values are between those  of the other two options (111.3, 40.6,
and 45.3). I want to know what cause these surprising changes especially for
B-factor value.

Any suggestion is appreciated.

Jian Wu

Jian Wu

Ph.D. Student
Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology
Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences
Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)
Tel: 0086-21-54921117
Email: prote...@gmail.com

[ccp4bb] Amazing B-factor

2009-06-01 Thread Jian Wu
Dear all,

Recently we have collected one set of data which is processed to 2.9A and
3.0A and the Wilson-B values are 50.1 and 59.1, respectively. As for the
completeness of the highest shell is only 66% in 2.9A (80% in 3.0A), we use
the dataset with 3.0A for phasing and refinement.
Everything is OK during phasing. Routinely, we use CNS (rigid, minimize and
bgroup) for primary refinement.
Jian Wu

Ph.D. Student
Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology
Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences
Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)
Tel: 0086-21-54921117
Email: prote...@gmail.com

[ccp4bb] Need help for solving a tough problem of phasing

2008-12-19 Thread Jian Wu
Dear all,

I have determined a structure with the resolution 2.0A and the spacegroup
P3121 from crystals grown at 4 degree. This apo-form structure is composed
of an N-terminal (a/b)8 TIM barrel (~300 AA) and two C-terminal domains
(~100 AA) which are named as Sub1 and Sub2. Meanwhile, I have also got
crystals at 20 degree. Although the diffraction of these crystals is not
good, I could confirm that the spacegroup has changed to C2.

Recently, I have collected several datasets from crystals with different
substrates at 20 degree. All of them have relative low resolution from 3.5A
to 2.8A and completeness from 80% to 90% and have the same spacegroup and
almost the same cell parameters.

Considering that the biological unit is dimer and the C-terminal domains
have high flexibility, I use both monomer and dimer forms of the TIM barrel
as the search models when I do MR in the best dataset (2.8A resolution and
85% completeness). I use three programs CNS, Molrep, and Phaser and they all
could find the same optimal solution which contains a dimer and about 68%
solvent in one asymmetric unit. After several rounds of refinement, the R
and freeR have dropped to 35.6 and 41.6, respectively and the density fit
well at the TIM barrel region. Between the symmetric molecules exists a lot
of discontinuous positive peaks which have no obvious secondary structure
patterns. All the information above show that something unknown is not
determined in this structure.

I superpose the full-length dimer to the determined TIM barrel dimer but
find that the C-terminal domains have severe conflict with the symmetric
molecules at this packing form. I continue the MR using the TIM barrel,
Sub1, Sub2, or Sub1+Sub2 as search models with fixed TIM barrel dimer,
however no right solutions are obtained. I also do the MR with the
full-length monomer and dimer forms but there are still no right solutions.

Then I have tried the other datasets, however I get the same results. Now I
am trying to build the model manually. Because of the discontinuous
densities, it is hard to finish the building work at a relatively short time
and I think it is not a right way to cut the knot.

I don't know how and what to do next. Could anyone give me a reasonable
method to solve this tough problem?

Any suggestion is appreciated.

Jian Wu

Jian Wu
Ph.D. Student
Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology
Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences
Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)
Tel: 0086-21-54921117
Email: prote...@gmail.com

[ccp4bb] Faculty positions in Structural Biology at IBCB, SIBS, CAS

2008-07-06 Thread Jian Wu
*Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Shanghai Institutes for
Biological Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences*


* *

*Faculty positions in Structural Biology: Associate or Full Professor*

Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology (IBCB), Shanghai Institutes for
Biological Sciences (SIBS), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) (
http://www.sibcb.ac.cn) has begun an initiative to develop an
internationally renowned research program in Structural Biology* *to
complement and strengthen the existing programs in biological sciences. As
part of this initiative, we are inviting applications for up to five faculty
positions in *Structural Biology* at the rank of *Associate or Full
Professor*. Applicants should have a Ph.D. or an equivalent degree,
postdoctoral experience, demonstrated excellence in research, and potential
of developing independent outstanding research work. The successful
candidates will be expected to develop vigorous, extramurally funded
research programs and to contribute to graduate and postdoctoral training
programs. The positions come with excellent laboratory space and substantial
startup funds. Competitive salary, housing subsidy, and fringe benefit
package will be commensurate with experience.

IBCB has long-standing expertise in biochemistry, molecular biology, cell
biology, and protein science and provides a highly interactive and dynamic
research environment, state-of-the-art research support facilities, and one
of the best Ph.D. graduate programs in China. Opportunities for
participation in intra- and inter-institute collaborative and
interdisciplinary research are excellent. The IBCB campus is located in
downtown Shanghai with easy access to many social, cultural, and sport

Applicants should send curriculum vitae with a complete list of
publications, a concise summary of past research accomplishments and future
research plans, and three letters of references to: Mr. Banghe Mao, Faculty
Search Committee, IBCB, SIBS, CAS, 320 Yue-Yang Road, Shanghai 200031, China
or electronically to [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Tel. 086-21-54921006 and Fax:
086-21-54921011). Applications will be accepted until positions are filled.
Interviews may be conducted at any time upon arrangement. IBCB is an equal
opportunity employer.

Jianping Ding

Professor of Structural Biology
Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology (IBCB)
Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences (SIBS)
Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)
Tel: 0086-21-54921619
Fax: 0086-21-54921116

Description: MS-Word document

[ccp4bb] Question about the percentages of occupancy for dual conformations.

2007-08-29 Thread Jian Wu
Dear all,
If I have a set of high-resolution data in which there is an important
residue having apparent dual conformations, my question is:
how or where could I test and calculate the percentages of occupancy for
the dual conformations?
Any suggestion is welcome.

Jian Wu

Ph.D. Student
Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology
Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences
Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)
Tel: 0086-21-54921117

[ccp4bb] Missing scatter deffinition in CNS

2007-07-13 Thread Jian Wu

Dear all,
I am refining a structure in which there is an fluorine atom in the
inhibtor. When I go on the energy minimization in CNS, an unusual error
happened to this atom:

Program version= 1.1 File version= 1.1
CONNECt: selected atoms form  9 covalently disconnected set(s)

list of isolated (non-covalently bonded) atoms:
list of isolated (non-covalently bonded) di-atomic molecules:
%XRASSOC-ERR: missing SCATter definition for ( $RX4  300  FAF  )
%XRASSOC error encountered: missing SCATter definition for SELEcted atoms.
  (CNS is in mode: SET ABORT=NORMal END)
ABORT mode will terminate program execution.
Program will stop immediately.

I have check the topology file, the paramter file, and the scatter.lib file,
but found nothing is unusual in these files. Had anyone ever encountered
this problem before?
Any suggestion would be welcome and thank you in advance!
Best Regards,
Jian Wu

Jian Wu

Ph.D. Student
Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology
Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences
Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)
Tel: 0086-21-54921117

[ccp4bb] Have a trial

2007-04-02 Thread Jian Wu

Jian Wu

Ph.D. Student
Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology
Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences
Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)
Tel: 0086-21-54921117

[ccp4bb] Have a trial

2007-04-02 Thread Jian Wu

[ccp4bb] Can I change the e-mail address

2007-04-01 Thread Jian Wu

Dear Administrator,
The e-mail I am using now is very small. Whether
or not and how can I change this address to my another larger e-mail
address ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) for
receiving the ccp4bb?
Thank you!
Jian Wu
Jian Wu

Ph.D. Student 
Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology

Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences 
Chinese Academy of
Sciences (CAS) 
Tel: 0086-21-54921117