[ccp4bb] RE : [ccp4bb] CCP4 GUI suggestion

2007-05-10 Thread Nicolet Stefan
Dear all,

As somebody already thought about an user-personalized interface, eg. a CCP4
menu where people could drag & drop their favorite (or mostly used)



-Message d'origine-
De : CCP4 bulletin board [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] De la part de Martyn
Envoyé : jeudi, 10. mai 2007 13:05
Objet : Re: [ccp4bb] CCP4 GUI

This is timely. We're in the process of a) trying to organise a major
effort to tidy up the existing ccp4i classic (rather than fire-fighting
problems), and b) thinking about designing the next generation. Not sure
which this is. Option b) would be a project over several years. 

Can you elucidate further. As an expert user, would you want a less
scary free text box (which is essentially what Run&View Com File is), or
actual widgets for every option. The latter could be done as a hidden
folder, made visible according to an Expert switch in Preferences. 

As developers, we also have to think about long-term maintainability.
Options, in particular little-used options, can soon become out-of-date.


On Thu, 2007-05-10 at 12:41 +0200, Miguel Ortiz Lombardia wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Dear all,
> I'm a well-known luddite as Eleanor says. However, I shamelessly confess
> that the CCP4 GUI is great. Not that I think this is necessary here, I'm
> sure most people agree with that.
> If I write now is because Martynn's e-mail have reminded me of something
> I thought once, but forgot to ask for to the ccp4i developpers: perhaps
> the GUI could have "two faces/modes", a basic one and an expert/advanced
> one. I understand that they already exist, but the "expert" one is
> hidden under the "Run&View Com File", while I'm thinking on a real
> expert GUI-mode. Users should be able to choose one or the other in
> their defaults, or switch from one to the other on-the-fly.
> I don't have a particular problem in editing the scripts as it is done
> now, but I have found that students tend to get a bit nervous about
> doing it themselves ;-)
> Cheers,
> Miguel
> Martyn Winn escribió:
> > The level of detail in the GUI is a matter of constant debate. The
> > underlying programs are far far richer, so the question is how much to
> > expose in the GUI. We try to get a balance between ease-of-use and
> > coverage, but it won't always work. BTW I don't think we ever claimed
> > that ccp4i (or anything else in ccp4) is "finished" ;-)
> > 
> > Having said that, we're always happy to hear about specific defects in
> > the GUI. When reporting these to [EMAIL PROTECTED] please give as much
> > information as possible, in particular knowing the context is always
> > helpful.
> > 
> > Cheers
> > Martyn
> > 

[ccp4bb] RE : [ccp4bb] MTZ to Shel-X? + Process Se-labeled datas

2007-03-05 Thread Nicolet Stefan

I discovered HKL2MAP during a workshop in Grenoble which is maybe
interesting for you 


It works very straightforward (at least for me).

In another hand, have a look at the mtz2sca program.

I benefit from this opportunity to greet and thanks all organizers, teachers
and participants of this workshop.


Stefan Nicolet

-Message d'origine-
De : CCP4 bulletin board [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] De la part de Ian
Envoyé : jeudi, 1. mars 2007 19:18
Objet : [ccp4bb] MTZ to Shel-X?

All, I thought this would be a simple task, but for the life of me I
can't see how to do it!  All I want to do is convert an MTZ file to
Shel-X format for refinement.  I thought it would take me 2 secs, but
it's taken me at least 5 attempts, and it's still not right!

First I tried mtz2various with this command line:

echo 'labi FP=F SIGFP=SIGF FREE=FreeR_flag\noutp shelx' | mtz2various
hklin 16294 hklout 16294.hkl

with 'HKLF 3' in my .ins file.  This works fine, but then shelxl
complains with:

 >> -48   0  27   37.49   19.74  -1<< ??


OK fair enough I should have read the Shel-X manual first, because it
appears that 'HKLF 3' doesn't accept free R flags, it has to be 'HKLF 4'
(i.e. I's not F's).  So when all else fails read the mtz2various
documentation (at least read it more thoroughly):

* If  only FP SIGFP or IP SIGIP are assigned on LABIN, then h k l FP
SIGFP or h k l IP SIGIP is output.

Great, precisely what I want!  So for my second try let's go with:

echo 'labi IP=IMEAN SIGIP=SIGIMEAN FREE=FreeR_flag\noutp shelx' |
mtz2various hklin 16294 hklout 16294.hkl

but no:

 Data line--- labi IP=IMEAN SIGIP=SIGIMEAN FREE=FreeR_flag
MtzParseLabin: neither label recognised: IP IMEAN
 MTZ2VARIOUS:  Error in label assignments in LABIN

Yet the output also says:

 LABIN = ...
 Valid program labels are: FP, SIGFP

My first thought was "I've got the IMEAN/SIGIMEAN label wrong", but no,
mtzdump says:

 Col SortMinMaxNum  % Mean Mean   Resolution
Type Column
 num order   Missing complete  abs.   LowHigh

   1 ASC-49  43  0  100.00 -8.7 18.6  48.75   1.33
H  H
   2 NONE 0  32  0  100.00 12.0 12.0  48.75   1.33
H  K
   3 NONE 0  41  0  100.00 15.7 15.7  48.75   1.33
H  L
   4 NONE4.2   854.8   314   99.0182.2682.26  34.92   1.33
F  F
   5 NONE0.7   241.2   314   99.01 3.38 3.38  34.92   1.33
   6 NONE  -58.6  8600.6   314   99.01   146.23   146.25  34.92   1.33
   7 NONE0.5  5370.6   314   99.01 5.88 5.88  34.92   1.33
   8 NONE0.019.0 0  100.00 9.48 9.48  48.75   1.33
I  FreeR_flag

Then I look further down in mtz2various.doc:

   Input labels accepted are:

   H, K, L Indices
   FP, SIGFP F and Sigma for native
   FPH, SIGFPH F and Sigma for derivative
   FC, PHIC F and Phase from model
   FPART, PHIPART F and Phase from partial structure
   DP, SIGDP Anomalous difference and Sigma
   I, SIGI I and Sigma

So OK, fair enough IP, SIGIP was a typo (happens all the time in CCP4
documentation!), so problem solved, for my third go let's try:

echo 'labi I=IMEAN SIGI=SIGIMEAN FREE=FreeR_flag\noutp shelx' |
mtz2various hklin 16294 hklout 16294.hkl

Yes it worked!!! or did it???  I see that the output file has "HKLF 3"
in the header, and when I read the log file I see: NB Amplitude
Output , flagged with HKLF 3 ***.  No good, Shel-X won't take free R
flags with HKLF 3 - and I thought mtz2various.doc said that if I/SIGI
are assigned then I/SIGI are output? (which would make a lot of sense!).

Then I read in mtz2various.doc:


   If  this flag is set, the program expects F and SIGF and will output
   and  SIGI: I = F*F, SIGI = 2*SIGF*F + SIGF*SIGF. These intensities
   not  necessarily  the same as the measured intensities
   it is better to use the measured values if you have them.

I completely agree with the last sentence! - but how to make it read I's
and write I's?

So in desperation to get something working, my fourth go is with:

echo 'labi FP=F SIGFP=SIGF FREE=FreeR_flag\nfsqu\noutp shelx' |
mtz2various hklin 16294 hklout 16294.hkl

This works: a file in HKLF 4 format containing apparently I & SIGI is
produced, but again Shel-X complains:

 >> -48   0  27   37.49   19.74  -1<< ??


Aaaargh - back to step 1!

So next I seek advice from a Shel-X user who says they've never seen the
"FREE" text at the end of the test reflection lines, e.g.:

 -48   0  27  114.07  151.73  -1  FREE

and I say something along the lines of "don'