Re: [ccp4bb] Best compounds for heavy atom soaks

2014-01-15 Thread Santosh Panjikar
Dear Rhys,

You may consider Xenon derivative, which could be prepared simply pressurizing 
the protein crystals in a xenon chamber. It does not require any modification 
of mother liquor. It just needs  cryo-protectant where crystals are stable for 
at least one to two mins. Higher Pressure (20 to 40 bar) and 1-2 min incubation 
time  are normally sufficient for binding of Xenon to proteins.

Xenon binds to pre existing hydrophobic cavities of proteins by dispersion 
force.  Xenon derivatives are highly isomorphous to native crystals. So SIRAS 
phasing could be efficient. However if you consider collecting data at longer 
wavelengths you could get anomalous signal from sulphur too. Weaker SAD or 
SIRAS phases from Xenon derivative could be used to bootstrap the Sulphur 

Similarly Kr pressurisation could be tried. MAD experiment can be performed at 
any tunable beamline but the disadvantage with this derivative is, it desorps 
quickly during cooling after pressurisation leaving out with lower than 50-60% 

Success of the Xenon/Krypton derivatisation depends on size of the proteins and 
how stable your
crystals are under cryo-protectant.

The bigger the protein, higher the chance of Xe/Kr binding.


Santosh Panjikar, Ph.D.
Australian Synchrotron
800 Blackburn Road
Clayton VIC 3168
Ph: +61-4-67770815 (mobile)
  +61-3-85404276 (office)

Re: [ccp4bb] Problem in running ARP_WARP in CCP4i

2013-03-07 Thread Santosh Panjikar


tcsh datafile ../psp.mtz 

Santosh Panjikar, Ph.D.
Australian Synchrotron
800 Blackburn Road
Clayton VIC 3168
Ph: +61-4-67770815 (mobile)
  +61-3-85404276 (office)

From: CCP4 bulletin board [CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] On Behalf Of S. Karthikeyan 
Sent: Friday, March 08, 2013 12:38 AM
Subject: [ccp4bb] Problem in running ARP_WARP in CCP4i

Dear CCP4BB members,

I am trying to run arp_warp classic (7.3 version) through ccp4i (CCP4 6.3) in
CentOS system. However, it gives the following error even for the example files
provided with Arp/Warp. Any suggestions are welcome.


QUITTING ... ARP/wARP module stopped with an error message:

If I try to run through command line it gives the following error: datafile ../psp.mtz

Thu Mar  7 19:09:18 IST 2013

Word too long.

QUITTING ... ARP/wARP module stopped with an error message:

Thanking you

With regards
S. Karthikeyan

सूक्ष्मजीव प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान (वैज्ञानिक औद्योगिक अनुसंधान परिषद)
Institute of Microbial Technology (A CONSTITUENT ESTABLISHMENT OF CSIR)
सैक्टर 39 ए, चण्डीगढ़ / Sector 39-A, Chandigarh
पिन कोड/PIN CODE :160036
दूरभाष/EPABX :0172 6665 201-202

Re: [ccp4bb] a challenge

2013-01-15 Thread Santosh Panjikar
Hi James,
The datasets frac.80.mtz to frac.100.mtz are challenging to solve using SAD 
phasing. However these datasets can be  easily solved using
other  experimental phasing method. Instead of using anomalous signal we could 
use isomorphous signal only. For example RIP or SIR 
phasing method, as there is a difference in intensity between the datasets due 
to scattering of S and Se. Since frac.80.mtz data contains 
20% selenium that is sufficient to solve the structure against the 
frac.100.mtz. It seems the structure can be solved even as less as 10% 
selenium content (frac.90.mtz vs frac.100.mtz), and substructure can be solved 
easily. This is not surprising, the pair of the datasets is 
quite isomorphous, . We phase all  reflections (centric and non-centric) where 
as  anomalous phasing we could phase non-centric reflections
 only. In fact, Single Isomorphous Replacement phasing method is the first 
phasing technique. This method has been further extended by 
Ravelli et al with some deviation by introduction of X-ray or UV RIP phasing.

I  tried RIP (SIR)  phasing protocol of Auto-Rickshaw using frac.90.mtz  as 
"before" and frac.100.mtz as "after". Auto-Rickshaw used
SHELXC/D/E and ARP/wARP/REFMAC5  to get the partially refined model (Rfree 
below 30%) . 


Santosh Panjikar, Ph.D.
Australian Synchrotron
800 Blackburn Road
Clayton VIC 3168
Ph: +61-4-67770851

From: CCP4 bulletin board [CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] On Behalf Of James Holton 
Sent: Monday, January 14, 2013 8:12 PM
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] a challenge

I am absolutely delighted at the response I have gotten to my little
"John Henry Challenge"!  Three people already have managed to do the
"impossible".  Congratulations to George Sheldrick, Pavol Skubak and Raj
Pannu for finding ways to improve the phases over the ones I originally
obtained (using the default settings of mlphare and dm) and build their
way out of it.  This is quite useful information!  At least it is to me.

Nevertheless, I do think Frances Reyes has a point.  This was meant to
be a map interpretation challenge, and not a SAD-phasing challenge.  I
appreciate that the two are linked, but the reason I did not initially
provide the anomalous data is because I thought it would be too much to
ask people to re-do all the phasing, etc. Yes, there do appear to be
ways to improve the maps beyond the particular way I phased them, but no
matter how good your phasing program is, there will always be a level of
anomalous signal that will lead to phases that are "off" enough to make
building the model "impossible".  Basically, once the map gets bad
enough that just as many "wrong" atoms get built in as "right" atoms,
then there is no escape.  However, I think human beings should still
have an advantage when it comes to pattern recognition, and I remain
curious to see if an insightful crystallographer can tip that balance in
the right direction.  I am also still curious to see if tweaking some
setting on some automated building program will do that too.  So, my
original question remains: are automated building programs better than
humans?  Any human?

I therefore declare the John Henry Challenge still open.

But yes, improving the phases can tip the balance too, and the accuracy
of the anomalous differences will ultimately affect the accuracy of the
phases, and so on.  This is a much broader challenge.  And I think the
best way to frame it is with the question:
"How low can the anomalous signal be before any conceivable approach fails?"
and perhaps:
"What is the best procedure to use for weak anomalous signal?"

  For those who are interested in joining George, Pavol, Raj and others
in this new challenge, the full spectrum of "difficulty" from trivial
(100% Se incorporation) to a complete waste of time (0% Se, 100% S) is here:

The "impossible.mtz" for the John Henry Map Interpretation Challenge was
derived from "frac0.79.mtz" and "possible.mtz" from "frac0.78.mtz".
These simulated 31% and 32% Se incorporation into Met side chains
(respectively).  It has now been shown that both of these can be solved
automatically if you do the phasing right. But what about frac0.80.mtz?
Or frac0.90.mtz ?  At least on this one "coordinate" of Se
incorporation, the prowess of a particular approach can be given a
"score".  For example, a "score" of 0.78 means that the indicated
procedure could solve the frac0.78.mtz dataset, but not the frac0.79.mtz

Based on the reports I have gotten back so far, the "difficulty score"
lineup is:

score  method
0.86   xds, xscale, right sites, crank2 (Pavol Skubak)
0.78   xds, xscale, right sites, mlphare, d

Re: [ccp4bb] how to combine the experimental phase and molecular replacement phase

2011-07-13 Thread Santosh Panjikar

Dear Jiamu,

Try out MRSAD protocol of Auto-Rickshaw  
( You can start this just by  
providing your selenomet
data, starting model, sequence information and space group on the  
Auto-Rickshaw server. It would do substructure determination based on  
your model phase, experimental phasing, phase combination, density  
modification, model building and refinement of the built model.  
Iteratively it improves phases and complete your model as much as  


Quoting "Jiamu Du" :

Dear All,
I am now working on a low resolution phase determination (around 3.3 A with
Se anomalous signal around 3.8 A).
I can find the Se site and get the phase, but the density map is not so
Some part of the protein (about 1/3) has a homologue model which is also can
be found using Phaser. The homologue region has a good map while other
region only show a poor map.
I think the combination of experimental phase and MR phase might improve the
map. Is there anybody can help find which program can work on this?

Jiamu Du, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Laboratory of Structural Biology
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
RRL 269, 430 E 67th Street
New York, NY, 10021
Tel: (217) - 417 - 9897

Santosh Panjikar, Ph.D.
Staff Scientist
EMBL-Hamburg Outstation
Notkestrasse 85
22603 Hamburg (Germany)
panjikar at

Re: [ccp4bb] Help needed in solving a MAD dataset

2010-05-21 Thread Santosh Panjikar

Dear All,
   Not only for beginners, but also for experts who want to solve   
structures in hurry at the beamline and who want to complete model  
starting from X-ray data at resolution better than 3.0 A resolution.


Quoting "Ulrich Zander" :

Hi Qing Lu,

try Autorickshaw:

It can perform the complete structure solution procedure if the quality of
your data is sufficient and I consider it very user-friendly, especially
for beginners .



Hi All,

I am new to protein crystallography. I would like to know the steps
in solving a MAD dataset by using the program in CCP4 where you determine
the phases and then obtain the trace. The dataset is collected at 3
different wavelengths (peak, inflection and remote) using Se-Met as the
scatterer. The crystals diffracted to resolution of 2 Angstrsoms and has a
good anomalous signal.


Qing Lu

Santosh Panjikar, Ph.D.
Staff Scientist
EMBL-Hamburg Outstation
Notkestrasse 85
22603 Hamburg (Germany)
panjikar at

[ccp4bb] Auto-Rickshaw: the EMBL-HH automated crystal structure determination platform

2008-04-15 Thread Santosh Panjikar
Dear Colleagues,

Have you ever heard of Auto-Rickshaw?

Auto-Rickshaw is the EMBL Hamburg automated structure determination
platform, which is now available as a web service. Try it out and solve your
structure in minutes.

The EMBL-Hamburg beamline user have been successfully using this system for a
little over three years. Now, for the new release with a lot
of added functionalities, we are happy to announce that Auto-Rickshaw
can be accessed by anybody in the Structural Biology community.

The Auto-Rickshaw phasing protocols include SAD, SIRAS, MAD, MR and
MRSAD. There are two versions: a "beamline version" and an "advanced version".
The beamline version is geared towards speed so as to deliver the results in
the shortest amount of time whereas the advanced version can be used for more
complete model building if the resolution of the data permits.

For more detailed information visit

The Auto-Rickshaw server is freely accessible to users who have the
necessary software licences. Academic usage requires free of charge on-online
registration at the same web site. Further inquiries can be made to Santosh

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all the developers of the
various crystallographic programs for their kind permission to invoke their
software within Auto-Rickshaw. We also gratefully acknowledge the feedback
from the EMBL-Hamburg beamline users and everybody who provided test data.

Santosh Panjikar on behalf of Auto-Rickshaw team

Auto-Rickshaw team
(Santosh Panjikar, Venkataraman Parthasarathy, Victor S. Lamzin, Manfred S.
Weiss and Paul A. Tucker)

Santosh Panjikar, Ph.D.  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Staff Scientist
EMBL Hamburg outstation
DESY, Notkestrasse 85Tel.:+49-40-89902-141
22603, Hamburg, Germany  Fax: +49-40-89902-149

[ccp4bb] DANO from PDB

2007-06-07 Thread Santosh Panjikar
Hi all,

 Does anybody have a program which can  calculate anomalous differences or
 F+ and F-  from a refined structure at given wavelength and resolution ?


Santosh Panjikar, Ph.D.  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Staff Scientist
EMBL Hamburg outstation
DESY, Notkestrasse 85Tel.:+49-40-89902-141
22603, Hamburg, Germany  Fax: +49-40-89902-149