Re: [ccp4bb] weird diffraction pattern

2017-07-28 Thread Tang Chenjun

Thanks to all who gave me suggestions concerning the weird diffraction pattern 
and I really appreciate it that Kay Diederichs help me processing my data set 
and answer my questions. Although the data set can be processed using HKL3000, 
XDS without problems, the Rwork/Rfree values are still above 0.5 after 
molecular replacement. There can be several reasons.
1) The structure change a lot after binding DNA, so it is not possible to find 
a solution using molecular replacement.
2) Strong radiation damage and 1.0 degree image widths prevent good integration 
results. It may be better to use 0.1 degree image widths.
3) Streaky spots appearing in certain directions because of anisotropy or 
lattice translocation disorder, or one very large unit cell dimension lying 
along the X-ray beam may also have an affect on data processing.

Now I am optimizing the crystals to address these problems. 

Best wishes and thanks again for your help,

Chenjun Tang

Re: [ccp4bb] weird diffraction pattern

2017-07-13 Thread Tang Chenjun
Hi Jacob,
I have tried seeding approaches but it didn't help.

All best,

Chenjun Tang

Re: [ccp4bb] weird diffraction pattern

2017-07-13 Thread Tang Chenjun
Hi David, 
Thanks for your comments. Although the spots become streaky in certain 
directions, I have processed the data in HKL3000 and imosflm, which suggested 
the C2221 space group (66.59, 246.95 and 210.17). The Rmerge(0.14), 
completeness(94.8%), redundancy(4.6) are OK. When I tried to run Balbes with 
the solved native structure, the molecular replacement solution was poor. So I 
ran Balbes with the split domains of the native structure. Although the 
solutions were also poor, I found the MR score of one solution above 35. On the 
basis of this solution, I tried to run Buccaneer and the Rfree could be 0.46. 
Unfortunately, there are four molecules in the asymmetric unit and it is to 
hard for me to reduce the Rfree further.

All best,

Chenjun Tang