[ccp4bb] Open postdoc position in protein crystallography at Lisbon, Portugal

2017-11-28 Thread Teresa Santos Silva
Dear all

I'd like to draw your attention to the postdoc position in protein
crystallography, currently open in my group at UCIBIO-NOVA (Faculty of
Science and Technology, NOVA University of Lisbon, Portugal).

I am a young PI interested in protein-ligand interactions for
structural-based drug design and the Postdoc will be integrated into my
research team, currently holding 9 full-time people. The fellowship will be
awarded for a period of 12 months, eventually extended using other funding

Candidates should hold a PhD in chemistry, biochemistry or related areas
and experience in structural biology. It is mandatory that the candidate
has proven know-how in protein cloning, expression and purification,
crystallization, data collection, structure determination and model
refinement. Preference will be given to candidates with experience in
different expression systems (bacterial, yeast, insect and mammalian) and
biophysical methods for characterizing protein-ligand interactions. The
candidate should be able to develop work autonomously.

Work Plan: During the time of the fellowship the candidate will be involved
in expression, purification and crystallization of soluble proteins that
are important targets for drug development. Biophysical methods will be
applied to determine protein-ligand interaction and structure determination
will be carried out in the presence of the best hits. Model analysis will
allow rationalize the structural determinants that control ligand binding.

Application deadline is December 5th .

For more information please check the following link:


I am happy to answer all your questions

Kind regards

PS: sorry for the earlier mail with wrong subject.

Unique identifier: 1c293f55-6fac-403e-b737-b1faf2575b77

*1. Descrição do cargo/posição/bolsa*
*1. Job description*
Research Fellowship for a PhD holder

*Job/Fellowship Reference:* PTDC/QEQ-MED/1902/2014

*Main research field:* Chemistry

*Sub research field:* Biochemistry

*Job summary:*

One fellowship for a PhD holder is opened under the scope of the project
“Carbon monoxide guided shuttles (COGSs) to fight Rheumatoid Arthritis” /
NOVA.ID.FCT – Associação para a Inovação e Desenvolvimento da FCT,
(PTDC/QEQ-MED/1902/2014),  which is financed by national funds from

*Job description:*

*1. Scientific area: *Structural Biology, Biochemistry, Chemistry

*2*. *Admission Requirements:* The fellowship is dedicated to candidates
holding a PhD in chemistry, biochemistry or related areas and experience in
structural biology. It is mandatory that the candidate has proven knowhow
in protein cloning, expression and purification, crystallization, data
collection, structure determination and model refinement. Preference will
be given to candidates with experience in different expression systems
(bacterial, yeast, insect and mammalian) and biophysical methods for
characterizing protein-ligand interactions. The candidate should be able to
develop work autonomously.

*3. Work Plan*: During the time of the fellowship the candidate will be
involved in expression, purification and crystallization of soluble
proteins that are important targets for drug development. Biophysical
methods will be applied to determine protein-ligand interaction and
structure determination will be carried out in the presence of the best
hits. Model analysis will allow rationalize the structural determinants
that control ligand binding.

   1. *Rules and Regulations::*Law Nr. 40/2004, of 18th August altered and

republish by Decree-Law nº 202/2012 of August 27th (Scientific Research
Fellow Statute) and altered by the Decree-Law nº233/2012 of October 29th
and by the Law nº12/2013 of January 29th. Regulations for Advanced Training
and Qualification of Human Resources, I.P in force (

   1. *Working location* *and superviror:*  The work is to be carried out
   at the Departament of Chemistry, at Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da
   Universidade NOVA de Lisboa (FCT-NOVA) under the scientific supervision of
   Dr. Teresa Santos-Silva.

   1. *Fellowship duration*: The fellowship will last for 12 months,
   scheduled to begin in December 2017. The scholarship contract may be
   renewed during the project.

   1. *Salary and benefits:  *The amount of the fellowship corresponds to €
   1.495, according to the table of values ??of grants awarded directly by
   FCT, I.P. in the country (http: // www.fct.pt/apoios/bolsas/valores),
   and the payment is made monthly by bank transfer.

   1. *Selection methodology*: The candidates will be evaluated according
   to their CV (40%) and proven lab experience (60%). In case of a ti

[ccp4bb] Fwd: divulgacao bolsa, obrigada

2017-11-28 Thread Teresa Santos Silva
Dear all

I'd like to draw your attention to the postdoc position in protein
crystallography, currently open in my group at UCIBIO-NOVA (Faculty of
Science and Technology, NOVA University of Lisbon, Portugal).

I am a young PI interested in protein-ligand interactions for
structural-based drug design and the Postdoc will be integrated into my
research team, currently holding 9 full-time people. The fellowship will be
awarded for a period of 12 months, eventually extended using other funding

Candidates should hold a PhD in chemistry, biochemistry or related areas
and experience in structural biology. It is mandatory that the candidate
has proven know-how in protein cloning, expression and purification,
crystallization, data collection, structure determination and model
refinement. Preference will be given to candidates with experience in
different expression systems (bacterial, yeast, insect and mammalian) and
biophysical methods for characterizing protein-ligand interactions. The
candidate should be able to develop work autonomously.

Work Plan: During the time of the fellowship the candidate will be involved
in expression, purification and crystallization of soluble proteins that
are important targets for drug development. Biophysical methods will be
applied to determine protein-ligand interaction and structure determination
will be carried out in the presence of the best hits. Model analysis will
allow rationalize the structural determinants that control ligand binding.

Application deadline is December 5th .

For more information please check the following link:


I am happy to answer all your questions

Kind regards


Unique identifier: 1c293f55-6fac-403e-b737-b1faf2575b77

*1. Descrição do cargo/posição/bolsa*
*1. Job description*
Research Fellowship for a PhD holder

*Job/Fellowship Reference:* PTDC/QEQ-MED/1902/2014

*Main research field:* Chemistry

*Sub research field:* Biochemistry

*Job summary:*

One fellowship for a PhD holder is opened under the scope of the project
“Carbon monoxide guided shuttles (COGSs) to fight Rheumatoid Arthritis” /
NOVA.ID.FCT – Associação para a Inovação e Desenvolvimento da FCT,
(PTDC/QEQ-MED/1902/2014),  which is financed by national funds from

*Job description:*

*1. Scientific area: *Structural Biology, Biochemistry, Chemistry

*2*. *Admission Requirements:* The fellowship is dedicated to candidates
holding a PhD in chemistry, biochemistry or related areas and experience in
structural biology. It is mandatory that the candidate has proven knowhow
in protein cloning, expression and purification, crystallization, data
collection, structure determination and model refinement. Preference will
be given to candidates with experience in different expression systems
(bacterial, yeast, insect and mammalian) and biophysical methods for
characterizing protein-ligand interactions. The candidate should be able to
develop work autonomously.

*3. Work Plan*: During the time of the fellowship the candidate will be
involved in expression, purification and crystallization of soluble
proteins that are important targets for drug development. Biophysical
methods will be applied to determine protein-ligand interaction and
structure determination will be carried out in the presence of the best
hits. Model analysis will allow rationalize the structural determinants
that control ligand binding.

   1. *Rules and Regulations::*Law Nr. 40/2004, of 18th August altered and

republish by Decree-Law nº 202/2012 of August 27th (Scientific Research
Fellow Statute) and altered by the Decree-Law nº233/2012 of October 29th
and by the Law nº12/2013 of January 29th. Regulations for Advanced Training
and Qualification of Human Resources, I.P in force (

   1. *Working location* *and superviror:*  The work is to be carried out
   at the Departament of Chemistry, at Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da
   Universidade NOVA de Lisboa (FCT-NOVA) under the scientific supervision of
   Dr. Teresa Santos-Silva.

   1. *Fellowship duration*: The fellowship will last for 12 months,
   scheduled to begin in December 2017. The scholarship contract may be
   renewed during the project.

   1. *Salary and benefits:  *The amount of the fellowship corresponds to €
   1.495, according to the table of values ??of grants awarded directly by
   FCT, I.P. in the country (http: // www.fct.pt/apoios/bolsas/valores),
   and the payment is made monthly by bank transfer.

   1. *Selection methodology*: The candidates will be evaluated according
   to their CV (40%) and proven lab experience (60%). In case of a tie, an
   interview will be requested and the final g

[ccp4bb] post-doc position @ Portugal on drug-design

2013-06-25 Thread Teresa Santos Silva
The Associate Laboratory REQUIMTE-CQFB, from Faculdade de Ciências e
Tecnologia, Universidade Nova de Lisboa (https://www.fct.unl.pt/en) is
opening a post-doc position to integrate a multidisciplinary team in
Structural Biology. The applicant must have a PhD in biochemistry, biology
or related fields and preference will be given to demonstrated experience
in protein crystallography and small molecules crystallography.

Contract: Initial duration is 3 months, renewable for additional 12 months,
with starting date predicted for 1st of September of 2013.

Monthly Stipend: According to the amounts stipulated by FCT (www.fct.pt)
for Research Grants in Portugal - 1495,00€

Job description: The main purpose of the work is to structurally
characterize at the molecular level the interaction of plasma proteins
(human serum albumin and human transferrin) with potential drugs (CORMs).
These are CO releasing molecules that have demonstrated therapeutic effects
in several models of disease (inflammation, apoptosis, cell proliferation,
among others) (Santos-Silva, JACS 2011, Curr Med Chem 2011; Santos, J Inorg
Biochem 2012; Seixas, Dalton Trans. 2012).

Biochemical and crystallographic studies, in combination with theoretical
calculations, will be performed, in the Protein Crystallography lab of the
Chemistry Department from Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia of
Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Lisbon-Caparica, Portugal) under the
supervision of Doctor Teresa Santos Silva and Prof. Maria João Romão (
http://xtal.dq.fct.unl.pt). The work is part of an on-going collaboration
with Prof. Carlos Romão from ITQB-UNL(Oeiras, Portugal) (www.itqb.unl.pt),
and the Pharmaceutical company Alfama.

Deadline for application: 15 July 2013

Applications should include: motivation letter, Curriculum Vitae, names and
emails of 2 possible referees, copy of the degree certificate as well as
other documents considered to be relevant, and sent to Dr Teresa
Santos-Silva, t...@fct.unl.pt.

Please go to the following website to find about further details on this
application and project:


Applications must be sent to t...@fct.unl.pt