[ccp4bb] Joint Postdoctoral Position in the Grishin and Chook Labs at UT Southwestern

2017-01-19 Thread Yuh Min Chook
The Grishin (http://prodata.swmed.edu/ <http://prodata.swmed.edu/>) and Chook 
<http://www4.utsouthwestern.edu/chooklab/>) Labs at UT Southwestern seek a 
recent PhD graduate for a postdoctoral fellow position to study structural 
determinants of nuclear export signals and predict them in protein sequences. 
The project will involve both experimental and computational approaches. The 
experimental aspect requires experience in protein crystallography, biochemical 
and biophysical techniques. The computational aspect will involve sequence 
bioinformatics and structure modeling techniques. Synergy between computation 
and experiment is key to this project.
Applicants should hold a recent PhD degree and have strong laboratory skills in 
all aspects of protein crystallography. Computational biology experience is 
helpful. Good communication and organizational skills are critical.

Please email application to yuhmin.ch...@utsouthwestern.edu 
Application should include curriculum vitae, a summary of current and future 
research interests, a description of past research experience and 
accomplishments, expected availability date and three references.

Yuh Min Chook, Ph.D.
and Eugene McDermott Scholar in Biomedical Research
Department of Pharmacology &
Department of Biophysics
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
6001 Forest Park, ND8.136E
Dallas, TX 75390-9041

(214) 645-6167 (Office)
(214) 645-6168 (Laboratory)
(214) 645-6166 (Fax)
e-mail:  yuhmin.ch...@utsouthwestern.edu

[ccp4bb] Postdoctoral position at UT Southwestern

2012-01-09 Thread Yuh Min Chook
The Chook Lab (Department of Pharmacology, UT Southwestern, Dallas, TX; 
http://www4.utsouthwestern.edu/chooklab/) is currently seeking a postdoctoral 
fellow with expertise in protein biochemistry and structural biology. The 
project involves molecular recognition of protein and nucleic acid cargos for 
nuclear import and export. Candidates should have Ph.D. degree in biological, 
chemical or biomedical sciences and strong background in biochemistry, 
molecular biology and structural biology. 

To apply, please e-mail CV, research statement and contacts of three references 
directly to Dr. Yuh Min Chook  (yuhmin.ch...@utsouthwestern.edu)

Yuh Min Chook, Ph.D.
Associate Professor and
Eugene McDermott Scholar in Biomedical Research
Department of Pharmacology
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
6001 Forest Park, ND8.120c
Dallas, TX 75390-9041

(214) 645-6167 (Office)
(214) 645-6168 (Laboratory)
(214) 645-6166 (Fax)
e-mail:  yuhmin.ch...@utsouthwestern.edu

[ccp4bb] Postdoctoral Position in Structural Biology of Nuclear-Cytoplasmic Transport at UT Southwestern

2010-03-22 Thread Yuh Min Chook
Postdoctoral Position in Structural Biology of Nuclear-Cytoplasmic Transport at 
UT Southwestern


Applications are invited for a postdoctoral position in the Chook Lab, 
Department of Pharmacology, UT Southwestern, Dallas, TX, USA, to work on the 
structure determination, biochemistry and biophysics of nuclear-cytoplasmic 
transport mediated by the Karyropherin family of proteins.


We seek a highly motivated recent Ph.D. with extensive experience in 
biochemical studies and protein structure determination by X-ray 
crystallography. Experience with protein purification, crystallization, X-ray 
data collection, structure determination and interpretation are essential.


Applicants must have a Ph.D. and fewer than 2 years of postdoctoral experience.


Applicants should send their CV, and the names and contact information of three 
referees to:


Yuh Min Chook, Ph.D.

e-mail: yuhmin.ch...@utsouthwestern.edu

Associate Professor and
Eugene McDermott Scholar in Biomedical Research
Department of Pharmacology
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
6001 Forest Park, ND8.120c
Dallas, TX 75390-9041

(214) 645-6167 (Office)
(214) 645-6168 (Laboratory)
(214) 645-6166 (Fax)
e-mail:  yuhmin.ch...@utsouthwestern.edu