Re: [ccp4bb] ? steps after detwinning

2010-09-30 Thread Seema Nath
Resolution 3.2A
DENZO suggests P6.
Angles are 90,90,120
Data completeness ~95%
Wilson B-factor 42.0

Re: [ccp4bb] ? steps after detwinning

2010-09-29 Thread Seema Nath
I'm using DENZO
I'm trying POINTLESS but I don't understand unmerged data -what's that? is it 
the spot images which are used for peak search during data processing?
Both SFCHECK  phenix.xtriage showed the information about pst  twinning.
However I've tried a thorough process of reindexing,phaser,refmac ...etc.  now 
in P31 is showing R-factor  R-free as 0.37  0.40 respectively with a poly-ala 
model.I think I'm going towards correct solution.
Many many thanks for your help.

Re: [ccp4bb] ? steps after detwinning

2010-09-28 Thread Seema Nath
I've used phenix.xtriage and it showed that in all three cases i.e. (P31,P61  
P6122 space groups) translational pseudosymmetry is very likely present). 
Again, when I used molrep in ccp4,it showed translational pseudosymmetry is 

Re: [ccp4bb] ? steps after detwinning

2010-09-28 Thread Seema Nath
I regret to say that I can't tell what the actual translation is but
regarding no. of monomers/asu,I got three non-overlapping monomers.My
problems are -
1.actual space-group is not clear yet. of monomers/asu ? to proceed with the technique where data having pseudosymmetry 
twinning are firstly solved in lower symmetry space-group until the
R-factor  R-free come to stand still and then tranference to a higher
symmetry space-group.Is the solution in lower symmetry sg used in higher
symmetry sg or the raw data is individually processed in both lower 
higher sg?
I've mentioned the detailed problem in the ccp4bb on 27th september'10

Re: [ccp4bb] ? steps after detwinning

2010-09-28 Thread Seema Nath
I've already tried POINTLESS but due to some reasons it failed and it isyet to 
be fixed.I've used SFCHECK which shows the PST vectors.I'm alreadyusing PHASER 
with all choices of alternative space groups.
N.B.:I've mailed you twice but each time the mail is undelivered.

Re: [ccp4bb] ? steps after detwinning

2010-09-27 Thread Seema Nath
After running phenix.xtriage the possible point group is P622 and possible 
spacegroups are P622,P6122,P6522,P6222,P6422,P6322. Using this information when 
I run PHASER, P6322 is shown to be the most probable one.After 5 cycles of 
phenix.refine R- R-free - 57  60 respectively.
From other crystallization papers, I found that data having translational 
pseudosymmetry had been solved in low-symmetry spacegroup firstly and then in 
higher symmetry.My query is:Is the data in lower symmetry spacegroup used  for 
higher symmetry or the raw-data is processed individually in higher symmetry? 
if raw data is used,then why not starting with higher symmetry directly? if 
data got in lower symmetry group is used,then what is the procedure?Are the 
.mtz  .pdb files generated in Refmac used for higher symmetry?
Thanks in advance.

Re: [ccp4bb] ? steps after detwinning

2010-09-27 Thread Eleanor Dodson

Do you have translational pseudo symmetry - what is the evidence?
It can confuse space group assignment..

Seema Nath wrote:

After running phenix.xtriage the possible point group is P622 and possible spacegroups 
are P622,P6122,P6522,P6222,P6422,P6322. Using this information when I run PHASER, P6322 
is shown to be the most probable one.After 5 cycles of phenix.refine R- R-free - 
57  60 respectively.
From other crystallization papers, I found that data having translational 
pseudosymmetry had been solved in low-symmetry spacegroup firstly and then in 
higher symmetry.My query is:Is the data in lower symmetry spacegroup used  for 
higher symmetry or the raw-data is processed individually in higher symmetry? if 
raw data is used,then why not starting with higher symmetry directly? if data got 
in lower symmetry group is used,then what is the procedure?Are the .mtz  .pdb 
files generated in Refmac used for higher symmetry?
Thanks in advance. 

[ccp4bb] ? steps after detwinning

2010-08-28 Thread Seema Nath
my crystals have 0.401 alpha-twinning fraction,which on detwinning reduced to 
0.22  also pseudo-translation ~48.5,the resolution is poor,3.7 angstorm,please 
suggest next step after detwinning
thanks in advance ..

Re: [ccp4bb] ? steps after detwinning

2010-08-28 Thread Eleanor Dodson

Seema Nath wrote:

my crystals have 0.401 alpha-twinning fraction,which on detwinning reduced to 0.22 
 also pseudo-translation ~48.5,the resolution is poor,3.7 angstorm,please 
suggest next step after detwinning
thanks in advance ..

Sorry to be flippant, but you would probably be best spending your time 
on crystal improvement..

Just a warning though - the twinning detection programs can get it wrong 
when there is pseudo-translation.
