Dear CCP4 users,

It has been reported to us shortly after 6.4.0 release last week, that the 
software was dysfunctional for some users. The reason was found to be the clash 
between Qt framework distributed with CCP4 6.4.0 and the one installed locally. 
This problem is now fixed, and new CCP4 distribution packages are available 
from our web-site:

In order to identify whether your CCP4 setup is affected by the bug, please 
check if any of the symptoms below applies:

- ccp4i shows permanently "Network off?" in low-right corner
- greyed, dysfunctional "Manage Updates" button in ccp4i
- even if "Manage Updates" button is functional, CCP4 updater does not start
- QtRView result viewer does not start
- other Qt-based applications, such as qtpisa and viewhkl, do not start or do 
not work properly

If you find your setup affected by the bug, or have any doubts, we advise you 
to re-install 6.4.0 now.

CCP4 setups with working updater will be synchronised with today's changes 
through the corresponding update soon. 

CCP4 Core Group apologises for any inconvenience and would like to encourage 
all users to report any problems with CCP4 software that they have encountered.

Sincerely yours,

Eugene Krissinel

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