Dear Colleagues,
Registration for MM2009, "Molecular Modelling from Dynamical, Biomolecular and Materials Nanotechnology Perspectives" is now open. MM2009 will be held at the Gold Coast, Australia from 26-29 July 2009. The meeting will focus on the latest developments in molecular modelling in both the life sciences and materials sciences, particularly in the areas of Methodology Development; Drug Design; Materials & Nanotechnology; Dynamics & Chemical Reactivity; Self Assembly & Biomolecular Simulations; and Sustainable Energy & Environment. For further information on the meeting, please go to .

Please register on-line at
The deadline for early bird registration is 30th April, 2009.

Abstracts are invited for both Oral and Poster presentations. All papers must be presented by a registered delegate. The deadline for submission of abstracts for consideration as an oral presentation is 30th April, 2009. Please see for details on abstract submission.

We are looking forward to your participation.
On behalf of the organising committee,

Debra Bernhardt (Searles) Conference Secretary

Dr Andreas Hofmann FHEA
Associate Professor, Program Leader
Structural Chemistry
Eskitis Institute for Cell & Molecular Therapies
Griffith University
Don Young Road, Brisbane Innovation Park
Nathan, Brisbane, Qld 4111, Australia

Telephone/Facsimile: +61-7-3735-4425
European Annexin Homepage:

Molecular Modelling 2009
Gold Coast, 26 - 29 July 2009

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