The VIB Department of Molecular and Cellular Interactions at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel is looking for a highly motivated X-ray facility/computing manager. The successful candidate will provide expert support to our in house structural biology community and will conduct research in the area of structural biology through internal and/or external collaborations. The department currently contains four groups involved in structural biology totalling around 40 people. A Bio-NMR group is to be established beginning next year. Details on the research conducted in the department can be found on our websites ( and

Experience with UNIX/LINUX system administration is a must and experience with the computational side of protein crystallography is highly desirable.
The main service duties will include:
- Maintaining and upgrading the crystallographic and NMR computing facilities and reassuring of data back-up
- Maintenance of the in-house X-ray data collection facilities
- Organizing and streamlining synchrotron trips

Interested candidates should send their cv to Remy Loris ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) together with the names and contact details of at least two reference persons. Salary will be discussed and will depend on the level of experience and qualifications of the successful candidate.

Remy Loris
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Pleinlaan 2
1050 Brussel

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