The Jackson Lab ( at
Utah State University seeks a qualified graduate for a 2017 Presidential
Doctoral Research Fellow position ( with a living
stipend of $30,000 to study the structure and function of newly discovered
CRISPR immune systems.  The fellow will use protein crystallography,
cryo-electron microscopy, biochemical and biophysical techniques to study
CRISPR system structure and function.

Basic requirements for the position are a GPA of 3.5 or higher and a GRE
score above the 70th percentile.

Please email applications to

The application should include a curriculum vitae with a description of
past research experience and accomplishments, a current academic
transcript, GRE scores, and three letters of reference.

If there any questions about the application requirement please email

Ryan N Jackson, PhD
Assistant Professor
Dept. Chemistry and Biochemistry
Utah State University
Logan UT, 84322
phone: 435-797-1635

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