DESY, Hamburg location, is seeking a Senior Scientist or Postdoc (m/f)
to conduct research in the area of X-ray FEL Crystallography.

DESY is one of the world's leading centres for the investigation of the
structure of matter. DESY develops,runs and uses accelerators and
detectors for photon science and particle physics.

The Center for Free-Electron Laser Science (CFEL) is a jointly operated
research cooperation between DESY, Max Planck Society and the
University of Hamburg. DESY supports three CFEL divisions with leaders
jointly appointed with the University of Hamburg. For a joint EU
Project with the European XFEL, the Coherent Imaging Division offers
the following position. The European X-Ray Free Electron Laser Facility
(XFEL) is a multi-national non-profit company. It will make available
X-rays of unique quality for studies in physics, chemistry, life
sciences, materials research and others. Located in the Hamburg area,
Germany, it will comprise scientific instruments for a wide range of
experimental techniques. Construction of the European XFEL is underway,
its commissioning is scheduled for 2015.

The position

* Join a team from CFEL and XFEL to design and implement specific
algorithms for diffraction analysis and image processing

* Development of methods and software to analyse the large amounts of
data generated by XFELs

* Develop new algorithms for parameterized profile fitting; integrate,
optimise and test code on parallel computers and GPUs; and develop
advanced user interfaces


* Ph. D. in Physics
* Good knowledge of crystallographic theory and programming background
* Demonstrated experience with large datasets, broad collaborations,
and programming on distributed systems
* Experience in the theory of matter/X-ray interactions is desirable
* Ability to work in teams and sound communication

For further information please contact Henry Chapman, +4940 8998-4155, or Adrian Mancuso, +4940 8998-2512,

The position is limited to 1.5 years for DESY and with prolongation to
1.5 years within the XFEL GmbH Salary and benefits are commensurate
with those of public service organisations in Germany.  DESY operates
flexible work schemes. Handicapped persons will be given preference to
other equally qualified applicants. DESY is an equal opportunity,
affirmative action employer and encourages applications from women.
There is an English-speaking Kindergarten on the DESY site.

Please send your application quoting the reference code 119/2011, by
post or e-mail to:
Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY
Human Resources Department | Reference code: 119/2011
Notkestraße 85 | 22607 Hamburg | Germany
Phone: +49 40 8998-1589
Deadline for applications: 31. August 2011

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