[ccp4bb] synchrotron beam time at EMBL Hamburg 2011

2010-12-22 Thread Victor Lamzin

 Call for access to Synchrotron Beamline Facilities 2011

  EMBL Hamburg, Germany

We announce a call for synchrotron beam time applications in biological
small-angle scattering (SAXS) and X-ray crystallography (PX). Up to 32
weeks of beam time will be available at the DORIS storage ring at the
synchrotron DESY from March 2011 to February 2012.

On the DORIS storage ring, EMBL Hamburg will operate the beamlines in
SAXS (responsible scientist Dmitri Svergun) and PX (responsible
scientist Victor Lamzin).

Electronic beam proposal forms and a detailed description of the DORIS
beamlines will be available from January, 15th, 2011 at www.embl-hamburg.de
(click on 'Access to Infrastructures'). The deadline for submission of
proposals is January, 31st, 2011. An external Priorities Committee will
assess the proposals.

EMBL is constructing three new beamlines for applications in PX and SAXS
at the Petra-III synchrotron storage ring, which are expected to become
available in 2011-2012 (responsible scientist Thomas Schneider). For
further information and for potential participation in the commissioning
as test users see www.embl-hamburg.de/services/petra

A high-throughput crystallisation facility at the EMBL-Hamburg
(responsible scientist Jochen Mueller-Dieckmann) is available to external
users, see www.embl-hamburg.de/facilities/access_infrastructures/htpx).

For further information
tel. 40-89902-110,
s...@embl-hamburg.de (SAXS)
b...@embl-hamburg.de (PX)

Access to the EMBL Hamburg facilities will in part be supported by the
European Commission, Research Infrastructure Action under the FP7
projects ELISA and PCUBE.

[ccp4bb] Synchrotron beam time at EMBL Hamburg

2008-04-30 Thread Victor Lamzin

This is a gentle reminder of our call for beam time applications at EMBL Hamburg that 
we circulated a few weeks ago. We kindly ask you to complete your beam time proposal 
by the deadline of --->  16 May 2008 <

If you have already taken action, please ignore this message.


Call for access to Synchrotron Beamline Facilities 2008

We announce a call for synchrotron beam time applications in biological
X-ray crystallography (PX) and small-angle scattering (SAXS).
Up to 12 weeks of beam time will be available at the DORIS storage ring
(DESY) during the period September 2008 until December 2008.
The EMBL Outstation will operate the following beamlines:

BeamlineTypeWavelength Scientist responsible 

X11 PX  0.80 A Paul Tucker
X12 PX  tuneable   Manfred Weiss
X13 PX  0.80 A Matthew Groves
X33 SAXS1.5 A  Dmitri Svergun, Manfred Roessle

The deadline for submission of proposals is May 16th, 2008. An external
Priorities Committee will assess the proposals.

Electronic beam proposal forms and detailed description of the beamline
facilities are available via the web links
http://www.embl-hamburg.de and http://www.embl-hamburg.de/services

In parallel, EMBL-Hamburg is constructing three new beamlines for
applications in biological X-ray crystallography (PX) and small-angle
scattering (SAXS) at the Petra-III synchrotron storage ring, with an
expected opening in 2010/11. Further information can be obtained under

Two of the DORIS-III beamlines (BW7A, BW7B) will be used as test
beamlines for future Petra-III applications. Depending on circumstances,
they may become temporarily available to the external user community.

Applications to use the EMBL-Hamburg high-throughput crystallisation
facility can be made at any time at

Further information can be obtained by tel. +49-40-89902-110,
(fax +49-40-89902-149), Email [EMAIL PROTECTED] (PX),

Access to the EMBL Hamburg facilities is supported by the European
Commission, Research Infrastructure Action under the FP6 'Structuring the
European Research Area Specific Programme', Contract Number