[second announcement - registration extended until 22 March 2019 -
next week!]

Dear  All,

The Ultrafast X-ray Summer School UXSS2019 will take place at the
Center for Free Electron Laser Science (CFEL) in Hamburg, Germany, June
17-21, 2019.

UXSS is an annual event jointly organized by the Center for
Free-Electron Laser Science (CFEL) in Hamburg and the Stanford PULSE
Institute. UXSS is intended to introduce students and postdocs to the
latest science that is enabled by novel X-ray Free Electron Lasers. The
program will be highly interdisciplinary, with topics ranging from
materials physics to structural biology. The list of confirmed speakers
can be found below.  There will also be a coursework exercise involving
a mock proposal for European XFEL, with the help of experienced mentors.

The UXSS2019 website is now online with more information:

Registration is open: https://indico.desy.de/indico/event/22369.
Registration will continue until March 22, with rolling acceptance.
Financial support for UXSS2019 is very kindly provided by the Joachim
Herz Stiftung and the Hamburg Centre for Ultrafast Imaging (CUI),
meaning that participants will be asked to pay a registration fee of
only 100 EUR. Limited participation scholarships to cover travel and
lodging costs are available. You can specify on the registration
website why you need a scholarship to participate.

We hope to see you in Hamburg this summer!

Michael Sentef (CFEL) and Thomas Wolf (PULSE)
Co-chairs, UXSS2019

Henry Chapman (Hamburg University/DESY)
Frank de Groot (Utrecht University)
Arianna Gleason (SLAC)
Giorgio Margaritondo (EPFL Lausanne)
Brian Moritz (SLAC)
Nina Rohringer (Hamburg University/DESY)
Simon Wall (ICFO Barcelona)
Oriol Vendrell (Heidelberg University)
Junko Yano (LBL Berkeley)


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