Re: [ccp4bb] dihedral backbone generator

2012-11-20 Thread Ed Pozharski
On Mon, 2012-11-12 at 13:47 -0500, Ed Pozharski wrote:
> Does anyone know of a tool that would generate a protein molecule
> backbone from a set of phi/psi angles?

For the record.

Thanks to all who responded.  Here is what I found out:

1. MOLEMAN works best. The most cumbersome part is to transfer phi/psi
from one structure to another.  If anyone is ever interested, I have a
bash script that does it in automated manner, all you need to do is to
provide the list of residues to be corrected.

2. Other options include TINKER and fortran code by Edward Berry.  I
couldn't use the second one because it does not do omegas and I have
some cis-prolines in the model.  TINKER is an awesome MD package from
what I can tell.  I abandoned it for moleman after concluding that it
takes integers values, but I didn't investigate if that is actually true
and if it is really a big problem (see below).

3.  On the scientific side, it appears that updating phi/psi angles is
not enough.  Basically, even if I transfer all the angles from one model
to another, models match well only in the N-terminal domain.  The
C-terminal domain which in this case undergoes about 45 degrees
closure-type rotation is very much messed up.  Perhaps the conclusion is
that changes other than phi/psi contribute significantly.  Which is, on
the second thought, not that surprising.



After much deep and profound brain things inside my head, 
I have decided to thank you for bringing peace to our home.
Julian, King of Lemurs

Re: [ccp4bb] dihedral backbone generator

2012-11-13 Thread Gerard DVD Kleywegt
If you have an old copy of MOLEMAN (not MOLEMAN2!) lying around, this can be 
done very easily (ever since it was programmed on Valentine's Day 1993, in 
fact - I even remember who my Valentine was :-) - see:

- READ your original model (PDB file)
- EXPOrt as an internal coordinates file
- then edit the file to modify the torsion angles
- IMPOrt the edited file back into MOLEMAN
- WRITe as a PDB file again

Your molecule will now have the first atom at (0,0,0) and the x-axis along the 
first bond etc., so use LSQMAN to superimpose it back onto the starting model 
if you like.

You can download source and executables for MOLEMAN, LSQMAN etc. here:

Example: read and export 3CBS - the first few lines of the internal 
coordinates file will look like this:

BAD   1  N   PRO A   1   0.000   0.000   0.000  1.00 31.62 0 0 
BAD   2  CA  PRO A   1   1.481   0.000   0.000  1.00 31.16 1 0 
BAD   3  C   PRO A   1   1.520 106.499   0.000  1.00 29.86 2 1 
BAD   4  O   PRO A   1   1.233 121.844-171.561  1.00 30.08 3 2 
BAD   5  CB  PRO A   1   2.511  34.402-114.723  1.00 31.63 3 2 
BAD   6  CG  PRO A   1   1.540  94.603 100.767  1.00 32.44 5 3 
BAD   7  CD  PRO A   1   1.535 100.667 -80.739  1.00 31.82 6 5 
BAD   8  N   ASN A   2   1.325 114.622   8.082  1.00 27.88 3 2 

the torsion of atom 8 is the psi torsion of residue 1 (8 degrees)

BAD   9  CA  ASN A   2   1.452 122.416-179.619  1.00 25.61 8 3 

this torsion is omega of residue 1 (-180)

BAD  10  C   ASN A   2   1.528 107.300-118.190  1.00 23.37 9 8 

this torsion is phi of residue 2 (-118)

BAD  11  O   ASN A   2   1.227 119.971 -58.453  1.00 21.7110 9 
BAD  12  CB  ASN A   2   1.529 109.276 122.858  1.00 27.00 9 8 
BAD  13  CG  ASN A   2   1.510 112.642-171.476  1.00 28.5212 9 
BAD  14  OD1 ASN A   2   1.228 120.881 -44.498  1.00 27.401312 
BAD  15  ND2 ASN A   2   1.329 116.425 136.488  1.00 30.351312 
BAD  16  N   PHE A   3   1.330 117.436 121.273  1.00 22.0910 9 

this torsion is psi of residue nr 2 (121)

BAD  17  CA  PHE A   3   1.466 120.994 179.948  1.00 21.611610 

this is omega of residue nr 2 (180)



On Mon, 12 Nov 2012, Ed Pozharski wrote:

Does anyone know of a tool that would generate a protein molecule
backbone from a set of phi/psi angles?

I actually had written my own code to do this eons ago, but those were
days of Matlab.  My actual question is if in a particular protein the
conformational change observed upon substrate binding can be accounted
for by half a dozen residues changing their backbone conformation.  I
only expect to do it once, and thus trying to save time and not
translate my old code (looks more like a cipher now).



After much deep and profound brain things inside my head,
I have decided to thank you for bringing peace to our home.
   Julian, King of Lemurs

Best wishes,


   Gerard J. Kleywegt
   The opinions in this message are fictional.  Any similarity
   to actual opinions, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
   Little known gastromathematical curiosity: let "z" be the
   radius and "a" the thickness of a pizza. Then the volume
of that pizza is equal to pi*z*z*a !

Re: [ccp4bb] dihedral backbone generator

2012-11-12 Thread Edward A. Berry

Ed Pozharski wrote:

Does anyone know of a tool that would generate a protein molecule
backbone from a set of phi/psi angles?

I actually had written my own code to do this eons ago, but those were
days of Matlab.  My actual question is if in a particular protein the
conformational change observed upon substrate binding can be accounted
for by half a dozen residues changing their backbone conformation.  I
only expect to do it once, and thus trying to save time and not
translate my old code (looks more like a cipher now).

The underlying assumption of such a program is that the phi, psi (and 
omega) angles define the structure, and vice versa. So if you have the

before and after structures, you sort of have the answer already-
given that change in dihedrals, you will get that change in structure, 
although I'm not sure if it makes sense to ask whether the strutural 
chage results from the change in dihedrals or vice versa.

I guess you want to keep all dihedrals the same except the half-dozen 
suspects, and see if you get the same change. dihedrals elsewhere would 
be expected to change to reoptimize to new contacts and avoid clashes,
but maybe the principle change could still be recognized with the rest 
of the molecule frozen.

I have such a code (fortran) that reads a list of phi,psi angles and 
makes the corresponding backbone (poly gly or polyala I think). 
Unfortunately it sets all omega angles to exactly 180? (trans), and that 
by itself may make a significant change in conformation.
written for g77 but gfortran seems to compile.
input file format is 1 line for each residue: residue #, phi, psi
1  -49 -26
2  -49 -26
3  -49 -26
4  -49 -26
5  -49 -26
6  -49 -26
7  -49 -26
8  -49 -26
9  -49 -26
10  -49 -26
11  -49 -26
12  -49 -26

construct < 3-10helix.inp
new file is called construct.pdb
chain is A




After much deep and profound brain things inside my head,
I have decided to thank you for bringing peace to our home.
 Julian, King of Lemurs

[ccp4bb] dihedral backbone generator

2012-11-12 Thread Ed Pozharski
Does anyone know of a tool that would generate a protein molecule
backbone from a set of phi/psi angles?

I actually had written my own code to do this eons ago, but those were
days of Matlab.  My actual question is if in a particular protein the
conformational change observed upon substrate binding can be accounted
for by half a dozen residues changing their backbone conformation.  I
only expect to do it once, and thus trying to save time and not
translate my old code (looks more like a cipher now). 



After much deep and profound brain things inside my head, 
I have decided to thank you for bringing peace to our home.
Julian, King of Lemurs