Hi folks

I’ve noticed that the Mosflm help line has recently received several messages 
regarding problems processing Eiger 2 images with iMosflm (e.g. those collected 

Invariably, the users have been trying to use iMosflm/Mosflm 7.2.* series - 
also inevitably, this will not work!

Support for Eiger 2 detectors was added in version 7.3.0;  there were some 
unanticipated (by us…) physical changes to the detector from the original Eiger 
which meant that the 7.2.* code would not run correctly for the newer design. 
This is fixed in 7.3.0.

Unfortunately, as far as I know, 7.3.0 is not yet included in the CCP4 updates, 
so if you want to use iMosflm for processing Eiger 2 images (it works for both 
HDF5 and CBF) you will need to download and install a standalone copy of 
version 7.3.0 - available here:


As an aside, there are some subtle changes to the installed package in the CCP4 
distro which mean that you can’t just swap in the new version. 

Harry Powell


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