Re: [ccp4bb] units of the B factor

2009-11-23 Thread Marc SCHILTZ

This is absolutely correct. Radian is in fact just another symbol for 1.

Thus : 1 rad = 1

From the official SI documentation
( 2.2 - table 3) :

The radian and steradian are special names for the number one that
may be used to convey information about the quantity concerned. In
practice the symbols rad and sr are used where appropriate, but the
symbol for the derived unit one is generally omitted in specifying the
values of dimensionless quantities.


Quoting Ian Tickle

 Back to the original problem: what are the units of B and

u_x^2?  I haven't been able to work that out.  The first
wack is to say the B occurs in the term

 Exp( -B (Sin(theta)/lambda)^2)

and we've learned that the unit of Sin(theta)/lamda is 1/Angstrom
and the argument of Exp, like Sin, must be radian.  This means
that the units of B must be A^2 radian.  Since B = 8 Pi^2 u_x^2
the units of 8 Pi^2 u_x^2 must also be A^2 radian, but the
units of u_x^2 are determined by the units of 8 Pi^2.  I
can't figure out the units of that without understanding the
defining equation, which is in the OPDXr somewhere.  I suspect
there are additional, hidden, units in that definition.  The
basic definition would start with the deviation of scattering
points from the Miller planes and those deviations are probably
defined in cycle or radian and later converted to Angstrom so
there are conversion factors present from the beginning.

I'm sure that if the MS sits down with the OPDXr and follows
all these units through he will uncover the units of B, 8 Pi^2,
and u_x^2 and the mystery will be solved.  If he doesn't do
it, I'll have to sit down with the book myself, and that will
make my head hurt.

Hi Dale

A nice entertaining read for a Sunday afternoon, but I think you can
only get so far with this argument and then it breaks down, as evidenced
by the fact that eventually you got stuck!  I think the problem arises
in your assertion that the argument of 'exp' must be in units of
radians.  IMO it can also be in units of radians^2 (or radians^n where n
is any unitless number, integer or real, including zero for that
matter!) - and this seems to be precisely what happens here.  Having a
function whose argument can apparently have any one of an infinite
number of units is somewhat of an embarrassment! - of course that must
mean that the argument actually has no units.  So in essence I'm saying
that quantities in radians have to be treated as unitless, contrary to
your earlier assertions.

So the 'units' (accepting for the moment that the radian is a valid
unit) of B are actually A^2 radian^2, and so the 'units' of 8pi^2 (it
comes from 2(2pi)^2) are radian^2 as expected.  However since I think
I've demonstrated that the radian is not a valid unit, then the units of
B are indeed A^2!


-- Ian

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Re: [ccp4bb] units of the B factor

2009-11-23 Thread Marc SCHILTZ

James Holton wrote:

No No No!  This is not what I meant at all!

I am not suggesting the creation of a new unit, but rather that we name
a unit that is already in widespread use.  This unit is A^2/(8*pi^2)
which has dimensions of length^2 and it IS the unit of B factor.  That
is, every PDB file lists the B factor as a multiple of THIS fundamental
quantity, not A^2.  If the unit were simply A^2, then the PDB file would
be listing much smaller numbers (U, not B).  

Hi James

I must confess that I do not understand your point. If you read a value 
from the last column of a PDB file, say 27.34, then this really means :

B = 27.34 Å^2

for this atom. And, since B=8*pi^2*U, it also means that this atom's 
mean square atomic displacement is U = 0.346 Å^2.

It does NOT mean :

B = 27.34 Born = 27.34 A^2/(8*pi^2) = 27.34/(8*pi^2) A^2 = 0.346 Å^2

as you seem to suggest. If it was like this, the mean square atomic 
displacement of this atom would be U = 0.00438 Å^2 (which would enable 
one to do ultra-high resolution studies).

(Okay, there are a few PDBs

that do that by mistake, but not many.)  As Marc pointed out, a unit and
a dimension are not the same thing: millimeters and centimeters are
different units, but they have the same dimension: length.  And, yes,
dimensionless scale factors like milli and centi are useful.  The B
factor has dimension length^2, but the unit of B factor is not A^2.  For
example, if we change some atomic B factor by 1, then we are actually
describing a change of 0.013 A^2, because this is equal to 1.0
A^2/(8*pi^2).  What I am suggesting is that it would be easier to say
that the B factor changed by 1.0, and if you must quote the units, the
units are B, otherwise we have to say: the B factor changed by 1.0
A^2/(8*pi^2).  Saying that a B factor changed by 1 A^2 when the actual
change in A^2 is 0.013 is (formally) incorrect.

  The unfortunate situation however is that B factors have often been
reported with units of A^2, and this is equivalent to describing the
area of 80 football fields as 80 and then giving the dimension (m^2)
as the units!  It is better to say that the area is 80 football
fields, but this is invoking a unit: the football field.  The unit of
B factor, however does not have a name.  We could say 1.0 B-factor
units, but that is not the same as 1.0 A^2 which is ~80 B-factor units.

Admittedly, using A^2 to describe a B factor by itself is not confusing
because we all know what a B factor is.  It is that last column in the
PDB file.  The potential for confusion arises in derived units.  How
does one express a rate-of-change in B factor?  A^2/s?  What about
rate-of-change in U?  A^2/s?  I realized that this could become a
problem while comparing Kmetko et. al. Acta D (2006) and Borek et. al.
JSR (2007).  Both very good and influential papers: the former describes
damage rates in A^2/MGy (converting B to U first so that A^2 is the
unit), and the latter relates damage to the B factor directly, and
points out that the increase in B factor from radiation damage of most
protein crystals is almost exactly 1.0 B/MGy.  This would be a great
rule of thumb if one were allowed to use B as a unit.  Why not?

The authors of both papers make it perfectly clear what their quantities 
are, so there is no risk of confusion. Borek et. al. (2007) 
systematically use change of B per dose, reported in units of A^2/MGy. 
Kmetko et. al. (2006), use change of U per dose (in their table 2), 
also repoprted in units of A^2/MGy. There is nothing wrong with this.

If two teams of scientists investigate how the size of a margherita 
pizza changes when irradiated with microwaves, and one of them reports 
the change of radius per dose, in m/Gy, whereas the other one reports 
the change in circumference per dose, also in m/Gy, would you get 
confused because their values are not the same, but their units are ? 
Would you think that, because the results systematically differ by a 
factor 2*pi, there is a problem with the units ?

Interesting that the IUCr committee report that Ian pointed out stated
we recommend that the use of B be discouraged.  Hmm... Good luck with

I agree that I should have used U instead of u^2 in my original post.
Actually, the u should have a subscript x to denote that it is along
the direction perpendicular to the Bragg plane.  Movement within the
plane does not change the spot intensity, and it also does not matter if
the x displacements are instantaneous, dynamic or static, as there
is no way to tell the difference with x-ray diffraction.  It just
matters how far the atoms are from their ideal lattice points (James
1962, Ch 1).  I am not sure how to do a symbol with both superscripts
and subscripts AND inside brackets  that is legible in all email
clients.  Here is a try: B = 8*pi*usubx/sub^2.  Did that work?

I did find it interesting that the 8*pi^2 arises from the fact that
diffraction occurs in angle space, and so factors of 4*pi 

Re: [ccp4bb] units of the B factor

2009-11-23 Thread Ed Pozharski
On Sun, 2009-11-22 at 23:33 -0800, Dale Tronrud wrote:
 I could be describing my angle as
 1.5 radians, 1.5 degrees, or 1.5 cycles (or 1.5 of the mysterious
 grad on my calculator).  

I thought that use of degrees is based on dividing a circle into 360
parts - roughly one per day (then in geography they somehow divide a
degree day into 60 minutes - not 24 hours, go figure).  Such
agreement, while workable, leads to some ugly results (just like
geocentric system is actually workable but cumbersome).  For instance,
if angles are measured in degrees and x1

sin x ~ pi * x / 180

Not a big deal, really, but this is one reason to use radians instead,
since then you get

sin x ~ x

On the other hand, Christoffa Corombo would add 12 minutes to Santa
Maria's longitude when traveling 12 extra nautical miles westward on his
voyage to what he thought was India.  I wonder how enraged he would be
should mathematician appear on the deck and start arguing that he should
add 0.00349 radians instead.

There are many other examples of such agreements.  For instance, the
singular choice of axes permutation in P21212 is to make sure that
two-fold is along c.  We could agree instead to always have abc - it's
workable, but we would have to keep two more space groups around (hope I
didn't make too many factual mistakes here).

I witnessed once a physics professor having a psychotic break when
someone mentioned SI units during discussion of Maxwell's equations.
Well, electrical engineer will probably try to electrocute you if forced
to measure current in franklins per second (i.e. statamperes) because a
theoretician wants to get rid of Coulomb's force constant. 

PS.  By the way, did you notice that pi^2 ~ g ?  I remember reading long
time ago that this is due to the early choice of the meter length as
that of a pendulum with two seconds period of motion.  Talk about
anthropic principle...


Re: [ccp4bb] units of the B factor

2009-11-23 Thread James Holton
Just because something is dimensionless does not mean it is unit-less.  
The radian and the degree are very good examples of this.  Remember, the 
word unit means one, and it is the quantity of something that we 
give the value 1.0.  Things can only be measured relative to something 
else, and so without defining for the relevant unit, be it a long-hand 
description or a convenient abbreviation, a number by itself is not 
useful.  It may have meaning in the metaphysical sense, but its not 
going to help me solve my structure.

A world without units is all well and good for theoreticians who never 
have to measure anything, but for those of us who do need to know if the 
angle is 1 degree or 1 radian, units are absolutely required.

-James Holton
MAD Scientist

Artem Evdokimov wrote:

The angle value and the associated basic trigonometric functions (sin, cos,
tan) are derived from a ratio of two lengths* and therefore are

It's trivial but important to mention that there is no absolute requirement
of units of any kind whatsoever with respect to angles or to the three basic
trigonometric functions. All the commonly used units come from (arbitrary)
scaling constants that in turn are derived purely from convenience -
specific calculations are conveniently carried out using specific units (be
they radians, points, seconds, grads, brads, or papaya seeds) however the
units themselves are there only for our convenience (unlike the absolutely
required units of mass, length, time etc.). 


* angle - the ratio of the arc length to radius of the arc necessary to
bring the two rays forming the angle together; trig functions - the ratio of
the appropriate sides of a right triangle

-Original Message-
From: CCP4 bulletin board [] On Behalf Of Ian
Sent: Sunday, November 22, 2009 10:57 AM
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] units of the B factor

 Back to the original problem: what are the units of B and

u_x^2?  I haven't been able to work that out.  The first
wack is to say the B occurs in the term

 Exp( -B (Sin(theta)/lambda)^2)

and we've learned that the unit of Sin(theta)/lamda is 1/Angstrom
and the argument of Exp, like Sin, must be radian.  This means
that the units of B must be A^2 radian.  Since B = 8 Pi^2 u_x^2
the units of 8 Pi^2 u_x^2 must also be A^2 radian, but the
units of u_x^2 are determined by the units of 8 Pi^2.  I
can't figure out the units of that without understanding the
defining equation, which is in the OPDXr somewhere.  I suspect
there are additional, hidden, units in that definition.  The
basic definition would start with the deviation of scattering
points from the Miller planes and those deviations are probably
defined in cycle or radian and later converted to Angstrom so
there are conversion factors present from the beginning.

I'm sure that if the MS sits down with the OPDXr and follows
all these units through he will uncover the units of B, 8 Pi^2,
and u_x^2 and the mystery will be solved.  If he doesn't do
it, I'll have to sit down with the book myself, and that will
make my head hurt.

Hi Dale

A nice entertaining read for a Sunday afternoon, but I think you can
only get so far with this argument and then it breaks down, as evidenced
by the fact that eventually you got stuck!  I think the problem arises
in your assertion that the argument of 'exp' must be in units of
radians.  IMO it can also be in units of radians^2 (or radians^n where n
is any unitless number, integer or real, including zero for that
matter!) - and this seems to be precisely what happens here.  Having a
function whose argument can apparently have any one of an infinite
number of units is somewhat of an embarrassment! - of course that must
mean that the argument actually has no units.  So in essence I'm saying
that quantities in radians have to be treated as unitless, contrary to
your earlier assertions.

So the 'units' (accepting for the moment that the radian is a valid
unit) of B are actually A^2 radian^2, and so the 'units' of 8pi^2 (it
comes from 2(2pi)^2) are radian^2 as expected.  However since I think
I've demonstrated that the radian is not a valid unit, then the units of
B are indeed A^2!


-- Ian

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Re: [ccp4bb] units of the B factor

2009-11-23 Thread marc . schiltz
 will be something like B in A^2 radian^2
and u_x^2 in A^2 cycle^2.  It would be much clearer it someone
figured out exactly what those units are and we started properly
stating the units of each.  I'm sorry that I don't have the time
myself for this project.

Dale Tronrud

P.S. As for your distinction between the convenience units used to
measure angles and the absolutely required units of length and mass:
all units are part of the coordinate systems that we humans impose on
the universe.  Length and mass are no more fundamental than angles.
Feet and meters are units chosen for our convenience and one converts
between them using an arbitrary scaling constant.  In fact the whole
distinction between length and mass is simply a matter of convenience.
In the classic text on general relativity Gravitation by Miser,
Thorne and Wheeler they have a table in the back of Some Useful
Numbers in Conventional and Geometrized Units where it lists the
mass of the Sun as 147600 cm and and the distance between the Earth
and Sun as 499 sec.  Those people in general relativity are great
at manipulating coordinate systems!

-Original Message-
From: CCP4 bulletin board [] On Behalf Of Ian
Sent: Sunday, November 22, 2009 10:57 AM
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] units of the B factor

 Back to the original problem: what are the units of B and

u_x^2?  I haven't been able to work that out.  The first
wack is to say the B occurs in the term

 Exp( -B (Sin(theta)/lambda)^2)

and we've learned that the unit of Sin(theta)/lamda is 1/Angstrom
and the argument of Exp, like Sin, must be radian.  This means
that the units of B must be A^2 radian.  Since B = 8 Pi^2 u_x^2
the units of 8 Pi^2 u_x^2 must also be A^2 radian, but the
units of u_x^2 are determined by the units of 8 Pi^2.  I
can't figure out the units of that without understanding the
defining equation, which is in the OPDXr somewhere.  I suspect
there are additional, hidden, units in that definition.  The
basic definition would start with the deviation of scattering
points from the Miller planes and those deviations are probably
defined in cycle or radian and later converted to Angstrom so
there are conversion factors present from the beginning.

I'm sure that if the MS sits down with the OPDXr and follows
all these units through he will uncover the units of B, 8 Pi^2,
and u_x^2 and the mystery will be solved.  If he doesn't do
it, I'll have to sit down with the book myself, and that will
make my head hurt.

Hi Dale

A nice entertaining read for a Sunday afternoon, but I think you can
only get so far with this argument and then it breaks down, as evidenced
by the fact that eventually you got stuck!  I think the problem arises
in your assertion that the argument of 'exp' must be in units of
radians.  IMO it can also be in units of radians^2 (or radians^n where n
is any unitless number, integer or real, including zero for that
matter!) - and this seems to be precisely what happens here.  Having a
function whose argument can apparently have any one of an infinite
number of units is somewhat of an embarrassment! - of course that must
mean that the argument actually has no units.  So in essence I'm saying
that quantities in radians have to be treated as unitless, contrary to
your earlier assertions.

So the 'units' (accepting for the moment that the radian is a valid
unit) of B are actually A^2 radian^2, and so the 'units' of 8pi^2 (it
comes from 2(2pi)^2) are radian^2 as expected.  However since I think
I've demonstrated that the radian is not a valid unit, then the units of
B are indeed A^2!


-- Ian

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Re: [ccp4bb] units of the B factor

2009-11-23 Thread Clemens Grimm

Zitat von

Dale Tronrud wrote:

   While it is true that angles are defined by ratios which result in
their values being independent of the units those lengths were measured,
common sense says that a number is an insufficient description of an
angle.  If I tell you I measured an angle and its value is 1.5 you
cannot perform any useful calculation with that knowledge.

I disagree: you can, for instance, put this number x = 1.5 (without  
units) into the series expansion for sin X :

x - x^3/(3!) + x^5/(5!) - x^7/(7!) + ...

and compute the value of sin(1.5) to any desired degree of accuracy
(four terms will be enough to get an accuracy of 0.0001). Note that
the x in the series expansion is just a real number (no dimension, no

... However you get this Taylor expansion under the assumption that  
sin'(0)=1 sin''(0)=0, sin'''(0)=-1, ...
this only holds true under the assumption that the sin function has a  
period of 2pi and this 'angle' is treated as unitless. Taking e. g.  
the sine function with a 'degree' argument treated properly as 'unit'  
will result in a Taylor expansion showing terms with this unit  
sticking to them.


Re: [ccp4bb] units of the B factor

2009-11-23 Thread James Holton

Marc SCHILTZ wrote:

Hi James

I must confess that I do not understand your point. If you read a 
value from the last column of a PDB file, say 27.34, then this really 
means :

B = 27.34 Å^2

for this atom. And, since B=8*pi^2*U, it also means that this atom's 
mean square atomic displacement is U = 0.346 Å^2.

It does NOT mean :

B = 27.34 Born = 27.34 A^2/(8*pi^2) = 27.34/(8*pi^2) A^2 = 0.346 Å^2

as you seem to suggest.


Allow me to re-phrase your argument in a slightly different way:

If we replace the definition B=8*pi^2*U, with the easier-to-write C = 
100*M, then your above statement becomes:

   It does NOT mean :

   C = 27.34 millimeters^2 = 27.34 centimeter^2/100 = 27.34/100
   centimeter^2 = 0.2734 centimeter^2

Why is this not true?

If it was like this, the mean square atomic displacement of this atom 
would be U = 0.00438 Å^2 (which would enable one to do ultra-high 
resolution studies).
I feel I should also point out that B = 0 is not all that different from 
B = 2 (U = 0.03 A^2) if you are trying to do ultra-high resolution 
studies.  This is because the form factor of carbon and other light 
atoms are essentially Gaussians with full-width at half-max (FWHM) ~0.8 
A (you can plot the form factors listed in ITC Vol C to verify this), 
and blurring atoms with a B factor of 2 Borns increases this width to 
only ~0.9 A.  This is because the real-space blurring kernel of a B 
factor is a Gaussian function with FWHM = sqrt(B*log(2))/pi Angstrom.  
The root-mean-square RMS width of this real-space blurring function is 
sqrt(B/8*pi^2) Angstrom, or sqrt(U) Angstrom.  This is the real-space 
size of a B factor Gaussian, and I, for one, find this a much more 
intuitive way to think about B factors.  I note, however, that the 
real-space manifestation of the B factor is an object that can be 
measured in units of Angstrom with no funny scale factors.  It is only 
in reciprocal space (which is really angle space) that we see all 
these factors of pi popping up.

More on that when I find my copy of James...

-James Holton
MAD Scientist

Re: [ccp4bb] units of the B factor

2009-11-23 Thread Ian Tickle

 For instance, if angles are measured in degrees and x1
 sin x ~ pi * x / 180
 sin x ~ x

Your equations cannot simultaneously be true  in fact the 1st one is
obviously wrong, the 2nd is right.  In the 1st case I think you meant
(substituting 'x*deg' for 'x' in your correct 2nd equation):

sin(x*deg) ~ (x*deg)  for (x*deg)  1

where 'deg' = pi/180.  Therefore we have:

sin(x*deg) ~ pi*x/180

 There are many other examples of such agreements.  For instance, the
 singular choice of axes permutation in P21212 is to make sure that
 two-fold is along c.  We could agree instead to always have 
 abc - it's
 workable, but we would have to keep two more space groups 
 around (hope I
 didn't make too many factual mistakes here).

Just one: it's a=b=c.  In any case, this comment is analogous to Henry
Ford's famous sales pitch for the Model T: You can have a car in any
colour so long as it's black.  Tell me, which would you say makes more
sense: a) 1 person spends 10 secs adding 10 lines to the syminfo file
once and for all, or b) many people post queries to CCP4BB about
re-indexing their MTZ files because the processing mis-identified 2-fold
screw axes from the systematic absences?
 PS.  By the way, did you notice that pi^2 ~ g ?  I 

... and did you notice that e^(i*pi) + 1 = 0 connects the 5 fundamental
mathematical constants? - that also has nothing whatsoever to do with
this thread ;-).


-- Ian

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Astex Therapeutics Ltd., Registered in England at 436 Cambridge Science Park, 
Cambridge CB4 0QA under number 3751674

Re: [ccp4bb] units of the B factor

2009-11-23 Thread mb1pja
 of 2 Pi radian/cycle or 1/(2 Pi) cycle/radian when switching
I agree with Ian that the 8 Pi^2 factor in the conversion of
 u_x^2 to B looks suspiciously like 2 (2 Pi)^2 and it is likely
 a conversion of cycle^2 to radian^2.  I can even imagine that the
 derivation of effect of distortions of the lattice points that lead
 to these parameters would start with a description of these distortions
 in cycles, but I also have enough experience with this sort of problem
 to know that you can only be certain of these units after going
 back to the root definition and tracking the algebra forward.
In my opinion the Mad Scientist is right.  B and u_x^2 represent
 the same quantity reported with different units (or conventions if
 you will) and the answer will be something like B in A^2 radian^2
 and u_x^2 in A^2 cycle^2.  It would be much clearer it someone
 figured out exactly what those units are and we started properly
 stating the units of each.  I'm sorry that I don't have the time
 myself for this project.
 Dale Tronrud
 P.S. As for your distinction between the convenience units used to
 measure angles and the absolutely required units of length and mass:
 all units are part of the coordinate systems that we humans impose on
 the universe.  Length and mass are no more fundamental than angles.
 Feet and meters are units chosen for our convenience and one converts
 between them using an arbitrary scaling constant.  In fact the whole
 distinction between length and mass is simply a matter of convenience.
 In the classic text on general relativity Gravitation by Miser,
 Thorne and Wheeler they have a table in the back of Some Useful
 Numbers in Conventional and Geometrized Units where it lists the
 mass of the Sun as 147600 cm and and the distance between the Earth
 and Sun as 499 sec.  Those people in general relativity are great
 at manipulating coordinate systems!
 -Original Message-
 From: CCP4 bulletin board [] On Behalf Of Ian
 Sent: Sunday, November 22, 2009 10:57 AM
 Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] units of the B factor
 Back to the original problem: what are the units of B and
 u_x^2?  I haven't been able to work that out.  The first
 wack is to say the B occurs in the term
 Exp( -B (Sin(theta)/lambda)^2)
 and we've learned that the unit of Sin(theta)/lamda is 1/Angstrom
 and the argument of Exp, like Sin, must be radian.  This means
 that the units of B must be A^2 radian.  Since B = 8 Pi^2 u_x^2
 the units of 8 Pi^2 u_x^2 must also be A^2 radian, but the
 units of u_x^2 are determined by the units of 8 Pi^2.  I
 can't figure out the units of that without understanding the
 defining equation, which is in the OPDXr somewhere.  I suspect
 there are additional, hidden, units in that definition.  The
 basic definition would start with the deviation of scattering
 points from the Miller planes and those deviations are probably
 defined in cycle or radian and later converted to Angstrom so
 there are conversion factors present from the beginning.
I'm sure that if the MS sits down with the OPDXr and follows
 all these units through he will uncover the units of B, 8 Pi^2,
 and u_x^2 and the mystery will be solved.  If he doesn't do
 it, I'll have to sit down with the book myself, and that will
 make my head hurt.
 Hi Dale
 A nice entertaining read for a Sunday afternoon, but I think you can
 only get so far with this argument and then it breaks down, as evidenced
 by the fact that eventually you got stuck!  I think the problem arises
 in your assertion that the argument of 'exp' must be in units of
 radians.  IMO it can also be in units of radians^2 (or radians^n where n
 is any unitless number, integer or real, including zero for that
 matter!) - and this seems to be precisely what happens here.  Having a
 function whose argument can apparently have any one of an infinite
 number of units is somewhat of an embarrassment! - of course that must
 mean that the argument actually has no units.  So in essence I'm saying
 that quantities in radians have to be treated as unitless, contrary to
 your earlier assertions.
 So the 'units' (accepting for the moment that the radian is a valid
 unit) of B are actually A^2 radian^2, and so the 'units' of 8pi^2 (it
 comes from 2(2pi)^2) are radian^2 as expected.  However since I think
 I've demonstrated that the radian is not a valid unit, then the units of
 B are indeed A^2!
 -- Ian
 This communication is confidential and may contain privileged information
 intended solely for the named addressee(s). It may not be used or disclosed
 except for the purpose for which it has been sent. If you are not the
 intended recipient you must not review, use, disclose, copy, distribute or
 take any action in reliance upon it. If you have received this communication
 in error, please notify Astex Therapeutics Ltd by emailing

Re: [ccp4bb] units of the B factor

2009-11-23 Thread Ian Tickle
James, I think you misunderstood, no-one is suggesting that we can do
without the degree (minute, second, grad, ...), since these conversion
units have considerable practical value.  Only the radian (and
steradian) are technically redundant, and as Marc suggested we would
probably be better off without them!


-- Ian

 -Original Message-
 [] On Behalf Of James Holton
 Sent: 23 November 2009 16:35
 Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] units of the B factor
 Just because something is dimensionless does not mean it is 
 The radian and the degree are very good examples of this.  
 Remember, the 
 word unit means one, and it is the quantity of something that we 
 give the value 1.0.  Things can only be measured relative 
 to something 
 else, and so without defining for the relevant unit, be it 
 a long-hand 
 description or a convenient abbreviation, a number by itself is not 
 useful.  It may have meaning in the metaphysical sense, but its not 
 going to help me solve my structure.
 A world without units is all well and good for theoreticians 
 who never 
 have to measure anything, but for those of us who do need to 
 know if the 
 angle is 1 degree or 1 radian, units are absolutely required.
 -James Holton
 MAD Scientist
 Artem Evdokimov wrote:
  The angle value and the associated basic trigonometric 
 functions (sin, cos,
  tan) are derived from a ratio of two lengths* and therefore are
  It's trivial but important to mention that there is no 
 absolute requirement
  of units of any kind whatsoever with respect to angles or 
 to the three basic
  trigonometric functions. All the commonly used units come 
 from (arbitrary)
  scaling constants that in turn are derived purely from convenience -
  specific calculations are conveniently carried out using 
 specific units (be
  they radians, points, seconds, grads, brads, or papaya 
 seeds) however the
  units themselves are there only for our convenience (unlike 
 the absolutely
  required units of mass, length, time etc.). 
  * angle - the ratio of the arc length to radius of the arc 
 necessary to
  bring the two rays forming the angle together; trig 
 functions - the ratio of
  the appropriate sides of a right triangle
  -Original Message-
  From: CCP4 bulletin board [] On 
 Behalf Of Ian
  Sent: Sunday, November 22, 2009 10:57 AM
  Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] units of the B factor
   Back to the original problem: what are the units of B and

  u_x^2?  I haven't been able to work that out.  The first
  wack is to say the B occurs in the term
   Exp( -B (Sin(theta)/lambda)^2)
  and we've learned that the unit of Sin(theta)/lamda is 1/Angstrom
  and the argument of Exp, like Sin, must be radian.  This means
  that the units of B must be A^2 radian.  Since B = 8 Pi^2 u_x^2
  the units of 8 Pi^2 u_x^2 must also be A^2 radian, but the
  units of u_x^2 are determined by the units of 8 Pi^2.  I
  can't figure out the units of that without understanding the
  defining equation, which is in the OPDXr somewhere.  I suspect
  there are additional, hidden, units in that definition.  The
  basic definition would start with the deviation of scattering
  points from the Miller planes and those deviations are probably
  defined in cycle or radian and later converted to Angstrom so
  there are conversion factors present from the beginning.
  I'm sure that if the MS sits down with the OPDXr and follows
  all these units through he will uncover the units of B, 8 Pi^2,
  and u_x^2 and the mystery will be solved.  If he doesn't do
  it, I'll have to sit down with the book myself, and that will
  make my head hurt.
  Hi Dale
  A nice entertaining read for a Sunday afternoon, but I think you can
  only get so far with this argument and then it breaks down, 
 as evidenced
  by the fact that eventually you got stuck!  I think the 
 problem arises
  in your assertion that the argument of 'exp' must be in units of
  radians.  IMO it can also be in units of radians^2 (or 
 radians^n where n
  is any unitless number, integer or real, including zero for that
  matter!) - and this seems to be precisely what happens 
 here.  Having a
  function whose argument can apparently have any one of an infinite
  number of units is somewhat of an embarrassment! - of 
 course that must
  mean that the argument actually has no units.  So in 
 essence I'm saying
  that quantities in radians have to be treated as unitless, 
 contrary to
  your earlier assertions.
  So the 'units' (accepting for the moment that the radian is a valid
  unit) of B are actually A^2 radian^2, and so the 'units' of 
 8pi^2 (it
  comes from 2(2pi)^2) are radian^2 as expected.  However 
 since I think
  I've demonstrated that the radian is not a valid unit

Re: [ccp4bb] units of the B factor

2009-11-23 Thread Douglas Theobald
Argument from authority, from the omniscient Wikipedia:

Although the radian is a unit of measure, it is a dimensionless quantity.

The radian is a unit of plane angle, equal to 180/pi (or 360/(2 pi)) degrees, 
or about 57.2958 degrees, It is the standard unit of angular measurement in 
all areas of mathematics beyond the elementary level.

… the radian is now considered an SI derived unit.

On Nov 23, 2009, at 1:31 PM, Ian Tickle wrote:

 James, I think you misunderstood, no-one is suggesting that we can do
 without the degree (minute, second, grad, ...), since these conversion
 units have considerable practical value.  Only the radian (and
 steradian) are technically redundant, and as Marc suggested we would
 probably be better off without them!
 -- Ian
 -Original Message-
 [] On Behalf Of James Holton
 Sent: 23 November 2009 16:35
 Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] units of the B factor
 Just because something is dimensionless does not mean it is 
 The radian and the degree are very good examples of this.  
 Remember, the 
 word unit means one, and it is the quantity of something that we 
 give the value 1.0.  Things can only be measured relative 
 to something 
 else, and so without defining for the relevant unit, be it 
 a long-hand 
 description or a convenient abbreviation, a number by itself is not 
 useful.  It may have meaning in the metaphysical sense, but its not 
 going to help me solve my structure.
 A world without units is all well and good for theoreticians 
 who never 
 have to measure anything, but for those of us who do need to 
 know if the 
 angle is 1 degree or 1 radian, units are absolutely required.
 -James Holton
 MAD Scientist
 Artem Evdokimov wrote:
 The angle value and the associated basic trigonometric 
 functions (sin, cos,
 tan) are derived from a ratio of two lengths* and therefore are
 It's trivial but important to mention that there is no 
 absolute requirement
 of units of any kind whatsoever with respect to angles or 
 to the three basic
 trigonometric functions. All the commonly used units come 
 from (arbitrary)
 scaling constants that in turn are derived purely from convenience -
 specific calculations are conveniently carried out using 
 specific units (be
 they radians, points, seconds, grads, brads, or papaya 
 seeds) however the
 units themselves are there only for our convenience (unlike 
 the absolutely
 required units of mass, length, time etc.). 
 * angle - the ratio of the arc length to radius of the arc 
 necessary to
 bring the two rays forming the angle together; trig 
 functions - the ratio of
 the appropriate sides of a right triangle
 -Original Message-
 From: CCP4 bulletin board [] On 
 Behalf Of Ian
 Sent: Sunday, November 22, 2009 10:57 AM
 Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] units of the B factor
 Back to the original problem: what are the units of B and
 u_x^2?  I haven't been able to work that out.  The first
 wack is to say the B occurs in the term
 Exp( -B (Sin(theta)/lambda)^2)

 and we've learned that the unit of Sin(theta)/lamda is 1/Angstrom
 and the argument of Exp, like Sin, must be radian.  This means
 that the units of B must be A^2 radian.  Since B = 8 Pi^2 u_x^2
 the units of 8 Pi^2 u_x^2 must also be A^2 radian, but the
 units of u_x^2 are determined by the units of 8 Pi^2.  I
 can't figure out the units of that without understanding the
 defining equation, which is in the OPDXr somewhere.  I suspect
 there are additional, hidden, units in that definition.  The
 basic definition would start with the deviation of scattering
 points from the Miller planes and those deviations are probably
 defined in cycle or radian and later converted to Angstrom so
 there are conversion factors present from the beginning.
I'm sure that if the MS sits down with the OPDXr and follows
 all these units through he will uncover the units of B, 8 Pi^2,
 and u_x^2 and the mystery will be solved.  If he doesn't do
 it, I'll have to sit down with the book myself, and that will
 make my head hurt.
 Hi Dale
 A nice entertaining read for a Sunday afternoon, but I think you can
 only get so far with this argument and then it breaks down, 
 as evidenced
 by the fact that eventually you got stuck!  I think the 
 problem arises
 in your assertion that the argument of 'exp' must be in units of
 radians.  IMO it can also be in units of radians^2 (or 
 radians^n where n
 is any unitless number, integer or real, including zero for that
 matter!) - and this seems to be precisely what happens 
 here.  Having a
 function whose argument can apparently have any one of an infinite
 number of units is somewhat of an embarrassment! - of 
 course that must
 mean that the argument actually has

Re: [ccp4bb] units of the B factor

2009-11-23 Thread James Holton
So... how do you measure or report a solid angle without invoking the 
steradian?  sterdegrees?

Ian Tickle wrote:

James, I think you misunderstood, no-one is suggesting that we can do
without the degree (minute, second, grad, ...), since these conversion
units have considerable practical value.  Only the radian (and
steradian) are technically redundant, and as Marc suggested we would
probably be better off without them!


-- Ian


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of James Holton

Sent: 23 November 2009 16:35
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] units of the B factor

Just because something is dimensionless does not mean it is 
The radian and the degree are very good examples of this.  
Remember, the 
word unit means one, and it is the quantity of something that we 
give the value 1.0.  Things can only be measured relative 
to something 
else, and so without defining for the relevant unit, be it 
a long-hand 
description or a convenient abbreviation, a number by itself is not 
useful.  It may have meaning in the metaphysical sense, but its not 
going to help me solve my structure.

A world without units is all well and good for theoreticians 
who never 
have to measure anything, but for those of us who do need to 
know if the 
angle is 1 degree or 1 radian, units are absolutely required.

-James Holton
MAD Scientist

Artem Evdokimov wrote:

The angle value and the associated basic trigonometric 

functions (sin, cos,

tan) are derived from a ratio of two lengths* and therefore are

It's trivial but important to mention that there is no 

absolute requirement

of units of any kind whatsoever with respect to angles or 

to the three basic

trigonometric functions. All the commonly used units come 

from (arbitrary)

scaling constants that in turn are derived purely from convenience -
specific calculations are conveniently carried out using 

specific units (be

they radians, points, seconds, grads, brads, or papaya 

seeds) however the

units themselves are there only for our convenience (unlike 

the absolutely

required units of mass, length, time etc.). 


* angle - the ratio of the arc length to radius of the arc 

necessary to

bring the two rays forming the angle together; trig 

functions - the ratio of

the appropriate sides of a right triangle

-Original Message-
From: CCP4 bulletin board [] On 

Behalf Of Ian

Sent: Sunday, November 22, 2009 10:57 AM
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] units of the B factor

 Back to the original problem: what are the units of B and

u_x^2?  I haven't been able to work that out.  The first
wack is to say the B occurs in the term

 Exp( -B (Sin(theta)/lambda)^2)

and we've learned that the unit of Sin(theta)/lamda is 1/Angstrom
and the argument of Exp, like Sin, must be radian.  This means
that the units of B must be A^2 radian.  Since B = 8 Pi^2 u_x^2
the units of 8 Pi^2 u_x^2 must also be A^2 radian, but the
units of u_x^2 are determined by the units of 8 Pi^2.  I
can't figure out the units of that without understanding the
defining equation, which is in the OPDXr somewhere.  I suspect
there are additional, hidden, units in that definition.  The
basic definition would start with the deviation of scattering
points from the Miller planes and those deviations are probably
defined in cycle or radian and later converted to Angstrom so
there are conversion factors present from the beginning.

I'm sure that if the MS sits down with the OPDXr and follows
all these units through he will uncover the units of B, 8 Pi^2,
and u_x^2 and the mystery will be solved.  If he doesn't do
it, I'll have to sit down with the book myself, and that will
make my head hurt.

Hi Dale

A nice entertaining read for a Sunday afternoon, but I think you can
only get so far with this argument and then it breaks down, 

as evidenced

by the fact that eventually you got stuck!  I think the 

problem arises

in your assertion that the argument of 'exp' must be in units of
radians.  IMO it can also be in units of radians^2 (or 

radians^n where n

is any unitless number, integer or real, including zero for that
matter!) - and this seems to be precisely what happens 

here.  Having a

function whose argument can apparently have any one of an infinite
number of units is somewhat of an embarrassment! - of 

course that must

mean that the argument actually has no units.  So in 

essence I'm saying

that quantities in radians have to be treated as unitless, 

contrary to

your earlier assertions.

So the 'units' (accepting for the moment that the radian is a valid
unit) of B

Re: [ccp4bb] units of the B factor

2009-11-23 Thread Ian Tickle
No, just like this: 'solid angle = 1.234' (or whatever its value is).

Since the conversion unit 'steradian' = 1 (i.e. the dimensionless pure
number 1) identically, 'a solid angle of 1.234 steradians' is identical
to 'a solid angle of 1.234': the unit 'steradian' is redundant.


-- Ian

 -Original Message-
 [] On Behalf Of James Holton
 Sent: 23 November 2009 19:07
 Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] units of the B factor
 So... how do you measure or report a solid angle without invoking the 
 steradian?  sterdegrees?
 Ian Tickle wrote:
  James, I think you misunderstood, no-one is suggesting that 
 we can do
  without the degree (minute, second, grad, ...), since these 
  units have considerable practical value.  Only the radian (and
  steradian) are technically redundant, and as Marc suggested we would
  probably be better off without them!
  -- Ian

  -Original Message-
  [] On Behalf Of James Holton
  Sent: 23 November 2009 16:35
  Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] units of the B factor
  Just because something is dimensionless does not mean it is 
  The radian and the degree are very good examples of this.  
  Remember, the 
  word unit means one, and it is the quantity of 
 something that we 
  give the value 1.0.  Things can only be measured relative 
  to something 
  else, and so without defining for the relevant unit, be it 
  a long-hand 
  description or a convenient abbreviation, a number by 
 itself is not 
  useful.  It may have meaning in the metaphysical sense, 
 but its not 
  going to help me solve my structure.
  A world without units is all well and good for theoreticians 
  who never 
  have to measure anything, but for those of us who do need to 
  know if the 
  angle is 1 degree or 1 radian, units are absolutely required.
  -James Holton
  MAD Scientist
  Artem Evdokimov wrote:
  The angle value and the associated basic trigonometric 

  functions (sin, cos,
  tan) are derived from a ratio of two lengths* and therefore are
  It's trivial but important to mention that there is no 

  absolute requirement
  of units of any kind whatsoever with respect to angles or 

  to the three basic
  trigonometric functions. All the commonly used units come 

  from (arbitrary)
  scaling constants that in turn are derived purely from 
 convenience -
  specific calculations are conveniently carried out using 

  specific units (be
  they radians, points, seconds, grads, brads, or papaya 

  seeds) however the
  units themselves are there only for our convenience (unlike 

  the absolutely
  required units of mass, length, time etc.). 
  * angle - the ratio of the arc length to radius of the arc 

  necessary to
  bring the two rays forming the angle together; trig 

  functions - the ratio of
  the appropriate sides of a right triangle
  -Original Message-
  From: CCP4 bulletin board [] On 

  Behalf Of Ian
  Sent: Sunday, November 22, 2009 10:57 AM
  Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] units of the B factor
   Back to the original problem: what are the units of B and

  u_x^2?  I haven't been able to work that out.  The first
  wack is to say the B occurs in the term
   Exp( -B (Sin(theta)/lambda)^2)
  and we've learned that the unit of Sin(theta)/lamda is 1/Angstrom
  and the argument of Exp, like Sin, must be radian.  This means
  that the units of B must be A^2 radian.  Since B = 8 Pi^2 u_x^2
  the units of 8 Pi^2 u_x^2 must also be A^2 radian, but the
  units of u_x^2 are determined by the units of 8 Pi^2.  I
  can't figure out the units of that without understanding the
  defining equation, which is in the OPDXr somewhere.  I suspect
  there are additional, hidden, units in that definition.  The
  basic definition would start with the deviation of scattering
  points from the Miller planes and those deviations are probably
  defined in cycle or radian and later converted to Angstrom so
  there are conversion factors present from the beginning.
  I'm sure that if the MS sits down with the OPDXr and follows
  all these units through he will uncover the units of B, 8 Pi^2,
  and u_x^2 and the mystery will be solved.  If he doesn't do
  it, I'll have to sit down with the book myself, and that will
  make my head hurt.
  Hi Dale
  A nice entertaining read for a Sunday afternoon, but I 
 think you can
  only get so far with this argument and then it breaks down, 

  as evidenced
  by the fact that eventually you got stuck!  I think

Re: [ccp4bb] units of the B factor

2009-11-23 Thread James Holton
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] units of the B factor

Back to the original problem: what are the units of B and

u_x^2?  I haven't been able to work that out.  The first
wack is to say the B occurs in the term

Exp( -B (Sin(theta)/lambda)^2)

and we've learned that the unit of Sin(theta)/lamda is 1/Angstrom
and the argument of Exp, like Sin, must be radian.  This means
that the units of B must be A^2 radian.  Since B = 8 Pi^2 u_x^2
the units of 8 Pi^2 u_x^2 must also be A^2 radian, but the
units of u_x^2 are determined by the units of 8 Pi^2.  I
can't figure out the units of that without understanding the
defining equation, which is in the OPDXr somewhere.  I suspect
there are additional, hidden, units in that definition.  The
basic definition would start with the deviation of scattering
points from the Miller planes and those deviations are probably
defined in cycle or radian and later converted to Angstrom so
there are conversion factors present from the beginning.

   I'm sure that if the MS sits down with the OPDXr and follows
all these units through he will uncover the units of B, 8 Pi^2,
and u_x^2 and the mystery will be solved.  If he doesn't do
it, I'll have to sit down with the book myself, and that will
make my head hurt.

Hi Dale

A nice entertaining read for a Sunday afternoon, but I think you can
only get so far with this argument and then it breaks down, as evidenced
by the fact that eventually you got stuck!  I think the problem arises
in your assertion that the argument of 'exp' must be in units of
radians.  IMO it can also be in units of radians^2 (or radians^n where n
is any unitless number, integer or real, including zero for that
matter!) - and this seems to be precisely what happens here.  Having a
function whose argument can apparently have any one of an infinite
number of units is somewhat of an embarrassment! - of course that must
mean that the argument actually has no units.  So in essence I'm saying
that quantities in radians have to be treated as unitless, contrary to
your earlier assertions.

So the 'units' (accepting for the moment that the radian is a valid
unit) of B are actually A^2 radian^2, and so the 'units' of 8pi^2 (it
comes from 2(2pi)^2) are radian^2 as expected.  However since I think
I've demonstrated that the radian is not a valid unit, then the units of
B are indeed A^2!


-- Ian

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Re: [ccp4bb] units of the B factor

2009-11-23 Thread Frank von Delft
That's still only by convention.  Which was the point of this thread to 
begin with:  let's settle on a convention.

I'm surprised this is contentious. 

Ian Tickle wrote:

No, just like this: 'solid angle = 1.234' (or whatever its value is).

Since the conversion unit 'steradian' = 1 (i.e. the dimensionless pure
number 1) identically, 'a solid angle of 1.234 steradians' is identical
to 'a solid angle of 1.234': the unit 'steradian' is redundant.


-- Ian


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of James Holton

Sent: 23 November 2009 19:07
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] units of the B factor

So... how do you measure or report a solid angle without invoking the 
steradian?  sterdegrees?

Ian Tickle wrote:

James, I think you misunderstood, no-one is suggesting that 

we can do

without the degree (minute, second, grad, ...), since these 


units have considerable practical value.  Only the radian (and
steradian) are technically redundant, and as Marc suggested we would
probably be better off without them!


-- Ian


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of James Holton

Sent: 23 November 2009 16:35
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] units of the B factor

Just because something is dimensionless does not mean it is 
The radian and the degree are very good examples of this.  
Remember, the 
word unit means one, and it is the quantity of 

something that we 

give the value 1.0.  Things can only be measured relative 
to something 
else, and so without defining for the relevant unit, be it 
a long-hand 
description or a convenient abbreviation, a number by 

itself is not 

useful.  It may have meaning in the metaphysical sense, 

but its not 

going to help me solve my structure.

A world without units is all well and good for theoreticians 
who never 
have to measure anything, but for those of us who do need to 
know if the 
angle is 1 degree or 1 radian, units are absolutely required.

-James Holton
MAD Scientist

Artem Evdokimov wrote:

The angle value and the associated basic trigonometric 

functions (sin, cos,

tan) are derived from a ratio of two lengths* and therefore are

It's trivial but important to mention that there is no 

absolute requirement

of units of any kind whatsoever with respect to angles or 

to the three basic

trigonometric functions. All the commonly used units come 

from (arbitrary)

scaling constants that in turn are derived purely from 

convenience -

specific calculations are conveniently carried out using 

specific units (be

they radians, points, seconds, grads, brads, or papaya 

seeds) however the

units themselves are there only for our convenience (unlike 

the absolutely

required units of mass, length, time etc.). 


* angle - the ratio of the arc length to radius of the arc 

necessary to

bring the two rays forming the angle together; trig 

functions - the ratio of

the appropriate sides of a right triangle

-Original Message-
From: CCP4 bulletin board [] On 

Behalf Of Ian

Sent: Sunday, November 22, 2009 10:57 AM
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] units of the B factor

 Back to the original problem: what are the units of B and

u_x^2?  I haven't been able to work that out.  The first
wack is to say the B occurs in the term

 Exp( -B (Sin(theta)/lambda)^2)

and we've learned that the unit of Sin(theta)/lamda is 1/Angstrom
and the argument of Exp, like Sin, must be radian.  This means
that the units of B must be A^2 radian.  Since B = 8 Pi^2 u_x^2
the units of 8 Pi^2 u_x^2 must also be A^2 radian, but the
units of u_x^2 are determined by the units of 8 Pi^2.  I
can't figure out the units of that without understanding the
defining equation, which is in the OPDXr somewhere.  I suspect
there are additional, hidden, units in that definition.  The
basic definition would start with the deviation of scattering
points from the Miller planes and those deviations are probably
defined in cycle or radian and later converted to Angstrom so
there are conversion factors present from the beginning.

I'm sure that if the MS sits down with the OPDXr and follows
all these units through he will uncover the units of B, 8 Pi^2,
and u_x^2 and the mystery will be solved.  If he doesn't do
it, I'll have to sit down with the book myself

Re: [ccp4bb] units of the B factor

2009-11-23 Thread Ed Pozharski

On Mon, 2009-11-23 at 17:34 +, Ian Tickle wrote:
  For instance, if angles are measured in degrees and x1
  sin x ~ pi * x / 180
  sin x ~ x
 Your equations cannot simultaneously be true  in fact the 1st one is
 obviously wrong, the 2nd is right.  In the 1st case I think you meant
 (substituting 'x*deg' for 'x' in your correct 2nd equation):

Hmm... It's not the same x in these two equations - one is measured in
degrees, the other in radians.

 Just one: it's a=b=c.  In any case, this comment is analogous to Henry
 Ford's famous sales pitch for the Model T: You can have a car in any
 colour so long as it's black.  Tell me, which would you say makes more
 sense: a) 1 person spends 10 secs adding 10 lines to the syminfo file
 once and for all, or b) many people post queries to CCP4BB about
 re-indexing their MTZ files because the processing mis-identified 2-fold
 screw axes from the systematic absences?

Tough call.  On one hand, refusing P22121's right to exist is
discrimination, on the other - these are the subtleties that help
understanding so this has some educational value.  Then there is
Ockham's razor (which I personally believe people sometimes take too
far).  I think you pose the question in the way which pushes towards
certain answer, let me try it differently:

Which one makes more sense:
1) people learning more about space groups and reading the manuals of
the software they are using to process data or
2) adding more space groups and using more paper to print the
International Tables for Crystallography (gently hugs an imaginary

Seriously though, I think it makes sense to keep just P21212, because
you don't get a different crystal form by axes permutation.

  PS.  By the way, did you notice that pi^2 ~ g ?  I 
 ... and did you notice that e^(i*pi) + 1 = 0 connects the 5 fundamental
 mathematical constants? - that also has nothing whatsoever to do with
 this thread ;-).

Oh yeah - e^(i*pi)=-1 is my favorite meditation object :-)  Nicely
connects arithmetics, geometry, calculus and complex analysis.




Re: [ccp4bb] units of the B factor

2009-11-23 Thread Scott Pegan


On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 1:07 PM, Ed Pozharski epozh...@umaryland.eduwrote:


 On Mon, 2009-11-23 at 17:34 +, Ian Tickle wrote:
   For instance, if angles are measured in degrees and x1
   sin x ~ pi * x / 180
   sin x ~ x
  Your equations cannot simultaneously be true  in fact the 1st one is
  obviously wrong, the 2nd is right.  In the 1st case I think you meant
  (substituting 'x*deg' for 'x' in your correct 2nd equation):

 Hmm... It's not the same x in these two equations - one is measured in
 degrees, the other in radians.

  Just one: it's a=b=c.  In any case, this comment is analogous to Henry
  Ford's famous sales pitch for the Model T: You can have a car in any
  colour so long as it's black.  Tell me, which would you say makes more
  sense: a) 1 person spends 10 secs adding 10 lines to the syminfo file
  once and for all, or b) many people post queries to CCP4BB about
  re-indexing their MTZ files because the processing mis-identified 2-fold
  screw axes from the systematic absences?

 Tough call.  On one hand, refusing P22121's right to exist is
 discrimination, on the other - these are the subtleties that help
 understanding so this has some educational value.  Then there is
 Ockham's razor (which I personally believe people sometimes take too
 far).  I think you pose the question in the way which pushes towards
 certain answer, let me try it differently:

 Which one makes more sense:
 1) people learning more about space groups and reading the manuals of
 the software they are using to process data or
 2) adding more space groups and using more paper to print the
 International Tables for Crystallography (gently hugs an imaginary

 Seriously though, I think it makes sense to keep just P21212, because
 you don't get a different crystal form by axes permutation.

   PS.  By the way, did you notice that pi^2 ~ g ?  I
  ... and did you notice that e^(i*pi) + 1 = 0 connects the 5 fundamental
  mathematical constants? - that also has nothing whatsoever to do with
  this thread ;-).

 Oh yeah - e^(i*pi)=-1 is my favorite meditation object :-)  Nicely
 connects arithmetics, geometry, calculus and complex analysis.




Scott D. Pegan, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Chemistry  Biochemistry
University of Denver

Re: [ccp4bb] units of the B factor

2009-11-23 Thread marc . schiltz


I don't think that you are re-phrasing me correctly. At least I can  
not understand how your statement relates to mine.

You simply have to tell us whether a value of 27.34 read from the last  
column of a PDB file means :

(1) B = 27.34 Å^2 , as I (and hopefully some others) think, or
(2) B = 27.34 A^2/(8*pi^2) = 0.346 Å^2 , as you seem to suggest

Once you have settled for one of the two options, you can convert your  
B to U and you will get for either choice :

(1) U = 0.346 Å^2
(2) U = 0.00438 Å^2

Even small-molecule crystallographers (who almost always compute and  
refine U's) rarely see values as low as U = 0.00438 Å^2.



Quoting James Holton

Marc SCHILTZ wrote:

Hi James

I must confess that I do not understand your point. If you read a
value from the last column of a PDB file, say 27.34, then this really
means :

B = 27.34 Å^2

for this atom. And, since B=8*pi^2*U, it also means that this atom's
mean square atomic displacement is U = 0.346 Å^2.

It does NOT mean :

B = 27.34 Born = 27.34 A^2/(8*pi^2) = 27.34/(8*pi^2) A^2 = 0.346 Å^2

as you seem to suggest.


Allow me to re-phrase your argument in a slightly different way:

If we replace the definition B=8*pi^2*U, with the easier-to-write C =
100*M, then your above statement becomes:

It does NOT mean :

C = 27.34 millimeters^2 = 27.34 centimeter^2/100 = 27.34/100
centimeter^2 = 0.2734 centimeter^2

Why is this not true?

If it was like this, the mean square atomic displacement of this atom
would be U = 0.00438 Å^2 (which would enable one to do ultra-high
resolution studies).

I feel I should also point out that B = 0 is not all that different from
B = 2 (U = 0.03 A^2) if you are trying to do ultra-high resolution
studies.  This is because the form factor of carbon and other light
atoms are essentially Gaussians with full-width at half-max (FWHM) ~0.8
A (you can plot the form factors listed in ITC Vol C to verify this),
and blurring atoms with a B factor of 2 Borns increases this width to
only ~0.9 A.  This is because the real-space blurring kernel of a B
factor is a Gaussian function with FWHM = sqrt(B*log(2))/pi Angstrom.
The root-mean-square RMS width of this real-space blurring function is
sqrt(B/8*pi^2) Angstrom, or sqrt(U) Angstrom.  This is the real-space
size of a B factor Gaussian, and I, for one, find this a much more
intuitive way to think about B factors.  I note, however, that the
real-space manifestation of the B factor is an object that can be
measured in units of Angstrom with no funny scale factors.  It is only
in reciprocal space (which is really angle space) that we see all
these factors of pi popping up.

More on that when I find my copy of James...

-James Holton
MAD Scientist

Re: [ccp4bb] units of the B factor

2009-11-23 Thread marc . schiltz

Not at all !

If I want to compute the sinus of 15 degrees, using the series  
expansion, I write

X = 15 degrees = 15 * pi/180 = 0.2618

because, 1 degree is just a symbol for the unitless, dimensionless  
number pi/180.

I plug this X into the series expansion and get the right result.


Quoting Clemens Grimm

Zitat von

Dale Tronrud wrote:

   While it is true that angles are defined by ratios which result in
their values being independent of the units those lengths were measured,
common sense says that a number is an insufficient description of an
angle.  If I tell you I measured an angle and its value is 1.5 you
cannot perform any useful calculation with that knowledge.

I disagree: you can, for instance, put this number x = 1.5 (without
units) into the series expansion for sin X :

x - x^3/(3!) + x^5/(5!) - x^7/(7!) + ...

and compute the value of sin(1.5) to any desired degree of accuracy
(four terms will be enough to get an accuracy of 0.0001). Note that
the x in the series expansion is just a real number (no dimension, no

... However you get this Taylor expansion under the assumption that
sin'(0)=1 sin''(0)=0, sin'''(0)=-1, ...
this only holds true under the assumption that the sin function has a
period of 2pi and this 'angle' is treated as unitless. Taking e. g.
the sine function with a 'degree' argument treated properly as 'unit'
will result in a Taylor expansion showing terms with this unit
sticking to them.

Re: [ccp4bb] units of the B factor

2009-11-23 Thread marc . schiltz
I would believe that the official SI documentation has precedence over  
Wikipedia. In the SI brochure it is made quite clear that Radian is  
just another symbol for the number one and that it may or may no be  
used, as is convenient.

Therefore, stating alpha = 15 (without anything else) is perfectly  
valid for an angle.


Quoting Douglas Theobald

Argument from authority, from the omniscient Wikipedia:

Although the radian is a unit of measure, it is a dimensionless quantity.

The radian is a unit of plane angle, equal to 180/pi (or 360/(2  
pi)) degrees, or about 57.2958 degrees, It is the standard unit  
of angular measurement in all areas of mathematics beyond the  
elementary level.

… the radian is now considered an SI derived unit.

On Nov 23, 2009, at 1:31 PM, Ian Tickle wrote:

James, I think you misunderstood, no-one is suggesting that we can do
without the degree (minute, second, grad, ...), since these conversion
units have considerable practical value.  Only the radian (and
steradian) are technically redundant, and as Marc suggested we would
probably be better off without them!


-- Ian

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of James Holton
Sent: 23 November 2009 16:35
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] units of the B factor

Just because something is dimensionless does not mean it is
The radian and the degree are very good examples of this.
Remember, the
word unit means one, and it is the quantity of something that we
give the value 1.0.  Things can only be measured relative
to something
else, and so without defining for the relevant unit, be it
a long-hand
description or a convenient abbreviation, a number by itself is not
useful.  It may have meaning in the metaphysical sense, but its not
going to help me solve my structure.

A world without units is all well and good for theoreticians
who never
have to measure anything, but for those of us who do need to
know if the
angle is 1 degree or 1 radian, units are absolutely required.

-James Holton
MAD Scientist

Artem Evdokimov wrote:

The angle value and the associated basic trigonometric

functions (sin, cos,

tan) are derived from a ratio of two lengths* and therefore are

It's trivial but important to mention that there is no

absolute requirement

of units of any kind whatsoever with respect to angles or

to the three basic

trigonometric functions. All the commonly used units come

from (arbitrary)

scaling constants that in turn are derived purely from convenience -
specific calculations are conveniently carried out using

specific units (be

they radians, points, seconds, grads, brads, or papaya

seeds) however the

units themselves are there only for our convenience (unlike

the absolutely

required units of mass, length, time etc.).


* angle - the ratio of the arc length to radius of the arc

necessary to

bring the two rays forming the angle together; trig

functions - the ratio of

the appropriate sides of a right triangle

-Original Message-
From: CCP4 bulletin board [] On

Behalf Of Ian

Sent: Sunday, November 22, 2009 10:57 AM
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] units of the B factor

Back to the original problem: what are the units of B and

u_x^2?  I haven't been able to work that out.  The first
wack is to say the B occurs in the term

Exp( -B (Sin(theta)/lambda)^2)

and we've learned that the unit of Sin(theta)/lamda is 1/Angstrom
and the argument of Exp, like Sin, must be radian.  This means
that the units of B must be A^2 radian.  Since B = 8 Pi^2 u_x^2
the units of 8 Pi^2 u_x^2 must also be A^2 radian, but the
units of u_x^2 are determined by the units of 8 Pi^2.  I
can't figure out the units of that without understanding the
defining equation, which is in the OPDXr somewhere.  I suspect
there are additional, hidden, units in that definition.  The
basic definition would start with the deviation of scattering
points from the Miller planes and those deviations are probably
defined in cycle or radian and later converted to Angstrom so
there are conversion factors present from the beginning.

   I'm sure that if the MS sits down with the OPDXr and follows
all these units through he will uncover the units of B, 8 Pi^2,
and u_x^2 and the mystery will be solved.  If he doesn't do
it, I'll have to sit down with the book myself, and that will
make my head hurt.

Hi Dale

A nice entertaining read for a Sunday afternoon, but I think you can
only get so far with this argument and then it breaks down,

as evidenced

by the fact that eventually you got stuck!  I think the

problem arises

in your assertion that the argument of 'exp' must be in units of
radians.  IMO it can also be in units of radians^2 (or

radians^n where n

is any unitless number, integer or real

Re: [ccp4bb] units of the B factor - resolved?

2009-11-23 Thread James Holton
I would like to apologize to everyone for creating such a busy thread 
(an what could perhaps be construed as an occasionally belligerent 
tone), but I really do want to know the right answer to this!  I am 
trying to model radiation damage from first principles, and in such 
models you cannot have arbitrary scale factors.

And I really do appreciate the effort Dale, Ian, Marc, and many others, 
put into their posts.  Taking bits from many of them, I think I can say 

The unit of B factor is:  hemi-(cycle/Angstrom)^-2
and the dimensions of the B factor are length^2

Apparently, the B factor is derived from the square of a spatial 
frequency, which has fundamental units cycles per meter.  However, 
there is an extra factor of two that makes the B factor incompatible 
with merely spatial frequency squared (with no scale prefix) as the 
unit, so I think we have to include the prefix hemi before we can make 
the 2*pi radians/cycle go away.  Marc and Ian I imagine will tell me 
that cycle = 1 and hemi = 1 and therefore we have Angstrom^2 and they 
are more than welcome to do that in their papers, but I think it 
important here to clarify exactly what one B factor unit means.

-James Holton
MAD Scientist

Re: [ccp4bb] units of the B factor

2009-11-23 Thread Douglas Theobald
I agree that the official SI documentation has priority, but as I read it there 
is no discrepancy between it and Wikipedia.  The official SI position (and that 
of NIST and IUPAC) is that the radian is a dimensionless unit (i.e., a unit of 
dimension 1).

Quoting at length from the SI brochure:

2.2.3 Units for dimensionless quantities, also called quantities of dimension 

Certain quantities are defined as the ratio of two quantities of the same kind, 
and are thus dimensionless, or have a dimension that may be expressed by the 
number one. The coherent SI unit of all such dimensionless quantities, or 
quantities of dimension one, is the number one, since the unit must be the 
ratio of two identical SI units. The values of all such quantities are simply 
expressed as numbers, and the unit one is not explicitly shown. Examples of 
such quantities are refractive index, relative permeability, and friction 
factor. There are also some quantities that are defined as a more complex 
product of simpler quantities in such a way that the product is dimensionless. 
Examples include the 'characteristic numbers' like the Reynolds number Re = 
ρvl/η, where ρ is mass density, η is dynamic viscosity, v is speed, and l is 
length. For all these cases the unit may be considered as the number one, which 
is a dimensionless derived unit.

Another class of dimensionless quantities are numbers that represent a count, 
such as a number of molecules, degeneracy (number of energy levels), and 
partition function in statistical thermodynamics (number of thermally 
accessible states). All of these counting quantities are also described as 
being dimensionless, or of dimension one, and are taken to have the SI unit 
one, although the unit of counting quantities cannot be described as a derived 
unit expressed in terms of the base units of the SI. For such quantities, the 
unit one may instead be regarded as a further base unit.

In a few cases, however, a special name is given to the unit one, in order to 
facilitate the identification of the quantity involved. This is the case for 
the radian and the steradian. The radian and steradian have been identified by 
the CGPM as special names for the coherent derived unit one, to be used to 
express values of plane angle and solid angle, respectively, and are therefore 
included in Table 3.

The radian and steradian are special names for the number one that may be used 
to convey information about the quantity concerned. In practice the symbols rad 
and sr are used where appropriate, but the symbol for the derived unit one is 
generally omitted in specifying the values of dimensionless quantities.

pp 119-120, The International System of Units (SI). International Bureau of 
Weights and Measures (BIPM).

also see

On Nov 23, 2009, at 4:03 PM, wrote:

 I would believe that the official SI documentation has precedence over 
 Wikipedia. In the SI brochure it is made quite clear that Radian is just 
 another symbol for the number one and that it may or may no be used, as is 
 Therefore, stating alpha = 15 (without anything else) is perfectly valid for 
 an angle.
 Quoting Douglas Theobald
 Argument from authority, from the omniscient Wikipedia:
 Although the radian is a unit of measure, it is a dimensionless quantity.
 The radian is a unit of plane angle, equal to 180/pi (or 360/(2 pi)) 
 degrees, or about 57.2958 degrees, It is the standard unit of angular 
 measurement in all areas of mathematics beyond the elementary level.
 … the radian is now considered an SI derived unit.
 On Nov 23, 2009, at 1:31 PM, Ian Tickle wrote:
 James, I think you misunderstood, no-one is suggesting that we can do
 without the degree (minute, second, grad, ...), since these conversion
 units have considerable practical value.  Only the radian (and
 steradian) are technically redundant, and as Marc suggested we would
 probably be better off without them!
 -- Ian
 -Original Message-
 [] On Behalf Of James Holton
 Sent: 23 November 2009 16:35
 Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] units of the B factor
 Just because something is dimensionless does not mean it is
 The radian and the degree are very good examples of this.
 Remember, the
 word unit means one, and it is the quantity of something that we
 give the value 1.0.  Things can only be measured relative
 to something
 else, and so without defining for the relevant unit, be it
 a long-hand
 description or a convenient abbreviation, a number by itself is not
 useful.  It may have meaning in the metaphysical sense, but its not
 going to help me

Re: [ccp4bb] units of the B factor

2009-11-23 Thread marc . schiltz

Quoting James Holton

Now the coefficients of a Taylor polynomial are themselves values of the
derivatives of the function being approximated.  Each time you take a
derivative of f(x), you divide by the units (and therefore dimensions)
of x.  So, Pete's coefficients below: 1, -1/6, and 1/120 have
dimension of [X]^-1, [X]^-2, [X]^-3, respectively.


The the factors 1, 1/6, 1/120, etc. in the Taylor series of a funcion  
f(x) do not come from the derivatives of that function. They simply  
come from the coefficients 1/(n!) that pre-multiply each term (each  
derivative) in the series. They are, of course, dimensionless (note  
that n is just an integer number).


Re: [ccp4bb] units of the B factor - resolved?

2009-11-23 Thread Lijun Liu


I could not help typing something!

Consider a circle of radius R, its circumstance L is then 2*Pi*R.
Both R and L have the same unit, the 2*Pi angle is unitless.
SI defines the unit of angle to be Ran just because this unitless
number is different because it is obtained by the length of an arc
over a fragment of straight line, not like sin/cos which are given by
straightline fragments.  The unit of L is not Ran*unit(R) but unit(R).

OK, L = 2*Pi*R.(1)

Now B = 8*Pi*Pi*U*U.   (2)

(Isotropic) B is defined as above. U is the average displacement
from the miller plane.  B function is defined to be amplified
by U*U by 8*pi*pi.  If you do not agree, apply your rule to (1).

Using the rule of (1) to (2), B has a unit of A*A, while the unit(U)  
is A.
The 8*pi*pi is a convenient amplifier.   From U to B, this is a one  
factor to another single factor function.   In this case, to describe  
an amount
of physical meaning, both factors (U and B) are logically, equivalent,  

on which one is more convenient.


On Nov 23, 2009, at 1:11 PM, James Holton wrote:

I would like to apologize to everyone for creating such a busy thread
(an what could perhaps be construed as an occasionally belligerent
tone), but I really do want to know the right answer to this!  I am
trying to model radiation damage from first principles, and in such
models you cannot have arbitrary scale factors.

And I really do appreciate the effort Dale, Ian, Marc, and many  
put into their posts.  Taking bits from many of them, I think I can  


The unit of B factor is:  hemi-(cycle/Angstrom)^-2
and the dimensions of the B factor are length^2

Apparently, the B factor is derived from the square of a spatial
frequency, which has fundamental units cycles per meter.  However,
there is an extra factor of two that makes the B factor incompatible
with merely spatial frequency squared (with no scale prefix) as the
unit, so I think we have to include the prefix hemi before we can  

the 2*pi radians/cycle go away.  Marc and Ian I imagine will tell me
that cycle = 1 and hemi = 1 and therefore we have Angstrom^2 and they
are more than welcome to do that in their papers, but I think it
important here to clarify exactly what one B factor unit means.

-James Holton
MAD Scientist

Lijun Liu
Cardiovascular Research Institute
University of California, San Francisco
1700 4th Street, Box 2532
San Francisco, CA 94158
Phone: (415)514-2836

Re: [ccp4bb] units of the B factor

2009-11-23 Thread Ian Tickle
Sorry I'm not clear exactly what your question is, but it seems to me
that my paper will actually need fewer words than yours, since I can
leave out all occurrences of 'radian' and 'steradian' with no loss of
meaning!  This quantity you're talking about presumably has a name
(otherwise how are we going to talk about it?), so to avoid me having to
guess what its name is, for the sake of argument let's say it's called
the 'foobar density'.

First, the 'foobar density' has to be defined somewhere (e.g. 'photons
per unit area per unit solid angle' or whatever).  This definition will
obviously be the same regardless of the exact words we use to express
the measurements, so we can't save any words there! - and anyway it only
needs to be defined once and for all.

Then '1234 photons/metre^2 in a solid angle of 1.234' is simply 'a
foobar density of 1000 photons/metre^2'.  You can make your paper longer
by appending '/steradian' if you wish, perhaps to remind yourself and
the reader of the definition, but it's not essential since the fact that
it's for 1 unit of solid angle is clear from the definition (which as I
said need only appear once!).  If you want to use a non-SI unit of solid
angle then you absolutely must state that, but I would advise sticking
to the SI unit.


-- Ian

 -Original Message-
 From: James Holton [] 
 Sent: 23 November 2009 19:53
 To: Ian Tickle
 Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] units of the B factor
 .. and if you have 1234 photons scattered into a solid angle 
 of 1.234 
 per incident photon per square meter on the sample? 
 And you are pushing the word limit of your paper?
 Ian Tickle wrote:
  No, just like this: 'solid angle = 1.234' (or whatever its 
 value is).
  Since the conversion unit 'steradian' = 1 (i.e. the 
 dimensionless pure
  number 1) identically, 'a solid angle of 1.234 steradians' 
 is identical
  to 'a solid angle of 1.234': the unit 'steradian' is redundant.
  -- Ian

  -Original Message-
  [] On Behalf Of James Holton
  Sent: 23 November 2009 19:07
  Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] units of the B factor
  So... how do you measure or report a solid angle without 
 invoking the 
  steradian?  sterdegrees?
  Ian Tickle wrote:
  James, I think you misunderstood, no-one is suggesting that 

  we can do
  without the degree (minute, second, grad, ...), since these 

  units have considerable practical value.  Only the radian (and
  steradian) are technically redundant, and as Marc 
 suggested we would
  probably be better off without them!
  -- Ian

  -Original Message-
  [] On Behalf Of James Holton
  Sent: 23 November 2009 16:35
  Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] units of the B factor
  Just because something is dimensionless does not mean it is 
  The radian and the degree are very good examples of this.  
  Remember, the 
  word unit means one, and it is the quantity of 
  something that we 
  give the value 1.0.  Things can only be measured relative 
  to something 
  else, and so without defining for the relevant unit, be it 
  a long-hand 
  description or a convenient abbreviation, a number by 
  itself is not 
  useful.  It may have meaning in the metaphysical sense, 
  but its not 
  going to help me solve my structure.
  A world without units is all well and good for theoreticians 
  who never 
  have to measure anything, but for those of us who do need to 
  know if the 
  angle is 1 degree or 1 radian, units are absolutely required.
  -James Holton
  MAD Scientist
  Artem Evdokimov wrote:
  The angle value and the associated basic trigonometric 

  functions (sin, cos,
  tan) are derived from a ratio of two lengths* and therefore are
  It's trivial but important to mention that there is no 

  absolute requirement
  of units of any kind whatsoever with respect to angles or 

  to the three basic
  trigonometric functions. All the commonly used units come 

  from (arbitrary)
  scaling constants that in turn are derived purely from 

  convenience -
  specific calculations are conveniently carried out using 

  specific units (be
  they radians, points, seconds, grads, brads, or papaya 

  seeds) however the
  units themselves are there only for our convenience (unlike 

  the absolutely
  required units of mass, length, time etc

Re: [ccp4bb] units of the B factor

2009-11-23 Thread Artem Evdokimov

There's no real conflict at all here, and I am surprised at the amount of
time spent on this subject :)

I hope that people *do* mention which units they refer to and that they
*don't* name new units without reasonable justification. If I encounter a
situation where a number that is relevant to my work is mentioned without
any units of measure then I am likely going to assume something based on
what is customary, or perhaps on how I feel that day. If it's really
important I would dig deeper. If things go bad I would of course blame it on
the supplier of the ill-defined number. Maybe even write a snooty email or
something. Or at least think about writing one, while eating icecream in bed
directly from the container at 2AM at night. On the other hand if things go
well then I will naturally be sure to mention how I bravely tackled the
issue and won. Win-win either way, sorry about the expensive Mars probe. 

Personally I prefer to measure angles as pizza slices - 1 slice defined as
about 36 degrees, but of course also depending on how hungry I am
(sometimes one slice may be 180 or even 270 degrees). This convention also
works well for temperature by the way. I do not intend to propose,
insinuate, proselytize or enforce it in any way, for now...


-Original Message-
From: CCP4 bulletin board [] On Behalf Of Dale
Sent: Monday, November 23, 2009 1:33 AM
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] units of the B factor

Artem Evdokimov wrote:
 The angle value and the associated basic trigonometric functions (sin,
 tan) are derived from a ratio of two lengths* and therefore are
 It's trivial but important to mention that there is no absolute
 of units of any kind whatsoever with respect to angles or to the three
 trigonometric functions. All the commonly used units come from (arbitrary)
 scaling constants that in turn are derived purely from convenience -
 specific calculations are conveniently carried out using specific units
 they radians, points, seconds, grads, brads, or papaya seeds) however the
 units themselves are there only for our convenience (unlike the absolutely
 required units of mass, length, time etc.). 
 * angle - the ratio of the arc length to radius of the arc necessary to
 bring the two rays forming the angle together; trig functions - the ratio
 the appropriate sides of a right triangle

While it is true that angles are defined by ratios which result in
their values being independent of the units those lengths were measured,
common sense says that a number is an insufficient description of an
angle.  If I tell you I measured an angle and its value is 1.5 you
cannot perform any useful calculation with that knowledge.  Yes it's
true that the confusion does not arise from a mix up of feet and meters.
I would have concluded my angle was 1.5 in either case.

The confusion arises because there are differing conventions for
describing that unitless angle.  I could be describing my angle as
1.5 radians, 1.5 degrees, or 1.5 cycles (or 1.5 of the mysterious
grad on my calculator).  For me to communicate my result to you
I would need to also tell you the convention I'm using, and you will
have to perform a conversion to transform my value to your favorite
convention.  If it looks like a unit, and it quacks like a unit, I
think I'm free to call it a unit.

I think you will agree that if we fail to pass the convention
along with it value our space probe will crash on Mars just as hard
as if we had confused feet and meters.

The result of a Sin or Cos calculation can be treated as unitless
only because there is 100% agreement on how these results should be
represented.  Everyone agrees that the Sin of a right angle is 1.
If I went off the deep end I could declare that the Sin of a right
angle is 12 and I could construct an entirely self-consistent description
of physics using that convention.  In that case I would have to be
very careful to keep track of when I was working with traditional
Sin's and when with crazy Tronrud Sin's.  When switching between
conventions I would have to careful to use the conversion factor of
12 crazy Tronrud Sin's/traditional Sin and I'd do best if I
put a mark next to each value indicating which convention was used
for that particular value.  Sounds like units to me.

Of course no one would create crazy Tronrud Sin's because the
pain created by the confusion of multiple conventions is not compensated
by any gain.  When it comes to angles, however, that ship has sailed.
While mathematicians have very good reasons for preferring the radian
convention you are never going to convince a physicist to change from
Angstrom/cycle to Angstrom/radian when measuring wavelengths.  You
will also fail to convince a crystallographer to measure fractional
coordinates in radians.  We are going to have to live in a world that
has some angular quantities

Re: [ccp4bb] units of the B factor

2009-11-22 Thread Ian Tickle
 Interesting that the IUCr committee report that Ian pointed 
 out stated 
 we recommend that the use of B be discouraged.  Hmm... Good 
 luck with 

You seem to be implying, if I understand you correctly, that the IUCr
report recommends that the use of the equivalent isotropic B be
discouraged, but that's not what it says!  The recommendation concerning
B comes in section 2.1 Anisotropic displacement parameters, just after
eqn. 2.1.27.  But in fact it's clear from that equation, where B is a
tensor, that it's talking about the *anisotropic* B tensor.  In the
following main section 2.2 Equivalent isotropic displacement
parameters no such recommendation appears.

Also in section 4 at the end where the recommendations are summarised it
explicitly says (point 7) Avoid using the Gaussian anisotropic
parameters that are now usually symbolized as B^ij and are defined in
eq. (2.1.26).  These quantities are directly proportional to the
recommended U^ij , the ratio being 8pi^2.  Again, no mention of a
recommendation concerning the equivalent isotropic B.

Indeed of course, the PDB follows the IUCr recommendations (actually it
was more a case that the IUCr accepted the de facto existence of the
PDB!), i.e. equivalent isotropic B's and anisotropic U's.  B^ij's are
indeed used internally by some software for convenience in intermediate
calculations, but since the output values are U's there's no problem
with that.

This raises a point relevant to your original suggestion concerning a
new name for the unit of B: in a PDB file the U^ij values are actually
1*U^ij, in order to save space by eliminating non-significant
digits, as I pointed out previously.  However, does this mean that one
should think of the values in the file as being in units of picometres^2
(it took me a few moments to work that out!), or does it mean that the
values are to be thought of as 1*U^ij so that the units are still
the familiar A^2?  So by analogy values of B are to be thought of as
8pi^2*U (that's what the equation B = 8pi^2*U means after all!), but
still in units of A^2.  I suspect that most people, like me, would think
of it in those terms.


-- Ian

 I agree that I should have used U instead of u^2 in my 
 original post.  
 Actually, the u should have a subscript x to denote that 
 it is along 
 the direction perpendicular to the Bragg plane.  Movement within the 
 plane does not change the spot intensity, and it also does 
 not matter if 
 the x displacements are instantaneous, dynamic or static, 
 as there 
 is no way to tell the difference with x-ray diffraction.  It just 
 matters how far the atoms are from their ideal lattice points (James 
 1962, Ch 1).  I am not sure how to do a symbol with both superscripts 
 and subscripts AND inside brackets  that is legible in all email 
 clients.  Here is a try: B = 8*pi*usubx/sub^2.  Did that work?

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Astex Therapeutics Ltd., Registered in England at 436 Cambridge Science Park, 
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Re: [ccp4bb] units of the B factor

2009-11-22 Thread Ian Tickle
 Back to the original problem: what are the units of B and
 u_x^2?  I haven't been able to work that out.  The first
 wack is to say the B occurs in the term
  Exp( -B (Sin(theta)/lambda)^2)
 and we've learned that the unit of Sin(theta)/lamda is 1/Angstrom
 and the argument of Exp, like Sin, must be radian.  This means
 that the units of B must be A^2 radian.  Since B = 8 Pi^2 u_x^2
 the units of 8 Pi^2 u_x^2 must also be A^2 radian, but the
 units of u_x^2 are determined by the units of 8 Pi^2.  I
 can't figure out the units of that without understanding the
 defining equation, which is in the OPDXr somewhere.  I suspect
 there are additional, hidden, units in that definition.  The
 basic definition would start with the deviation of scattering
 points from the Miller planes and those deviations are probably
 defined in cycle or radian and later converted to Angstrom so
 there are conversion factors present from the beginning.
 I'm sure that if the MS sits down with the OPDXr and follows
 all these units through he will uncover the units of B, 8 Pi^2,
 and u_x^2 and the mystery will be solved.  If he doesn't do
 it, I'll have to sit down with the book myself, and that will
 make my head hurt.

Hi Dale

A nice entertaining read for a Sunday afternoon, but I think you can
only get so far with this argument and then it breaks down, as evidenced
by the fact that eventually you got stuck!  I think the problem arises
in your assertion that the argument of 'exp' must be in units of
radians.  IMO it can also be in units of radians^2 (or radians^n where n
is any unitless number, integer or real, including zero for that
matter!) - and this seems to be precisely what happens here.  Having a
function whose argument can apparently have any one of an infinite
number of units is somewhat of an embarrassment! - of course that must
mean that the argument actually has no units.  So in essence I'm saying
that quantities in radians have to be treated as unitless, contrary to
your earlier assertions.

So the 'units' (accepting for the moment that the radian is a valid
unit) of B are actually A^2 radian^2, and so the 'units' of 8pi^2 (it
comes from 2(2pi)^2) are radian^2 as expected.  However since I think
I've demonstrated that the radian is not a valid unit, then the units of
B are indeed A^2!


-- Ian

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Astex Therapeutics Ltd., Registered in England at 436 Cambridge Science Park, 
Cambridge CB4 0QA under number 3751674

Re: [ccp4bb] units of the B factor

2009-11-22 Thread Artem Evdokimov
The angle value and the associated basic trigonometric functions (sin, cos,
tan) are derived from a ratio of two lengths* and therefore are

It's trivial but important to mention that there is no absolute requirement
of units of any kind whatsoever with respect to angles or to the three basic
trigonometric functions. All the commonly used units come from (arbitrary)
scaling constants that in turn are derived purely from convenience -
specific calculations are conveniently carried out using specific units (be
they radians, points, seconds, grads, brads, or papaya seeds) however the
units themselves are there only for our convenience (unlike the absolutely
required units of mass, length, time etc.). 


* angle - the ratio of the arc length to radius of the arc necessary to
bring the two rays forming the angle together; trig functions - the ratio of
the appropriate sides of a right triangle

-Original Message-
From: CCP4 bulletin board [] On Behalf Of Ian
Sent: Sunday, November 22, 2009 10:57 AM
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] units of the B factor

 Back to the original problem: what are the units of B and
 u_x^2?  I haven't been able to work that out.  The first
 wack is to say the B occurs in the term
  Exp( -B (Sin(theta)/lambda)^2)
 and we've learned that the unit of Sin(theta)/lamda is 1/Angstrom
 and the argument of Exp, like Sin, must be radian.  This means
 that the units of B must be A^2 radian.  Since B = 8 Pi^2 u_x^2
 the units of 8 Pi^2 u_x^2 must also be A^2 radian, but the
 units of u_x^2 are determined by the units of 8 Pi^2.  I
 can't figure out the units of that without understanding the
 defining equation, which is in the OPDXr somewhere.  I suspect
 there are additional, hidden, units in that definition.  The
 basic definition would start with the deviation of scattering
 points from the Miller planes and those deviations are probably
 defined in cycle or radian and later converted to Angstrom so
 there are conversion factors present from the beginning.
 I'm sure that if the MS sits down with the OPDXr and follows
 all these units through he will uncover the units of B, 8 Pi^2,
 and u_x^2 and the mystery will be solved.  If he doesn't do
 it, I'll have to sit down with the book myself, and that will
 make my head hurt.

Hi Dale

A nice entertaining read for a Sunday afternoon, but I think you can
only get so far with this argument and then it breaks down, as evidenced
by the fact that eventually you got stuck!  I think the problem arises
in your assertion that the argument of 'exp' must be in units of
radians.  IMO it can also be in units of radians^2 (or radians^n where n
is any unitless number, integer or real, including zero for that
matter!) - and this seems to be precisely what happens here.  Having a
function whose argument can apparently have any one of an infinite
number of units is somewhat of an embarrassment! - of course that must
mean that the argument actually has no units.  So in essence I'm saying
that quantities in radians have to be treated as unitless, contrary to
your earlier assertions.

So the 'units' (accepting for the moment that the radian is a valid
unit) of B are actually A^2 radian^2, and so the 'units' of 8pi^2 (it
comes from 2(2pi)^2) are radian^2 as expected.  However since I think
I've demonstrated that the radian is not a valid unit, then the units of
B are indeed A^2!


-- Ian

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Astex Therapeutics Ltd., Registered in England at 436 Cambridge Science
Park, Cambridge CB4 0QA under number

Re: [ccp4bb] units of the B factor

2009-11-22 Thread Dale Tronrud
 using an arbitrary scaling constant.  In fact the whole
distinction between length and mass is simply a matter of convenience.
In the classic text on general relativity Gravitation by Miser,
Thorne and Wheeler they have a table in the back of Some Useful
Numbers in Conventional and Geometrized Units where it lists the
mass of the Sun as 147600 cm and and the distance between the Earth
and Sun as 499 sec.  Those people in general relativity are great
at manipulating coordinate systems!

-Original Message-
From: CCP4 bulletin board [] On Behalf Of Ian
Sent: Sunday, November 22, 2009 10:57 AM
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] units of the B factor

 Back to the original problem: what are the units of B and

u_x^2?  I haven't been able to work that out.  The first
wack is to say the B occurs in the term

 Exp( -B (Sin(theta)/lambda)^2)

and we've learned that the unit of Sin(theta)/lamda is 1/Angstrom
and the argument of Exp, like Sin, must be radian.  This means
that the units of B must be A^2 radian.  Since B = 8 Pi^2 u_x^2
the units of 8 Pi^2 u_x^2 must also be A^2 radian, but the
units of u_x^2 are determined by the units of 8 Pi^2.  I
can't figure out the units of that without understanding the
defining equation, which is in the OPDXr somewhere.  I suspect
there are additional, hidden, units in that definition.  The
basic definition would start with the deviation of scattering
points from the Miller planes and those deviations are probably
defined in cycle or radian and later converted to Angstrom so
there are conversion factors present from the beginning.

I'm sure that if the MS sits down with the OPDXr and follows
all these units through he will uncover the units of B, 8 Pi^2,
and u_x^2 and the mystery will be solved.  If he doesn't do
it, I'll have to sit down with the book myself, and that will
make my head hurt.

Hi Dale

A nice entertaining read for a Sunday afternoon, but I think you can
only get so far with this argument and then it breaks down, as evidenced
by the fact that eventually you got stuck!  I think the problem arises
in your assertion that the argument of 'exp' must be in units of
radians.  IMO it can also be in units of radians^2 (or radians^n where n
is any unitless number, integer or real, including zero for that
matter!) - and this seems to be precisely what happens here.  Having a
function whose argument can apparently have any one of an infinite
number of units is somewhat of an embarrassment! - of course that must
mean that the argument actually has no units.  So in essence I'm saying
that quantities in radians have to be treated as unitless, contrary to
your earlier assertions.

So the 'units' (accepting for the moment that the radian is a valid
unit) of B are actually A^2 radian^2, and so the 'units' of 8pi^2 (it
comes from 2(2pi)^2) are radian^2 as expected.  However since I think
I've demonstrated that the radian is not a valid unit, then the units of
B are indeed A^2!


-- Ian

This communication is confidential and may contain privileged information
intended solely for the named addressee(s). It may not be used or disclosed
except for the purpose for which it has been sent. If you are not the
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e-mails on the basis that the Company is not liable for any such alteration
or any consequences thereof.
Astex Therapeutics Ltd., Registered in England at 436 Cambridge Science
Park, Cambridge CB4 0QA under number 3751674

Re: [ccp4bb] units of the B factor

2009-11-21 Thread James Stroud
To avoid the creation of a cumbersome new unit everyone will need to  
keep track of, can we just come up with a prefix that means 0.013 of  
something? Perhaps we could give it the symbol b and then we could  
say the B-factor is 20 bA^2.*


*Seemed like 76.92 b humor units when I wrote it.

On Nov 20, 2009, at 11:22 PM, James Holton wrote:

No No No!  This is not what I meant at all!

I am not suggesting the creation of a new unit, but rather that we  
name a unit that is already in widespread use.  This unit is A^2/ 
(8*pi^2) which has dimensions of length^2 and it IS the unit of B  
factor.  That is, every PDB file lists the B factor as a multiple of  
THIS fundamental quantity, not A^2.  If the unit were simply A^2,  
then the PDB file would be listing much smaller numbers (U, not B).   
(Okay, there are a few PDBs that do that by mistake, but not many.)   
As Marc pointed out, a unit and a dimension are not the same thing:  
millimeters and centimeters are different units, but they have the  
same dimension: length.  And, yes, dimensionless scale factors like  
milli and centi are useful.  The B factor has dimension  
length^2, but the unit of B factor is not A^2.  For example, if we  
change some atomic B factor by 1, then we are actually describing a  
change of 0.013 A^2, because this is equal to 1.0 A^2/(8*pi^2).   
What I am suggesting is that it would be easier to say that the B  
factor changed by 1.0, and if you must quote the units, the units  
are B, otherwise we have to say: the B factor changed by 1.0 A^2/ 
(8*pi^2).  Saying that a B factor changed by 1 A^2 when the actual  
change in A^2 is 0.013 is (formally) incorrect.

The unfortunate situation however is that B factors have often been  
reported with units of A^2, and this is equivalent to describing  
the area of 80 football fields as 80 and then giving the dimension  
(m^2) as the units!  It is better to say that the area is 80  
football fields, but this is invoking a unit: the football  
field.  The unit of B factor, however does not have a name.  We  
could say 1.0 B-factor units, but that is not the same as 1.0 A^2  
which is ~80 B-factor units.

Admittedly, using A^2 to describe a B factor by itself is not  
confusing because we all know what a B factor is.  It is that last  
column in the PDB file.  The potential for confusion arises in  
derived units.  How does one express a rate-of-change in B factor?   
A^2/s?  What about rate-of-change in U?  A^2/s?  I realized that  
this could become a problem while comparing Kmetko et. al. Acta D  
(2006) and Borek et. al. JSR (2007).  Both very good and influential  
papers: the former describes damage rates in A^2/MGy (converting B  
to U first so that A^2 is the unit), and the latter relates damage  
to the B factor directly, and points out that the increase in B  
factor from radiation damage of most protein crystals is almost  
exactly 1.0 B/MGy.  This would be a great rule of thumb if one  
were allowed to use B as a unit.  Why not?

Interesting that the IUCr committee report that Ian pointed out  
stated we recommend that the use of B be discouraged.  Hmm... Good  
luck with that!

I agree that I should have used U instead of u^2 in my original  
post.  Actually, the u should have a subscript x to denote that  
it is along the direction perpendicular to the Bragg plane.   
Movement within the plane does not change the spot intensity, and it  
also does not matter if the x displacements are instantaneous,  
dynamic or static, as there is no way to tell the difference with x- 
ray diffraction.  It just matters how far the atoms are from their  
ideal lattice points (James 1962, Ch 1).  I am not sure how to do a  
symbol with both superscripts and subscripts AND inside brackets   
that is legible in all email clients.  Here is a try: B =  
8*pi*usubx/sub^2.  Did that work?

I did find it interesting that the 8*pi^2 arises from the fact that  
diffraction occurs in angle space, and so factors of 4*pi steradians  
pop up in the Fourier domain (spatial frequencies).  In the case of  
B it is (4*pi)^2/2 because the second coefficient of a Taylor series  
is 1/2.  Along these lines, quoting B in A^2 is almost precisely  
analogous to quoting an angular frequency in Hz.  Yes, the  
dimensions are the same (s^-1), but how does one interpret the  
statement: the angular frequency was 1 Hz.  Is that cycles per  
second or radians per second?

That's all I'm saying...

-James Holton
MAD Scientist

Marc SCHILTZ wrote:

Frank von Delft wrote:

Hi Marc

Not at all, one uses units that are convenient.  By your reasoning  
we should get rid of Å, atmospheres, AU, light years...  They  
exist not to be obnoxious, but because they're handy for a large  
number of people in their specific situations.

Hi Frank,

I think that you misunderstood me. Å and atmospheres are units  
which really refer to physical quantities of different dimensions.  
So, of course, there must be 

Re: [ccp4bb] units of the B factor

2009-11-21 Thread Dale Tronrud

   This question by the Mad Scientist (here after the MS) has provoked
me to give the topic a lot of thought.  I think I can provide some
direction towards the solution, but I'm not adept enough with The
Optical Principles of the Diffraction of X-rays (Which people on this
BB should refer to simply as OPDXr because it is so fundamental to most
topics discussed here.) to come up with a final answer to the question
of the units of B and u_x^2.  My hope is that the MS, who is much
better with OPDXr than I will finish the job.

   I have been a big fan of Dimensional Analysis since high school and
have found its rigorous application to be very useful in verifying
algebraic derivations.  I learned quite early that quite a few
quantities that people usually say are unitless can be usefully given
meaningful units.  I think this is the root of the current issue - There
are units present in the definition of these terms that are ignored by
traditional dimensional analysis.

   As a first example, I'll consider Bragg's Law:

   2 d Sin(theta) = n lambda.

Traditionally, the units are (d - A, theta - unitless, Sin(theta) -
unitless, n - unitless, lambda - A).  While the units on each side of
the equation match (Angstrom) that's a lot of unitless quantities.
These unit assignments also create problems.  With the wavelength,
lambda, is measured in Anstrom: does that mean Anstrom/cycle,
Anstrom/radian, Anstrom/degree?  Just defining a wave length as a length
is not good enough, you have to define a length per something.  I've
created these additional rules for my personal Dimensional Analysis.

1) Angles have units.  Either radians, degrees, cycles, or (a button
   on my calculator tells me) grd.  There are well-known conversion
   factors between these units that appear, unexplained, in popular
   equations.  For example, there are 2 Pi radians per cycle.  We see
   the term 2 Pi in many equations and usually this should be assigned
   its units.

2) Trigonometric functions have arguments that must be measured in
   radians and their results are unitless (yes, I still have unitless

   In Bragg's Law, I have the new unit assignments of (theta - radian,
n - cycle, and lambda - A/cycle).  Tracking these additional units
allows for tighter checking of the validity of equations.

   It is difficult to determine the units of quantities in derived
equations: you need to concentrate on the defining equations, like
Bragg's Law.  Why?  If you see Sin(theta)/lambda in some other equation,
and it comes up a lot, and you try to assign units you will say that
Sin(theta) is unitless and lambda is A/cycle so the units of
Sin(theta)/lambda is cycle/A.  Wrong!  You've forgotten that there
was an n in the original equation that was assumed to be 1.  It
is still there and its unit of cycle persists, invisibly, in
Sin(theta)/lambda.  The unit of Sin(theta)/lambda is 1/Angstrom.

   Another interesting term to analyse is 2 Pi I (hx + ky + lz).
The traditional approach is to say that fractional coordinates are
unitless, Miller indices are unitless, and the 2 Pi is just there,
don't ask.  I have additional rules:

3) The fractional coordinate x has the unit a cell edge, y is
   b cell edge and z is c cell edge.  A location that has x = 0.5
   actually means that the location is 0.5 along the a cell edge.
   This value can be converted to Angstrom with a conversion factor
   with units of Angstrom/a cell edge, and we call that conversion
   factor the A cell constant.

4) The unit of h is cycle/a cell edge.  When you think about the
   definition of Miller indices this makes sense.  When h = 5 we
   mean that there are five cycles of that set of planes along the
   a cell edge of the unit cell.

   The application of these rules shows why you never see the term
x + y unless the symmetry of the crystal includes an equivalence
of the a and b edges.  You can't add two numbers unless their units
match and they don't, unless the symmetry causes the units a cell
edge and b cell edge to be equivalent.  This is also true for
h + k.

   Writing the units explicitly for our little term results in

   2 Pi I (h (cycle/a cell edge) x (a cell edge) +
   k (cycle/b cell edge) y (b cell edge) +
   l (cycle/c cell edge) z (c cell edge))

and all the cell edge stuff cancels to cycle.  Wait!  Didn't
I say that the argument of a Sin or Cos function has to be in
radian, and this term is usually such an argument?  Yes, the
factor of 2 Pi is actually 2 Pi radian/cycle and converts the
unit of the term to radian.

   If you read a lot of math books you will be confused because their
Fourier transform kernel don't include the 2 Pi that ours does.
Mathematicians are cleaver enough to define their reciprocal space
coordinates in radians from the start so they don't need to change units
later on.  Whenever you see an equation where something is actually
calculated from h you will see it present as 2 Pi h because the math

Re: [ccp4bb] units of the B factor

2009-11-20 Thread Christoph Best
 On Thu, 19 Nov 2009 23:13:53 -0800, James Holton said:

 should we call it?  I nominate the Born after Max Born who did
 so much fundamental and far-reaching work on the nature of
 disorder in crystal lattices.  The unit then has the symbol B,
 which will make it easy to say that the B factor was 80 B.  This

There is already the unit barn (b) for area - about the cross section
of an uranium nucleus, it is 1E-8 A^2 (100 fm^2).

So a Born would be somewhat more than a Megabarn.


| Dr Christoph Best
| Project Leader Electron Microscopy Data Bank, PDB Europe
| European Bioinformatics Institute, Cambridge, UK +44-1223-492649

Re: [ccp4bb] units of the B factor

2009-11-20 Thread Frank von Delft

I second that...  are there committees that ratify these things?  phx

James Holton wrote:
Many textbooks describe the B factor as having units of square 
Angstrom (A^2), but then again, so does the mean square atomic 
displacement u^2, and B = 8*pi^2*u^2.  This can become confusing if 
one starts to look at derived units that have started to come out of 
the radiation damage field like A^2/MGy, which relates how much the B 
factor of a crystal changes after absorbing a given dose.  Or is it 
the atomic displacement after a given dose?  Depends on which paper 
you are looking at.

It seems to me that the units of B and u^2 cannot both be A^2 any 
more than 1 radian can be equated to 1 degree.  You need a scale 
factor.  Kind of like trying to express something in terms of 1/100 
cm^2 without the benefit of mm^2.  Yes, mm^2 have the dimensions of 
cm^2, but you can't just say 1 cm^2 when you really mean 1 mm^2! That 
would be silly.  However, we often say B = 80 A^2, when we really 
mean is 1 A^2 of square atomic displacements.
The B units, which are ~1/80th of a A^2, do not have a name.  So, I 
think we have a new unit?  It is A^2/(8pi^2) and it is the units 
of the B factor that we all know and love.  What should we call it?  
I nominate the Born after Max Born who did so much fundamental and 
far-reaching work on the nature of disorder in crystal lattices.  The 
unit then has the symbol B, which will make it easy to say that the 
B factor was 80 B.  This might be very handy indeed if, say, you had 
an editor who insists that all reported values have units?

Anyone disagree or have a better name?

-James Holton
MAD Scientist

Re: [ccp4bb] units of the B factor

2009-11-20 Thread Marc SCHILTZ

Hi James,

James Holton wrote:
Many textbooks describe the B factor as having units of square Angstrom 
(A^2), but then again, so does the mean square atomic displacement u^2, 
and B = 8*pi^2*u^2.  This can become confusing if one starts to look at 
derived units that have started to come out of the radiation damage 
field like A^2/MGy, which relates how much the B factor of a crystal 
changes after absorbing a given dose.  Or is it the atomic displacement 
after a given dose?  Depends on which paper you are looking at.

There is nothing wrong with this. In the case of derived units, there is 
almost never a univocal relation between the unit and the physical 
quantity that it refers to. As an example: from the unit kg/m^3, you can 
not tell what the physical quantity is that it refers to: it could be 
the density of a material, but it could also be the mass concentration 
of a compound in a solution. Therefore, one always has to specify 
exactly what physical quantity one is talking about, i.e. B/dose or 
u^2/dose, but this is not something that should be packed into the unit 
(otherwise, we will need hundreds of different units)

It simply has to be made clear by the author of a paper whether the 
quantity he is referring to is B or u^2.

It seems to me that the units of B and u^2 cannot both be A^2 any 
more than 1 radian can be equated to 1 degree.  You need a scale 
factor.  Kind of like trying to express something in terms of 1/100 
cm^2 without the benefit of mm^2.  Yes, mm^2 have the dimensions of 
cm^2, but you can't just say 1 cm^2 when you really mean 1 mm^2! That 
would be silly.  However, we often say B = 80 A^2, when we really mean 
is 1 A^2 of square atomic displacements. 

This is like claiming that the radius and the circumference of a circle 
would need different units because they are related by the scale 
factor 2*pi.

What matters is the dimension. Both radius and circumference have the 
dimension of a length, and therefore have the same unit. Both B and u^2 
have the dimension of the square of a length and therefoire have the 
same unit. The scalefactor 8*pi^2 is a dimensionless quantity and does 
not change the unit.

The B units, which are ~1/80th of a A^2, do not have a name.  So, I 
think we have a new unit?  It is A^2/(8pi^2) and it is the units of 
the B factor that we all know and love.  What should we call it?  I 
nominate the Born after Max Born who did so much fundamental and 
far-reaching work on the nature of disorder in crystal lattices.  The 
unit then has the symbol B, which will make it easy to say that the B 
factor was 80 B.  This might be very handy indeed if, say, you had an 
editor who insists that all reported values have units?

Anyone disagree or have a better name?

Good luck in submitting your proposal to the General Conference on 
Weights and Measures.


[ccp4bb] {Spam?} Re: {Spam?} Re: [ccp4bb] units of the B factor

2009-11-20 Thread Frank von Delft

Hi Marc

Not at all, one uses units that are convenient.  By your reasoning we 
should get rid of Å, atmospheres, AU, light years...  They exist not to 
be obnoxious, but because they're handy for a large number of people in 
their specific situations.

Sounds familiar...

Marc SCHILTZ wrote:

Hi James,

James Holton wrote:
Many textbooks describe the B factor as having units of square 
Angstrom (A^2), but then again, so does the mean square atomic 
displacement u^2, and B = 8*pi^2*u^2.  This can become confusing if 
one starts to look at derived units that have started to come out of 
the radiation damage field like A^2/MGy, which relates how much the B 
factor of a crystal changes after absorbing a given dose.  Or is it 
the atomic displacement after a given dose?  Depends on which paper 
you are looking at.

There is nothing wrong with this. In the case of derived units, there 
is almost never a univocal relation between the unit and the physical 
quantity that it refers to. As an example: from the unit kg/m^3, you 
can not tell what the physical quantity is that it refers to: it could 
be the density of a material, but it could also be the mass 
concentration of a compound in a solution. Therefore, one always has 
to specify exactly what physical quantity one is talking about, i.e. 
B/dose or u^2/dose, but this is not something that should be packed 
into the unit (otherwise, we will need hundreds of different units)

It simply has to be made clear by the author of a paper whether the 
quantity he is referring to is B or u^2.

It seems to me that the units of B and u^2 cannot both be A^2 any 
more than 1 radian can be equated to 1 degree.  You need a scale 
factor.  Kind of like trying to express something in terms of 1/100 
cm^2 without the benefit of mm^2.  Yes, mm^2 have the dimensions 
of cm^2, but you can't just say 1 cm^2 when you really mean 1 mm^2! 
That would be silly.  However, we often say B = 80 A^2, when we 
really mean is 1 A^2 of square atomic displacements. 

This is like claiming that the radius and the circumference of a 
circle would need different units because they are related by the 
scale factor 2*pi.

What matters is the dimension. Both radius and circumference have the 
dimension of a length, and therefore have the same unit. Both B and 
u^2 have the dimension of the square of a length and therefoire have 
the same unit. The scalefactor 8*pi^2 is a dimensionless quantity and 
does not change the unit.

The B units, which are ~1/80th of a A^2, do not have a name.  So, I 
think we have a new unit?  It is A^2/(8pi^2) and it is the units 
of the B factor that we all know and love.  What should we call 
it?  I nominate the Born after Max Born who did so much fundamental 
and far-reaching work on the nature of disorder in crystal lattices.  
The unit then has the symbol B, which will make it easy to say that 
the B factor was 80 B.  This might be very handy indeed if, say, 
you had an editor who insists that all reported values have units?

Anyone disagree or have a better name?

Good luck in submitting your proposal to the General Conference on 
Weights and Measures.

Re: [ccp4bb] units of the B factor

2009-11-20 Thread Adam Ralph
I think that you should suggest a new unit of 10^(-11) m, a JHm
perhaps. If it is convenient to have B in A^2 then u^2 should be
in JHm^2.


On Thu, 19 Nov 2009, James Holton wrote:

 Many textbooks describe the B factor as having units of square Angstrom
 (A^2), but then again, so does the mean square atomic displacement u^2,
 and B = 8*pi^2*u^2.  This can become confusing if one starts to look at
 derived units that have started to come out of the radiation damage
 field like A^2/MGy, which relates how much the B factor of a crystal
 changes after absorbing a given dose.  Or is it the atomic displacement
 after a given dose?  Depends on which paper you are looking at.

 It seems to me that the units of B and u^2 cannot both be A^2 any
 more than 1 radian can be equated to 1 degree.  You need a scale
 factor.  Kind of like trying to express something in terms of 1/100
 cm^2 without the benefit of mm^2.  Yes, mm^2 have the dimensions of
 cm^2, but you can't just say 1 cm^2 when you really mean 1 mm^2! That
 would be silly.  However, we often say B = 80 A^2, when we really mean
 is 1 A^2 of square atomic displacements.

 The B units, which are ~1/80th of a A^2, do not have a name.  So, I
 think we have a new unit?  It is A^2/(8pi^2) and it is the units of
 the B factor that we all know and love.  What should we call it?  I
 nominate the Born after Max Born who did so much fundamental and
 far-reaching work on the nature of disorder in crystal lattices.  The
 unit then has the symbol B, which will make it easy to say that the B
 factor was 80 B.  This might be very handy indeed if, say, you had an
 editor who insists that all reported values have units?

 Anyone disagree or have a better name?

 -James Holton
 MAD Scientist

Re: [ccp4bb] units of the B factor

2009-11-20 Thread Ian Tickle
Hi James

If we're going to sort out the units we need to get the terminology
right too.  The mean square atomic displacement already has a symbol U =
u^2 (or to be precise Ueq as we're talking about isotropic
displacements here), and u is conventionally not defined as the RMS
displacement as you seem to be implying, but the *instantaneous*
displacement (otherwise you then need another symbol for the
instantaneous displacement!).

(or Acta Cryst. (1996). A52, 770-781).

My theory is that B became popular over U because it needs 1 fewer digit
to express it to a given precision, and this was important given the
limited space available in the 80-column PDB format.  So a B of 20.00 to
4 sig figs requires 5 columns, whereas the equivalent U of 0.2500 to 4
sig figs requires 6 columns (personally I've got nothing against '.2500'
but many compiler writers don't see it my way!).

Interestingly the IUCr commission in their 1996 report did not address
the question of units for B and U.


-- Ian

 -Original Message-
 [] On Behalf Of James Holton
 Sent: 20 November 2009 07:14
 Subject: units of the B factor
 Many textbooks describe the B factor as having units of 
 square Angstrom 
 (A^2), but then again, so does the mean square atomic 
 displacement u^2, 
 and B = 8*pi^2*u^2.  This can become confusing if one starts 
 to look at 
 derived units that have started to come out of the radiation damage 
 field like A^2/MGy, which relates how much the B factor of a crystal 
 changes after absorbing a given dose.  Or is it the atomic 
 after a given dose?  Depends on which paper you are looking at.
 It seems to me that the units of B and u^2 cannot both be A^2 any 
 more than 1 radian can be equated to 1 degree.  You need a scale 
 factor.  Kind of like trying to express something in terms of 1/100 
 cm^2 without the benefit of mm^2.  Yes, mm^2 have the 
 dimensions of 
 cm^2, but you can't just say 1 cm^2 when you really mean 1 mm^2! That 
 would be silly.  However, we often say B = 80 A^2, when we 
 really mean 
 is 1 A^2 of square atomic displacements. 
 The B units, which are ~1/80th of a A^2, do not have a name.  So, I 
 think we have a new unit?  It is A^2/(8pi^2) and it is 
 the units of 
 the B factor that we all know and love.  What should we call it?  I 
 nominate the Born after Max Born who did so much fundamental and 
 far-reaching work on the nature of disorder in crystal lattices.  The 
 unit then has the symbol B, which will make it easy to say 
 that the B 
 factor was 80 B.  This might be very handy indeed if, say, 
 you had an 
 editor who insists that all reported values have units?
 Anyone disagree or have a better name?
 -James Holton
 MAD Scientist

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Astex Therapeutics Ltd., Registered in England at 436 Cambridge Science Park, 
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Re: [ccp4bb] units of the B factor

2009-11-20 Thread mb1pja
Of course, for SI political correctness we should be using nm^2 anyway. This 
would add more confusion to a situation that most people don't worry about 


On 20 Nov 2009, at 11:05, Ian Tickle wrote:

 Hi James
 If we're going to sort out the units we need to get the terminology
 right too.  The mean square atomic displacement already has a symbol U =
 u^2 (or to be precise Ueq as we're talking about isotropic
 displacements here), and u is conventionally not defined as the RMS
 displacement as you seem to be implying, but the *instantaneous*
 displacement (otherwise you then need another symbol for the
 instantaneous displacement!).
 (or Acta Cryst. (1996). A52, 770-781).
 My theory is that B became popular over U because it needs 1 fewer digit
 to express it to a given precision, and this was important given the
 limited space available in the 80-column PDB format.  So a B of 20.00 to
 4 sig figs requires 5 columns, whereas the equivalent U of 0.2500 to 4
 sig figs requires 6 columns (personally I've got nothing against '.2500'
 but many compiler writers don't see it my way!).
 Interestingly the IUCr commission in their 1996 report did not address
 the question of units for B and U.
 -- Ian
 -Original Message-
 [] On Behalf Of James Holton
 Sent: 20 November 2009 07:14
 Subject: units of the B factor
 Many textbooks describe the B factor as having units of 
 square Angstrom 
 (A^2), but then again, so does the mean square atomic 
 displacement u^2, 
 and B = 8*pi^2*u^2.  This can become confusing if one starts 
 to look at 
 derived units that have started to come out of the radiation damage 
 field like A^2/MGy, which relates how much the B factor of a crystal 
 changes after absorbing a given dose.  Or is it the atomic 
 after a given dose?  Depends on which paper you are looking at.
 It seems to me that the units of B and u^2 cannot both be A^2 any 
 more than 1 radian can be equated to 1 degree.  You need a scale 
 factor.  Kind of like trying to express something in terms of 1/100 
 cm^2 without the benefit of mm^2.  Yes, mm^2 have the 
 dimensions of 
 cm^2, but you can't just say 1 cm^2 when you really mean 1 mm^2! That 
 would be silly.  However, we often say B = 80 A^2, when we 
 really mean 
 is 1 A^2 of square atomic displacements. 
 The B units, which are ~1/80th of a A^2, do not have a name.  So, I 
 think we have a new unit?  It is A^2/(8pi^2) and it is 
 the units of 
 the B factor that we all know and love.  What should we call it?  I 
 nominate the Born after Max Born who did so much fundamental and 
 far-reaching work on the nature of disorder in crystal lattices.  The 
 unit then has the symbol B, which will make it easy to say 
 that the B 
 factor was 80 B.  This might be very handy indeed if, say, 
 you had an 
 editor who insists that all reported values have units?
 Anyone disagree or have a better name?
 -James Holton
 MAD Scientist
 This communication is confidential and may contain privileged information 
 intended solely for the named addressee(s). It may not be used or disclosed 
 except for the purpose for which it has been sent. If you are not the 
 intended recipient you must not review, use, disclose, copy, distribute or 
 take any action in reliance upon it. If you have received this communication 
 in error, please notify Astex Therapeutics Ltd by emailing and destroy all copies of the message and any 
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 Astex Therapeutics Ltd monitors, controls and protects all its messaging 
 traffic in compliance with its corporate email policy. The Company accepts no 
 liability or responsibility for any onward transmission or use of emails and 
 attachments having left the Astex Therapeutics domain.  Unless expressly 
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 attachments for the presence of computer viruses. Astex Therapeutics Ltd 
 accepts no liability for damage caused by any virus transmitted by this 
 email. E-mail is susceptible to data corruption, interception, unauthorized 
 amendment, and tampering, Astex Therapeutics Ltd only send and receive 
 e-mails on the basis that the Company is not liable for any such alteration 
 or any consequences thereof.
 Astex Therapeutics Ltd., Registered in England at 436 Cambridge Science Park, 
 Cambridge CB4 0QA under number 3751674

Re: [ccp4bb] {Spam?} Re: {Spam?} Re: [ccp4bb] units of the B factor

2009-11-20 Thread Marc SCHILTZ

Frank von Delft wrote:

Hi Marc

Not at all, one uses units that are convenient.  By your reasoning we 
should get rid of Å, atmospheres, AU, light years...  They exist not to 
be obnoxious, but because they're handy for a large number of people in 
their specific situations.

Hi Frank,

I think that you misunderstood me. Å and atmospheres are units which 
really refer to physical quantities of different dimensions. So, of 
course, there must be different units for them (by the way: atmosphere 
is not an accepted unit in the SI system - not even a tolerated non SI 
unit, so a conscientious editor of an IUCr journal would not let it go 
through. On the other hand, the Å is a tolerated non SI unit).

But in the case of B and U, the situation is different. These two 
quantities have the same dimension (square of a length). They are 
related by the dimensionless factor 8*pi^2. Why would one want to 
incorporate this factor into the unit ? What advantage would it have ?

The physics literature is full of quantities that are related by 
multiples of pi. The frequency f of an oscillation (e.g. a sound wave) 
can be expressed in s^-1 (or Hz). The same oscillation can also be 
charcterized by its angular frequency \omega, which is related to the 
former by a factor 2*pi. Yet, no one has ever come up to suggest that 
this quantity should be given a new unit. Planck's constant h can be 
expressed in J*s. The related (and often more useful) constant h-bar = 
h/(2*pi) is also expressed in J*s. No one has ever suggested that this 
should be given a different unit.

The SI system (and other systems as well) has been specially crafted to 
avoid the proliferation of units. So I don't think that we can (should) 
invent new units whenever it appears convenient. It would bring us 
back to times anterior to the French revolution.

Please note: I am not saying that the SI system is the definite choice 
for every purpose. The nautical system of units (nautical mile, knot, 
etc.) is used for navigation on sea and in the air and it works fine for 
this purpose. However, within a system of units (whichever is adopted), 
the number of different units should be kept reasonably small.



Sounds familiar...

Marc SCHILTZ wrote:

Hi James,

James Holton wrote:
Many textbooks describe the B factor as having units of square 
Angstrom (A^2), but then again, so does the mean square atomic 
displacement u^2, and B = 8*pi^2*u^2.  This can become confusing if 
one starts to look at derived units that have started to come out of 
the radiation damage field like A^2/MGy, which relates how much the B 
factor of a crystal changes after absorbing a given dose.  Or is it 
the atomic displacement after a given dose?  Depends on which paper 
you are looking at.

There is nothing wrong with this. In the case of derived units, there 
is almost never a univocal relation between the unit and the physical 
quantity that it refers to. As an example: from the unit kg/m^3, you 
can not tell what the physical quantity is that it refers to: it could 
be the density of a material, but it could also be the mass 
concentration of a compound in a solution. Therefore, one always has 
to specify exactly what physical quantity one is talking about, i.e. 
B/dose or u^2/dose, but this is not something that should be packed 
into the unit (otherwise, we will need hundreds of different units)

It simply has to be made clear by the author of a paper whether the 
quantity he is referring to is B or u^2.

It seems to me that the units of B and u^2 cannot both be A^2 any 
more than 1 radian can be equated to 1 degree.  You need a scale 
factor.  Kind of like trying to express something in terms of 1/100 
cm^2 without the benefit of mm^2.  Yes, mm^2 have the dimensions 
of cm^2, but you can't just say 1 cm^2 when you really mean 1 mm^2! 
That would be silly.  However, we often say B = 80 A^2, when we 
really mean is 1 A^2 of square atomic displacements. 

This is like claiming that the radius and the circumference of a 
circle would need different units because they are related by the 
scale factor 2*pi.

What matters is the dimension. Both radius and circumference have the 
dimension of a length, and therefore have the same unit. Both B and 
u^2 have the dimension of the square of a length and therefoire have 
the same unit. The scalefactor 8*pi^2 is a dimensionless quantity and 
does not change the unit.

The B units, which are ~1/80th of a A^2, do not have a name.  So, I 
think we have a new unit?  It is A^2/(8pi^2) and it is the units 
of the B factor that we all know and love.  What should we call 
it?  I nominate the Born after Max Born who did so much fundamental 
and far-reaching work on the nature of disorder in crystal lattices.  
The unit then has the symbol B, which will make it easy to say that 
the B factor was 80 B.  This might be very handy indeed if, say, 
you had an editor who insists that all reported values have 

[ccp4bb] {Spam?} Re: {Spam?} Re: [ccp4bb] {Spam?} Re: {Spam?} Re: [ccp4bb] units of the B factor

2009-11-20 Thread Frank von Delft
Eh?  m and Å are related by the dimensionless quantity 10,000,000,000. 

Vive la révolution!

Marc SCHILTZ wrote:

Frank von Delft wrote:

Hi Marc

Not at all, one uses units that are convenient.  By your reasoning we 
should get rid of Å, atmospheres, AU, light years...  They exist not 
to be obnoxious, but because they're handy for a large number of 
people in their specific situations.

Hi Frank,

I think that you misunderstood me. Å and atmospheres are units which 
really refer to physical quantities of different dimensions. So, of 
course, there must be different units for them (by the way: atmosphere 
is not an accepted unit in the SI system - not even a tolerated non SI 
unit, so a conscientious editor of an IUCr journal would not let it go 
through. On the other hand, the Å is a tolerated non SI unit).

But in the case of B and U, the situation is different. These two 
quantities have the same dimension (square of a length). They are 
related by the dimensionless factor 8*pi^2. Why would one want to 
incorporate this factor into the unit ? What advantage would it have ?

The physics literature is full of quantities that are related by 
multiples of pi. The frequency f of an oscillation (e.g. a sound wave) 
can be expressed in s^-1 (or Hz). The same oscillation can also be 
charcterized by its angular frequency \omega, which is related to the 
former by a factor 2*pi. Yet, no one has ever come up to suggest that 
this quantity should be given a new unit. Planck's constant h can be 
expressed in J*s. The related (and often more useful) constant h-bar = 
h/(2*pi) is also expressed in J*s. No one has ever suggested that this 
should be given a different unit.

The SI system (and other systems as well) has been specially crafted 
to avoid the proliferation of units. So I don't think that we can 
(should) invent new units whenever it appears convenient. It would 
bring us back to times anterior to the French revolution.

Please note: I am not saying that the SI system is the definite choice 
for every purpose. The nautical system of units (nautical mile, knot, 
etc.) is used for navigation on sea and in the air and it works fine 
for this purpose. However, within a system of units (whichever is 
adopted), the number of different units should be kept reasonably small.



Sounds familiar...

Marc SCHILTZ wrote:

Hi James,

James Holton wrote:
Many textbooks describe the B factor as having units of square 
Angstrom (A^2), but then again, so does the mean square atomic 
displacement u^2, and B = 8*pi^2*u^2.  This can become confusing if 
one starts to look at derived units that have started to come out 
of the radiation damage field like A^2/MGy, which relates how much 
the B factor of a crystal changes after absorbing a given dose.  Or 
is it the atomic displacement after a given dose?  Depends on which 
paper you are looking at.

There is nothing wrong with this. In the case of derived units, 
there is almost never a univocal relation between the unit and the 
physical quantity that it refers to. As an example: from the unit 
kg/m^3, you can not tell what the physical quantity is that it 
refers to: it could be the density of a material, but it could also 
be the mass concentration of a compound in a solution. Therefore, 
one always has to specify exactly what physical quantity one is 
talking about, i.e. B/dose or u^2/dose, but this is not something 
that should be packed into the unit (otherwise, we will need 
hundreds of different units)

It simply has to be made clear by the author of a paper whether the 
quantity he is referring to is B or u^2.

It seems to me that the units of B and u^2 cannot both be A^2 
any more than 1 radian can be equated to 1 degree.  You need a 
scale factor.  Kind of like trying to express something in terms of 
1/100 cm^2 without the benefit of mm^2.  Yes, mm^2 have the 
dimensions of cm^2, but you can't just say 1 cm^2 when you really 
mean 1 mm^2! That would be silly.  However, we often say B = 80 
A^2, when we really mean is 1 A^2 of square atomic displacements. 

This is like claiming that the radius and the circumference of a 
circle would need different units because they are related by the 
scale factor 2*pi.

What matters is the dimension. Both radius and circumference have 
the dimension of a length, and therefore have the same unit. Both B 
and u^2 have the dimension of the square of a length and therefoire 
have the same unit. The scalefactor 8*pi^2 is a dimensionless 
quantity and does not change the unit.

The B units, which are ~1/80th of a A^2, do not have a name.  So, 
I think we have a new unit?  It is A^2/(8pi^2) and it is the 
units of the B factor that we all know and love.  What should we 
call it?  I nominate the Born after Max Born who did so much 
fundamental and far-reaching work on the nature of disorder in 
crystal lattices.  The unit then has the symbol B, which will 
make it easy to say that the B 

Re: [ccp4bb] {Spam?} Re: {Spam?} Re: [ccp4bb] {Spam?} Re: {Spam?} Re: [ccp4bb] units of the B factor

2009-11-20 Thread Herman . Schreuder
But in this case you are no longer defining distances but some other arbitrary 
quantity, like vendors do when they convert a small computer speaker into a 
rockband PA by using PMPO instead of music power.  

-Original Message-
From: CCP4 bulletin board [] On Behalf Of Frank von 
Sent: Friday, November 20, 2009 1:11 PM
Subject: [ccp4bb] {Spam?} Re: {Spam?} Re: [ccp4bb] {Spam?} Re: {Spam?} Re: 
[ccp4bb] units of the B factor

Eh?  m and Å are related by the dimensionless quantity 10,000,000,000. 

Vive la révolution!

Marc SCHILTZ wrote:
 Frank von Delft wrote:
 Hi Marc

 Not at all, one uses units that are convenient.  By your reasoning we 
 should get rid of Å, atmospheres, AU, light years...  They exist not 
 to be obnoxious, but because they're handy for a large number of 
 people in their specific situations.

 Hi Frank,

 I think that you misunderstood me. Å and atmospheres are units which 
 really refer to physical quantities of different dimensions. So, of 
 course, there must be different units for them (by the way: atmosphere 
 is not an accepted unit in the SI system - not even a tolerated non SI 
 unit, so a conscientious editor of an IUCr journal would not let it go 
 through. On the other hand, the Å is a tolerated non SI unit).

 But in the case of B and U, the situation is different. These two 
 quantities have the same dimension (square of a length). They are 
 related by the dimensionless factor 8*pi^2. Why would one want to 
 incorporate this factor into the unit ? What advantage would it have ?

 The physics literature is full of quantities that are related by 
 multiples of pi. The frequency f of an oscillation (e.g. a sound wave) 
 can be expressed in s^-1 (or Hz). The same oscillation can also be 
 charcterized by its angular frequency \omega, which is related to the 
 former by a factor 2*pi. Yet, no one has ever come up to suggest that 
 this quantity should be given a new unit. Planck's constant h can be 
 expressed in J*s. The related (and often more useful) constant h-bar =
 h/(2*pi) is also expressed in J*s. No one has ever suggested that this 
 should be given a different unit.

 The SI system (and other systems as well) has been specially crafted 
 to avoid the proliferation of units. So I don't think that we can
 (should) invent new units whenever it appears convenient. It would 
 bring us back to times anterior to the French revolution.

 Please note: I am not saying that the SI system is the definite choice 
 for every purpose. The nautical system of units (nautical mile, knot,
 etc.) is used for navigation on sea and in the air and it works fine 
 for this purpose. However, within a system of units (whichever is 
 adopted), the number of different units should be kept reasonably small.



 Sounds familiar...

 Marc SCHILTZ wrote:
 Hi James,

 James Holton wrote:
 Many textbooks describe the B factor as having units of square 
 Angstrom (A^2), but then again, so does the mean square atomic 
 displacement u^2, and B = 8*pi^2*u^2.  This can become confusing if 
 one starts to look at derived units that have started to come out 
 of the radiation damage field like A^2/MGy, which relates how much 
 the B factor of a crystal changes after absorbing a given dose.  Or 
 is it the atomic displacement after a given dose?  Depends on which 
 paper you are looking at.

 There is nothing wrong with this. In the case of derived units, 
 there is almost never a univocal relation between the unit and the 
 physical quantity that it refers to. As an example: from the unit 
 kg/m^3, you can not tell what the physical quantity is that it 
 refers to: it could be the density of a material, but it could also 
 be the mass concentration of a compound in a solution. Therefore, 
 one always has to specify exactly what physical quantity one is 
 talking about, i.e. B/dose or u^2/dose, but this is not something 
 that should be packed into the unit (otherwise, we will need 
 hundreds of different units)

 It simply has to be made clear by the author of a paper whether the 
 quantity he is referring to is B or u^2.

 It seems to me that the units of B and u^2 cannot both be A^2 
 any more than 1 radian can be equated to 1 degree.  You need a 
 scale factor.  Kind of like trying to express something in terms of 
 1/100 cm^2 without the benefit of mm^2.  Yes, mm^2 have the 
 dimensions of cm^2, but you can't just say 1 cm^2 when you really 
 mean 1 mm^2! That would be silly.  However, we often say B = 80 
 A^2, when we really mean is 1 A^2 of square atomic displacements.

 This is like claiming that the radius and the circumference of a 
 circle would need different units because they are related by the 
 scale factor 2*pi.

 What matters is the dimension. Both radius and circumference have 
 the dimension of a length, and therefore have the same unit. Both B 
 and u^2 have the dimension

Re: [ccp4bb] {Spam?} Re: {Spam?} Re: [ccp4bb] {Spam?} Re: {Spam?} Re: [ccp4bb] units of the B factor

2009-11-20 Thread Marc SCHILTZ

Yes, but Å is really only just tolerated.
It has evaded the Guillotine - for the time being ;-)

Frank von Delft wrote:
Eh?  m and Å are related by the dimensionless quantity 10,000,000,000. 

Vive la révolution!

Marc SCHILTZ wrote:

Frank von Delft wrote:

Hi Marc

Not at all, one uses units that are convenient.  By your reasoning we 
should get rid of Å, atmospheres, AU, light years...  They exist not 
to be obnoxious, but because they're handy for a large number of 
people in their specific situations.

Hi Frank,

I think that you misunderstood me. Å and atmospheres are units which 
really refer to physical quantities of different dimensions. So, of 
course, there must be different units for them (by the way: atmosphere 
is not an accepted unit in the SI system - not even a tolerated non SI 
unit, so a conscientious editor of an IUCr journal would not let it go 
through. On the other hand, the Å is a tolerated non SI unit).

But in the case of B and U, the situation is different. These two 
quantities have the same dimension (square of a length). They are 
related by the dimensionless factor 8*pi^2. Why would one want to 
incorporate this factor into the unit ? What advantage would it have ?

The physics literature is full of quantities that are related by 
multiples of pi. The frequency f of an oscillation (e.g. a sound wave) 
can be expressed in s^-1 (or Hz). The same oscillation can also be 
charcterized by its angular frequency \omega, which is related to the 
former by a factor 2*pi. Yet, no one has ever come up to suggest that 
this quantity should be given a new unit. Planck's constant h can be 
expressed in J*s. The related (and often more useful) constant h-bar = 
h/(2*pi) is also expressed in J*s. No one has ever suggested that this 
should be given a different unit.

The SI system (and other systems as well) has been specially crafted 
to avoid the proliferation of units. So I don't think that we can 
(should) invent new units whenever it appears convenient. It would 
bring us back to times anterior to the French revolution.

Please note: I am not saying that the SI system is the definite choice 
for every purpose. The nautical system of units (nautical mile, knot, 
etc.) is used for navigation on sea and in the air and it works fine 
for this purpose. However, within a system of units (whichever is 
adopted), the number of different units should be kept reasonably small.



Sounds familiar...

Marc SCHILTZ wrote:

Hi James,

James Holton wrote:
Many textbooks describe the B factor as having units of square 
Angstrom (A^2), but then again, so does the mean square atomic 
displacement u^2, and B = 8*pi^2*u^2.  This can become confusing if 
one starts to look at derived units that have started to come out 
of the radiation damage field like A^2/MGy, which relates how much 
the B factor of a crystal changes after absorbing a given dose.  Or 
is it the atomic displacement after a given dose?  Depends on which 
paper you are looking at.
There is nothing wrong with this. In the case of derived units, 
there is almost never a univocal relation between the unit and the 
physical quantity that it refers to. As an example: from the unit 
kg/m^3, you can not tell what the physical quantity is that it 
refers to: it could be the density of a material, but it could also 
be the mass concentration of a compound in a solution. Therefore, 
one always has to specify exactly what physical quantity one is 
talking about, i.e. B/dose or u^2/dose, but this is not something 
that should be packed into the unit (otherwise, we will need 
hundreds of different units)

It simply has to be made clear by the author of a paper whether the 
quantity he is referring to is B or u^2.

It seems to me that the units of B and u^2 cannot both be A^2 
any more than 1 radian can be equated to 1 degree.  You need a 
scale factor.  Kind of like trying to express something in terms of 
1/100 cm^2 without the benefit of mm^2.  Yes, mm^2 have the 
dimensions of cm^2, but you can't just say 1 cm^2 when you really 
mean 1 mm^2! That would be silly.  However, we often say B = 80 
A^2, when we really mean is 1 A^2 of square atomic displacements. 
This is like claiming that the radius and the circumference of a 
circle would need different units because they are related by the 
scale factor 2*pi.

What matters is the dimension. Both radius and circumference have 
the dimension of a length, and therefore have the same unit. Both B 
and u^2 have the dimension of the square of a length and therefoire 
have the same unit. The scalefactor 8*pi^2 is a dimensionless 
quantity and does not change the unit.

The B units, which are ~1/80th of a A^2, do not have a name.  So, 
I think we have a new unit?  It is A^2/(8pi^2) and it is the 
units of the B factor that we all know and love.  What should we 
call it?  I nominate the Born after Max Born who did so much 
fundamental and far-reaching work on the nature 

Re: [ccp4bb] {Spam?} Re: {Spam?} Re: [ccp4bb] {Spam?} Re: {Spam?} Re: [ccp4bb] units of the B factor

2009-11-20 Thread Philippe DUMAS

What a funny  pleasant piece of discussion !

Given any physical quantity Something, having any kind of dimension 
(even as awful as inches^2*gallons*pounds^-3)
Would it exist any room for a discussion about the dimension of  
2*Something ? And what about  1*Something ?

Philippe Dumas

attachment: p_dumas.vcf

Re: [ccp4bb] {Spam?} Re: {Spam?} Re: [ccp4bb] {Spam?} Re: {Spam?} Re: [ccp4bb] units of the B factor

2009-11-20 Thread Gerard DVD Kleywegt

What a funny  pleasant piece of discussion !

Given any physical quantity Something, having any kind of dimension (even 
as awful as inches^2*gallons*pounds^-3)
Would it exist any room for a discussion about the dimension of  2*Something 
? And what about  1*Something ?

(1) You can always convert anything into anything else (related to it by a 
scale factor) using Google, e.g.:

To answer your question:*gallons*pounds%5E-3

So: 1 inches^2*gallons*pounds^-3 = 2.61687719 10^-5 m^5 / kg^3 (assuming US 
gallons! If you meant imperial gallons, the answer is 3.14273976 10^-5 m^5 / 

(2) With respect to the subject of this thread, can I have my spam, spam, 
spam, spam and units with eggs, please? 


   Gerard J.  Kleywegt
   Dept. of Cell  Molecular Biology  University of Uppsala
   Biomedical Centre  Box 596
   SE-751 24 Uppsala  SWEDEN
   The opinions in this message are fictional.  Any similarity
   to actual opinions, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

Re: [ccp4bb] units of the B factor

2009-11-20 Thread James Holton
No No No!  This is not what I meant at all! 

I am not suggesting the creation of a new unit, but rather that we name 
a unit that is already in widespread use.  This unit is A^2/(8*pi^2) 
which has dimensions of length^2 and it IS the unit of B factor.  That 
is, every PDB file lists the B factor as a multiple of THIS fundamental 
quantity, not A^2.  If the unit were simply A^2, then the PDB file would 
be listing much smaller numbers (U, not B).  (Okay, there are a few PDBs 
that do that by mistake, but not many.)  As Marc pointed out, a unit and 
a dimension are not the same thing: millimeters and centimeters are 
different units, but they have the same dimension: length.  And, yes, 
dimensionless scale factors like milli and centi are useful.  The B 
factor has dimension length^2, but the unit of B factor is not A^2.  For 
example, if we change some atomic B factor by 1, then we are actually 
describing a change of 0.013 A^2, because this is equal to 1.0 
A^2/(8*pi^2).  What I am suggesting is that it would be easier to say 
that the B factor changed by 1.0, and if you must quote the units, the 
units are B, otherwise we have to say: the B factor changed by 1.0 
A^2/(8*pi^2).  Saying that a B factor changed by 1 A^2 when the actual 
change in A^2 is 0.013 is (formally) incorrect.

 The unfortunate situation however is that B factors have often been 
reported with units of A^2, and this is equivalent to describing the 
area of 80 football fields as 80 and then giving the dimension (m^2) 
as the units!  It is better to say that the area is 80 football 
fields, but this is invoking a unit: the football field.  The unit of 
B factor, however does not have a name.  We could say 1.0 B-factor 
units, but that is not the same as 1.0 A^2 which is ~80 B-factor units.

Admittedly, using A^2 to describe a B factor by itself is not confusing 
because we all know what a B factor is.  It is that last column in the 
PDB file.  The potential for confusion arises in derived units.  How 
does one express a rate-of-change in B factor?  A^2/s?  What about 
rate-of-change in U?  A^2/s?  I realized that this could become a 
problem while comparing Kmetko et. al. Acta D (2006) and Borek et. al. 
JSR (2007).  Both very good and influential papers: the former describes 
damage rates in A^2/MGy (converting B to U first so that A^2 is the 
unit), and the latter relates damage to the B factor directly, and 
points out that the increase in B factor from radiation damage of most 
protein crystals is almost exactly 1.0 B/MGy.  This would be a great 
rule of thumb if one were allowed to use B as a unit.  Why not?

Interesting that the IUCr committee report that Ian pointed out stated 
we recommend that the use of B be discouraged.  Hmm... Good luck with 

I agree that I should have used U instead of u^2 in my original post.  
Actually, the u should have a subscript x to denote that it is along 
the direction perpendicular to the Bragg plane.  Movement within the 
plane does not change the spot intensity, and it also does not matter if 
the x displacements are instantaneous, dynamic or static, as there 
is no way to tell the difference with x-ray diffraction.  It just 
matters how far the atoms are from their ideal lattice points (James 
1962, Ch 1).  I am not sure how to do a symbol with both superscripts 
and subscripts AND inside brackets  that is legible in all email 
clients.  Here is a try: B = 8*pi*usubx/sub^2.  Did that work?

I did find it interesting that the 8*pi^2 arises from the fact that 
diffraction occurs in angle space, and so factors of 4*pi steradians pop 
up in the Fourier domain (spatial frequencies).  In the case of B it is 
(4*pi)^2/2 because the second coefficient of a Taylor series is 1/2.  
Along these lines, quoting B in A^2 is almost precisely analogous to 
quoting an angular frequency in Hz.  Yes, the dimensions are the same 
(s^-1), but how does one interpret the statement: the angular frequency 
was 1 Hz.  Is that cycles per second or radians per second?

That's all I'm saying...

-James Holton
MAD Scientist

Marc SCHILTZ wrote:

Frank von Delft wrote:

Hi Marc

Not at all, one uses units that are convenient.  By your reasoning we 
should get rid of Å, atmospheres, AU, light years...  They exist not 
to be obnoxious, but because they're handy for a large number of 
people in their specific situations.

Hi Frank,

I think that you misunderstood me. Å and atmospheres are units which 
really refer to physical quantities of different dimensions. So, of 
course, there must be different units for them (by the way: atmosphere 
is not an accepted unit in the SI system - not even a tolerated non SI 
unit, so a conscientious editor of an IUCr journal would not let it go 
through. On the other hand, the Å is a tolerated non SI unit).

But in the case of B and U, the situation is different. These two 
quantities have the same dimension (square of a length). They are 
related by the