RE: network event

2015-05-22 Thread geneb

On Fri, 22 May 2015, Jay West wrote:

Chuck wrote...
I, for one, didn't even notice.
I really really wish I could say the same. Truly.

Well you're the guy behind the curtain.  We're forbidden from noticing 
you. :D


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Re: 8-bit Computer TV Channel Use

2015-05-22 Thread Chris Osborn

On May 22, 2015, at 9:26 AM, Mark J. Blair wrote:

 I've ordered a $15 composite to HDMI converter from Amazon to try out for 
 myself with my Apple IIe and IIc. I'd also like to try out my Color Computers 
 with a modern monitor to see if the color aliasing used by some games can be 
 reproduced. I don't have a modern television, but I might still have a crusty 
 old VCR out in the junk pile whose tuner output could be fed into the $15 

I’m anxious to hear reports on it. I’ve tried a lot of different things and so 
far nothing can handle the NTSC color signal that the Apple II puts out. Same 
with the Atari 800. I just end up with a monochrome screen with lines instead 
of colors.

Follow me on twitter: @FozzTexx
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Re: 8-bit Computer TV Channel Use

2015-05-22 Thread Fred Cisin

On Fri, 22 May 2015, Chris Osborn wrote:
Heh, I have a few already. :-) I’ve even got one of those funny 
looking ones that has knobs on it. With VHF  UHF dials. And fine 
tuning. And only screw terminals on the back, none of those fancy 
RCA/phono jack connectors on it.

A little over half a century ago, UHF was an extra price option!
My brother and I pooled our money and bought a 19 Philco portable.
Our father chipped in the additional to get UHF.
I remember watching the Cuban missile crisis on it, with my father
muttering, The SOB has gotten us into war!

RE: 8-bit Computer TV Channel Use

2015-05-22 Thread tony duell
 Yes, video is tricky.  I've just had an experience which emphasizes the
 topic under discussion.

The main problems stem from the fact that these computers output anything
but broadcast-standard video. In some cases it was because they were built
to a price and it was 'what can we get away with'. In others it was more a case
of getting extra features (like colour) almost for free.

 Just recently I got hold of an Amstrad CPC 464.

Incidentally, one of the better things (for me) about Amstrad machines 
is that service manuals existed for them. Said manuals are essentially
a schematic and a parts list, but that is all that is normally needed. Certainly
for the older machines (all the CPCs and PCWs and the earlier PCs) they are
not just boardswapper guides.

 It didn't come with its screen though (dedicated screens were sold with the
 machine). However British enthusiasts had developed an RGB to SCART cable

What are you doing for the PSU (the computer ran off the SMPSU in the monitor

 for this very problem. Problem for me was that although SCART is a common
 video interface in Europe, it's rare in New Zealand. However I noted there

One problem with SCART (and I don't think it's the cause of your problems) is 
it is several interfaces on one connector. In particular there is composite 
RGB video (using the composite pin for sync) and later S-video (using the 
composite pin for Y and IIRC the 'red' pin for C). Not all devices implement all
parts of the interface. In particular UK TVs almost always have the RGB inputs, 
VCRs did not.

The CPC output is RGB video, and AFAIK the CPC-SCART cable is a simple cable
with perhaps level-shifting resistors inside. So it will use the RGB pins on 
SCART connector. 


Re: 8-bit Computer TV Channel Use

2015-05-22 Thread Chris Osborn

On May 22, 2015, at 1:31 PM, Chuck Guzis wrote:

 Do you have anything like Freecycle in your area?  Usually, if you say you're 
 looking for an old-style TV, people will jump at the chance to give away the 
 old sets.

Heh, I have a few already. :-) I’ve even got one of those funny looking ones 
that has knobs on it. With VHF  UHF dials. And fine tuning. And only screw 
terminals on the back, none of those fancy RCA/phono jack connectors on it. I 
really need to do a cap kit on it though, it takes forever to warm up, and the 
tuning drifts while it’s on and I have to change the channel and then back to 
get it to lock on again.

Follow me on twitter: @FozzTexx
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