Re: DecNet / Linux

2019-07-03 Thread E. Groenenberg via cctalk

On Wed, July 3, 2019 18:52, Grant Taylor via cctalk wrote:
> On 7/3/19 7:05 AM, E. Groenenberg via cctalk wrote:
>> Kernel 2.6.32 was the last one to activly support Decnet.
> What does "actively support" mean?
> I got DECnet working in 2.6.38 with everything I tested.
> I got DECnet working to a lesser degree with 3..
> (I can boot VMs and get specific versions if people want them.)
> I'm also happy to test things if people want me to.
> --
> Grant. . . .
> unix || die

>From what I have been able to find out, 2.3.36 was the last 'official'
release supporting DecNet.
It's good to hear that later release work fine with it (even if it
is to some point).

Maybe it was silently maintained by others later on, who knows?

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Re: DecNet / Linux

2019-07-03 Thread E. Groenenberg via cctalk

On Wed, July 3, 2019 19:51, Paul Koning via cctalk wrote:
>> On Jul 3, 2019, at 9:05 AM, E. Groenenberg via cctalk
>>  wrote:
>> Kernel 2.6.32 was the last one to activly support Decnet.
> Do you mean that in the sense of "it's listed in the documentation as a
> supported feature" -- rather than "it can be turned on and if you do that
> it works" ?
>   paul
Hello Paul.

More like 'This kernel is the last one officially supporting DecnNet'.

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RE: DecNet / Linux

2019-07-03 Thread E. Groenenberg via cctalk

On Wed, July 3, 2019 19:25, Robert Armstrong via cctalk wrote:
> On 7/3/19 6:39 AM, John Many Jars via cctalk wrote:
>> Say, can anyone tell me which version of the kernel was the last one to
>> work with Decnet?
>   Version 4.4.x kernels (Ubuntu 16.04.x) and maybe later can be made to
> work with some tweaking.  See
> Bob

Very interesting! I've bookmarked the page.

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Re: DecNet / Linux

2019-07-03 Thread E. Groenenberg via cctalk

On Wed, July 3, 2019 14:39, John Many Jars via cctalk wrote:
> Say, can anyone tell me which version of the kernel was the last one to
> work with Decnet?
> Does anyone know what the actual issues are?  My friend who does kernel
> stuff wants to know.
> --
> Yoyodyne Propulsion Systems:  "The Future Begins Tomorrow"
> Visit us at:
> "When a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by this sign,
> that the dunces are all in confederacy against him." -- Jonathan Swift

Kernel 2.6.32 was the last one to activly support Decnet.

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Re: OT: "half-dollar"/"50 cent piece" Was: Recovering the ROM of an IBM 5100 using OCR

2019-06-28 Thread E. Groenenberg via cctalk

On Fri, June 28, 2019 18:57, Fred Cisin via cctalk wrote:
>>> I saw this half-dollar sized plastic fob on the desk and asked what it
>>> was for.
> On Fri, 28 Jun 2019, Liam Proven via cctalk wrote:
>> If I may just say -- only about 5% of humanity know how big that is. I
>> don't. I don't even know if a half a dollar is a note or a coin, and
>> that's without getting extra-pedantic and pointing out that about a
>> dozen countries call their currencies the "dollar".
>> :-(
> Oh, FAR FAR FAR less than 5%.
> Most residents of USA haven't seen a half dollar or "50 cent piece" in
> decades.  They are as much of an oddity as the $2 bill.  They are
> nominally still in circulation, most recent being JFK, but I think that
> they stopped making them in 2002, and there are federal vaults full of
> uncirculated pre-2002 coins.  Most recent has a portrait of Kennedy.
> They are 30.61mm diameter, which is the largest relatively recent
> USA coin (not counting the long discontinued 38.1mm SILVER DOLLAR)
snip snip snip

> --
> Grumpy Ol' Fred

How odd & funny!

Being a Dutchman, I do have a few half dollars, 2 $2 bills and 2
Susan B. Antony 1 dollar coins. Oh, and a silver dollar which is
pretty large.

Where I got those? Well, Las Vegas for the half dollar coins (slot
machines), change given back (the $2 bills), and a cable car ticket
vending machine in SF (the $1 coins).
Can't remember where I got the silver dollar from tough.

Still have them because I just liked them.

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Re: DEC disc pack inspection unit on eBay

2019-05-10 Thread E. Groenenberg via cctalk

On Fri, May 10, 2019 17:59, W2HX via cctalk wrote:
> What is this used for? RL02's or something? and what does it do?
> From: cctalk  on behalf of Bob Rosenbloom
> via cctalk 
> Sent: Friday, May 10, 2019 1:49 AM
> To: cctalk
> Subject: DEC disc pack inspection unit on eBay
> There's a mis-categorized  disk pack inspection unit up on eBay. Might
> be of use to someone.
> Bob
> --
> Vintage computers and electronics

These units were used to inspect the surfaces of the multi platter
diskpacks, like a RP0x or RM0x packs.

I used to have one but was different to the one listed on ebay.

The one I had can be seen at this link :

Here you can see the armature with the strip mirrors, which would be
moved between the platters. The diskpack would rotate slowly and you
would be able to inspect each surface using the tilted mirrors.

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Re: Thinking about PDP11 PC05 Emulation

2019-03-11 Thread E. Groenenberg via cctalk

snip snip snip

> (I could do it with a PIC - did that for a Documation card reader to PC
> interface, but I am really tired of fighting Microchip's IDE.)
> BUT - it also occurs to me someone may have already done something like
> this?  Any leads / ideas?

Yes, see
And in action :

The PC05 in question is mine, the interface are made by Henk Gooijen,
the software in the vid is only supporting byte for byte, streaming
mode is almost implemented.

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Re: Researching IBM rare equipment from 50s to 80s

2018-12-14 Thread E. Groenenberg via cctalk
On Fri, December 14, 2018 11:41, Peter Van Peborgh via cctech wrote:
> Fellow geeks of more mature vintage,
> Do any of you guys know whether it is possible to find out to whom any IBM
> equipment was sold back in the day? (Still chasing IBM 2321 Data Cell - I
> never learn!)
> Many thanks,
> peter

Try contacting the ABN Amrobank datacenter in Amstelveen.
They have (had?) some vintage IBM stuff on display in the various
spots there.

Their address is : Eleanor Rooseveltlaan 1, 1183 CC Amstelveen.

Ik email, dus ik besta.

Re: Large Collection Of Dec/Digital PDP Documentation

2018-11-07 Thread E. Groenenberg via cctalk
On Tue, November 6, 2018 19:26, Zane Healy via cctalk wrote:
> For those not in the know, orange binders for RT-11 should mean v5.x.  An
> probably v4.x for RSX11M.  Definitely a great pile of documentation for
> someone that is close enough!

Hmm as far as i remember, V5.x came in grey binder, my V5.5 RT-11 manual set
has this color and came from a DEC re-seller (some were still shrink

RSX11M V4 is definitely orange.

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Re: sugar packjets anyone ever come across em?

2018-04-21 Thread E. Groenenberg via cctalk

On Fri, April 20, 2018 21:33, Adrian Stoness via cctalk wrote:
> anyone ever come across sugar packets? this came in a lot of manuals and
> documents that arived the other day kinda neat

Wow, that's an oldie.

Sugar sachets (suikerzakjes) were pretty common in Europe in the '60 and
Indeed they were collected, every cafe, restaurant or company did have
them and usually had their own printing on them. Later on they got
more or less replaced with packed sugar cubes and nowadays in sticks
with plain, boring sticks.

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Re: Instruction video on laserdisk

2018-04-01 Thread E. Groenenberg via cctalk

Yup, that's the one.

I asked him if he had the other disk (part 1 & 2) as well, and he'll
have a look. Apparently the disk was in a stack of LP's he bought on
a fleamarket, and I guess he may somewhat know the seller of those

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On Sun, April 1, 2018 00:57, John Foust via cctalk wrote:
> At 07:46 AM 3/31/2018, E. Groenenberg via cctalk wrote:
>>Today I received a PDP-11 instruction video on a laser disk, part 3 & 4.
>>The disk partno. is EY-5537E-V2-0001, the title says
>>'Introduction to the PDP-11, Internal use Only, (c) 1988'
> This one?
> I have LD player, digitizer, and abilities.  Midwest USA.
> IVIS was a DEC Pro 350 system for interactive learning:
> - John

Instruction video on laserdisk

2018-03-31 Thread E. Groenenberg via cctalk

Today I received a PDP-11 instruction video on a laser disk, part 3 & 4.
The disk partno. is EY-5537E-V2-0001, the title says
'Introduction to the PDP-11, Internal use Only, (c) 1988'

Besides that, no indication if the video stream is NTSC or PAL.

Anybody have a clou?

I want to have the disk read and put the video on youtube eventually.

Ik email, dus ik besta.

ibm panel

2018-02-25 Thread E. Groenenberg via cctalk

So, all this talk about panels made me making an oak frame for an
IBM panel I had lingering around in the attic for a while.

Still need to make a back panel to close it tough.

The cables were already cut when I got it.

Ik email, dus ik besta.

Available : 2 Sun caddies / disk brackets

2018-02-12 Thread E. Groenenberg via cctalk

For the cost of postage: 2 Sun brackets, part no 330-1806

One is made of clear plastic, the other is purple.
They are located in the Netherlands.


Ik email, dus ik besta.

VT-110 keyboard keycaps & nvram

2018-02-11 Thread E. Groenenberg via cctalk

Recently I got a VT100 in pretty nice condition with an extra keyboard.
Now, both keyboards did have missing keys, but I was able to make one
of them nearly complete by cannibalising them from the 2nd one.
I only miss the 'SETUP' and the 'No Scroll' key cap.

So, is there someone who has these as spare keys and is willing to
depart from them? I have other key caps for swap, although not every
key might be available.


Ik email, dus ik besta.

Re: Spare parts for VT1xx available.

2018-01-07 Thread E. Groenenberg via cctalk
Hello Mattis.

I could use a PSU for the 131 if it is still available.

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BTC : 1KsHRwUR3b8QkxwMRYocrPeY5TBCw2nVMF

On Sat, January 6, 2018 21:50, Mattis Lind via cctalk wrote:
> I was given three VT100 and one VT131 in not great condition.
> The biggest problem is that the keyboards are missing approximately 25% of
> the keys in average. For example all SETUP keys and NO SCROLL keys are
> missing. God know why.
> It makes little point for me try to find keytops for these four keyboards.
> Besides they are not actually matching the terminals except for one of
> them. Apparently the VT131 keyboard is slightly different from the VT100.
> Then two of the VT100 has a different first ROM chip and also an extra
> char
> gen chip (23-108E2 and 23-198E2). Seems to be some kind of European/
> Swedish/Scandinavian chargen and keyboard layout. The keyboards I received
> has US layout.
> I checked two PSUs, one monitor board, and one basic video (logic board)
> which seem to work OK. One keyboard tested and is working electrically.
> The cases are from OK to in quite ugly shape and the CRTs are from minimal
> screen burn to quite some screen burn (due to long time with inverse
> video).
> Is there interest in a full terminal? Parts? Keytops? I will probably keep
> one or two flyback transformers to keep the ones I have going.
> I am in Sweden.
> /Mattis

Looking for a VT-100 'break' keyboard key.

2017-09-13 Thread E. Groenenberg via cctalk

Can someone maybe help me with a VT-10x 'break' keyboard key?
I was able to get a keyboard for my VT-102, but this key is missing.


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Re: Need VT-100 switch

2017-08-29 Thread E. Groenenberg via cctalk

Thanks for the info.
I'm in the Netherlands, so no Home Depot branch here, but now I have seen
the picture of the replacement I can look locally or check with
digikey/farnell to see what they have in their catalog of switches.


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On Tue, August 29, 2017 21:47, Santo Nucifora via cctalk wrote:
> I've replied to this and helped someone else out before as it seems to be
> a
> frequent question.
> I've replaced two VT-100 switches with chrome "bat" handle switches from
> Home Depot in Canada shown here:
> <>
>  The one at the USA Home Depot is here:
> I had to remove the screws and filed the terminals down a little because
> the terminals were a little wider than the original connectors but it
> works
> like a charm and will not break. It is almost a direct replacement (except
> for the terminals needing some filing).
> You can probably pick one up on the way home if you are in North America.
> Hope this helps.
> Santo
> On Tue, Aug 29, 2017 at 3:38 PM, John Wilson via cctalk <
>> wrote:
>> On Tue, Aug 29, 2017 at 09:04:11PM +0200, E. Groenenberg via cctalk
>> wrote:
>> >Does somebody maybe have a spare switch of a VT-100 (the one at the
>> back)?
>> If you get stuck, there's a switch that's made as a replacement part for
>> Fender guitar amps which, apart from having a metal handle instead of
>> plastic, is a very close match to the VT100 power switch.  Really it's
>> what DEC *should* have used ...
>> John Wilson
>> D Bit

Need VT-100 switch

2017-08-29 Thread E. Groenenberg via cctalk

Does somebody maybe have a spare switch of a VT-100 (the one at the back)?


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Repurposed Art (ahem...)

2017-07-18 Thread E. Groenenberg via cctalk

Re-purposed art or vandalism?

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Re: remember xvscan?

2017-04-11 Thread E. Groenenberg via cctalk

On Tue, April 11, 2017 12:44, David Griffith via cctalk wrote:
> Does anyone remember using xvscan?  Does anyone know how to get a hold of
> it anymore?
> --
> David Griffith
> A: Because it fouls the order in which people normally read text.
> Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
> A: Top-posting.
> Q: What is the most annoying thing in e-mail?

Wasn't that not an add-on to 'xv' (xv-3.10a)?

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BTC : 1Lk6141nvDKPxtCa5erfFyovsoJN2LKqNJ

Re: DEC wall plates, cables

2017-04-08 Thread E. Groenenberg via cctalk
Hello Paul.

What are these actually? I never have heard of them.
If they are decorative and are a necessity in one's computer room,
I would like one?

Is it possible to have a picture? I really have no ida what they are.


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BTC : 1Lk6141nvDKPxtCa5erfFyovsoJN2LKqNJ

On Sat, April 8, 2017 09:54, Paul Anderson via cctalk wrote:
> Your chance to use real DEC wall plates!!!
> While going through boxes of stuff in the basement, I found a few cases of
> DEC wall plates and Adirondack Wire and Cable AWC8100-14-W cables, both
> sealed in factory bags.
> There is no H # on the wall plates,but I recall seeing them in DEC sales
> catalog
> The cables look like RJ11 and I'll try to open one and measure it
> tomorrow.
> Contact me off list if you are interested in making an offer. Shipping
> from
> 61853, and as many as you want $10 S in US.

Re: eBay: PDP-11/70 backplane?

2017-03-23 Thread E. Groenenberg via cctalk

It is the MK11 MOS Memory box backplane, not the cpu backplane which
is bigger (and has lots of twisted pair wiring).

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On Thu, March 23, 2017 21:19, Noel Chiappa via cctalk wrote:
> This:
> looks like it might be an -11/70 backplane, but I'm too lazy to look up
> the
> part number.
>  Noel

RE: DEC VT30-H and VTV30-J, was VSV11

2017-03-03 Thread E. Groenenberg via cctalk

Your '' high speed lineprinter is most likely a Dataproducts
Model 2230 (a.k.a Dec LP05).


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BTC : 1Lk6141nvDKPxtCa5erfFyovsoJN2LKqNJ