
As I'm preparing to setup my old hardware, I fetched two VAXstations
(4000/90 and /96) from storage and cleaned one of them throughoutly.

  Then I gave power (to both of them), but both won't really start:
all 8 diag LEDs are on (--> power available but CPU didn't start
executing instructions.)

  I took the PSU (from the cleaned /90), a DEC H7819-AA, and measured
it. Unfortunately I didn't find pinouts or schematics at a first
search. The plate states that there should be 3.3V, 5V, 12V, -12V and
-9V. I found most of that:

|                                                o                 |
|     DEC H7819-AA PSU                      10 +---+ 1             |
|  (view at the bottom side)                   |   |               |
|                                              |   |               |
|                                              |   |               |
|                                           18 +---+ 9             |
|                                                o                 |
|                +-------+    +-------+                            |
|                |  Fan  |    |  Fan  |                            |

With above pin numbering, this is what I could find / measure / deduce:

      3V3   brown 10       1 blue    12V
      3V3   brown 11       2 black   GND
      GND   black 12       3 red      5V
      GND   black 13       4 red      5V
      GND   black 14       5 black   GND
       5V     red 15       6 black   GND
       5V     red 16       7 white  -12V
       5V     red 17       8 blue   (0.78V)
   (4.91V)  lilac 18       9 brown  (-1.65V)

Most values look plausible, except those three in parentheses. At
least one of them should probably be -9V wrt. GND I guess, but that's
totally absent. And what's the other two? (If I got the colors wrong:
Please forgive, I'm red-green blind.) That could be some "power-okay"
indicator, or external switch-off?

  Maybe anybody has faced these issues and can point me to some docs
or "well known to be failing" capacitors? I'd be quite grateful for
any hints! :)  ...and hope that maybe the above drawing/measurements
will be helpful for anybody else later on.



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