From the "Mainframe Enthusiasts" Discord; I don't have any other contact
for him but I can send you a link to the Discord if you can't get there
yourself.  This is one of the first (maybe the first) of the 64-bit zSeries
(descendant of S/360, S/370, S/390) machines.  You would have to pay IBM a
lot of money to legally run a modern z/OS or MVS or VM or z/VM or VSE or
z/VSE on it (and current versions won't work, but, like, z/VM 4.4 would).
You could run MUSIC/SP for free, and of course VM/370 and MVS 3.8 are in
the public domain (although I do not know offhand if the z9 can run those
late-70s OSes).  It will also run S/390 and z/Linux of the right vintage,
which are free but maybe difficult to acquire these days.

From Member @Booper : Z9 mainframe, ds8000 storage array , tape drive and
misc components are scheduled to go to scrap at the end of the month. If
someone wants to chime in and throw some money my way, i can sign the whole
storage unit over to you. Located in melbourne fl.

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