In that case include the cdk-legacy module and use that version of SMSD.

Here's the GIST I previously wrote to align to a subgraph:

On Wed, 14 Aug 2019 at 18:21, Tim Dudgeon <> wrote:

> Hi John,
> Thanks for that info. I did look into SMSD, but found some problems using
> it with the latest CDK [1,2].
> Also, the maven version has not been updated since Jun 2016 so I wonder if
> its still active?
> Let me know if you want help with the utility function you mention. Happy
> to help, but not sure right now how to approach it.
> CDK rendering is so beautiful!
> Tim
> 1.
> 2.
> On 14/08/2019 16:05, John Mayfield wrote:
> 2. Use SMSD or Edmund Duesbury's MCS code. SMSD is a separate library now
> as we couldn't smoothly integrate the updates and had tests failing.
> 3. You can fix atoms in place with the *Set<IAtom> afix* option of the
> layout. So you copy the coords from MCS you got, fix these in place whilst
> you lay out the rest.
> One day I will get around to adding a utility function for this but there
> is some example code on the mailing list for No. 3, look for emails from
> someone at Dotmatics albeit with a substructure match.
> On Tue, 13 Aug 2019 at 17:01, Tim Dudgeon <> wrote:
>> I'm wanting to depict molecules that have been aligned to a the MCS of a
>> query molecule, and highlight the MCS.
>> Are there any examples of this? Seems like some of the relevant CDK code
>> is deprecated, but its not clear what should be used.
>> As an example:
>> 1. I have a query molecule and a target molecule and they share
>> significant MCS, often with the query being a complete subgraph of the
>> target.
>> 2. I identify the MCS
>> 3. Using that MCS I layout the target molecule (e.g. generate 2D
>> coordinates) fixing the parts that are in the MCS to the coordinates
>> from the query structure.
>> 4. I then depict that layed out molecule colouring the MCS.
>> I know how to do #4 - its steps #2 and #3 that I'm unsure about.
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