---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Michael Hucka <mhu...@caltech.edu>
Date: Tue, Jul 10, 2012 at 6:53 AM
Subject: [sysbio] Reminder: please register for COMBINE 2012
To: sys...@caltech.edu

Greetings, all you systems-oriented, biologically-inclined people:

With COMBINE 2012 only a month away, we encourage all attendees to
register as soon as possible so that the hosts can plan appropriately.
 Please also submit abstracts for talks and/or posters.

The Computational Modeling in Biology Network (COMBINE) is an initiative to
coordinate the development of the various community standards and formats,
initially in Systems Biology and related fields. The Annual COMBINE forum
is a workshop-style event with oral presentations, posters and breakout
sessions. The meeting provides an opportunity for those involved in many
related standardization and software efforts in systems biology to meet and
discuss their efforts, with the aim of working more closely together to
ensure smooth interoperability between systems.


COMBINE 2012 will take place at The Donnelly Centre building at the
University of Toronto from Wednesday August 15 to Sunday Aug. 19, 2012,
immediately preceding the 13th International Conference on Systems Biology
(http://icsb2012toronto.com/). The COMBINE conference location is a short
walk from ICSB events and COMBINE 2012 is an official satellite meeting of
ICSB, so you can follow the same travel and accommodation instructions for
ICSB and use the same hotel discounts. Registration for COMBINE is $125
(Canadian) to cover costs associated with the meeting, including a workshop
dinner and catering.

We hope to see you there!
Gary, Nicolas and Mike
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