Re: [CentOS-docs] document proposal: TipsAndTricks/ApacheVHostDir

2009-08-23 Thread Christoph Maser
Am Freitag, den 21.08.2009, 21:41 +0200 schrieb Ed Heron:
 I use named virtual hosts on my web servers, as I'm sure many others do.

   I'm used to the method of using a vhost directory for the container files.
 I didn't find documentation for it in the CentOS docs or the Apache docs.
 I'm not sure if I should take it as a hint that it is depreciated...  If
 I've missed something, please point me to it.

   I've written a quick little article detailing how to create a vhost
 directory under CentOS.
   It is at

   Please, consider this a request to create the page
 TipsAndTricks/ApacheVhostDir with access given to wiki user EdHeron.

 Ed Heron

I prefer one file per vhost instead of one directory per vhost. But what
i really expect from a TipsAndTricks/ApacheVhost is to explain how to
make sure which vhost will be the default vhost when using includes.

Chris AG

Munich head office/Hauptsitz München: Maria-Probst-Str. 19 | 80939 München | 
Frankfurt branch office/Niederlassung Frankfurt: Messeturm | 
Friedrich-Ebert-Anlage 49 | 60327 Frankfurt | Germany
Management board/Vorstand: Dr. Steffen Boehnert (CEO/Vorsitzender) | Dr. Alexis 
Eisenhofer | Dr. Yann Samson | Matthias Wiederwach
Supervisory board/Aufsichtsrat: Dr. Dr. Ernst zur Linden (chairman/Vorsitzender)
Register court/Handelsregister: Munich – HRB 128 972 | Sales tax ID 
number/St.Nr.: DE205 370 553
CentOS-docs mailing list

Re: [CentOS-docs] document proposal: TipsAndTricks/ApacheVHostDir

2009-08-23 Thread Christoph Maser
Am Sonntag, den 23.08.2009, 09:34 +0200 schrieb Christoph Maser:
  But what
 i really expect from a TipsAndTricks/ApacheVhost is to explain how to
 make sure which vhost will be the default vhost when using includes.


Oh you have that also i found it on the wiki changelog. why did you put that
in a seperate article? You describe 2 ways of doing it (httpd.conf and
vhost.d) but where is the centos-way (using only conf.d) ? AG

Munich head office/Hauptsitz München: Maria-Probst-Str. 19 | 80939 München | 
Frankfurt branch office/Niederlassung Frankfurt: Messeturm | 
Friedrich-Ebert-Anlage 49 | 60327 Frankfurt | Germany
Management board/Vorstand: Dr. Steffen Boehnert (CEO/Vorsitzender) | Dr. Alexis 
Eisenhofer | Dr. Yann Samson | Matthias Wiederwach
Supervisory board/Aufsichtsrat: Dr. Dr. Ernst zur Linden (chairman/Vorsitzender)
Register court/Handelsregister: Munich – HRB 128 972 | Sales tax ID 
number/St.Nr.: DE205 370 553
CentOS-docs mailing list

Re: [CentOS-virt] Performance tunning CentOS / Xen

2009-08-23 Thread Pasi Kärkkäinen
On Sun, Aug 23, 2009 at 01:34:08PM +0800, Ryan Chan wrote:
 I have followed standard documents to install CentOS 5.3  Xen.
 After playing around, stuffs are OK.
 So I move forward to tune the performance, are there any recommended
 documents/tutorial that specialized on performance tuning VM
 host/guest, on CentOS / Xen architecture?

I usually limit dom0 memory to 512 MB or 1024 MB to make sure memory
ballooning is not needed while creating new domUs/guests. It could cause weird
problems if you boot up your dom0 with all the physical memory available to
it (possibly multiple gigabytes), and later it gets ballooned down to only a 
few hundred MBs.

Also you might want to dedicate a cpu core only for dom0, so disk/network
IO requests from domUs will always have enough CPU power to be executed by dom0.

Xen hypervisor (xen.gz) boot options to play with: 
- dom0_max_vcpus=
- dom0_vcpus_pin
- dom0_mem=

And possibly running xm vcpu-pin commands after startup to force dom0
vcpu(s) to a specific physical cpu(s)/core(s).

In addition to that you also need to limit the physical cpus the
domUs/guests can use (so the dom0 cpus/cores stay reserved only for dom0).

Also you might want to give dom0 more weight than domUs so it is always able 
to have enough cpu time.


-- Pasi
CentOS-virt mailing list

Re: [CentOS-virt] virtio

2009-08-23 Thread Kanwar Ranbir Sandhu
On Sat, 2009-08-22 at 11:36 -0400, Kanwar Ranbir Sandhu wrote:
   I've tried change
 an existing VM to virtio for disk and network, but each time I start it,
 I get this error:
 error: Failed to start domain popdns02
 error: internal error unsupported disk type 'vda'
 I don't know why this is happening.  From what I've read, virtio should
 be available.  Can someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong?

Anyone?  I'd really like to fix this.



Kanwar Ranbir Sandhu
Linux x86_64 GNU/Linux 
20:46:00 up 7 days, 21:42, 4 users, load average: 0.09, 0.06, 0.03 

CentOS-virt mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Dual Booting Question

2009-08-23 Thread Ron Blizzard
On Fri, Aug 21, 2009 at 9:07 PM, Michael wrote:


Unless I'm misremembering, Grub finds your Windows partition and sets
itself up for you. Just hit e when CentOS starts to boot to see your
other choices.

If you want your computer to boot by default to Windows, just edit the
'menu.lst' file in /boot/grub -- you'll have to logged in as root (or
su) to do that. If you want to see all your choices each time your
computer boots, comment out the 'hiddenmenu' line. If you want more
time to choose an OS (the default is 5 seconds) you can also change
that at the same place.

Good luck.

RonB -- Using CentOS 5.3
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Dual Booting Question

2009-08-23 Thread Ron Blizzard
On Fri, Aug 21, 2009 at 10:00 PM, Chaz wrote:

 I use Symantec’s Norton Partition Magic to carve up the disk, usually into 3
 partitions (NTFS for windows, FAT32 for moving files between windows and
 linux, and a linux partition).

 You’ll need to copy the linux bootloader into the Master Boot Record and
 then set it up so you can choose which OS to boot.

I used to use Partition Magic all the time. Still have version 8, I
think. But I carry Puppy Linux around on thumb drive and it's just
more convenient.

As for copying the bootloader into the MBR, isn't that Grub's default
setup? I think Grub is pretty much automatic if let it be.

RonB -- Using CentOS 5.3
CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] CentOS Mirrors and Adjacent country groups

2009-08-23 Thread Johnny Hughes
CentOS has developed our own mirrorlist and isolist applications and
inside this application, we have some countries that we shift to other
countries and we also have some country groups defined.

The purpose of these groupings is to have adjacent countries grouped
together for applications like fastest mirror and others.

I will put here what we currently have and ask the community to vet the
list for us to make it better.

Our major (large) groups are:

us - North
eu - Europe
ap - Asia Pacific
oc - Oceania
af - Africa
sa - South America
c1 - (Use High Bandwidth, don't know location)

Here is our current countries with mirrors to large group list (1st
variable is CC, 2nd is Group Code):

ar = 'sa',
at = 'eu',
au = 'oc',
ba = 'eu',
be = 'eu',
bg = 'eu',
br = 'sa',
c1 = 'c1',
c2 = 'eu',
c3 = 'ap',
c4 = 'us',
ca = 'us',
ch = 'eu',
cl = 'sa',
cn = 'ap',
cr = 'sa',
cz = 'eu',
de = 'eu',
dk = 'eu',
ee = 'eu',
es = 'eu',
fi = 'eu',
fr = 'eu',
gb = 'eu',
ge = 'eu',
gr = 'eu',
hk = 'ap',
hu = 'eu',
id = 'oc',
ie = 'eu',
il = 'af',
in = 'ap',
is = 'eu',
it = 'eu',
jp = 'ap',
kr = 'ap',
kz = 'ap',
lt = 'eu',
lu = 'eu',
md = 'eu',
my = 'oc',
nl = 'eu',
no = 'eu',
nz = 'oc',
ph = 'ap',
pl = 'eu',
pr = 'us',
pt = 'eu',
ro = 'eu',
ru = 'ap',
se = 'eu',
sg = 'ap',
si = 'eu',
sk = 'eu',
th = 'ap',
tr = 'eu',
tw = 'ap',
ua = 'eu',
us = 'us',
vn = 'ap',
za = 'af',

We have created some smaller groups for each mirror country:

ar = 'br-cl-cr-pr-us',
at = 'de-ch-lu-fr-cz-sk-hu-it',
au = 'nz-sg-tw-kr-jp',
ba = 'it-hu-bg-si-ro',
be = 'fr-nl-de-lu-gb',
bg = 'gr-ro-tr-it-md',
br = 'pr-cl-ar-cr-us',
c1 = 'c1',
c2 = 'c2',
c3 = 'c3',
ca = 'us-is',
ch = 'de-nl-be-fr',
cl = 'pr-br-ar-cr-us',
cn = 'tw-kr-sg-jp-ru',
cr = 'br-cl-ar-pr-us',
cz = 'pl-sk-de-at',
de = 'be-ch-fr-nl-dk-gb',
dk = 'de-se-nl-fi-no',
ee = 'fi-ru-lt-pl-se-no',
es = 'pt-fr-de-gb',
fi = 'se-dk-no-de-nl',
fr = 'de-nl-ch-be-es',
gb = 'ie-nl-de-fr',
ge = 'tr-eg',
gr = 'tr-bg-it-ro',
hk = 'cn-tw-ph-vn-th',
hu = 'at-ro-si-sk-ba',
id = 'sg-my-ph-au-vn',
ie = 'gb-nl-de',
il = 'it-tr-gr-bg',
in = 'in-bd-vn-hk-sg-cn',
is = 'gb-no-se-ca',
it = 'de-ch-fr-lu-at-si',
jp = 'sg-cn-kr-tw-ru',
kr = 'jp-cn-tw-sg-ru',
kz = 'ru-tr',
lt = 'pl-ro-no-ee-de',
lu = 'de-nl-be-fr',
md = 'ro-ua-bg-si',
my = 'id-sg-au-th-vn',
nl = 'de-dk-gb-be-fr',
no = 'se-fi-dk-de-nl',
nz = 'au-sg-jp-tw',
ph = 'vn-my-sg-id-au',
pl = 'cz-ua-de-se-si',
pr = 'cl-br-us-cr',
pt = 'es-fr-de-gb',
ro = 'at-de',
ru = 'fi-cn-kr-jp',
se = 'no-fi-dk-de-nl',
sg = 'my-id-ph-au-th',
si = 'it-md-at-ba-hu',
sk = 'cz-hu-pl-md-at',
th = 'cn-vn-my-sg-ph-hk',
tr = 'gr-it-de-bg-ro',
tw = 'cn-kr-sg-jp',
ua = 'pl-ro-cz-de-md',
us = '',
vn = 'ph-sg-my-hk-cn',
za = 'il-br-tr-es-in',

This is our list of adjacent countries, so if you are in PH, you will
first get mirrors in conutry (PH), then from the small group (VN, CN, TW
), THEN from the large group (AP), THEN back filled from C1.

Or if you are in ZA, you would get mirrors from the country (ZA), then
from small group (IL, BR, 

[CentOS] Using Thunderbird as local mail reader

2009-08-23 Thread fred smith

I'm trying to figure out how to use Thunderbird as a local mail reader.

So far I don't see any way to configure it other than as a POP3 or IMAP mail 
but I get my mail locally and would like to try using Tbird to read it.
What am I overlooking?

Thanks in advance!

 Fred Smith --  
Do you not know? Have you not heard? 
The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. 
  He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom.
- Isaiah 40:28 (niv) -
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] anaconda and x86_64

2009-08-23 Thread lhecking
Karanbir Singh writes:
 On 08/21/2009 05:57 PM, wrote:
I'm trying to build a bugfixed anaconda package for 5.3 x84_64,
 What bugs are you trying to fix here ?

 Borked kickstart build in 5.2/5.3. I didn't follow the issue closely, but
 a patch for it was finally posted.

 What I'm really trying to do is build a new stage2.img :)

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CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] p800 and HP / Sun Solaris hdd led blinking

2009-08-23 Thread Pasi Kärkkäinen
On Sat, Aug 22, 2009 at 02:04:58PM +0200, Rainer Duffner wrote:
 Am 22.08.2009 um 12:37 schrieb Pasi Kärkkäinen:
 Uhm.. Solaris/zfs can't really light-up the failure lights on Sun's  
 Of course it can - on SUN's own hardware.
 But you can run Solaris on almost any hardware - and that turns into a  
 problem sometimes. Like in this case...
 ZFS has nothing to do with lighting up lights on disks. The OS must  
 know which SCSI-commands to send to do that.
 With our Promise JBOD, that's a lost case

Well that sounds more like what I was thinking of :)

-- Pasi
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] anaconda and x86_64

2009-08-23 Thread Karanbir Singh
On 08/23/2009 01:36 PM, wrote:
   What I'm really trying to do is build a new stage2.img :)

afaict, that should be usable with just an updates.img - you dont need 
to rebuild the whole installer for just that.

Karanbir Singh :  : 2522...@icq
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] CENTOS 4.8 available time????

2009-08-23 Thread mcclnx mcc
Thnak uou.  But I have one question:

CENTOS 4.8 just release, but you download site CEBNTOS 4.8 files are August 4.  
How it can be?

CentOS-4.8-i386-binDVD.iso  04-Aug-2009 18:59   2.3G

--- 09/8/22 (六),Han mo 寫道:

 寄件者: Han mo
 主旨: Re: [CentOS] CENTOS 4.8 available time
 收件者: CentOS mailing list
 日期: 2009年8月22日,六,上午11:12
 This website, 
 has the
 dvd version.   
 在 2009-08-22六的 21:48 +0800,mcclnx mcc写道:
  Thanks a lot.
  Which site have DVD version?
  --- 09/8/21 (五),Johnny Hughes
   寄件者: Johnny Hughes
   主旨: Re: [CentOS] CENTOS 4.8 available
   收件者: CentOS mailing list
   日期: 2009年8月21日,五,下午6:59
   James Pearson wrote:
Karanbir Singh wrote:
On 08/20/2009 01:22 PM, James Pearson
Is it possible to get an update on
 the status
   of 4.8?
its going out to the mirrors right now,
   on how long they take 
to stabalise, we should see release in
 the next 24
   - 48 hrs.


James Pearson
   CentOS-4.8 is now released:
   CentOS mailing list
   您的生活即時通 -
  CentOS mailing list
 CentOS mailing list

 您的生活即時通 - 溝通、娛樂、生活、工作一次搞定!
CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Music while you work - or not

2009-08-23 Thread Anne Wilson
Wanting to listen to while I worked, I discovered that flash is 
not working.  It appears that I don't have libflashplayer, but yum tells me 
that no such package is available.  I must need a different repo, I think, 
but what?  Currently I have

ls /etc/yum.repos.d/
adobe-linux-i386.repo  epel-testing.repo
CentOS-Base.repo   kbsingh-CentOS-Extras.repo
CentOS-Media.repo  mirrors-rpmforge
epel.repo  rpmforge.repo

I suspect that c5-media repo is discontinued. I've seen no error messages 
apart from 'No package libflashplayer available.'   In theory I have 
installed the adobe flash-player, but apparently not.   I'm stuck.  Any help, 

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Using Thunderbird as local mail reader

2009-08-23 Thread Kristopher Kane
What do you mean locally?  Is your mailbox stored on the same system
you use daily or do you mean it is on a server on your subnet?
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Music while you work - or not

2009-08-23 Thread lostson

On Sun, 2009-08-23 at 15:26 +0100, Anne Wilson wrote:
 Wanting to listen to while I worked, I discovered that flash is 
 not working.  It appears that I don't have libflashplayer, but yum tells me 
 that no such package is available.  I must need a different repo, I think, 
 but what?  Currently I have
 ls /etc/yum.repos.d/
 adobe-linux-i386.repo  epel-testing.repo
 CentOS-Base.repo   kbsingh-CentOS-Extras.repo
 CentOS-Media.repo  mirrors-rpmforge
 I suspect that c5-media repo is discontinued. I've seen no error messages 
 apart from 'No package libflashplayer available.'   In theory I have 
 installed the adobe flash-player, but apparently not.   I'm stuck.  Any help, 

 Personally I go here

 get the YUM for linux package install it then 

 yum install flash-player 

 then all my flash needs are met.


CentOS - It's not just for servers ya know...

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CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Music while you work - or not

2009-08-23 Thread Ralph Angenendt
On Sun, Aug 23, 2009 at 4:26 PM, Anne Wilson wrote:

 Wanting to listen to while I worked, I discovered that flash is
 not working.  It appears that I don't have libflashplayer, but yum tells me
 that no such package is available.  I must need a different repo, I think,
 but what?  Currently I have

 ls /etc/yum.repos.d/
 adobe-linux-i386.repo          epel-testing.repo
 CentOS-Base.repo               kbsingh-CentOS-Extras.repo
 CentOS-Media.repo              mirrors-rpmforge
 epel.repo                      rpmforge.repo

rpmforge has the flash plugin, but there's also a repository available
from adobe itself, which offers that.

 I suspect that c5-media repo is discontinued.

The centos-media repo is not what you think it is - look inside the
.repo file :)

 I've seen no error messages
 apart from 'No package libflashplayer available.'   In theory I have
 installed the adobe flash-player, but apparently not.

What makes you think that the package is called libflashplayer? Have
you searched with yum?

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Music while you work - or not

2009-08-23 Thread Anne Wilson
On Sunday 23 August 2009 15:31, lostson wrote:
 On Sun, 2009-08-23 at 15:26 +0100, Anne Wilson wrote:
  Wanting to listen to while I worked, I discovered that
  flash is not working.  It appears that I don't have libflashplayer, but
  yum tells me that no such package is available.  I must need a different
  repo, I think, but what?  Currently I have
  ls /etc/yum.repos.d/
  adobe-linux-i386.repo  epel-testing.repo
  CentOS-Base.repo   kbsingh-CentOS-Extras.repo
  CentOS-Media.repo  mirrors-rpmforge
  epel.repo  rpmforge.repo
  I suspect that c5-media repo is discontinued. I've seen no error messages
  apart from 'No package libflashplayer available.'   In theory I have
  installed the adobe flash-player, but apparently not.   I'm stuck.  Any
  help, please?

  Personally I go here

  get the YUM for linux package install it then

I have -

name=Adobe Systems Incorporated

  yum install flash-player

  then all my flash needs are met.

No package flash-player available.
Nothing to do

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] anaconda and x86_64

2009-08-23 Thread lhecking
Karanbir Singh writes:
 On 08/23/2009 01:36 PM, wrote:
What I'm really trying to do is build a new stage2.img :)
 afaict, that should be usable with just an updates.img - you dont need 
 to rebuild the whole installer for just that.

 Interesting, never knew about that :-)

 What are the contents of updates.img, just the files from the anaconda+
 runtime packages? Not sure it'll work, though; I have just tested the
 new stage2.img, and I still get the same no bootfile message. But I
 don't know if my method of rebuilding stage2 only is correct.

This message and any attachments may contain Cypress (or its
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CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Using Thunderbird as local mail reader

2009-08-23 Thread RedShift
Kristopher Kane wrote:
 What do you mean locally?  Is your mailbox stored on the same system
 you use daily or do you mean it is on a server on your subnet?

The OP probably means reading a local maildir/mbox.

As far as I know it's not possible to read maildirs/mbox's using thunderbird. 
Kmail Kan do it though, it's part of the Kdepim pacKage.

Best regards,

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Music while you work - or not

2009-08-23 Thread Ralph Angenendt
On Sun, Aug 23, 2009 at 4:38 PM, Anne wrote:
 I have -

 name=Adobe Systems Incorporated

That looks okay.

 No package flash-player available.
 Nothing to do

Please stop being so helpless, this isn't OS X or Windows:

yum search flash
yum list \*flash\*

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Music while you work - or not

2009-08-23 Thread Michael Klinosky
Anne Wilson wrote:
 Wanting to listen to while I worked, I discovered that flash is 
 not working.  It appears that I don't have libflashplayer, but yum tells me 
 that no such package is available.  I must need a different repo, I think, 
 but what?  Currently I have
 ls /etc/yum.repos.d/
 adobe-linux-i386.repo  epel-testing.repo
 CentOS-Base.repo   kbsingh-CentOS-Extras.repo
 CentOS-Media.repo  mirrors-rpmforge
 I suspect that c5-media repo is discontinued. I've seen no error messages 
 apart from 'No package libflashplayer available.'   In theory I have 
 installed the adobe flash-player, but apparently not.   I'm stuck.  Any help, 

Well, I'll relate what I know. I checked out the website, selected 
'Jazz', play hi-fi, and it worked. I didn't use the m3u feature.

I checked Firefox's Add-ons; under Plugins, I have Shockwave Flash 10.0 
r22. Just to really check it out, I clicked 'Disable', and the music 

[myko...@sr1220 ~]$ ls /etc/yum.repos.d/
adobe-linux-i386.repo  CentOS-Base.repo  CentOS-Media.repo 
mirrors-rpmforge  rpmforge.repo

Also, I did the multimedia thing -
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Music while you work - or not

2009-08-23 Thread lostson

On Sun, 2009-08-23 at 15:38 +0100, Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Sunday 23 August 2009 15:31, lostson wrote:
  On Sun, 2009-08-23 at 15:26 +0100, Anne Wilson wrote:
   Wanting to listen to while I worked, I discovered that
   flash is not working.  It appears that I don't have libflashplayer, but
   yum tells me that no such package is available.  I must need a different
   repo, I think, but what?  Currently I have
   ls /etc/yum.repos.d/
   adobe-linux-i386.repo  epel-testing.repo
   CentOS-Base.repo   kbsingh-CentOS-Extras.repo
   CentOS-Media.repo  mirrors-rpmforge
   I suspect that c5-media repo is discontinued. I've seen no error messages
   apart from 'No package libflashplayer available.'   In theory I have
   installed the adobe flash-player, but apparently not.   I'm stuck.  Any
   help, please?
   Personally I go here
   get the YUM for linux package install it then
 I have -
 name=Adobe Systems Incorporated
   yum install flash-player
   then all my flash needs are met.
 No package flash-player available.
 Nothing to do

 Sorry its yum install flash-plugin 


CentOS - It's not just for servers ya know...

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CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Music while you work - or not

2009-08-23 Thread Anne Wilson
On Sunday 23 August 2009 15:46:25 Ralph Angenendt wrote:
 On Sun, Aug 23, 2009 at 4:38 PM, Anne 
  I have -
  name=Adobe Systems Incorporated

 That looks okay.

  No package flash-player available.
  Nothing to do

 Please stop being so helpless, this isn't OS X or Windows:

 yum search flash
 yum list \*flash\*

Please stop being judgemental and rude.  I did.  And you can guess why I had 
the problem?  I doubt it.

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CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Music while you work - or not

2009-08-23 Thread Anne Wilson
On Sunday 23 August 2009 15:55:27 lostson wrote:
 On Sun, 2009-08-23 at 15:38 +0100, Anne Wilson wrote:
  On Sunday 23 August 2009 15:31, lostson wrote:
   On Sun, 2009-08-23 at 15:26 +0100, Anne Wilson wrote:
Wanting to listen to while I worked, I discovered that
flash is not working.  It appears that I don't have libflashplayer,
but yum tells me that no such package is available.  I must need a
different repo, I think, but what?  Currently I have
ls /etc/yum.repos.d/
adobe-linux-i386.repo  epel-testing.repo
CentOS-Base.repo   kbsingh-CentOS-Extras.repo
CentOS-Media.repo  mirrors-rpmforge
epel.repo  rpmforge.repo
I suspect that c5-media repo is discontinued. I've seen no error
messages apart from 'No package libflashplayer available.'   In
theory I have installed the adobe flash-player, but apparently not.  
I'm stuck.  Any help, please?
Personally I go here
get the YUM for linux package install it then
  I have -
  name=Adobe Systems Incorporated
yum install flash-player
then all my flash needs are met.
  No package flash-player available.
  Nothing to do

  Sorry its yum install flash-plugin

NP :-)  It's just unfortunate that the googling led me to a link which gave 
the wrong information.  Once you start down a bad road things just go from bad 
to worse.  Anyway, it's working now.  Thanks for trying to help.

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CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Music while you work - or not

2009-08-23 Thread Ralph Angenendt
On Sun, Aug 23, 2009 at 5:01 PM, Anne wrote:
 On Sunday 23 August 2009 15:46:25 Ralph Angenendt wrote:

 Please stop being so helpless, this isn't OS X or Windows:

 yum search flash
 yum list \*flash\*

 Please stop being judgemental and rude.

I was neither judgemental nor rude - instead of being left alone as
with Windows and OS X there actually are tools to help you further in

 I did.  And you can guess why I had
 the problem?  I doubt it.

Well, what else then guessing should I do when you do not give out any
information at all (like what you already did, what yum gave you when
searching for it and so on).

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Music while you work - or not

2009-08-23 Thread Anne Wilson
On Sunday 23 August 2009 15:48:50 Michael Klinosky wrote:
 Anne Wilson wrote:
  Wanting to listen to while I worked, I discovered that
  flash is not working.  It appears that I don't have libflashplayer, but
  yum tells me that no such package is available.  I must need a different
  repo, I think, but what?  Currently I have
  ls /etc/yum.repos.d/
  adobe-linux-i386.repo  epel-testing.repo
  CentOS-Base.repo   kbsingh-CentOS-Extras.repo
  CentOS-Media.repo  mirrors-rpmforge
  epel.repo  rpmforge.repo
  I suspect that c5-media repo is discontinued. I've seen no error messages
  apart from 'No package libflashplayer available.'   In theory I have
  installed the adobe flash-player, but apparently not.   I'm stuck.  Any
  help, please?

 Well, I'll relate what I know. I checked out the website, selected
 'Jazz', play hi-fi, and it worked. I didn't use the m3u feature.

 I checked Firefox's Add-ons; under Plugins, I have Shockwave Flash 10.0
 r22. Just to really check it out, I clicked 'Disable', and the music

I didn't have any suitable plugin.  I realised that, but google gave me the 
wrong name of the package, which is why I failed.  Although it doesn't explain 
why the adobe repo failed to install their flashplayer.

 [myko...@sr1220 ~]$ ls /etc/yum.repos.d/
 adobe-linux-i386.repo  CentOS-Base.repo  CentOS-Media.repo
 mirrors-rpmforge  rpmforge.repo

 Also, I did the multimedia thing -

I hadn't seen that particular page.  I've bookmarked it for the future, 
thanks.  This box normally just acts as a file/print/mail server - I don't 
normally do desktop-type things on it.  It's been running CentOS for around 2 
years and this is the first time I've tried to use it in this way.

Thanks for answering

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CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Using Thunderbird as local mail reader

2009-08-23 Thread Karanbir Singh
On 08/23/2009 12:58 PM, fred smith wrote:
 I'm trying to figure out how to use Thunderbird as a local mail reader.

Thunderbird will not look at maildir / Mail stores locally, you would 
need to install a server on your box like dovecot or cyrus-imapd in 
order to do that.

Karanbir Singh :  : 2522...@icq
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] How to tell if I've been hacked?

2009-08-23 Thread Chan Chung Hang Christopher

 Also processes you thinkk you DO recognize:
 Just for testing how alert my co-workers were, i had a program called
 kswapd, just calculating prime-numbers...
 They never noticed. ;-)

 Without any preperation it's harder. No point in installing tripwire,
 activating apparmor/selinux afterwards.
 Those things should be done after a fresh installation.

 Indeed.  I once found a gdm binary that had been subverted.  I'm certain
 that would fly below the radar of many organizations.

hence 'rpm -Va'. No such facility with dpkg so maybe not a common thing 
to do but this should be pretty much standard Redhat/Centos procedure 
for checking for corrupt/modified binaries/libraries.
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Music while you work - or not

2009-08-23 Thread Anne Wilson
On Sunday 23 August 2009 16:08:39 Ralph Angenendt wrote:
 On Sun, Aug 23, 2009 at 5:01 PM, Anne 
  On Sunday 23 August 2009 15:46:25 Ralph Angenendt wrote:
  Please stop being so helpless, this isn't OS X or Windows:
  yum search flash
  yum list \*flash\*
  Please stop being judgemental and rude.

 I was neither judgemental nor rude - instead of being left alone as
 with Windows and OS X there actually are tools to help you further in

And in 7 years of using linux I haven't found them?  And I don't use them?

  I did.  And you can guess why I had
  the problem?  I doubt it.

 Well, what else then guessing should I do when you do not give out any
 information at all (like what you already did, what yum gave you when
 searching for it and so on).

I asked a simple question.  If you didn't know the answer you should not have 
replied.  Fortunately there are others more helpful than you.

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Just found a cool new feature?  Add it to UserBase

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Music while you work - or not

2009-08-23 Thread Ralph Angenendt
On Sun, Aug 23, 2009 at 5:26 PM, Anne wrote:

 I asked a simple question.  If you didn't know the answer you should not have
 replied.  Fortunately there are others more helpful than you.

Oh well - I still don't know the answer except that you did something
wrong and then did something else and then something somehow worked.

I was trying to show you where you can go fishing, when hungry.

Giving out freshly charged electric eels,

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Music while you work - or not

2009-08-23 Thread Anne Wilson
On Sunday 23 August 2009 16:28:27 Ralph Angenendt wrote:
 On Sun, Aug 23, 2009 at 5:26 PM, Anne 
  I asked a simple question.  If you didn't know the answer you should not
  have replied.  Fortunately there are others more helpful than you.

 Oh well - I still don't know the answer except that you did something
 wrong and then did something else and then something somehow worked.

 I was trying to show you where you can go fishing, when hungry.

 Giving out freshly charged electric eels,

Well just in case you ever try to help someone with such a problem, what I did 
wrong was

1) first try to install a package name given by googling, which turned out to 
be wrong

2) when I had found the correct one by yum search (yes, I had done that) I 
tried to install it along with three swfdec-related packages.  The install 
failed with a list of dependencies that could not be resolved.  Searching the 
repos for those dependencies did not yield gold, and pbone couldn't find them 

The moral is, install one package at a time if a group fails.  I really should 
have seen that the dependencies were all for the swfdec packages, not for the 
flash plugin, but I was so busy trying to find them that I missed it.

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CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] CENTOS 4.8 available time????

2009-08-23 Thread Johnny Hughes
mcclnx mcc wrote:
 Thnak uou.  But I have one question:
 CENTOS 4.8 just release, but you download site CEBNTOS 4.8 files are August 
 4.  How it can be?

Because we have a QA program and we test the operating system after we
build it before it is released.

We also have to sync the updates to more than 300 mirrors world wide in
56 countries before release.

Both of these things take time.

The DVDs were indeed spun on the 4th of August.

Johnny Hughes

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] domainkeys, dkim, bind

2009-08-23 Thread Kai Schaetzl
Gregory P. Ennis wrote on Sat, 22 Aug 2009 15:39:21 -0500: IN TXT v=spf1 ip4:###.###.###.### a mx ~all

He asked about DKIM.


Kai Schätzl, Berlin, Germany
Get your web at Conactive Internet Services:

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] [CentOS-announce] CentOS 4 i386 and x86_64 release of CentOS-4.8

2009-08-23 Thread Kai Schaetzl
Ray Van Dolson wrote on Fri, 21 Aug 2009 16:27:25 -0700:

 Looks OK for me in IE8.

for me, too.


Kai Schätzl, Berlin, Germany
Get your web at Conactive Internet Services:

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Music while you work - or not

2009-08-23 Thread Robert Heller
At Sun, 23 Aug 2009 15:26:04 +0100 CentOS mailing list 

 Wanting to listen to while I worked, I discovered that flash is 
 not working.  It appears that I don't have libflashplayer, but yum tells me 
 that no such package is available.  I must need a different repo, I think, 
 but what?  Currently I have
 ls /etc/yum.repos.d/
 adobe-linux-i386.repo  epel-testing.repo
 CentOS-Base.repo   kbsingh-CentOS-Extras.repo
 CentOS-Media.repo  mirrors-rpmforge
 I suspect that c5-media repo is discontinued. I've seen no error messages 
 apart from 'No package libflashplayer available.'   In theory I have 
 installed the adobe flash-player, but apparently not.   I'm stuck.  Any help, 

The package name is 'flash-plugin' -- it comes from Adobe, and you
appear to have Adobe's repo (adobe-linux-i386.repo).  Try:

yum install flash-plugin

 CentOS mailing list

Robert Heller -- 978-544-6933
Deepwoods Software-- Download the Model Railroad System  -- Binaries for Linux and MS-Windows   --

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Using Thunderbird as local mail reader

2009-08-23 Thread fred smith
On Sun, Aug 23, 2009 at 11:10:57AM -0500, Johnny Hughes wrote:
 fred smith wrote:
  I'm trying to figure out how to use Thunderbird as a local mail reader.
  So far I don't see any way to configure it other than as a POP3 or IMAP 
  mail reader,
  but I get my mail locally and would like to try using Tbird to read it.
  What am I overlooking?
  Thanks in advance!
 Just use mailx on a text console like Russ !

I actually use mutt. but sometimes when someone sends me an html email with a 
lot of
graphics attached it's convenient to use a client that can display it all, 
I've been using balsa, but it isn't being packaged for RHEL/Centos anymore, as 
as I can figure. 

I just built a new machine and installed 5.3, so I could use the same Balsa RPM 
used on the previous machine (also centos 5.3), which was provided to me back 
5.0 came out by another kind reader of this list--whose name I no longer 
but I figured I'd see if some other mail reader that is supported on the 
would work instead.

 CentOS mailing list

 Fred Smith -- -
  The eyes of the Lord are everywhere, 
keeping watch on the wicked and the good.
- Proverbs 15:3 (niv) -
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] domainkeys, dkim, bind

2009-08-23 Thread Dave
Do i have to have a patched version of bind or compile it with an
option to turn on dkim? When adding the txt record a named-checkzone does
not reveal any problems but nslookup on the domain querying directly to the
server does not show any txt records.
This is the same for dkim as well as domainkeys.

-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Kai Schaetzl
Sent: Sunday, August 23, 2009 12:31 PM
Subject: Re: [CentOS] domainkeys, dkim, bind

Gregory P. Ennis wrote on Sat, 22 Aug 2009 15:39:21 -0500: IN TXT v=spf1 ip4:###.###.###.### a mx ~all

He asked about DKIM.


Kai Schätzl, Berlin, Germany
Get your web at Conactive Internet Services:

CentOS mailing list

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] How to tell if I've been hacked?

2009-08-23 Thread Rob Townley
On Sat, Aug 22, 2009 at 6:07 PM, Bill wrote:
 On Sat, Aug 22, 2009, Dave wrote:
On Sat, Aug 22, 2009 at 6:49 AM, Bill wrote:
 I review daily reports from over 50 systems every morning, checking changes
 found, usually taking no more than 10 minutes a day.  The key is to keep
 the reports simple, and to make updating easy (and to have procedures that
 monitor systems to be sure they's still alive and reporting in).

So how do you track the inevitable changes? Not saying you can't, just
curious. For me, when I look at a batch of changes, some of them are
obviously stuff I've done, other stuff not so obvious. I also filter
reports through a script that sort of does a diff and makes an attempt
to limit the boilerplate. Sometimes it is a bit too terse.

 First off, we don't allow automatic updates on most systems, much
 preferring to do them manually making it pretty easy to refresh
 the comparison database immediately after the update is complete.
 The odds that a cracker will get in and do their dirty deeds
 while this are going on are pretty low, and can probably be

 We handle pretty much all server stuff under the OpenPKG portable
 package management system so things like spamassassin, amavisd,
 clamav, and postfix are not the distribution versions, but those
 from OpenPKG (which are generally updated more quickly then the
 distribution's).  A typical occurrence will be that we get an
 e-mail saying that clamav is out of date from the nightly
 freshclam update, I will pick up the new sources, update the
 OpenPKG SRPM for it, and deploy it 40 or so systems running it,
 and expect to see a corresponding set of notices the next morning
 that files under clamav have changed.

 The clusterssh program makes this sort of thing much more efficient
 as one can execute shell commands on multiple systems simultaneously.

 We create a file system initially, the same size as ``/'', and make a copy
 of ``/'' in it identical except for the /etc/fstab entry.  This is not
 mounted in normal operations, but the system can be booted from it to get
 to a clean system.

Wow, elaborate. How do you protect this file system from intruders?
Exterrnal and powerred off?

 That's one way to do it.  We also run a fair number of Linux
 servers under VMware so periodic snapshots and backups simplify
 the task.

 I have not seen many successful cracks of Linux boxes that we
 have configured from scratch.  Some basic things can be done to
 minimize the chances of cracks.

   + Create the baseline for intrusion detection tools before putting the
     syste on line, and monitor it daily.

   + Configure openssh to refuse password authentication requiring
     authorized_keys access.

   + Configure openssh with tcp_wrappers support, restricting access by IP
     address and/or domain names.  I consider this absolutely mandatory if
     one needs to all username and password authentication.

   + Use fail2ban or similar techniques to quickly block IP addresses that
     are found probing the system (don't forget to look at POP and IMAP
     logs for failed login attempts).

   + Use /bin/false as the standard shell for accounts that don't have good
     reason for shell access.  This does not affect e-mail or most services
     that a typical ISP customer needs.

   + Use OpenVPN for access.  This works well even when in hotels with NAT
     firewalls, and is not easily hacked anonymously.

   + Restrict access of webmin and usermin to local networks so they are
     not vulnerable to outside attack.  These services are available to
     people outside connecting with OpenVPN.

Cross Site Attacks (CSRF, XSS) make webmin very vulnerable in this
scenario.  It is a bad idea to use a single browser.  If in Firefox,
you already logged in to webmin and browse to a malicious site (many
reputable sites unknowingly have malicious javascript -- see
HoneyNet), the malicious site could do nasty things via webmin or any
other internal webserver.  Yes, NoScript may help, but NoScript has to
be updated daily and Firefox restarted.

The best practice is to Install three separate browser application
such as Epiphany or Dillo  and only use this for internal websites.
Use Firefox for email.  Use Chrome for everything else.  The idea is
to have completely separate processes using completely separate memory
and harddrive locations.

I don't think there are many malicious variants of InvisibleThings's
BluePill or BlueChicken, but if a malicious variant can elevate itself
to become the Hypervisor, then all of your virtual machines could be
monitored by a HyperKit -- rootkit in the hypervisor.  Again, i don't
know if there are many malicious in-the-wild versions of bluepill, but
if just one malicious vmware image is uploaded to the Amazon EC2, then
every other VM on that same hardware at Amazon can be controlled by a
hyperkit.  InvisibleThings are professional security researchers in
Poland, so 

Re: [CentOS] Using Thunderbird as local mail reader

2009-08-23 Thread Les Mikesell
fred smith wrote:
 On Sun, Aug 23, 2009 at 11:10:57AM -0500, Johnny Hughes wrote:
 fred smith wrote:

 I'm trying to figure out how to use Thunderbird as a local mail reader.

 So far I don't see any way to configure it other than as a POP3 or IMAP 
 mail reader,
 but I get my mail locally and would like to try using Tbird to read it.
 What am I overlooking?

 Thanks in advance!

 Just use mailx on a text console like Russ !

 I actually use mutt. but sometimes when someone sends me an html email with a 
 lot of
 graphics attached it's convenient to use a client that can display it all, 
 I've been using balsa, but it isn't being packaged for RHEL/Centos anymore, 
 as far
 as I can figure. 
 I just built a new machine and installed 5.3, so I could use the same Balsa 
 used on the previous machine (also centos 5.3), which was provided to me back 
 5.0 came out by another kind reader of this list--whose name I no longer 
 but I figured I'd see if some other mail reader that is supported on the 
 would work instead.

The nicest approach is to have an imap server that you can access from all 
potential clients.  If you are stuck with a server that doesn't do imap you can 
set up fetchmail to pick it up and move it to a server that you control.  This 
is particularly handy if you have a phone that does email or you have multiple 
machines where you might want to read or download attachments.

   Les Mikesell

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] domainkeys, dkim, bind

2009-08-23 Thread Kai Schaetzl
Dave wrote on Sun, 23 Aug 2009 13:21:23 -0400:

 Do i have to have a patched version of bind or compile it with an
 option to turn on dkim?

I'm not very familiar with domain keys. But for TXT records you don't need 
anything special. If domain keys uses only TXT records then the same 


Kai Schätzl, Berlin, Germany
Get your web at Conactive Internet Services:

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Using Thunderbird as local mail reader

2009-08-23 Thread Lucian @
On Sun, Aug 23, 2009 at 6:00 PM, fred wrote:
 On Sun, Aug 23, 2009 at 11:10:57AM -0500, Johnny Hughes wrote:
 fred smith wrote:
  I'm trying to figure out how to use Thunderbird as a local mail reader.
  So far I don't see any way to configure it other than as a POP3 or IMAP 
  mail reader,
  but I get my mail locally and would like to try using Tbird to read it.
  What am I overlooking?
  Thanks in advance!
 Just use mailx on a text console like Russ !

 I actually use mutt. but sometimes when someone sends me an html email with a 
 lot of
 graphics attached it's convenient to use a client that can display it all, 
 I've been using balsa, but it isn't being packaged for RHEL/Centos anymore, 
 as far
 as I can figure.

 I just built a new machine and installed 5.3, so I could use the same Balsa 
 used on the previous machine (also centos 5.3), which was provided to me back 
 5.0 came out by another kind reader of this list--whose name I no longer 
 but I figured I'd see if some other mail reader that is supported on the 
 would work instead.

 CentOS mailing list

  Fred Smith -- -
                      The eyes of the Lord are everywhere,
                    keeping watch on the wicked and the good.
 - Proverbs 15:3 (niv) 
 CentOS mailing list

If you liked Balsa, maybe you will like Sylpheed as well:
rpm -ivh
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] domainkeys, dkim, bind

2009-08-23 Thread Gregory P. Ennis

Dave wrote on Sun, 23 Aug 2009 13:21:23 -0400:

 Do i have to have a patched version of bind or compile it with an
 option to turn on dkim?

I'm not very familiar with domain keys. But for TXT records you don't need 
anything special. If domain keys uses only TXT records then the same 



My perception is the same as Kai's.  I have not used dkim yet, but have
it on my to do list.  The text record of your domain stored in your zone
file in bind is referenced when any query accesses the information about
your domain.  ie the command :

host -t TXT

will display the text record in bind if you have one. 

Kai pointed out in his earlier note I did not give you the syntax for
DKIM sorry I did do that.  The example of a text record I gave you
gives you the information as to how to specify that all of your e-mail
comes from a certain ip address.  I have not made one for DKIM yet. 

Remember that you have to set up the text record not only in your
internal name server, but also the name servers of whoever holds your
internet name resolution. 

Let us know how DKIM works for you.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] logwatch not mailing [Nearly SOLVED]

2009-08-23 Thread Ray Leventhal
Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Friday 21 August 2009 17:29:09 Ray Leventhal wrote:
 So while I now understand that they've been running on schedule and why
 I've not been seeing them...I still am in a bit of a quandry as I would
 *like* to receive them.

 Should Mailscanner's threshold be addressed or is there something I'm
 missing here?

 Coming in late here, so can I ask one stupid question?  Do you receive *any* 
 messages addressed to root?  I presume you have aliased it?  Oops, two 
 questions ;-)

Hi Anne,

Better late than not at all :)  Thanks for your reply

Yes, root is getting mail from other daemons as well as the typical
postmaster stuff. 

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Using Thunderbird as local mail reader

2009-08-23 Thread fred smith
On Sun, Aug 23, 2009 at 01:25:16PM -0500, Les Mikesell wrote:
 fred smith wrote:
  On Sun, Aug 23, 2009 at 11:10:57AM -0500, Johnny Hughes wrote:
  fred smith wrote:
  I'm trying to figure out how to use Thunderbird as a local mail reader.
  So far I don't see any way to configure it other than as a POP3 or IMAP 
  mail reader,
  but I get my mail locally and would like to try using Tbird to read it.
  What am I overlooking?
  Thanks in advance!
  Just use mailx on a text console like Russ !
  I actually use mutt. but sometimes when someone sends me an html email with 
  a lot of
  graphics attached it's convenient to use a client that can display it all, 
  I've been using balsa, but it isn't being packaged for RHEL/Centos anymore, 
  as far
  as I can figure. 
  I just built a new machine and installed 5.3, so I could use the same Balsa 
  used on the previous machine (also centos 5.3), which was provided to me 
  back when
  5.0 came out by another kind reader of this list--whose name I no longer 
  but I figured I'd see if some other mail reader that is supported on the 
  would work instead.
 The nicest approach is to have an imap server that you can access from all 
 potential clients.  If you are stuck with a server that doesn't do imap you 
 set up fetchmail to pick it up and move it to a server that you control.  
 is particularly handy if you have a phone that does email or you have 
 machines where you might want to read or download attachments.

Yeah. but,...

this is my own personal workstation, I have my own domain that uses the mail
server on my own workstation. the only other person who gets mail on it is my
wife, who uses a pop client from windows to read her mail.

So, yes, I could use tbird to access it via the pop/imap server, but I'd just
as soon not. 

Guess I'll go dig out the centos rpm for balsa and install it again.

Thanks for the ideas, though.

 .Fred Smith   /  
( /__  ,__.   __   __ /  __   : / 
 //  /   /__) /  /  /__) .+'   Home: 
//  (__ (___ (__(_ (___ / :__ 781-438-5471 
 Jude 1:24,25 -
CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] libesmtp binary RPM ???

2009-08-23 Thread fred smith
Anyone know where I can find a libesmtp binary RPM for EL5/Centos 5?

(and maybe a RPM for Balsa, too?) I have an old balsa rpm, but there 
are newer versions available as source.

 Fred Smith -- -
Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of
 heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.
-- Matthew 7:21 (niv) -
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] libesmtp binary RPM ???

2009-08-23 Thread Akemi Yagi
On Sun, Aug 23, 2009 at 6:41 PM, fred wrote:
 Anyone know where I can find a libesmtp binary RPM for EL5/Centos 5?

 (and maybe a RPM for Balsa, too?) I have an old balsa rpm, but there
 are newer versions available as source.

Both libsmtp and balsa seem to be available from EPEL. Be sure to read :

thoroughly to set up this repository.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] libesmtp binary RPM ???

2009-08-23 Thread fred smith
On Sun, Aug 23, 2009 at 06:51:31PM -0700, Akemi Yagi wrote:
 On Sun, Aug 23, 2009 at 6:41 PM, fred wrote:
  Anyone know where I can find a libesmtp binary RPM for EL5/Centos 5?
  (and maybe a RPM for Balsa, too?) I have an old balsa rpm, but there
  are newer versions available as source.
 Both libsmtp and balsa seem to be available from EPEL. Be sure to read :
 thoroughly to set up this repository.


I didn't even set up the repository, I just downloaded those two RPMs and 
installed them. That should be safe, I think. As long as I check, now and 
then, for updates.


Under no circumstances will I ever purchase anything offered to me as
the result of an unsolicited e-mail message. Nor will I forward chain
letters, petitions, mass mailings, or virus warnings to large numbers
of others. This is my contribution to the survival of the online
 --Roger Ebert, December, 1996
- The Boulder Pledge -
CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Need Java plugin for Firefox in CentOS 5.3

2009-08-23 Thread Robert Nichols
Somewhere during the course of recent updates I've lost the Java plugin
for Firefox.  Not sure when it happened, but I know Java was working in
Firefox earlier this year.  Firefox comes up empty when searching for a
suitable plugin.  I'm running a fully updated CentOS 5.3 with the
following packages installed:


Any ideas what I'm missing?  The Java plugin is not something I use
often, but when I need it, I need it.  Do I need to dump openjdk and
get Java directly from Sun?  It looks like went
away when Sun Java got replaced by the openjdk version.

Bob Nichols NOSPAM is really part of my email address.
 Do NOT delete it.

CentOS mailing list