[CentOS-es] OFF TOPIC: Busqueda Laboral Unix Admin

2010-05-05 Thread Gustavo Etchudez
Hola a todos, en la empresa que estoy trabajando estan buscando
administradores Unix (Solaris / Linux) Senior que vivan en Buenos Aires ,
con Ingles fluido. Aquellos interesados por favor enviarme el CV a mi
direccion de mail que con gusto hare llegar.

Saludos G.
CentOS-es mailing list

[CentOS-es] Hora del Sistema

2010-05-05 Thread Alejandra Hernández La Cruz
Buen dia Listeros,

Les escribo en esta oportunidad, por que tengo un problema con la hora del
sistema, debido a que la hora del sistema se adelanta.

La hora del bios si se mantiene correcta.  He buscado informacion y las
indicaciones que dan es desactivar la hora UTC para que quede configurado
con la hora local. Para ello indican editar /etc/default/rcS, el problema es
que no encuentro ese archivo en centos 4.8. Tendra otra ubicacion.

Gracias de antemano por sus respuestas.

Alejandra Hernández
CentOS-es mailing list

Re: [CentOS-es] Hora del Sistema

2010-05-05 Thread Jaime David Rico Malfavon
Hola, creo que te podría servir el comando hwclock, según yo recuerdo que es 
con #hwclock --hctosys pero no se si al reiniciar se conserve el cambio.

Espero haya sido útil la información.

L.I. Jaime David Rico Malfavón 
Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas 
Sección de Cómputo 
Tel: 56228910 

- Mensaje original -
De: Alejandra Hernández La Cruz normalejandr...@gmail.com
Para: centos-es@centos.org
Enviados: Miércoles, 5 de Mayo 2010 11:03:34
Asunto: [CentOS-es] Hora del Sistema

Buen dia Listeros,

Les escribo en esta oportunidad, por que tengo un problema con la hora
del sistema, debido a que la hora del sistema se adelanta.

La hora del bios si se mantiene correcta.  He buscado informacion y las
indicaciones que dan es desactivar la hora UTC para que quede
configurado con la hora local. Para ello indican editar
/etc/default/rcS, el problema es que no encuentro ese archivo en
centos 4.8. Tendra otra ubicacion.

Gracias de antemano por sus respuestas.

Alejandra Hernández
___ CentOS-es mailing list
CentOS-es mailing list

Re: [CentOS-es] Hora del Sistema

2010-05-05 Thread Ing. Ernesto Pérez Estévez
On 05/05/2010 11:03 AM, Alejandra Hernández La Cruz wrote:
 Buen dia Listeros,

 Les escribo en esta oportunidad, por que tengo un problema con la hora del
 sistema, debido a que la hora del sistema se adelanta.

pero cuánto se adelanta? se adelanta lo mismo de diferencia horaria que 
tienes con GMT-5 ?

ntpdate time.chu.nrc.ca

te ayudará a sincronizar la hora y ya no tienes que preocuparte porque 
se adelante mucho.

Otra cosa, en /etc/sysconfig/clock ahi es donde puedes quitar gmt y demás


 La hora del bios si se mantiene correcta.  He buscado informacion y las
 indicaciones que dan es desactivar la hora UTC para que quede configurado
 con la hora local. Para ello indican editar /etc/default/rcS, el problema es
 que no encuentro ese archivo en centos 4.8. Tendra otra ubicacion.

 Gracias de antemano por sus respuestas.

 Alejandra Hernández

 CentOS-es mailing list

CentOS-es mailing list

Re: [CentOS-es] Hora del Sistema

2010-05-05 Thread Carlos Martinez

Usa tzselect y configura ntp

Carlos Martinez

2010/5/5 Alejandra Hernández La Cruz normalejandr...@gmail.com:
 Buen dia Listeros,

 Les escribo en esta oportunidad, por que tengo un problema con la hora del
 sistema, debido a que la hora del sistema se adelanta.

 La hora del bios si se mantiene correcta.  He buscado informacion y las
 indicaciones que dan es desactivar la hora UTC para que quede configurado
 con la hora local. Para ello indican editar /etc/default/rcS, el problema es
 que no encuentro ese archivo en centos 4.8. Tendra otra ubicacion.

 Gracias de antemano por sus respuestas.

 Alejandra Hernández
 CentOS-es mailing list

CentOS-es mailing list

Re: [CentOS-es] Sobre herramientas de diagnostico de red.

2010-05-05 Thread Yoinier Hernandez Nieves

El 05/05/2010 14:54, Rubén González escribió:

 Date: Wed, 5 May 2010 15:02:33 -0500
 From: administra...@ltu.jovenclub.cu
 To: li...@fedora-es.com; centos-es@centos.org
 Subject: [CentOS-es] Sobre herramientas de diagnostico de red.

 Saludos colegas, se o imagino que algunos de ustedes sean
 administradores de red. y necesito una mano en esto.

 Tengo un amigo que usa win32, o sea, xp, y le he instalado un modem
 voice-fax, pero esta presendo problemas con la coneccion, y quisiera
 determinar que ocurre, si el problema es del modem, si es de la
 motherboard, o si es de la linea.

Para descartar que sea problema del modem, prueba el modem en otra 
computadora. Si es problema de la motherboard quizá el módem anterior 
también trabaje en otra computadora. Problema de la línea sería si no 
hubiese tono de marcado o se presenta mucho ruido en ella, el problema 
del ruido en algunos casos se puede solucionar encontrando las 
conexiones expuestas a humedad y que presenten un moho verde para 
luego cortarlas y/o cambiarlas (cajetines, empalmes).

 El problema, es que el en esa PC tenia un modem antiguo, que de un
 momento a otro, dejo de funcionar, le instale el voice-fax, que es
 nuevo, en el mismo PCI(aunque lo instale en el otro PCI y dio el mismo
 problema) y se cae la coneccion aparentemente sin ninguna orden.

Como cuánto tiempo permanece la conexión antes de caerse?

Algunos minutos.

 En ocaciones, quizas coincidencias, resulta que esta entrando una
 llamada, o que levantan el telefono de la otra extencion, etc.

Llamadas entrantes no puede responder porque si está conectado a la 
red que sea, la línea estará ocupada para cualquier llamada entrante. 
Si alguien intenta establecer una llamada desde una extensión cuando 
el módem tiene establecida una conexión, las pulsaciones de la 
marcación son ruido que ingresa a la línea y cortará la conexión. No 
debe permitirse bajo ningún concepto la marcación telefónica desde una 
extensión si no se quiere que se interrumpa la conexión a menos que se 
trate de otro modem como los ADSL.

 En algunos foros he leido que el problea puede ser que el modem(ese
 mismo modelo) esta atendiendo las llamadas entrantes, y recomiendan

Ver punto anterior

 desactivar esa opcion en las propiedades del modem, pero ocurre que
 quizas equivoque los drivers o necesito alguna aplicacion adicional, ya
 que no encuentro esa opcion.

No importa si no existe esa opción, pues, como ya dije la línea estará 
ocupada para cualquier llamada entrante y tendrán que esperar a que tu 
conexión termine para poder establecer la comunicación con tu línea.

 Puedo levantar esa PC con Fedora, y testearla, pero que recomiendan 

Mi experiencia con modems y GNU-Linux ha sido negativa por cuanto no 
suele existir drivers para la mayoría de los modem que existen en el 
mercado donde laboro, por lo que te recomendaría que trates de 
asegurarte de que tu distribución incorpore los drivers para ese modem 
en particular o que los puedas conseguir del fabricante o de quien te 
los proporcione.

Espero haber sido de alguna ayuda.



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__ Información de ESET Smart Security, versión de la base de firmas de 
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__ Información de ESET Smart Security, versión de la base de firmas de 
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CentOS-es mailing list

Re: [CentOS-es] Sobre herramientas de diagnostico de red.

2010-05-05 Thread Rubén González

En varias oportunidades me ocurrió que como es bien conocido el sistema estaba 
infectado con alguna clase de virus que se encargaba de cortar la conexión de 
internet (por eso ya casi no utilizo windows en ninguno de mis equipos). Prueba 
a tratar de desinfectar el disco desde otro computador, también si te es 
posible prueba que pasa cuando usas esa misma línea con otra computadora y si 
estoy en lo cierto no se caerá la conexión después de unos cuantos minutos. El 
último y ya famoso recurso será que formatees el equipo no sin antes explicarle 
las ventajas de usar GNU-Linux al usuario de ese computador. Y si después de 
formateado aún sigue dando el problema entonces sabrás que algún componente del 
mainboard está defectuoso...
Connect to the next generation of MSN Messenger 
CentOS-es mailing list

Re: [CentOS-es] Hora del Sistema

2010-05-05 Thread Alejandra Hernández La Cruz
Buenas tardes,

Gracias por sus respuestas. Aquii les indico los pasos que he realizado.

1. Utilice el comando hwclock --hctosys, para que el sistema tenga la misma
hora que el BIOS pero poco a poco se va adelantando, hasta que son
diferentes en 20 minutos y volvi a utilizar el comando en varias

2. Utilice tambien tzselect y escogi la zona horaria Americas/Caracas.  El
problema esta en que la zona horaria en Venezuela cambio, por lo tanto
deberia modificar es la zona horaria de GMT -4:00 a GMT -4:30, pero no soy
muy conocedora de Linux y no se como realizar el cambio.

Gracias por su colaboracion
CentOS-es mailing list

Re: [CentOS-es] Sobre herramientas de diagnostico de red.

2010-05-05 Thread Mario Ganga
Yo me inclino por algun virus de windows

Una vez me consultaron por que se les caia la red despues de algunos minutos
de reiniciados los servicios correspondientes, tenian instalado un router
microtik y juraban que ahi estaba el problema, pero no, resulta que dos
equipos de la organizacion que eran windows tenian virus que saturaban la
RED, una vez desinfectados se acabo el problema.

Mario Ganga Castro.

2010/5/5 Rubén González rhu...@msn.com

  En varias oportunidades me ocurrió que como es bien conocido el sistema
 estaba infectado con alguna clase de virus que se encargaba de cortar la
 conexión de internet (por eso ya casi no utilizo windows en ninguno de mis
 equipos). Prueba a tratar de desinfectar el disco desde otro computador,
 también si te es posible prueba que pasa cuando usas esa misma línea con
 otra computadora y si estoy en lo cierto no se caerá la conexión después de
 unos cuantos minutos. El último y ya famoso recurso será que formatees el
 equipo no sin antes explicarle las ventajas de usar GNU-Linux al usuario de
 ese computador. Y si después de formateado aún sigue dando el problema
 entonces sabrás que algún componente del mainboard está defectuoso...

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2010-05-05 Thread Lorena Caldera




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CentOS-es mailing list

Re: [CentOS-es] Sobre herramientas de diagnostico de red.

2010-05-05 Thread Jaime David Rico Malfavon
Para ver si la máquina tiene virus instalale el Troyanremover y pasale
un escaneo rápido, con esto descartaras a la brevedad posible el
problema por infección de virus.


El mié, 05-05-2010 a las 15:02 -0500, Yoinier Hernandez Nieves escribió:
 Saludos colegas, se o imagino que algunos de ustedes sean 
 administradores de red. y necesito una mano en esto.
 Tengo un amigo que usa win32, o sea, xp, y le he instalado un modem 
 voice-fax, pero esta presendo problemas con la coneccion, y quisiera 
 determinar que ocurre, si el problema es del modem, si es de la 
 motherboard, o si es de la linea.
 El problema, es que el en esa PC tenia un modem antiguo, que de un 
 momento a otro, dejo de funcionar, le instale el voice-fax, que es 
 nuevo, en el mismo PCI(aunque lo instale en el otro PCI y dio el mismo 
 problema) y se cae la coneccion aparentemente sin ninguna orden.
 En ocaciones, quizas coincidencias, resulta que esta entrando una 
 llamada, o que levantan el telefono de la otra extencion, etc.
 En algunos foros he leido que el problea puede ser que el modem(ese 
 mismo modelo) esta atendiendo las llamadas entrantes, y recomiendan 
 desactivar esa opcion en las propiedades del modem, pero ocurre que 
 quizas equivoque los drivers o necesito alguna aplicacion adicional, ya 
 que no encuentro esa opcion.
 Puedo levantar esa PC con Fedora, y testearla, pero que recomiendan ustedes.
 __ Información de ESET Smart Security, versión de la base de firmas 
 de virus 5083 (20100503) __
 ESET Smart Security ha comprobado este mensaje.
 CentOS-es mailing list

L.I. Jaime David Rico Malfavón
Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas
Sección de Cómputo
Tel: 56228910

CentOS-es mailing list

Re: [CentOS-es] Hora del Sistema

2010-05-05 Thread Jaime David Rico Malfavon
Lo que podrías hacer es deshabilitar el servicio ntpd con # service ntpd
stop y ejecutar nuevamente el comando hwclock y si no te funciona
especificar con tzselect la opción 11 e ingresar GMT -4:30


El mié, 05-05-2010 a las 17:45 -0400, Alejandra Hernández La Cruz
 Buenas tardes,
 Gracias por sus respuestas. Aquii les indico los pasos que he
 1. Utilice el comando hwclock --hctosys, para que el sistema tenga la
 misma hora que el BIOS pero poco a poco se va adelantando, hasta que
 son diferentes en 20 minutos y volvi a utilizar el comando en varias
 2. Utilice tambien tzselect y escogi la zona horaria Americas/Caracas.
 El problema esta en que la zona horaria en Venezuela cambio, por lo
 tanto deberia modificar es la zona horaria de GMT -4:00 a GMT -4:30,
 pero no soy muy conocedora de Linux y no se como realizar el cambio.
 Gracias por su colaboracion
 CentOS-es mailing list

L.I. Jaime David Rico Malfavón
Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas
Sección de Cómputo
Tel: 56228910

CentOS-es mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Broken upgrade to memcached

2010-05-05 Thread Axel Thimm
On Tue, May 04, 2010 at 03:37:52PM +0200, Ralph Angenendt wrote:
 On Mon, May 3, 2010 at 8:38 PM,  m.r...@5-cent.us wrote:
  I would have to agree with the repo being misconfigured. If I'm on 5.4,
  and look for updates to 5.4, it should *not* tell me that one package
  needs updating, but that, and an unnoted dependency, are both actually
 You do not look for updates on 5.4, but for updates on5. And EPEL (as
 ATRPMS) tags along with RHEL - so you have to be looking out for
 things like that when you use CentOS.

Until now I have only seen the kernel causing problems (with kmdl
support), and I have become very careful to always support the latest
centos kernels (as well as centosplus kernels).

Are there any other know issues with ATrpms and too early package
support for the upcoming centos release?
Axel.Thimm at ATrpms.net

Description: PGP signature
CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] compile httpd 2.3.5 error

2010-05-05 Thread Chaitanya Yanamadala
 i need to upgrade my apache to 2.3.5 and what i need is to compile it out
by myself not to use the rpm.. so where i am stuck is that i require to have
the apr 1.3 but i got the 1.2.7 with me, so i have downloaded the apr-1.3
rpm but now when i am upgrading it out i am getting an error of dependencies
problem like this.Can any one help me on this..

 uname(release) = 2.6 is needed by apr-1.3.3-1.i586
 rpmlib(PayloadIsLzma) = 4.4.6-1 is needed by apr-1.3.3-1.i586
 apr = 1.2.7-11.el5_3.1 is needed by (installed)

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] compile httpd 2.3.5 error

2010-05-05 Thread John R Pierce
Chaitanya Yanamadala wrote:
  i need to upgrade my apache to 2.3.5 and what i need is to compile it 
 out by myself not to use the rpm.. so where i am stuck is that i 
 require to have the apr 1.3 but i got the 1.2.7 with me, so i have 
 downloaded the apr-1.3 rpm but now when i am upgrading it out i am 
 getting an error of dependencies problem like this.Can any one help me 
 on this..

  uname(release) = 2.6 is needed by apr-1.3.3-1.i586
  rpmlib(PayloadIsLzma) = 4.4.6-1 is needed by apr-1.3.3-1.i586
  apr = 1.2.7-11.el5_3.1 is needed by (installed) 

compile your apache and any dependencies to run in a non-standard path, 
like /opt/myapache/... or /usr/local/...

anything else will raise major havoc with the structure of your base 
OS.   this apr-1.3.rpm you installed, what OS is it targeted at?   el5 
uses apr 1.2.7

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] [SOLVED] Re: Installing a CentOS based distro with Raid driver - Citrix XenServer

2010-05-05 Thread Georghy
Tru Huynh a écrit :
 On Tue, May 04, 2010 at 03:03:00PM +0200, Georghy wrote:
 (1)Download that driver : 
 from the intel support web site


 You should have started your installation with linux dd and the initrd would
 have been automatically created for you... (if xenserver works as CentOS-5)
linux dd doesn't work, because linux label isn't in the boot 
configuration of XenServer (I tried)

 3.1.3 Installing RHEL5 (with or without Update 1, Update 2, Update 3, Update 
 4) on RAID

 In order to support XEN mode, the system needs to have its Virtualization 
 feature enabled in BIOS as a first step, and XEN software package in the OS 
 needs to be loaded during installation.

 1) Create a RAID array using the Intel(R) Embedded Server RAID Technology II 
 RAID BIOS Console.
 2) Connect USB floppy drive and insert the floppy disk with RAID driver
 3) Boot your system using RHEL5.0 DVD
 4) At boot prompt type linux dd noprobe=ata1 noprobe=ata2 noprobe=ata3 
I tried this one too, but linux label is not recognized
 5) And then you'll see a page that shows loading usb-storage driver, and 
 then it will ask you Do you have a driver disk. Choose Yes
I tried but the system didn't find my drivers with this solution, so I 
tried an insmod then it worked, my raid disk was recognized
 6) Then it will ask you which one do you choose as a driver disk, choose 
 sda which is the USB floppy disk. And then click OK to continue, you'll see 
 the message Reading driver disk,  after it finishes, it will ask Do you 
 wish to load any more driver disks? choose No if you do not have any more 
 driver to load.
 7) (If XEN mode feature is needed, the OS installatng KEY is necessary and 
 then XEN software package needs to be loaded)  Then continue with the RHEL 
 automatic installation, you can see that in the page where we select drives 
 to use for installation, you can only see 1 disk (Intel MegaSR), this means 
 the raid is recognized. 
Xen is always enabled on XenServer, I see 1 disk Intel megasr thanks to 
my insmod
 8) At the last step of the installation (after all the packages are 
 installed) RHEL5 prompts you to reboot. Do not click reboot button. Press 
 Ctr+Alt+F2 to go to the text console prompt.
 9) type cat /proc/partitions you will see some info about the partition.  
 For example, you might find several rows, one row might include sdb. You 
 might find like this

 major minor   #blocks name
 8 16  1440sdb

 10) type mknod /dev/sdb b 8 16  (8 and 16 are copied from the major and 
 minor numbers in step #9, so that the numbers could change according to what 
 is seen in step #9)
what is the goal of this step ?
 11) type mkdir /temp
 12) type mount /dev/sdb /temp
 13) type ls /temp and you can find all the driver files are now in /temp
 14) Use cd command to enter /temp directory
 15) type ./replace_ahci.sh to execute the script. It will remove ahci from 
 /etc/modprobe.conf and blacklist ahci in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist 
 (replace_ahci.sh is also an example, and please implement the script even if 
 the *.sh is with other name).
I've already tried to launch replace_ahci at the begining of the 
install, it doesn't work, but i'll try it at the end of the install thanks
 16) Go back to graphic screen and reboot the system in order to finish the 


 CentOS mailing list

Cordialement, / Greetings,
Georghy FUSCO

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Installing a CentOS based distro with Raid driver - Citrix XenServer

2010-05-05 Thread Georghy
Joseph L. Casale a écrit :
 should I buy some chipset or is it totally Software or using the 
 hardware I had already ?

 Well, I don't what chassis you bought with it, and whether or not
 it has the applicable midplane? Do you?
 CentOS mailing list

Nevermind, my raid disk are now recognized at the begining of the 

Cordialement, / Greetings,
Georghy FUSCO

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] NIS question

2010-05-05 Thread Lars Hecking
ann kok writes:
 How can we use NIS to control a user in different servers?
 eg: serverA /home/userA/javaapplication
 serverB /export/home/userA/javaapplication
 serverC /vol/home/javaapplication

 If you use NIS auto.home for home directories in general, e.g. /home/user,
 you can install a local auto.home map on each server so that /home/userA is
 a different physical directory on each server See at

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CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] gui automation tool

2010-05-05 Thread Tommy Zong

I'm trying to configure continuous integration environment on CentOS. Before 
performing test, need to run GUI tool (written in java) to generate required 
resources. Is there any GUI automation tool so I can make whole integration 
purpose automated? Thanks.
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] question on sendmail.mc file

2010-05-05 Thread Alexander Dalloz
 I tried to set in sendmail.mc file at the LAST line
 define(`LUSER_RELAY', `local:unknownuser') dnl
 I did service sendmail restart and got an error on a completely
 different line.
 as a thought I deleted that line and put it on line 2 of the sendmail.mc
 re-ran service sendmail restart and now it worked. I changed nothing else.

 Is there something special about the placement of this command???



There is nothing special with the LUSER_RELAY definition, but in general
the order of the statements is important. Please see


The general rules are that the order should be:

local macro definitions



CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] [SOLVED] Re: Installing a CentOS based distro with Raid driver - Citrix XenServer

2010-05-05 Thread Chan Chung Hang Christopher
Georghy wrote:
 Tru Huynh a écrit :
 On Tue, May 04, 2010 at 03:03:00PM +0200, Georghy wrote:
 (1)Download that driver : 
 from the intel support web site

 You should have started your installation with linux dd and the initrd 
 have been automatically created for you... (if xenserver works as CentOS-5)
 linux dd doesn't work, because linux label isn't in the boot 
 configuration of XenServer (I tried)

The installation image just needs a dd kernel parameter that will be 
passed on to anaconda (the installer) no matter what the 'label'.
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] compile httpd 2.3.5 error

2010-05-05 Thread Jim Perrin
On Wed, May 5, 2010 at 3:01 AM, Chaitanya Yanamadala
dr.virus.in...@gmail.com wrote:
  i need to upgrade my apache to 2.3.5 and what i need is to compile it out
 by myself not to use the rpm.. so where i am stuck is that i require to have
 the apr 1.3 but i got the 1.2.7 with me, so i have downloaded the apr-1.3
 rpm but now when i am upgrading it out i am getting an error of dependencies
 problem like this.Can any one help me on this..

Why do you need to update to a development release?
Where did you get the apr-1.3 rpm? Is this an rpm for centos or for
some other distro?

  uname(release) = 2.6 is needed by apr-1.3.3-1.i586
  rpmlib(PayloadIsLzma) = 4.4.6-1 is needed by apr-1.3.3-1.i586
  apr = 1.2.7-11.el5_3.1 is needed by (installed)

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.
George Orwell
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] [SOLVED] Re: Installing a CentOS based distro with Raid driver - Citrix XenServer

2010-05-05 Thread Georghy
Chan Chung Hang Christopher a écrit :
 Georghy wrote:
 Tru Huynh a écrit :
 On Tue, May 04, 2010 at 03:03:00PM +0200, Georghy wrote:
 (1)Download that driver : 
 from the intel support web site

 You should have started your installation with linux dd and the initrd 
 have been automatically created for you... (if xenserver works as CentOS-5)
 linux dd doesn't work, because linux label isn't in the boot 
 configuration of XenServer (I tried)

 The installation image just needs a dd kernel parameter that will be 
 passed on to anaconda (the installer) no matter what the 'label'.
 CentOS mailing list

the label by default is xe should I try something like xe dd 
noprobe=ata1 noprobe=ata2 noprobe=ata3 noprobe=ata4
or just dd
should I change someting with initrd ?
It seems that the system doesn't find the disk, I take a screenshot of 
errors :

here is the lines shown during the splash screen of XenServer :

Cordialement, / Greetings,
Georghy FUSCO

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] heartbeat package in extras trouble with 5.4

2010-05-05 Thread Baird, Josh
SELINUX is disabled, and I have also tried reinstalling the heartbeat related 
packages.  No luck so far.
heartbeat[8818]: 2010/05/04_22:23:37 ERROR: Cannot shmget for process status: 
Invalid argument
This seems to be the issue.  Any other ideas?

From: centos-boun...@centos.org on behalf of Ryan Manikowski
Sent: Tue 5/4/2010 11:23 PM
To: centos@centos.org
Subject: Re: [CentOS] heartbeat package in extras trouble with 5.4

On 5/4/2010 11:39 PM, Baird, Josh wrote: 

I just recently upgraded a box from i386 5.3 - 5.4.  The box has 
heartbeat packages installed from extras:
The heartbeat daemon no longer starts.. the init script reports a 
success, as well as the logs:
May  4 22:33:10 fc-fmcln02 heartbeat: [9344]: info: Enabling logging 
May  4 22:33:10 fc-fmcln02 heartbeat: [9344]: info: logfile and debug 
file are those specified in logd config file (default /etc/logd.cf)
May  4 22:33:10 fc-fmcln02 heartbeat: [9344]: info: Version 2 support: 
May  4 22:33:10 fc-fmcln02 heartbeat: [9344]: WARN: logd is enabled but 
logfile/debugfile is still configured in ha.cf
May  4 22:33:10 fc-fmcln02 heartbeat: [9344]: info: 
May  4 22:33:10 fc-fmcln02 heartbeat: [9344]: info: Configuration 
validated. Starting heartbeat 2.1.3
May  4 22:33:10 fc-fmcln02 heartbeat: [9345]: info: heartbeat: version 
May  4 22:33:11 fc-fmcln02 heartbeat: [9345]: info: Heartbeat 
generation: 1208455492
However, the daemons never actually start.  When I run the daemon 
interactively without the init script,
the following error appears:
heartbeat[8818]: 2010/05/04_22:23:37 ERROR: Cannot shmget for process 
status: Invalid argument
This may suggest that some libs on the system may have been upgraded 
and heartbeat is trying to use
the old ones?
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to get heartbeat working again?

Running heartbeat on Centos 5.4 here without a problem. Just powered up my test 
cluster and made sure system was up-to-date using yum. Heartbeat started 
without a problem.

Perhaps you have selinux enabled on the system? Can you try disabling selinux?

This may sound like a half-hearted attempt to 'repair' the issue, but try 
backing up your authkeys, ha.cf and haresources on each host and try removing 
and reinstalling the packages. At this point you have nothing to lose since the 
daemons will not start.

 Ryan Manikowski

]] Devision Media Services LLC [[
 www.devision.us http://www.devision.us/ 
 r...@devision.us | 716.771.2282
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] heartbeat package in extras trouble with 5.4

2010-05-05 Thread Dominik Zyla
On Wed, May 05, 2010 at 07:59:16AM -0500, Baird, Josh wrote:
 SELINUX is disabled, and I have also tried reinstalling the heartbeat related
 packages.  No luck so far.
 heartbeat[8818]: 2010/05/04_22:23:37 ERROR: Cannot shmget for process status: 
 Invalid argument
 This seems to be the issue.  Any other ideas?

Try to strace heartbeat process and check errno from shmget() and
compare it against shmget(2) `ERRORS' section. Maybe you need to set
some sysctls.

Dominik Zyla

Description: PGP signature
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] [SOLVED] Re: Installing a CentOS based distro with Raid driver - Citrix XenServer

2010-05-05 Thread Chan Chung Hang Christopher
Georghy wrote:
 Chan Chung Hang Christopher a écrit :
 Georghy wrote:
 Tru Huynh a écrit :
 On Tue, May 04, 2010 at 03:03:00PM +0200, Georghy wrote:
 (1)Download that driver : 
 from the intel support web site

 You should have started your installation with linux dd and the initrd 
 have been automatically created for you... (if xenserver works as CentOS-5)
 linux dd doesn't work, because linux label isn't in the boot 
 configuration of XenServer (I tried)
 The installation image just needs a dd kernel parameter that will be 
 passed on to anaconda (the installer) no matter what the 'label'.
 CentOS mailing list

 the label by default is xe should I try something like xe dd 
 noprobe=ata1 noprobe=ata2 noprobe=ata3 noprobe=ata4
 or just dd
 should I change someting with initrd ?

xe dd (assuming you have a floppy [is usb supported?] disk with the drivers)

 It seems that the system doesn't find the disk, I take a screenshot of 
 errors :
 here is the lines shown during the splash screen of XenServer :

...I suppose you somehow incorporated the drivers when 
installing...maybe just boot a rescue image and go fix up initrd. Put 
appropriate entries in modprobe.conf and recreate initrd.
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] heartbeat package in extras trouble with 5.4

2010-05-05 Thread Baird, Josh
Below is a snippet of a strace:

open(/usr/lib/pils/plugins/InterfaceMgr/generic.so, O_RDONLY) = 3
512) = 512
fstat64(3, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0755, st_size=7636, ...}) = 0
= 0x6ef000
mmap2(0x6f1000, 4096, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE,
close(3)= 0
shmget(IPC_PRIVATE, 7816, 0600) = -1 EINVAL (Invalid argument)
time(NULL)  = 1273067316
open(/etc/localtime, O_RDONLY)= 3
fstat64(3, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=3543, ...}) = 0
fstat64(3, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=3543, ...}) = 0
0) = 0xb7f4f000
TZif2\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\5\0\0\0\5\0\0\0\0..., 4096)
= 3543
close(3)= 0
munmap(0xb7f4f000, 4096)= 0
write(2, heartbeat[28218]: 2010/05/05_08:..., 38) = 38
write(2, ERROR: Cannot shmget for process..., 58) = 58

It looks like it's trying to find an existing shared memory segment?

From sysctl.conf:

# Controls the maximum size of a message, in bytes
kernel.msgmnb = 65536
# Controls the default maxmimum size of a mesage queue
kernel.msgmax = 65536
# Controls the maximum shared segment size, in bytes
kernel.shmmax = 68719476736
# Controls the maximum number of shared memory segments, in pages
kernel.shmall = 4294967296

$ ipcs

-- Shared Memory Segments 
keyshmid  owner  perms  bytes  nattch status

-- Semaphore Arrays 
keysemid  owner  perms  nsems
0x 2424832root  6001
0x 2719745root  6001
0x 2752514root  6001
0x 2785283root  6001
0x 2818052root  6001
0x 2850821root  6001
0x 2883590root  6001
0x 2916359root  6001
0x 3506184root  6001
0x01fe101f 3014665root  6001
0x 3407882root  6661
0x 3080203root  6001
0x 3112972root  6001
0x 3145741root  6001
0x 3178510root  6001
0x 3211279root  6001
0x 3244048root  6001
0x 3276817root  6001
0x 3309586root  6001
0x 3342355root  6001
0x 3440660root  6001
0x 3473429root  6001

-- Message Queues 
keymsqid  owner  perms  used-bytes   messages

I'm stuck! 


-Original Message-
From: centos-boun...@centos.org [mailto:centos-boun...@centos.org] On
Behalf Of Dominik Zyla
Sent: Wednesday, May 05, 2010 8:10 AM
To: centos@centos.org
Subject: Re: [CentOS] heartbeat package in extras trouble with 5.4

On Wed, May 05, 2010 at 07:59:16AM -0500, Baird, Josh wrote:
 SELINUX is disabled, and I have also tried reinstalling the heartbeat 
 related packages.  No luck so far.
 heartbeat[8818]: 2010/05/04_22:23:37 ERROR: Cannot shmget for process 
 status: Invalid argument
 This seems to be the issue.  Any other ideas?

Try to strace heartbeat process and check errno from shmget() and
compare it against shmget(2) `ERRORS' section. Maybe you need to set
some sysctls.

Dominik Zyla

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] [SOLVED] Re: Installing a CentOS based distro with Raid driver - Citrix XenServer

2010-05-05 Thread Georghy
Chan Chung Hang Christopher a écrit :
 xe dd (assuming you have a floppy [is usb supported?] disk with the drivers)
A floppy isn't enough because the  driver is about 2.7Mb so I use a USB 
Stick. It should be the same with a Floppy.
 It seems that the system doesn't find the disk, I take a screenshot of 
 errors :

 here is the lines shown during the splash screen of XenServer :


 ...I suppose you somehow incorporated the drivers when 
 installing...maybe just boot a rescue image and go fix up initrd. Put 
 appropriate entries in modprobe.conf and recreate initrd.

I incorporate the driver during the beginning of the installation phase, 
using insmod path-to-the-driver/megasr.ko
what should I try with modprobe.conf and initrd ?
what is the rescue image do you mean a live rescue cd ?

Cordialement, / Greetings,
Georghy FUSCO

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] heartbeat package in extras trouble with 5.4

2010-05-05 Thread Baird, Josh
Ok, so for some reason, I had shmax set to 64GB.  Prior to 5.4, I'm
guessing that i386 just ignored this absurd value, but now, it forces
the value to be 0:

r...@fc-fmcln02:/var/log$ ipcs -l
 -- Shared Memory Limits 
 max number of segments = 4096
 max seg size (kbytes) = 0
 max total shared memory (kbytes) = 0
 min seg size (bytes) = 1

I set kernal.shnmax back to it's default value and this seemed to fix
the heartbeat issues with allocating shared memory segments.



-Original Message-
From: centos-boun...@centos.org [mailto:centos-boun...@centos.org] On
Behalf Of Baird, Josh
Sent: Wednesday, May 05, 2010 9:39 AM
To: CentOS mailing list
Subject: Re: [CentOS] heartbeat package in extras trouble with 5.4

Below is a snippet of a strace:

open(/usr/lib/pils/plugins/InterfaceMgr/generic.so, O_RDONLY) = 3
512) = 512
fstat64(3, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0755, st_size=7636, ...}) = 0
= 0x6ef000
mmap2(0x6f1000, 4096, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE,
close(3)= 0
shmget(IPC_PRIVATE, 7816, 0600) = -1 EINVAL (Invalid argument)
time(NULL)  = 1273067316
open(/etc/localtime, O_RDONLY)= 3
fstat64(3, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=3543, ...}) = 0
fstat64(3, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=3543, ...}) = 0
0) = 0xb7f4f000
TZif2\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\5\0\0\0\5\0\0\0\0..., 4096)
= 3543
close(3)= 0
munmap(0xb7f4f000, 4096)= 0
write(2, heartbeat[28218]: 2010/05/05_08:..., 38) = 38
write(2, ERROR: Cannot shmget for process..., 58) = 58

It looks like it's trying to find an existing shared memory segment?

From sysctl.conf:

# Controls the maximum size of a message, in bytes
kernel.msgmnb = 65536
# Controls the default maxmimum size of a mesage queue
kernel.msgmax = 65536
# Controls the maximum shared segment size, in bytes
kernel.shmmax = 68719476736
# Controls the maximum number of shared memory segments, in pages
kernel.shmall = 4294967296

$ ipcs

-- Shared Memory Segments 
keyshmid  owner  perms  bytes  nattch status

-- Semaphore Arrays 
keysemid  owner  perms  nsems
0x 2424832root  6001
0x 2719745root  6001
0x 2752514root  6001
0x 2785283root  6001
0x 2818052root  6001
0x 2850821root  6001
0x 2883590root  6001
0x 2916359root  6001
0x 3506184root  6001
0x01fe101f 3014665root  6001
0x 3407882root  6661
0x 3080203root  6001
0x 3112972root  6001
0x 3145741root  6001
0x 3178510root  6001
0x 3211279root  6001
0x 3244048root  6001
0x 3276817root  6001
0x 3309586root  6001
0x 3342355root  6001
0x 3440660root  6001
0x 3473429root  6001

-- Message Queues 
keymsqid  owner  perms  used-bytes   messages

I'm stuck! 


-Original Message-
From: centos-boun...@centos.org [mailto:centos-boun...@centos.org] On
Behalf Of Dominik Zyla
Sent: Wednesday, May 05, 2010 8:10 AM
To: centos@centos.org
Subject: Re: [CentOS] heartbeat package in extras trouble with 5.4

On Wed, May 05, 2010 at 07:59:16AM -0500, Baird, Josh wrote:
 SELINUX is disabled, and I have also tried reinstalling the heartbeat 
 related packages.  No luck so far.
 heartbeat[8818]: 2010/05/04_22:23:37 ERROR: Cannot shmget for process 
 status: Invalid argument
 This seems to be the issue.  Any other ideas?

Try to strace heartbeat process and check errno from shmget() and
compare it against shmget(2) `ERRORS' section. Maybe you need to set
some sysctls.

Dominik Zyla

CentOS mailing list
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] gui automation tool

2010-05-05 Thread Mathieu Baudier
 I’m trying to configure continuous integration environment on CentOS. Before
 performing test, need to run GUI tool (written in java) to generate required
 resources. Is there any GUI automation tool so I can make whole integration
 purpose automated? Thanks.

If the Java UI is in Swing you can use Jemmy:
(use version 2, version 3 is far from mature or even working)

Jemmy is very good and reliable to automate Swing UIs: we even use it
in some projects in order to extract business data for which there is
not proper API

If the Java UI is in SWT, you may have look at TPTP:
(I never used it though)

All this is Java specific.
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] [SOLVED] Re: Installing a CentOS based distro with Raid driver - Citrix XenServer

2010-05-05 Thread Chan Chung Hang Christopher
Georghy wrote:
 Chan Chung Hang Christopher a écrit :
 xe dd (assuming you have a floppy [is usb supported?] disk with the drivers)
 A floppy isn't enough because the  driver is about 2.7Mb so I use a USB 
 Stick. It should be the same with a Floppy.
 It seems that the system doesn't find the disk, I take a screenshot of 
 errors :

 here is the lines shown during the splash screen of XenServer :

 ...I suppose you somehow incorporated the drivers when 
 installing...maybe just boot a rescue image and go fix up initrd. Put 
 appropriate entries in modprobe.conf and recreate initrd.

 I incorporate the driver during the beginning of the installation phase, 
 using insmod path-to-the-driver/megasr.ko
 what should I try with modprobe.conf and initrd ?
 what is the rescue image do you mean a live rescue cd ?

Ah, the rescue mode is probably available with your installation 
initrd's anaconda. You need to pass rescue to it though...hopefully it 
works unlike the dd...
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] [SOLVED] Re: Installing a CentOS based distro with Raid driver - Citrix XenServer

2010-05-05 Thread Georghy
Chan Chung Hang Christopher a écrit :
 Ah, the rescue mode is probably available with your installation 
 initrd's anaconda. You need to pass rescue to it though...hopefully it 
 works unlike the dd...
I tried to boot onto the rescue mode using safe at the boot prompt, I 
also get a kernel panic and I can't type something on a terminal :/
Tomorrow I'll try with a centOS live cd (witch maybe has the Raid driver 
out of the box, then I can access to the drive and see what appened)
Any better ideas ?

Cordialement, / Greetings,
Georghy FUSCO

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] need document to setup rsync???

2010-05-05 Thread mcclnx mcc
we have two CENTOS 5.X need setup rsync.  Any one know where have how to 


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] need document to setup rsync???

2010-05-05 Thread Digimer
On 10-05-05 11:50 AM, mcclnx mcc wrote:
 we have two CENTOS 5.X need setup rsync.  Any one know where have how to 


What exactly are you trying to accomplish?

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CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] need document to setup rsync???

2010-05-05 Thread Kwan Lowe
On Wed, May 5, 2010 at 11:50 AM, mcclnx mcc mcc...@yahoo.com.tw wrote:
 we have two CENTOS 5.X need setup rsync.  Any one know where have how to 

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Benchmark Disk IO

2010-05-05 Thread Matt Keating
What is the best way to benchmark disk IO?

I'm looking to move one of my servers, which is rather IO intense. But
not without first benchmarking the current and new disk array, To make
sure this isn't a full waste of time.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] need document to setup rsync???

2010-05-05 Thread John R Pierce
mcclnx mcc wrote:
 we have two CENTOS 5.X need setup rsync.  Any one know where have how to 

if you can ssh, you can rsync.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Benchmark Disk IO

2010-05-05 Thread John R Pierce
Matt Keating wrote:
 What is the best way to benchmark disk IO?

 I'm looking to move one of my servers, which is rather IO intense. But
 not without first benchmarking the current and new disk array, To make
 sure this isn't a full waste of time.

synthetic benchmarks only tell you what the synthetic benchmarks 
measure, which may or may not be of significance to your application.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Benchmark Disk IO

2010-05-05 Thread nate
Matt Keating wrote:
 What is the best way to benchmark disk IO?

 I'm looking to move one of my servers, which is rather IO intense. But
 not without first benchmarking the current and new disk array, To make
 sure this isn't a full waste of time.

You can do a pretty easy calculation based on the #/type of drives
to determine the approx number of raw IOPS that are available, since
it's I/O intensive your probably best off with RAID 1+0, which further
simplifies the calculation, parity based raid can make it really

7200 RPM disk = ~90 IOPS
1 RPM disk = ~150-180 IOPS
15000 RPM disk = ~230-250 IOPS
SSD = many more IOPS depending on flash type

Otherwise, Iozone is a neat benchmark. SPC-1 is a great benchmark
for SQL-type apps though it's very high end and designed for testing
full storage arrays not a dinky server.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Benchmark Disk IO

2010-05-05 Thread Dominik Zyla
On Wed, May 05, 2010 at 05:17:53PM +0100, Matt Keating wrote:
 What is the best way to benchmark disk IO?
 I'm looking to move one of my servers, which is rather IO intense. But
 not without first benchmarking the current and new disk array, To make
 sure this isn't a full waste of time.

Try to run the same IO operations as your production server is running.
Bonnie++ could be good application for benchmarking. Also run some
parallel rsync, rm, find, etc proccesses.

It's good habbit to monitor machines with cacti or something like that.
After benchmarks, you can compare cacti graphs.

Dominik Zyla

Description: PGP signature
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Benchmark Disk IO

2010-05-05 Thread Karanbir Singh
On 05/05/2010 05:55 PM, Dominik Zyla wrote:
 Try to run the same IO operations as your production server is running.
 Bonnie++ could be good application for benchmarking. Also run some
 parallel rsync, rm, find, etc proccesses.

I am with John Pierce on this one, role and app will dictate benchmarks 
that reflect reality.

Having said that, I think iozone  bonnie++

- KB
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Benchmark Disk IO

2010-05-05 Thread Les Mikesell
On 5/5/2010 12:00 PM, Karanbir Singh wrote:

 Try to run the same IO operations as your production server is running.
 Bonnie++ could be good application for benchmarking. Also run some
 parallel rsync, rm, find, etc proccesses.

 I am with John Pierce on this one, role and app will dictate benchmarks
 that reflect reality.

 Having said that, I think iozone  bonnie++

If the job involves creating/deleting lots of little files like a mail 
server with maildir format storage, you might try to dig up a copy of 
postmark too.

   Les Mikesell
CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] pppd does not work if SELinux is turned on.

2010-05-05 Thread Aleksey Tsalolikhin
On Thu, Mar 18, 2010 at 6:05 PM, Aleksey Tsalolikhin
atsaloli.t...@gmail.com wrote:
 CentOS release 5.4 (Final)

 I run pppd on this system, it accepts dial-in connections, logs people
 in over ssh/sftp.

 I had selinux disabled on this system originally, but I recently
 enabled it, and selinux
 is blocking this pppd service.

 audit2allow -M has generated the following policy based on AVC
 denial messages:

 module fixdialinserver 1.0;

 require {
        type pppd_t;
        type shadow_t;
        type chkpwd_exec_t;
        class file { read execute };
        class netlink_audit_socket create;

 #= pppd_t ==
 allow pppd_t chkpwd_exec_t:file execute;
 allow pppd_t self:netlink_audit_socket create;
 allow pppd_t shadow_t:file read;

 However, I am unable to load this module due to conflict with another policy:

 # semodule -i fixdialinserver.pp
 libsepol.check_assertion_helper: assertion on line 0 violated by allow
 pppd_t shadow_t:file { read };
 libsepol.check_assertions: 1 assertion violations occured
 libsemanage.semanage_expand_sandbox: Expand module failed
 semodule:  Failed!

 Is there an seboolean I can tweak to allow me to load this policy?

I used getsebool -a |grep ppp to find and enable the following three
selinux booleans:

pppd_can_insmod -- on
pppd_disable_trans -- on
pppd_for_user -- on

However pppd still does not work and policy still fails to load.

Any suggestions?

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Benchmark Disk IO

2010-05-05 Thread Ross Walker
On May 5, 2010, at 1:13 PM, Les Mikesell lesmikes...@gmail.com wrote:

 On 5/5/2010 12:00 PM, Karanbir Singh wrote:

 Try to run the same IO operations as your production server is  
 Bonnie++ could be good application for benchmarking. Also run some
 parallel rsync, rm, find, etc proccesses.

 I am with John Pierce on this one, role and app will dictate  
 that reflect reality.

 Having said that, I think iozone  bonnie++

 If the job involves creating/deleting lots of little files like a mail
 server with maildir format storage, you might try to dig up a copy of
 postmark too.

I found iometer is a good tool for real-world benchmarking if you take  
the time to setup the tests according to the workload.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] ssh slow

2010-05-05 Thread Barry Brimer
 How I can configure sshd_config to improve the ssh faster?

 It is slow to prompt the login

That usually indicates a DNS problem.  sshd tries to do a reverse DNS 
resolution to lookup the connecting client.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] ssh slow

2010-05-05 Thread ann kok
I heard it before

but how can be solved?

Thank you

--- On Wed, 5/5/10, Barry Brimer li...@brimer.org wrote:

 From: Barry Brimer li...@brimer.org
 Subject: Re: [CentOS] ssh slow
 To: CentOS mailing list centos@centos.org
 Received: Wednesday, May 5, 2010, 8:47 PM
  How I can configure sshd_config
 to improve the ssh faster?
  It is slow to prompt the login
 That usually indicates a DNS problem.  sshd tries to
 do a reverse DNS 
 resolution to lookup the connecting client.
 CentOS mailing list

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] ssh slow

2010-05-05 Thread John R Pierce
ann kok wrote:

 How I can configure sshd_config to improve the ssh faster?

 It is slow to prompt the login

badly configured reverse DNS on the client hosts is the most common 
cause of this.  try ...

UseDNS no

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] ssh slow

2010-05-05 Thread Fernando Gleiser
- Original Message 

 From: ann kok oiyan...@yahoo.ca
 To: centos@centos.org
 Sent: Wed, May 5, 2010 9:44:12 PM
 Subject: [CentOS] ssh slow

 How I can configure sshd_config to improve the ssh faster?

 It  is slow to prompt the login

Fix your DNS setup and/or configure it to UseDNS no.
Such slowdowns happen because sshd tries to get a reverse DNS lookup of your IP 

It can be a big PITA when you try to login into a server to fix a broken DNS 
and the login times out because it tries to get a that PTR record back..

Just remember the mantra: most weird network problems are related to DNS 


CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] phpmyadmin

2010-05-05 Thread ann kok
Hi all

When someone uses the phpmyadmin to delete data, how can I know it

Does it have log?

Thank you

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] phpmyadmin

2010-05-05 Thread John R Pierce
ann kok wrote:
 Hi all

 When someone uses the phpmyadmin to delete data, how can I know it

 Does it have log?

you mean mysql?   all phpmyadmin is doing is issuing DELETE or DROP or 
whatever commands to the SQL database server.

SQL doesn't log much unless you configure it to, and if you configure it 
to log all statements that can get pretty messy on a high volume 
database with 100s of transactions/second.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] phpmyadmin

2010-05-05 Thread Jobst Schmalenbach

If you look into the config file you'll find 

  $cfg['Servers'][$i]['history'] = '';  // table to store SQL history
//   - leave blank for no SQL query 
// DEFAULT: 'pma_history'

Set it and you get the history.


On Wed, May 05, 2010 at 06:35:33PM -0700, ann kok (oiyan...@yahoo.ca) wrote:
 Hi all
 When someone uses the phpmyadmin to delete data, how can I know it
 Does it have log?
 Thank you
 CentOS mailing list

Why is the man who invests all your money called a broker?

  | |0| |   Jobst Schmalenbach, jo...@barrett.com.au, General Manager
  | | |0|   Barrett Consulting Group P/L  The Meditation Room P/L
  |0|0|0|   +61 3 9532 7677, POBox 277, Caulfield South, 3162, Australia
CentOS mailing list