Re: [CentOS] (c 5.6) Running 2 versions of Apache ?

2011-08-30 Thread Brent L. Bates
 If they are looking for Micro$loth specific pages, I redirect them to
Micro$loth's Web site.  I figure if they want Micro$loth stuff, may as well
send them to the source.  :-)
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Power-outage

2011-07-01 Thread Brent L. Bates
 apcupsd is only suppose to work with APC's UPS's and the apcupsd
developer will not deal with complaints about UPS's from other manufacturers.
 If your non-APC UPS works with apcupsd, then count yourself lucky.  If you
want to use another manufacturer's UPS, check out NUT
( to see if it will work with your UPS.  One
last thing, APC has changed their communications protocol (it's called
microlink now) on new UPS's, so apcupsd doesn't work nearly as well as it used


  Brent L. Bates (UNIX Sys. Admin.)
  M.S. 912  Phone:(757) 865-1400, x204
  NASA Langley Research CenterFAX:(757) 865-8177
  Hampton, Virginia  23681-0001

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] [OT] ups advice

2011-04-14 Thread Brent L. Bates
 apcupsd doesn't work with new APC UPS's.  APC has changed to some
proprietary protocol, microlink?, for talking to their UPS's, so apcupsd
doesn't work any more or at least not fully.  There has been some discussion
about this issue on the apcupsd users email list.
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] GDM could not write to you authorization file ... Please contact your system adminstrator

2010-10-06 Thread Brent L. Bates
 This error sounds familiar.  If it is the same problem I've had a couple
of times, every time it happens, I forget what it was I did the last time to
fix it.  :-(  After I remember, it seems almost obvious.
 Assuming you've got the same problem, you need to log into the account
remotely, with out a GUI interface, or as another user.  See if you have a
file ~/.ICEauthority.  If it is there, delete it and then try logging in
again.  I think that is the right file for the problem I've had.  I just
remember that some file got corrupted and I had to delete it before GUI logins
would work.  I hope this helps.  Good luck.


  Brent L. Bates (UNIX Sys. Admin.)
  M.S. 912  Phone:(757) 865-1400, x204
  NASA Langley Research CenterFAX:(757) 865-8177
  Hampton, Virginia  23681-0001

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] e2fsck with millions of files

2010-08-31 Thread Brent L. Bates
 Stack size was only a problem for the 32 bit OS and not 64 bit.  If one
is dealing with a terabyte or more of data, I don't see them using a 32 bit
OS.  I really don't see any really good reasons for using anything but 64 bit
any more, if the hardware supports it.


  Brent L. Bates (UNIX Sys. Admin.)
  M.S. 912  Phone:(757) 865-1400, x204
  NASA Langley Research CenterFAX:(757) 865-8177
  Hampton, Virginia  23681-0001

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] cameras and CentOS

2010-06-17 Thread Brent L. Bates
 Axis also has lower end cameras that don't cost a whole lot.  Price
depends on what options/capabilities one is looking for in a camera.


  Brent L. Bates (UNIX Sys. Admin.)
  M.S. 912  Phone:(757) 865-1400, x204
  NASA Langley Research CenterFAX:(757) 865-8177
  Hampton, Virginia  23681-0001

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Skype and problem with ALSA mixer driver?

2010-02-02 Thread Brent L. Bates
 Sorry about empty message.  I accidentally hit the wrong buttons.
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Skype and problem with ALSA mixer driver?

2010-02-02 Thread Brent L. Bates


  Brent L. Bates (UNIX Sys. Admin.)
  M.S. 912  Phone:(757) 865-1400, x204
  NASA Langley Research CenterFAX:(757) 865-8177
  Hampton, Virginia  23681-0001

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] setup schedule cron job every other week?

2010-01-06 Thread Brent L. Bates
From: mcclnx mcc
>   0 0 8-31/14 * 6 /

From: John Doe 
>   0 0 8-14 * 6 /
>   0 0 22-28 * 6 /

 According to the man page, neither of these will not do what the OP
wants.  Both will execute the command EVERY Saturday.  The first will also
execute it on the 8th and 22nd of the month.  The second will execute the
command TWICE a day AND days 8-14 AND 22-28.  The man pages says if any of the
day parameters match, the command is executed.  Unfortunately for the OP, the
day parameters are an OR operation and not an AND operation.


  Brent L. Bates (UNIX Sys. Admin.)
  M.S. 912  Phone:(757) 865-1400, x204
  NASA Langley Research CenterFAX:(757) 865-8177
  Hampton, Virginia  23681-0001

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Installing R on CentOS 5

2009-12-08 Thread Brent L. Bates
 Anyone thought about installing R from the Scientific Linux site?  R is a
standard part of SL.  It might be a bit more compatible with CentOS than other
sites.  Just an idea.


  Brent L. Bates (UNIX Sys. Admin.)
  M.S. 912  Phone:(757) 865-1400, x204
  NASA Langley Research CenterFAX:(757) 865-8177
  Hampton, Virginia  23681-0001

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Is ext4 safe for a production server?

2009-12-07 Thread Brent L. Bates
 I guess I forgot to include that some of those Linux systems I've used
XFS on were 32 bit OS installs.  However, lvm was not used on them, md & NFS
were, but not lvm.
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Is ext4 safe for a production server?

2009-12-07 Thread Brent L. Bates
 XFS is the most stable file system I've seen or used.  I've seen it
survive power failures and disk problems with out a problem.  It is the ONLY
file system I trust.  It is stable, reliable, dependable, and practically
bullet proof.  I've been using XFS almost since it came into existence on
SGI's (IRIX) and we've been using it under Linux for years too, also with out
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] CERN using RHEL/CentOS?

2009-11-24 Thread Brent L. Bates
 I was under the impression that CERN uses Scientific Linux, with some
local additions, not CentOS.  SL is another RedHat rebuild.


  Brent L. Bates (UNIX Sys. Admin.)
  M.S. 912  Phone:(757) 865-1400, x204
  NASA Langley Research CenterFAX:(757) 865-8177
  Hampton, Virginia  23681-0001

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] File compare word by word

2009-05-14 Thread Brent L. Bates
 Find the `spiff' utility.  It will compare files word by word and
highlight ONLY the word differences.  One can also compare numbers and change
the resolution of the comparison.  This lets the text "1.0" equally compare to
"0.1e+1" or even "0.9", if the fudge factor is large enough in the second


  Brent L. Bates (UNIX Sys. Admin.)
  M.S. 912  Phone:(757) 865-1400, x204
  NASA Langley Research CenterFAX:(757) 865-8177
  Hampton, Virginia  23681-0001

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Emergency rescue help needed

2009-02-05 Thread Brent L. Bates
 Personally, I find this UPS exploding paranoia rather ridiculous.  One
person has one UPS burst into flames and everyone is yelling the sky is
falling.  We have no idea what conditions the UPS had been subjected to and to
then jump to the conclusion that all UPS's are bombs waiting to explode is
just insane.
 We've been using UPS's for years and years and the worst we've had are
batteries that got swollen to the point we had to use a crowbar to get them
out of the UPS.  We then replaced the battery and had years more use out of
the UPS.  We've purchased used UPS's at government auctions, replaced the
batteries, and had years of service out of them.
 All our UPS's are APC.  We have and have used a wide range of sizes, from
250VA to 3000VA, Backup's to SmartUp's.  I've used/tried other brands, but
haven't been as satisfied with them.  APC isn't perfect, they've made some
stupid mistakes, but I've been more satisfied with them than the others we've

  Brent L. Bates (UNIX Sys. Admin.) Phone:(757) 865-1400, x204
  ViGYAN, Inc.FAX:(757) 865-8177
  30 Research Drive
  Hampton, Virginia  23666-1325
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Joyeux Noel

2008-12-24 Thread Brent L. Bates
 And a Very Merry Christmas to you too.
That includes everyone else too.  :-)

  Brent L. Bates (UNIX Sys. Admin.)
  M.S. 912  Phone:(757) 865-1400, x204
  NASA Langley Research CenterFAX:(757) 865-8177
  Hampton, Virginia  23681-0001

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Running From Live DVD & Keeping Settings Between Boots

2008-11-12 Thread Brent L. Bates
 Scientific Linux is one of the groups I read, in addition to CentOS, and
that is why I couldn't find the email in the CentOS group.  Also instead of
saving the email, I saved the link to the information, only one of hundreds
saved.  I didn't think to look in my SL list of links, only CentOS.  Sorry for
the confusion everyone.  Akemi, thanks for the pointer/reminder.
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Running From Live DVD & Keeping Settings Between Boots

2008-11-12 Thread Brent L. Bates
 I remember someone saying one had to include some options on the boot
command line for this to work.  Nothing was automated for this to work.  It
took a little bit of work and that is why I saved the email or at least meant
to save it.  I was almost positive it was the CentOS list that I saw the
post(s).  I know it wasn't Fedora, because I don't read any groups for that.
 It wasn't Knoppix.  It was definitely a LiveCD/DVD.
CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Running From Live DVD & Keeping Settings Between Boots

2008-11-10 Thread Brent L. Bates
 Someone posted how to use a memory card (USB or another kind) to save
settings between boots of a Live CD/DVD.  I believe it was posted not too long
ago and I thought I had kept the email, but now that I'm looking for the
information, I can not find it.  I've done some searching and I either get way
too many hits or way too few, none of which are what I'm looking for.  Does
anyone remember that post and can forward that message to me?  Thanks.


  Brent L. Bates (UNIX Sys. Admin.)
  M.S. 912  Phone:(757) 865-1400, x204
  NASA Langley Research CenterFAX:(757) 865-8177
  Hampton, Virginia  23681-0001

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] looking for good web based DNS script to check nameservers

2008-10-14 Thread Brent L. Bates
 FYI.  I tried the Web site Robert Spangler posted:

We failed some of their tests because THEIR DNS isn't set up properly.


  Brent L. Bates (UNIX Sys. Admin.)
  M.S. 912  Phone:(757) 865-1400, x204
  NASA Langley Research CenterFAX:(757) 865-8177
  Hampton, Virginia  23681-0001

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Checking last shutdown state

2008-08-14 Thread Brent L. Bates
 Does your UPS software have any logging capabilities?  I know APC's
PowerChute+ software logs everything it does.  There would be an entry in it's
logs saying it was doing a clean shutdown.  The system logs may also have
something about the time the system shutdown too.


  Brent L. Bates (UNIX Sys. Admin.)
  M.S. 912  Phone:(757) 865-1400, x204
  NASA Langley Research CenterFAX:(757) 865-8177
  Hampton, Virginia  23681-0001

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] semi OT: logwatch results

2008-07-18 Thread Brent L. Bates
 We've been seeing the same type of entries in our Web server logs for at
least a couple months now and not just a few entires.  It isn't just
`azenv.php', but references to other PHP files that do not exist on our
systems.  They've hit some of our servers so hard I figured it must be some
kind of attempt to break in or a weird kind of DOS attack.


  Brent L. Bates (UNIX Sys. Admin.)
  M.S. 912  Phone:(757) 865-1400, x204
  NASA Langley Research CenterFAX:(757) 865-8177
  Hampton, Virginia  23681-0001

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] ext3 filesystems larger than 8TB

2008-05-05 Thread Brent L. Bates
 I believe Florin Andrei had a typo in his message.  No other file system
will be as reliable as *XFS*.  I've had XFS recover from system failures that
Ext3 would/could not recover from.  If you want dependability, reliability,
and also large file systems, only use XFS.  You'll find none better.  You
should also be using the 64 bit kernels as well, but then, you want that for a
whole lot other reasons anyways.


  Brent L. Bates (UNIX Sys. Admin.)
  M.S. 912  Phone:(757) 865-1400, x204
  NASA Langley Research CenterFAX:(757) 865-8177
  Hampton, Virginia  23681-0001

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Force sendmail outbound routing for specific domain name

2008-04-10 Thread Brent L. Bates
 Your problem sounds like it has nothing to do with sendmail, but with any
IP traffic.  Does the other company have a Web or FTP site at the same IP
address or with in the same class C?  If so, when email doesn't work, I bet
neither of these work either.  I've seen this happen before.  The ISP isn't
properly routing traffic between your two networks.  I'm not sure you if you
could put in a static route that would by pass your ISP's faulty routing
tables or not.  I'm betting probably not.


  Brent L. Bates (UNIX Sys. Admin.)
  M.S. 912  Phone:(757) 865-1400, x204
  NASA Langley Research CenterFAX:(757) 865-8177
  Hampton, Virginia  23681-0001

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Re: sendmail aliases

2008-04-02 Thread Brent L. Bates
 The excuse given for removing the automatic update of the aliases
database file was that it was a security issue.  The thought was that someone
could tapper with the file and cause problems.  However, all these files are
checked for proper file permissions and if they are not set correctly,
sendmail will not work or at least give a warning.  If someone nasty has
permission to change the aliases text file, then they have permission to reck
a lot more havoc on your system anyways and this change isn't going to help

 Personally, having sendmail do it itself is safer than me doing it
manually.  What if I'm in the process of updating the file at the same moment
sendmail needs it.  Sendmail could read a partial file and cause more
problems.  I see this already with the access file.  With sendmail doing it on
it's own, I don't have to worry about it.  It will update it when it needs to.
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] sendmail aliases

2008-04-02 Thread Brent L. Bates
 Actually it *IS* a source change.  The `confAUTO_REBUILD' option has been
deleted from the sendmail source files for some time now.  One can put that
option in the configuration file, but it will not be used because
it isn't in the source any more.  I've double checked this and have looked at
the source.  Now, I suppose if one isn't using a current version of sendmail,
then this option may still be in the version you are using.
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] sendmail aliases

2008-04-02 Thread Brent L. Bates
 Sendmail used to automatically compare creation dates of the text and
database aliases files and when the text one was newer than the database one,
sendmail would automatically update the database file at a convenient time.
 This made a lot of sense.  However, the powers that be decided to break this
great feature and removed it.  I copied it back into to source we use.


  Brent L. Bates (UNIX Sys. Admin.)
  M.S. 912  Phone:(757) 865-1400, x204
  NASA Langley Research CenterFAX:(757) 865-8177
  Hampton, Virginia  23681-0001

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Enterprisable IP Camera recording/monitoring software

2008-03-20 Thread Brent L. Bates
 The problem with the script is that it currently only works on SGI's.  I
haven't had a chance to try and find/build/install Linux/Open Source
equivalents.  On SGI's, there is one command to take a list of JPEG files and
dump out a single Quick Time file.
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Enterprisable IP Camera recording/monitoring software

2008-03-20 Thread Brent L. Bates
 Go to:

pick out and buy the camera that matches your needs.  We've been using one of
these cameras for a number of years and they work great.  We can set up the
camera to automatically send image files to a server on a preset schedule and
rate.  With some home grown scripts, we convert the images to movie files for
 We first tried a D-LINK camera before the AXIS, but it just doesn't work
well at all and often goes out to lunch for no apparent reason.
 Hope this helps some.


  Brent L. Bates (UNIX Sys. Admin.)
  M.S. 912  Phone:(757) 865-1400, x204
  NASA Langley Research CenterFAX:(757) 865-8177
  Hampton, Virginia  23681-0001

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Recommended software for mail greylist?

2008-02-29 Thread Brent L. Bates
 We've been using milter-greylist:

for almost a year now and it works great.  I looked over a number of other
options and I believe this was the only one that was a compiled executable.  I
think all the other ones I found were scripts and I wanted something faster.


  Brent L. Bates (UNIX Sys. Admin.)
  M.S. 912  Phone:(757) 865-1400, x204
  NASA Langley Research CenterFAX:(757) 865-8177
  Hampton, Virginia  23681-0001

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] "multi-boot" drive partitioning

2007-12-18 Thread Brent L. Bates
 One good thing about a spare UNPLUGGED machine is in case of a lightning
strike.  We had a customer site get hit by or near by lighting.  The unplugged
spare wasn't connect in any way shape or form to anything.  No power cord, no
network connections, nothing.  After the strike, they were having problems
with their industrial systems and blamed it on the computers we installed.  We
took the spare system that wasn't plugged into anything, started it up, and
things still didn't work.  This proved that our system wasn't the problem.  It
turned out to be their hardware that didn't have adequate surge protection.


  Brent L. Bates (UNIX Sys. Admin.)
  M.S. 912  Phone:(757) 865-1400, x204
  NASA Langley Research CenterFAX:(757) 865-8177
  Hampton, Virginia  23681-0001

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] remote ssh to machine how display firefox

2007-12-10 Thread Brent L. Bates
 I've looked over the man page for `ssh' and `ssh_config' on several
systems and I think people have it backwards.  The pages I read indicate that
`-X' is more secure than `-Y'.  Under the `-X' part on several systems I have
access to says:

"For this reason, X11 forwarding is subjected to X11 SECURITY
 extension restrictions by default."

 The `-Y' says:

"Trusted X11 forwardings are not subjected to the X11 SECURITY
 extension controls."

 I would think being subjected to security controls would be more secure
than not being subjected to them.


  Brent L. Bates (UNIX Sys. Admin.)
  M.S. 912  Phone:(757) 865-1400, x204
  NASA Langley Research CenterFAX:(757) 865-8177
  Hampton, Virginia  23681-0001

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Re: SCSI bad block table display

2007-12-06 Thread Brent L. Bates
 Hugh Cruickshank, you are not mistaken.  SCSI drives do keep bad block
information on the drive.  I've also been using this for YEARS on SGI's under
IRIX.  Under IRIX, the command `fx' is used to partition SCSI drives, exercise
them, format them (which is something one never does to SCSI drives), spare
out bad blocks, list the bad block table, etc., etc..


  Brent L. Bates (UNIX Sys. Admin.)
  M.S. 912  Phone:(757) 865-1400, x204
  NASA Langley Research CenterFAX:(757) 865-8177
  Hampton, Virginia  23681-0001

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Problems reading a backup data DVD

2007-08-21 Thread Brent L. Bates
 The desktop icon only means you have a drive, it doesn't mean a disc is


  Brent L. Bates (UNIX Sys. Admin.)
  M.S. 912  Phone:(757) 865-1400, x204
  NASA Langley Research CenterFAX:(757) 865-8177
  Hampton, Virginia  23681-0001

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Adding Things to Rescue Mode

2007-08-14 Thread Brent L. Bates
 I'd like to add a few things to rescue mode.  I'm tired of having to use
a floppy with hardware drivers when ever I need to go into rescue mode and
there are a few other utilities that I'd like to add as well.  How would I go
about doing this?  Any pointers to FAQ's or "How to's"?  I've done some
searching, but haven't found anything recent enough to be useful.  Thanks for
any help.


  Brent L. Bates (UNIX Sys. Admin.)
  M.S. 912  Phone:(757) 865-1400, x204
  NASA Langley Research CenterFAX:(757) 865-8177
  Hampton, Virginia  23681-0001

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] The CentOS-Plus kernel

2007-08-09 Thread Brent L. Bates
 Is the CentOS-Plus kernel included in any of the CD or DVD ISO's?
 Looking over the Web site, I couldn't tell.


  Brent L. Bates (UNIX Sys. Admin.)
  M.S. 912  Phone:(757) 865-1400, x204
  NASA Langley Research CenterFAX:(757) 865-8177
  Hampton, Virginia  23681-0001

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] CentOS things to mod for VMware server

2007-08-06 Thread Brent L. Bates
 I wouldn't use any other file system than XFS as it is the most reliable
file system out there.  We've been using XFS on a x86 system for over a year
now and haven't had any file system problems.  It has actually saved us on
occasion.  From what I've read, people have only reported problems when they
pile layer upon layer of stuff on their disks.  Logical volumes, NFS, etc.,
etc..  We are using XFS on RAID drives, both RAID 1 and 0, and the only extra
item we add is NFS.  Before our Linux boxes, we've used XFS on SGI's for
probably over a decade of dependable and reliable service.


  Brent L. Bates (UNIX Sys. Admin.)
  M.S. 912  Phone:(757) 865-1400, x204
  NASA Langley Research CenterFAX:(757) 865-8177
  Hampton, Virginia  23681-0001

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] dumb sendmail question -- how to get outbound messages to use "" instead of hostname?

2007-07-02 Thread Brent L. Bates
 Since you are using NAT, the important IP address and host name
associated with it is the one the outside world sees.  Does that IP address
have a host name the world sees and does that name then resolve to the same IP


  Brent L. Bates (UNIX Sys. Admin.)
  M.S. 912  Phone:(757) 865-1400, x204
  NASA Langley Research CenterFAX:(757) 865-8177
  Hampton, Virginia  23681-0001

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] dumb sendmail question -- how to get outbound messages to use "" instead of hostname?

2007-07-02 Thread Brent L. Bates
 On our servers here are some lines referring to our domain.
 May be they will help.  These are from our main server:

FEATURE(`smart_host_domain',` ')dnl

These are from our slave servers:

FEATURE(`smart_host_domain',` ')dnl

 Good luck.
CentOS mailing list