Under bash, I have a function defined like so:
  function ss () {
    screen -t $1 ssh $*

Then, I simply type:
  ss hostname 

If I need to pass any options, then I simply stick it on the end, and
the resulting screen window is named the hostname.  If you do not want
the fqdn, then use the .ssh/config file to set up aliases using the


On Mon, Feb 23, 2009 at 10:31:25AM -0600, Sean Carolan wrote to To CentOS 
mailing list:
> Anyone know if this is possible with GNU screen?

> I would like to have a macro or keyboard shortcut whereby the
> following actions are performed:

> 1.  Open new screen window (CTRL-A C)
> 2.  ssh to some $host
> 3.  Rename current screen as $host (CTRL-A A $host)

> I can see that typing "screen" while within a screen session opens a
> new window, however I'm not clear on how to automate steps 2 and 3.
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Don Harper, RHCE <d...@duckland.org>        http://www.donaldharper.com/

    Before enlightenment chop wood and carry water. After enlightenment,
                                      chop wood and carry water. - Wu Li

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