Re: [CentOS] changing subscribed email address?

2020-09-02 Thread Jake Shipton
2020-09-02 (水) の 14:30 -0400 に Fred Smith さんは書きました:
> hi!
> I'm going to move soonand will lose this email address, so I'm going
> around
> all my various sbuscriptions changing the subscribed email address.
> But I don't see how to do that for the CentOS lists, other than
> perhaps
> to unsubscribe then re-subscribe.
> Can anyone out enlighten me?
> Thanks in advance!
> Fred


Attached to the footer of every message on the list features the
following link:

You can use this to manage your subscription (Scroll down the page).

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] How to Migrate Wordpress Website from 32-bit CentOS Linux 6.3 to 64-bit CentOS Linux 8.2 (2004)

2020-08-31 Thread Jake Shipton
2020-08-31 (月) の 13:31 + に Turritopsis Dohrnii Teo En Ming
> SECTION 4 Disable SELinux (Security Enhanced Linux)
> ===
> You MUST disable SELinux, otherwise Apache web server will not work.
> If you DO NOT want to disable SELinux, you must be an expert in
> SELinux to configure SELinux.
Don't do this. You don't need to be an expert to configure SELinux, if
you install setroubleshootd then 9 times out of 10 it will tell you how
to fix something SELinux is blocking, and when that doesn't work,
there's always DuckDuckGo if you're not sure.

SELinux may be daunting to a newcomer, but just like Apparmor on
Debian, it's well worth reading about and learning the security
advantages it provides.

I always advise both security methods are left enabled where a
distribution supports them. (not at the same time.)

> SECTION 5 Disable firewalld Software Firewall
> =
> Because already protected by Fortigate firewall at the perimeter.
> # systemctl disable firewalld
> # reboot
This is another big security no-no. Never disable the firewall, even if
that system is behind another system. Configure the firewall correctly
in all cases and have it enabled.

After all, if someone breaks through your "Fortigate Firewall", your
system will be wide open to anyone who gets inside.

Honestly, I believe after reading this tutorial, your system would be
wide open for easy attack and hijacking. Your tutorial is a little
scary to read.. Just sayin... :-O.

But keep studying and practising, and look deeper into the various ways
to secure a system correctly, such as not installing/running things you
don't need and not unnecessarily disabling things.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] yum errors

2015-12-07 Thread Jake Shipton
t has several lines of hosts with a number.
> On the box I’m have yum update issues, it is blank.  ??
> -wes
> ___
> CentOS mailing list


I wasn't sure if I should reply to you as you seem to be doing a pretty
good job of helping your self here :-D.

But jokes aside, can you do a couple of checks?

Firstly, let's make sure this machine actually has a network connection
I've actually seen people spend hours trying to fix issues like yours
only to find they had no outside network connection..

$ ping

Do you get a ping response? If not, check network settings. If you do,
move on..

$ ping

Does the domain resolve correctly? If not, check DNS settings. If you
do, move on..

Assuming both of those have worked, can you do the following:

$ mkdir temporary
$ cd temporary
$ wget

(Don't miss those quotes on the url, they are needed to ensure the &'s
do not confuse BASH/ZSH)

Now, what happened? Did it connect and download correctly? If so do the

$ cat index.html\?release=6\&arch=x86_64\&repo=os\&infra=stock

You should basically get the mirror list:

With all of the above checks did you get expecting results including
domain resolution, ping response and the mirror list contents?

Kind Regards,
Jake Shipton (JakeMS)
Twitter: @CrazyLinuxNerd
GPG Key: 0xE3C31D8F
GPG Fingerprint: 7515 CC63 19BD 06F9 400A DE8A 1D0B A5CF E3C3 1D8F
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Using typescript as a default shell?

2015-12-07 Thread Jake Shipton
Benjamin Smith wrote:
> On Monday, December 07, 2015 01:29:54 PM Frank Cox wrote:
>> Benjamin Smith wrote:
>>> Is it possible to use 'script' command that records what happens in a
>>> session as the default shell? How could you deal with multiple logins at
>>> once? What about output from rsync and the like?
>> What problem are you attempting to solve?  Have you looked at the bash
>> 'history' command?
> We'd like to have an auditable history of what happened on production 
> servers, 
> kept for a period of time. (perhaps a week?) It's a very busy production 
> environment, but the only shell-level access to the systems are 
> administrative, but having a history of activity as well as the output would 
> have been highly valuable this morning to verify that a mistake that might 
> have been made was. (or wasn't!)
> I'm familiar with `history`but it has a few problems: 
> 1) You only see the commands entered. 
> 2) You only see the commands in other shells after you log out.
> 3) You don't see the output from the commands. 
> 4) Histories can be lost altogether if the shell exits abnormally. (EG tcp 
> timeout) 
> I was thinking of a shell script something like (PSEUDO code) 
> #! /bin/sh
> LOGFILE=`date --format='Ymd:Hms'`; 
> script /var/log/histories/root.$LOGFILE
> exit $? 
> And putting it as the shell in /etc/passwd, but this *has* to be the kind of 
> thing that somebody else has done, right? 
> ___
> CentOS mailing list


While not solving all your problems ZSH may be of help. With ZSH you can
configure it to save history immediately upon command being entered and
therefore never lose the history. Although, you can still lose it if
someone purposely deletes it. But then the same can be applied to any
shell logger.

Additionally this means recent commands will be in the history file as
soon as they run, thus you do not have to close the shell in order to
view the recent commands run.

Using .zshrc it's simply the case of using "setopts inc_appendhistory"
to get that functionality.

Although getting used to a whole new shell could be a bit of a challenge
if you are very used to BASH.

There's also many other features which may be helpful to you. Such as
time stamps and shared history.

Search "history" on this page to see more:

I personally use ZSH where-ever possible as I personally find it to be
better than BASH, however this is more of a preference than anything.

Good luck though :-)

Kind Regards,
Jake Shipton (JakeMS)
Twitter: @CrazyLinuxNerd
GPG Key: 0xE3C31D8F
GPG Fingerprint: 7515 CC63 19BD 06F9 400A DE8A 1D0B A5CF E3C3 1D8F
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] About CentOS Marks

2015-12-07 Thread Jake Shipton
Takuya Yamamoto wrote:
> Hello
> According to above, I found following message.
> --
> Notwithstanding anything to the contrary provided in these Guidelines, the 
> following are examples of unacceptable uses:
> 1.Use of the CentOS Marks in connection with commercial redistribution of 
> CentOS software
> --
> I have a question.
> What means "Use of the CentOS Marks"?
> For example,
> While CentOS is booting up, CentOS show the CentOS logo on Full screen.
> Is it unacceptable? Or acceptable?
> If commercial redistribution of CentOS software, Developer have to hide this 
> logo?
> For example,
> CentOS System is working, user can show the "CentOS" text words on console.
> Is it unacceptable? Or acceptable?
> ---
> Yamamoto Takuya


I'll try to answer this for you, however please note I am not a lawyer
and do not hold an authoritative position of the CentOS distribution. I
am just a regular user like you.

I'm fairly certain in most cases that using CentOS and its trademarks
are perfectly acceptable and allowed for example if you are doing the
two options above.

However, you will run into a problem if you modify CentOS Sources, for
example making a derivative distribution (like CentOS is to RHEL) then
tried to call it "CentOS Scientific Linux" and tried to sell it as your
own work. In this case you would have to rebrand to "Scientific Linux"
and cannot (legally) use the CentOS trademarks in this case.

This is also for the same reason CentOS is called "Community Enterprise
Operating System" instead of "Red Hat Enterprise Linux Community Edition".

So if you had plans to remake or alter CentOS in major ways (Source code
editing) to redistribute as your own work, you cannot call it CentOS.

However, if you are for example working for a commercial employer you
are free to install, setup, configure and run CentOS on any commercial
or non-commercial machine at any time without risk of breaking the
trademark rules.

In the case that you need additional software included with your
installation media then a self-made repository is probably the best
option as you can legally include a "kickstart"[1] file with your
installation media to include the extra repository and install the extra

I hope this is able to answer your question.


Kind Regards,
Jake Shipton
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Software RAID1 Drives

2015-10-07 Thread Jake Shipton
On 07/10/15 23:14, Matt wrote:
> I have 3 4TB WD drives I want to put in a RAID1 array.
> Two WD4000FYYZ
> and
> One WD4000F9YZ
> All enterprise class but two are WD Re and one is WD Se.  I ordered
> the first two thinking 2 drives in the raid array would be sufficient
> but later decided its a long drive to the server so I would rather
> have 3 drives and ordered a third in accidentally did not get EXACT
> same thing.  Would there be ANY issues mixing these?

You probably won't have any issues from doing this so long as spin
speed, cache size and storage size match. Although if using a RAID card
they can sometimes be a bit more picky about the replacement drive you
give them.

We had one of our mail servers hard drives kick the bucket after 3 years
active service, originally it had two Toshiba DT01ACA200's it now has 1x
Toshiba DT01ACA200 and 1x HGST HUS724020ALA640 as we didn't have any
Toshiba's around.

Either way, the drive was added to the array, it rebuilt with mdraid and
has been running fine with no problems for almost 3 months now.

If using different drives were to cause issues, that would almost
certainly have triggered it as it was a different manufacture and all.

Naturally though make sure your drives match to a degree, aka, all are
the same spin speed, have same buffer size, same storage size etc.

But aside from that, you can almost stick any drive in and it'll rebuild
and work using mdraid.

Kind Regards,
Jake Shipton (JakeMS)
Twitter: @CrazyLinuxNerd
GPG Key: 0xE3C31D8F
GPG Fingerprint: 7515 CC63 19BD 06F9 400A DE8A 1D0B A5CF E3C3 1D8F
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Fedora change that will probably affect RHEL

2015-07-25 Thread Jake Shipton
On 25/07/15 18:24, Scott Robbins wrote:
> On Sat, Jul 25, 2015 at 11:16:18AM -0600, Chris Murphy wrote:
>> On Sat, Jul 25, 2015 at 9:40 AM, Scott Robbins  wrote:
>>> This might show up twice, I think I sent it from a bad address previously.
>>> If so, please accept my apologies.
>>>  In Fedora 22, one developer (and only one) decided that if the password
>>>  chosen during installation wasn't of sufficient strength, the install
>>>  wouldn't continue.  A bug was filed, and there was also a great deal of
>>>  aggravation about it on the Fedora testing list.  So, it was dropped.
>>>  However, like a US (and probably other countries) politician who has one
>>>  bad law suddenly exposed, it seems they are doing it for F23, judging from
>>>  a test installation. I've filed a bug if anyone wants to chime in and ask
>>>  them not to do it.
>> This is a good write up on the story:
>> And the proposal for Fedora 23:
>> And the discussion for Workstation's behavior:
> Kevin Fenzi responded to my post on Fedora testing saying that at least it
> is  FESCO decisions this time, not just a one man one, and asked for
> patience.  (My knee-jerk response is why are they even discussing it after
> last time, but I refrained.)  Thank you for the links Chris.

I can certainly see why it can annoy certain people.

I think a better solution to suite both worlds would be to simply have a
boot flag on the installation media such as maybe
"passwordcheck=true/false" to enable/disable the strength and check
features of password entry and simply show a text box (and confirm) if
it is disabled without any password checking.

This way those who need the check disabled for quick deployments can do
so and put a stronger password in later at their own time and choosing.

Meanwhile those who wish to have the password checked can also do so.

Thus, both people happy :-).

Personally, I am neither against the idea, nor for it. It doesn't affect
me as I usually use strong passwords regardless.

Kind Regards,
Jake Shipton (JakeMS)
Twitter: @CrazyLinuxNerd
GPG Key: 0xE3C31D8F
GPG Fingerprint: 7515 CC63 19BD 06F9 400A DE8A 1D0B A5CF E3C3 1D8F
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] ClamAV reports a trojan

2015-04-18 Thread Jake Shipton
Hash: SHA1

On 16/04/15 16:01, James B. Byrne wrote:
> This morning I discovered this in my clamav report from one of our 
> imap servers:
> /usr/share/nmap/scripts/irc-unrealircd-backdoor.nse: 
> Unix.Trojan.MSShellcode-21 FOUND
> I have looked at this script and it appears to be part of the nmap 
> distribution.  It actually tests for irc backdoors.  IRC is not
> used here and its ports are blocked by default both at the gateway
> and on all internal hosts.
> However, I none-the-less copied that file, removed namp,
> re-installed nmap from base, and diffed the file of the same name
> installed with nmap against the copy.  They are identical.
> The question is: Do I have a problem here or a false positive?
> I am not sure why nmap is on that host but evidently I had some
> reason last October to use it from that server.  In any case I am
> going to remove it for good, or at least until the reason I had it
> there reoccurs or is recalled to mind.


I believe this is definitely a false positive.

Our mail server (CentOS 6.6) is reporting the very same "Trojan" on
the very same file. I've already done our investigation and came to
the conclusion it is a false positive based on a verification of files
from RPMDB and also our intrusion detection system has not detected
any changed files in /usr/share/ since before and after said "trojan"

Top that with two people seeing the same thing at the same time in two
completely different machines/companies chances are high its a false

Hope this helps set your mind at ease :-).

Kind Regards,
Jake Shipton (JakeMS)
Twitter: @CrazyLinuxNerd
GPG Key: 0xE3C31D8F
GPG Fingerprint: 7515 CC63 19BD 06F9 400A DE8A 1D0B A5CF E3C3 1D8F
Version: GnuPG v2.0.22 (GNU/Linux)

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] can i skip this in backups

2015-01-26 Thread Jake Shipton
On 26/01/15 17:27, John R Pierce wrote:
> On 1/26/2015 6:54 AM, wrote:
>> Is it ok to skip /run/log/journal/ in backups
> there is no directory /run/  on a stock centos system.

I think he means /var/run/log/journal/

Which is included on a stock centos system.

Kind Regards,
Jake Shipton (JakeMS)
GPG Key: 0xE3C31D8F
GPG Fingerprint: 7515 CC63 19BD 06F9 400A DE8A 1D0B A5CF E3C3 1D8F
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Happy New Year!

2015-01-01 Thread Jake Shipton
On 31/12/14 22:12, Ljubomir Ljubojevic wrote:
> On behalf of the CentOS project I wish you Happy New Year!
> Happy New Year!

Happy New Year all! I hope you all have a great new year!

(I know I'm a little late to the party... but hey, better late than

Kind Regards,
Jake Shipton (JakeMS)
GPG Key: 0xE3C31D8F
GPG Fingerprint: 7515 CC63 19BD 06F9 400A DE8A 1D0B A5CF E3C3 1D8F
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] CentOS 6 - httpd 2.2.29

2014-12-17 Thread Jake Shipton
On 16/12/14 18:15, Alexander Dalloz wrote:
> Am 16.12.2014 um 16:03 schrieb For@ll:
>> On 15.12.2014 12:50, Steve Clark wrote:
>>> On 12/15/2014 05:51 AM, For@ll wrote:
>>>> Hi
>>>> I had a two repo for cento6 where I can download httpd 2.2.29,
>>>> (baseurl=$basearch/) and
>>>> baseurl=$basearch
>>>> For now this repo is not active, any other repo have 2.2.29 rpm which I
>>>> can add to my repo
>>> Have you tried
>> Stephen I add this repo but I can't find them httpd 2.2.29 only in
>> 2.2.15 version...
> What do you expect from Apache 2.2.29 in contrast to the version
> provided by CentOS?
> If it is just about to get the latest release you probably haven't heard
> about
> There is no real need to use 2.2.29 opposed to 2.2.15 from CentOS.
> Alexander
> ___
> CentOS mailing list

Hi Alex,

In this situation 2.2.29 actually does offer an advantage over CentOS
version 2.2.15.

The version provided by CentOS does not support Forward Secrecy for SSL
or TLS 1.2.

Version 2.2.24+ of upstream Apache includes patches which enable both
Forward Secrecy and TLS 1.2.

Now that C6's OpenSSL can also support both TLS 1.2, and Forward
Secrecy, upgrading Apache slightly to be able to use both of those is a
very viable option.

Although, in my case I cheat, I compile my own 2.2.29 RPM and then apply
any missing patches and new security patches from RHEL sources myself to
get the best of both worlds.

Kind Regards,
Jake Shipton (JakeMS)
GPG Key: 0xE3C31D8F
GPG Fingerprint: 7515 CC63 19BD 06F9 400A DE8A 1D0B A5CF E3C3 1D8F
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] CROSS-LIST Notice: Changes in EPEL

2014-11-05 Thread Jake Shipton
On 05/11/14 07:04, Michael Schumacher wrote:
> Hi,
> Tuesday, November 4, 2014, 1:43:50 PM, you wrote:
>> TL;DR: There are a large number of orphaned/unmaintained packages in
>> EPEL across the 5, 6, and 7 trees. These packages will be removed from
>> EPEL unless they are picked up by a packager. Packages that *depend* on
>> an orphaned package will be removed as well to ensure repo-closure.
> sorry for being so ignorant. I try to figure out what impact that has
> on a running system. I expect that this package cannot be updated from
> now on, but I hope that nothing catastrophic for an existing
> installation happens.
> Is that assumption correct?
>  best regards
> ---
> Michael Schumacher
> ___
> CentOS mailing list
Hi Michael,

Yes, in almost all situations running systems will never be affected by
a package being dropped from a repository.

If a system already has the package installed, and said package is
already working then the package being removed from the repository
should have no affect on your system what-so-ever.

However the following will be broken:

1) Automated kickstart installations which connect to EPEL to grab the
package as it won't be able to find the package to install it.

2) The ability to install the package on a new/reinstalled system (yum
install package)

3) The ability to reinstall the package (yum reinstall package)

4) The ability to get updated versions of the package (yum update package)

Aside from the above, it should not brake anything else.

The only time I think it would become an issue is if you updated from
say EL8.0 to EL8.1 and the existing package stopped being compatible for
some reason or other. This would mean the package would not receive an
update to fix the compatibility unless someone grabbed the orphaned
package and started to maintain it again, or you fixed it yourself.

I'd recommend grabbing any orphaned package RPMs and SRPMs so you can
still use them later if needed.

Either that or volunteer to maintain the package you need :-).

Hope this clears things up for you :-).

Kind Regards,
Jake Shipton (JakeMS)
GPG Key: 0xE3C31D8F
GPG Fingerprint: 7515 CC63 19BD 06F9 400A DE8A 1D0B A5CF E3C3 1D8F
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Need to Understand booting process of CENTOS-7

2014-10-03 Thread Jake Shipton
On 01/10/14 11:58, Emmanuel Noobadmin wrote:
> It's very simple actually. The first step in the booting process of
> CENTOS-7 is the application of emf to the system, following which it
> would initiate the cmos process to load the GPT from disk and hand
> over to LILO which will bootstrap the kernel from the file allocation
> table into the high memory area before running systemd to complete the
> booting process.

Yup :D.

See simple.

Or at least, simple to you and me, and most sys admins who know Linux
and computers well (To be fair, if you're a decent Linux admin, you
probably do).

But to a newcomer, the above would just be a random blob of text which
makes them give you a blank stare.

Also, not necessarily over to Lilo, could go to grub or grub2 or any
other bootloader... depends on the system configuration ;-)

Kind Regards,
Jake Shipton (JakeMS)
GPG Key: 0xE3C31D8F
GPG Fingerprint: 7515 CC63 19BD 06F9 400A DE8A 1D0B A5CF E3C3 1D8F
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] xfce on CentOS 7: can't lock screen

2014-09-28 Thread Jake Shipton
On 28/09/14 03:43, Devin Reade wrote:
> Ok, trying to bypass the usual flames (I used CDE for years, then 
> KDE until it got dumbed-down too much, and we all know how GNOME 
> has turned out) ... I've decided to try out xfce on CentOS 7.
> I grabbed xfce from epel by installing the following via yum: 
> epel-release @xfce
> So far it's pretty good, and is giving me the basic features I'm
> looking at without getting in my way.  However, I can't seem to get
> the damned screen lock function to work.
> Leaving the monitor idle doesn't generally do anything. (Although
> just now, after having left it for a few hours, I got a blank
> screen with a few vertical narrow white bars that wouldn't respond
> to any key or mouse movement.  Switching to a text console and back
> to the graphics console, however, brought up the xfce desktop
> again, but with no screen lock prompt.)
> If I select the 'Lock Screen' menu item from the top right corner 
> of the screen it does nothing; doesn't lock the screen, provides no
> feedback that there's a problem, etc.
> The page 
> <>
describes (for XFCE) bring up "Settings Manager" => "Screen Saver", but
> there is no "Screen Saver" option in the Settings Manager.
> A clue stick would be appreciated.
> Devin
> ___ CentOS mailing
> list 

I also use XFCE4 :-).

My solution was to install xscreensaver and configure/install that.

You can find it in nux's repo :-).

Make sure you start the daemon by running "xscreensaver" in terminal.

use the command "xscreensaver-command -prefs" to configure your options.

Once everything is running it should work!

Good luck :-)

Kind Regards,
Jake Shipton (JakeMS)
GPG Key: 0xE3C31D8F
GPG Fingerprint: 7515 CC63 19BD 06F9 400A DE8A 1D0B A5CF E3C3 1D8F
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Critical update for bash released today.

2014-09-26 Thread Jake Shipton
On 26/09/14 11:54, Johnny Hughes wrote:
> On 09/25/2014 01:49 AM, James Hogarth wrote:
> If you absolutely must run an EL4 workload, please do not do it on
> CentOS-4 and instead pay for and upgrade to RHEL-4 ELS as described in
> the above link from February 2012.  CentOS-4 is unsafe .. don't use it
> .. don't do it .. please.

CentOS4 is perfectly safe to use :).

.. If it's in a Virtual Machine with no network access :).

Kind Regards,
Jake Shipton (JakeMS)
GPG Key: 0xE3C31D8F
GPG Fingerprint: 7515 CC63 19BD 06F9 400A DE8A 1D0B A5CF E3C3 1D8F
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] CentOS Update

2014-09-26 Thread Jake Shipton
On 26/09/14 09:44, Gökhan Öztürk wrote:
> Hello. Previously debian, ubuntu, opensuse, I've used. But I'm new to CentOS
> too. I do not install desktop environment. Servers want to learn. I can not
> update the system. I could not so I researched. I give the following command
> . "yum update". I get the error. I'm working on a virtual machine. (I do
> not know English. Translation I wrote using.)
>   One of the configured repositories failed (hand),
> Connot find a valid baseurl for repo: base / 7x86_64
> "vi" with CentOS-Base.repo, CentOS-Debuginfo.repo, CentOS-Vault.repo, CentOS
> -Sources.repo files "enabled = 1" line as I did. But "soft repolist all"
> command when I type "status = 0" is displayed.


Sounds to me like the repository files have been altered which is
causing these errors.

You could try "yum clean all; yum update --disablerepo=*hand*" just to
see if you can get any sort of updates.

If not, it sounds like your repository files have been modified in some way.

Check your repository files, each repository should have a line similar
to this:


If this line is present, but different (Excluding the repo= part), for
example pointing at a non-centos domain and location it would mean that
they have been modified which is causing these errors you are receiving.

Hope this helps :-).

Kind Regards,
Jake Shipton (JakeMS)
GPG Key: 0xE3C31D8F
GPG Fingerprint: 7515 CC63 19BD 06F9 400A DE8A 1D0B A5CF E3C3 1D8F
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] firefox: annoyance

2014-09-25 Thread Jake Shipton
On 25/09/14 18:18, wrote:
> Jake Shipton wrote:
>> Guess it's the old "if it ain't American, it ain't right"
>> attitude? :-).
> Don't be absurd. How 'bout "can we be sure that no one's inserted
> nasties into the code?" How 'bout "who else has looked at and
> compared the code to the project source?"
> *I* would trust Nux... but a) I can't speak or set policy for my 
> organization[1][2], and b) I wouldn't feel comfortable committing
> my organization to use it, and urging it on my users of my
> division, and then someone hacks his repo.
> As an admin I used to work with liked to say, he was paid to be 
> professionally paranoid.

Fair enough, same reason I do not use Windows at all anywhere :-).

>> A suggestion for your picky boss: Custom repository.
> We have our own repo. However, there's *2.x* of us (my manager's
> working with another Institute too much of the time these days),
> and we do NOT want to have to maintain packages (don't even *ask*
> me about my packaging of BioPerl). We want to yum update from
> trusted repos

Yeah, I know the feeling of that, I am the only IT guy in our company
my job usually includes:

1) Build systems
2) Configure servers
3) Maintain servers
4) Configure desktops
5) Maintain desktops
6) Develop any homemade applications when and where necessary
7) Develop and maintain website
8) Process and deliver online orders
9) Reply to customer support emails
10) Occasionally be on shop front (Mostly weekends) and directly deal
with customers.
11) Anything else as and where needed.

Basically.. everything as I am part of a 3-way business partnership
which only has 3 people working (Self employed).

I literally work from when I wake up to when I go to bed.

So I know what it's like to not have many people doing stuff, and I
know it can be done, so maintaining your own repository is actually
quite easy when there is two of you if you set up email notifications
etc of when new packages are released, and assuming you don't put far
to many packages in your own repo and keep it to the odd one or two
where needed you should be able to maintain it fairly easily. :-)

>> This way each machine has the repository, and can install the
>> extra packages.
> *snicker* Each machine. Right, I'm going to put a repo on ever
> single server and workstation... and then maintain it. When nobody
> actually works on their workstation, the work is supposed to be
> done on servers, with home directories NFS mounted
> You're joking, right? 

Nope quite serious, regarding installing the repo on the machines,
create your own "release" package, then it's just the case of yum
install .

If you use PXE booting for new installs, just include it on the
kickstart file and it will automatically be installed to any new systems.

After that initial setup, you just install and update the packages the
same as you would with any other repository package.

Besides, I'm just offering a simple solution to your problem...

Kind Regards,
Jake Shipton (JakeMS)
GPG Key: 0xE3C31D8F
GPG Fingerprint: 7515 CC63 19BD 06F9 400A DE8A 1D0B A5CF E3C3 1D8F
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] firefox: annoyance

2014-09-25 Thread Jake Shipton
On 25/09/14 17:42, wrote:
> Nicolas Thierry-Mieg wrote:
>> On 09/25/2014 05:49 PM, wrote:
>>> Tom Bishop wrote:
>>>> I like the look of palemoon, I am going to drop an email to
>>>> Nux and see if we can get it added to his repo.
>>> Maybe we can get it into extras? I mentioned something from his
>>> repo to my manager, who understandably balked at a Russian
>>> server (this is a US gov't agency (non-DoD) that we work
>>> at
>>, that's Romania not Russia.
> Thanks, I sit (and type) corrected. There was something nagging at
> me, saying Russia was wrong for Nux. However, I don't foresee
> aforesaid manager being happy with an eastern European individual's
> repo.
> *sigh*
> But - could someone correct me if I'm wrong - isn't "extras" for
> things like this?
> mark
> ___ CentOS mailing
> list 

Guess it's the old "if it ain't American, it ain't right" attitude? :-).

A suggestion for your picky boss: Custom repository.

You could create a custom repository featuring these "off limits"
products and simply create a repo-release package which gets installed
with each machine.

This way each machine has the repository, and can install the extra

I have done this before and works fine, I usually just create my own
rpms or grab src rpms from fedora koji and put them in my own repo if
I want something that is not available in any repositories.

This should solve most of the problems with your boss :-).

PS: Better not tell your boss Linux was created in Finland..

Kind Regards,
Jake Shipton (JakeMS)
GPG Key: 0xE3C31D8F
GPG Fingerprint: 7515 CC63 19BD 06F9 400A DE8A 1D0B A5CF E3C3 1D8F
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] X, why did it have to be X

2014-09-24 Thread Jake Shipton
On 24/09/14 13:02, mark wrote:
> On 09/23/14 19:21, Jake Shipton wrote:
>> On 22/09/14 22:37, wrote:
>>> wrote:
>>>> I have one user. We've pretty much all got two monitors, but
>>>> he insists on rotating both of them vertically - that is,
>>>> they're taller than they are wide, and he's got a Radeon
>>>> card. I always have X grief on his system when I update
>>>> it
>>>> I just did a full update. X comes up in both screens... but
>>>> the left one is *not* rotated, while the right one is. And
>>>> they're mirrored. I've logged in as root, looked at all the
>>>> configuration
>> Is this C6 or C7?
>> If it's C7 I had the same issue with ignoring nvidia
>> configuration, turns out it wasn't Xorg at all.
>> It was GDM resetting everything when it loaded, switched to
>> LightDM problem solved as it was using Xorg configuration again!
>> Worth a shot if it's C7 :-).
> C6, and yep, that's probably what's happening anyway. I went to 
> apologize yesterday morning for having left it that way, and he
> was fine: *after* he logged in, everything was the correct
> direction.
> I need to lok at the damn GDM (another reason to dislike gnome).
> mark
> ___ CentOS mailing
> list 

Yeah.. I'm not a fan of gnome either.

I had XFCE during the lifetime of my C6 Install, and now have XFCE on
my C7 install.

I know XFCE isn't exactly very "modern" or "hip" "cool" etc. But it
does the job, and works for me :). I like it.

I had issues getting the sort order of my 3 monitors correct, the
third monitor would overlap onto the second monitor and the first
monitor was detected to be in position 2, so the mouse had to go the
other way to reach it.

(Basically, all wrong)

I resolved all display issues using the following method on C6:
1) Install LightDM
2) Set LightDM as default display manager
3) Remove any "display" configuration set by Gnome/XFCE.. in case of
XFCE remove ~/.config/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/display.xml

I'm sure gnome has a similar file around somewhere.
4) Reboot
5) Done, you should now be using xorg.conf only.

Hope this helps :-).

Kind Regards,
Jake Shipton (JakeMS)
GPG Key: 0xE3C31D8F
GPG Fingerprint: 7515 CC63 19BD 06F9 400A DE8A 1D0B A5CF E3C3 1D8F
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] X, why did it have to be X

2014-09-23 Thread Jake Shipton
On 22/09/14 22:37, wrote:
> wrote:
>> I have one user. We've pretty much all got two monitors, but he
>> insists on rotating both of them vertically - that is, they're
>> taller than they are wide, and he's got a Radeon card. I always
>> have X grief on his system when I update it
>> I just did a full update. X comes up in both screens... but the
>> left one is *not* rotated, while the right one is. And they're
>> mirrored. I've logged in as root, looked at all the configuration
>> I know of, and nothing tells it to mirror, or one rotate and the
>> other not. But when I use the menu, and go to
>> system->preferences-display, it shows mirror screens *always*
>> checked. I uncheck that, and hit apply, and nothing happens. I 
>> move the one off from over the other, and rotate the other, and
>> still, nothing at all happens, and I don't see anything written,
>> anywhere.
>> Suggestions?
> A couple other things: the /etc/X11/xorg.conf that I fought
> successfully last year is still in place, but it acts as though
> it's ignoring it.
> mark
> ___ CentOS mailing
> list 

Is this C6 or C7?

If it's C7 I had the same issue with ignoring nvidia configuration,
turns out it wasn't Xorg at all.

It was GDM resetting everything when it loaded, switched to LightDM
problem solved as it was using Xorg configuration again!

Worth a shot if it's C7 :-).

Kind Regards,
Jake Shipton (JakeMS)
GPG Key: 0xE3C31D8F
GPG Fingerprint: 7515 CC63 19BD 06F9 400A DE8A 1D0B A5CF E3C3 1D8F
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Yum Priorities Update

2014-04-13 Thread Jake Shipton
On 13/04/14 11:58, Chris wrote:
> On 04/13/2014 12:48 PM, Nux! wrote:
>> I'm on, flash-plugin from Adobe's repo.
> Thank you. Now, I've added priorities to my yum repos:
> priority = 1 [base]
> priority = 1 [extras]
> priority = 1 [rpmfusion-nonfree-updates]
> priority = 1 [updates]
> priority = 2 [centosplus]
> priority = 2 [contrib]
> priority = 7 [rpmforge]
> priority = 7 [rpmforge-extras]
> priority = 10 [epel]
> priority = 11 [adobe-linux-x86_64]
> Nevertheless, yum is trying to download from rpmforge. How can I update
> priorities?
> - Chris
> ___
> CentOS mailing list


The lower the priority number, the higher it's priority.

So, in your case, rpmforge has a higher priority than adobe, thus it
yum-priorities will exclude the adobe version and instead choose the
rpmforge version.

If you don't want to edit your priorities, you can manually exclude the
flash-plugin from RPMforge, thus allowing the adobe version.

Add the following line to your repo (Below priority)


This will exclude that specific package from RPMForge, you can use
wildcards and add additional packages if you choose.

For example, you could do:

exclude=flash*plugin clam*

etc, to add additional packages or options, and it will then choose to
get those packages from the next highest priority repository.

Hope this helps :-).

Kind Regards,
Jake Shipton (JakeMS)
GPG Key: 0xE3C31D8F
GPG Fingerprint: 7515 CC63 19BD 06F9 400A DE8A 1D0B A5CF E3C3 1D8F
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Missing Announcement

2014-02-04 Thread Jake Shipton
On 02/02/14 03:06, Markus Falb wrote:
> Hi,
> I do see a kernel update to 2.6.18-371.4.1.el5 but I am missing the 
> announcement.

It did get sent, just checked my announce folder (on another email) and
it is there.


Kind Regards,
Jake Shipton (JakeMS)
GPG Key: 0xE3C31D8F
GPG Fingerprint: 7515 CC63 19BD 06F9 400A DE8A 1D0B A5CF E3C3 1D8F
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Have a great Holiday season

2013-12-24 Thread Jake Shipton
On 24/12/13 18:45, Karanbir Singh wrote:
> hi,
> Here is wishing everyone in the CentOS community a great holiday season,
> awesome new year and a great 2014.
> May 2014 bring friendlier + larger communities, stabler distros and a
> general reduction in systems frustrations for the users!
> regards from and to everyone,
> - KB

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to the CentOS Team (and users) from
here too! :-D.

Kind Regards,
Jake Shipton (JakeMS)
GPG Key: 0xE3C31D8F
GPG Fingerprint: 7515 CC63 19BD 06F9 400A DE8A 1D0B A5CF E3C3 1D8F
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Why I get this message " You have new mail in /var/spool/mail/root " ?

2013-12-19 Thread Jake Shipton
On Thu, 19 Dec 2013 09:45:26 +
Norah Jones  wrote:

> Hi, 
> Why I get this message  " You have new mail in /var/spool/mail/root
> "   in CentOs?
> My queries are the following -
> 1.  Why this is generated ?
> 2. How to disable this ?
> 3. Is this system generated ?
> 4. Is this message gain any importance ?
> Thanks,
> Norah Jones
> ___
> CentOS mailing list


Basically, this is just a "You've got mail" notification.

Most likely these are system generated logs or errors being mailed to

When logged into root type "mail" to see them.

Importance wise, it depends on what you perceive as important.

I myself like to know what is going on with my system so I leave them
on, while others do not.

Disabling them would involve either, disabling postfix all together (or
any other mailserver), this would prevent all system mail. 

Or, if you are using this as an email server, disabling other things such as
logwatch, and any other script which may mail root, 

Lastly another option is creating a dumby user for all mail directed at
root to go by setting up aliases in /etc/aliases (Basically at end:
root: dumbyuser) and then running newaliases.

Hope this helps :-).

Jake Shipton (JakeMS)
GPG Key: 0xE3C31D8F
GPG Fingerprint: 7515 CC63 19BD 06F9 400A DE8A 1D0B A5CF E3C3 1D8F
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] MySQL stale socket

2013-12-16 Thread Jake Shipton
On Mon, 16 Dec 2013 10:51:54 +0100
Luigi Rosa  wrote:

> I have a server with a faulty power supply that resets the server
> every 4/5 hours.
> While I wait for the supplier to change the PS, I am facing an issue
> with MySQL.
> When the system comes back on, mysqld script starts the daemon, but
> the connections via /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock don't work because
> MySQL doesn't delete and recreate the stale socket.
> Apart from editing /etc/init.d/mysqld to force the deletion of a
> stale socket are there any other way to solve this issue?
> Thank you un advance.
> Ciao,
> luigi
> ___
> CentOS mailing list


As a *temporary* solution you could do the following:

# chkconfig mysqld off
# nano /etc/rc.local
 Add at bottom: 
  rm /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock
  service mysqld start
 Now Save.

Next time the machine boots it should remove the sock file, and then
start mysqld.

Once your PSU is fixed, remove those lines and run:

# chkconfig mysqld on

Job done! :-D

Hope this helps.

Kind Regards, 
Jake Shipton (JakeMS)
GPG Key: 0xE3C31D8F
GPG Fingerprint: 7515 CC63 19BD 06F9 400A DE8A 1D0B A5CF E3C3 1D8F
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] New SCL updates pushed

2013-12-13 Thread Jake Shipton
On Thu, 12 Dec 2013 07:02:17 -0600
Johnny Hughes  wrote:

> We have Software Collections for CentOS currently in our testing repo:
> To date I don't think I have gotten any feedback, positive or
> negative, for these SCL RPMs though I know there are hundreds of
> people using them (or at least downloading them).
> I have added the following SCL updates to the repo:
> Critical: ruby193-ruby security update:
> Important: ruby193-rubygem-actionpack security update:
> Critical: php security update:
> If we are ever going to get these out of testing and into production,
> we need to get some feedback.  Feedback accepted on this list, the
> centos-devel mailing list, or this bug:
> Thanks,
> Johnny Hughes

Hi Johnny,

I've been using SCL for some testing for a little while now.

I haven't really gotten around to posting a message regarding it due to
it was just working and I proceeded to do some work with it :-).

Sorry about that.

I've not experienced any issues with the repository so far, and I'm
guessing since there is not a load of people emailing saying "It
doesn't work" other people aren't having issues either, but I could be

Though I myself have only used the mariadb packages and various php

Out of curiosity, once it is deemed "stable" how do you intend to
provide the extra packages? will they be included with a default
install in a separate repository? or will they become part of
base? extras?

Just curious :-).

Additionally, I would like to say Thank You for providing these
packages :-).


Kind Regards,
Jake Shipton (JakeMS)
GPG Key: 0xE3C31D8F
GPG Fingerprint: 7515 CC63 19BD 06F9 400A DE8A 1D0B A5CF E3C3 1D8F
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] zimbra test

2013-11-01 Thread Jake Shipton
On Fri, 1 Nov 2013 11:00:43 -0600
Wes James  wrote:

> On Fri, Nov 1, 2013 at 10:58 AM, Reindl Harald
> wrote:
> > Am 01.11.2013 17:46, schrieb Wes James:
> > > On Fri, Nov 1, 2013 at 10:40 AM, Bart Schaefer <
> >>wrote:
> > >
> > >> On Fri, Nov 1, 2013 at 9:21 AM, Wes James 
> > >> wrote:
> > >>> Why does
> > >>> removing postfix remove these others.  cron and the others are
> > dependent
> > >> on
> > >>> having postfix?  Seems odd if they are.


I run a Zimbra server myself.

The correct procedure is to disable the services on startup like so:
chkconfig (service) off
service (service) stop

(service) being the service name.

Zimbra will install it's own versions of various bits of software and
leave them in /opt/zimbra so you don't have to worry about conflicts as

The only real issue is to ensure that no other services (such as
postfix) are using a port that Zimbra will need to use.

Things such as cron, logwatch etc can be configured to use Zimbra. But
it may take a little more configuration than normal.

Hope this helps :-).

Kind Regards, 
Jake Shipton (JakeMS)
GPG Key: 0xE3C31D8F
GPG Fingerprint: 7515 CC63 19BD 06F9 400A DE8A 1D0B A5CF E3C3 1D8F
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] (no subject)

2013-10-31 Thread Jake Shipton
On Thu, 31 Oct 2013 11:26:52 -0500
Les Mikesell  wrote:

> On Thu, Oct 31, 2013 at 10:50 AM, Kaplan, Andrew H.
>  wrote:
> > Hello --
> >
> > We are running CentOS 6.3 64-bit distribution on one of our
> > servers, and I am involved in upgrading the Apache and OpenSSL
> > packages. I completed an upgrade to both where the version of each
> > that is installed on the server is the following:
> >
> > httpd 2.2.15-29.el6.centos
> > httpd-manual 2.2.15-29.el6.centos
> > httpd-tools 2.2.15-29.el6.centos
> > openssl 1.0.0-27.el6_4.2
> > openssl-devel 1.0.0-27.el6_4.2
> >
> > Are these the latest versions of Apache and OpenSSL that are
> > available to CentOS in package format? If not, what repository can
> > I go to for the latest versions?
> First, why aren't you doing a full 'yum update' to bring the whole
> system up to 6.4?
> Also, are you updating these packages to get new features or
> bug/security fixes?   CentOS tracks the updates in RHEL exactly and
> RHEL backports many security and bug fixes without changing the base
> package version numbers.  You can see these with:
> rpm -q --changelog package_name
> where the CVE numbers will be mentioned, if you are checking for some
> particular security issue.
> If you need new features, you may have to go to newer versions found
> elsewhere, but be very careful about replacing any base packages in
> your system - it is almost always the wrong thing to do.  You need to
> know more about Linux than the Red Hat engineers...

One other thing regarding the OpenSSL packages in 6.4, they do not
currently support TLS 1.2 and are stuck on TLS 1.0 so may be less
secure. [1]

However, Redhat is aware of this and 6.5 will be updating OpenSSL to a
more recent version which will support TLS 1.2 and solve most current
known security problems. [2]

So I'd suggest stick with the 6.4 packages for now, and once 6.5 is out
upgrade to those.

(For a while the last secure cipher in current OpenSSL in CentOS/RHEL
was RC4, however even that is now considered not so secure and should
be phased out. [1])

Also, may be worth doing a full upgrade to 6.4 then to 6.5 to ensure
any other hidden security issues are not lurking due to an out of date


Jake Shipton (JakeMS)
GPG Key: 0xE3C31D8F
GPG Fingerprint: 7515 CC63 19BD 06F9 400A DE8A 1D0B A5CF E3C3 1D8F
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] which kernel do people use?

2013-10-24 Thread Jake Shipton
On Tue, 22 Oct 2013 19:44:44 -0700
Keith Keller  wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm doing a very informal and unscientific poll: which kernel do you
> use on your CentOS machines?

I use kernel-ml from elrepo for my Desktop due to hardware support as
my hardware fails to even try to boot with the stock kernel as it used
to just kernel-panic when I first got my new hardware, now on the most
recent stock kernel just dies with USB errors (Prior to even
attempting to start services etc.) 

kernel-ml works and boots just fine but it sure was fun and games
getting CentOS installed and working...

All of our servers run the stock CentOS kernel as all hardware
appears to be supported and we need the stability more so than a
desktop does.

Kind Regards, 
Jake Shipton (JakeMS)
GPG Key: 0xE3C31D8F
GPG Fingerprint: 7515 CC63 19BD 06F9 400A DE8A 1D0B A5CF E3C3 1D8F
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] exclude in a repo file

2013-09-03 Thread Jake Shipton
On Tue, 3 Sep 2013 09:42:56 -0500
Les Mikesell  wrote:

> On Tue, Sep 3, 2013 at 8:21 AM, Carl T. Miller 
> wrote:
> > John R. Dennison wrote:
> >> On Tue, Sep 03, 2013 at 07:05:47AM -0400, Carl T. Miller wrote:
> >>>
> >>> Is there a way to set up this repo so that when I run
> >>> "yum upgrade" it will only check the firefox and
> >>> xulrunner packages from the remi repo?
> >>
> >> Add
> >>
> >> includepkgs=firefox xulrunner
> >>
> >> to the repo definition for remi.
> >>
> >> This will _only_ allow those specific packages from remi and
> >> exclude everything else.
> >
> >
> > Thanks.  That's exactly what I was looking for.  And I've
> > made a note to myself to not only search man page for the
> > a string, but to see if there is a separate man page for
> > the config file.
> You can also set 'enabled=0" for the repo, then after a "yum update"
> from the base repos, do a "yum --enablerepo=xxx install package..."
> (or update) for the specific packages you want from there..   This
> isn't quite as full-auto as specifying the packages in the repo
> file,but it will bring along dependencies that you might have to add
> piecemeal.   Just be sure you look at the list of packages yum is
> proposing to change before confirming it.

That's one way of doing it.

I would suggest the following:


exclude = firefox thunderbird xulrunner

to base/updates, followed by

priority = 1

and then in remi repo

priority = 10

and finally,

yum install yum-priorities*

This should keep those pesky unwanted base-overwriting packages out
unless you specifically want them :-) You should do the same with other

Just my 2 pence.

Kind Regards, 
Jake Shipton (JakeMS)
GPG Key: 0xE3C31D8F
GPG Fingerprint: 7515 CC63 19BD 06F9 400A DE8A 1D0B A5CF E3C3 1D8F
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] MP3 Tagger

2013-07-30 Thread Jake Shipton
On Mon, 29 Jul 2013 20:57:13 -0400
Mark LaPierre  wrote:

> Is there any good tagger for CentOS 6?

Personally, I use EasyTAG. Used it for a fair few years now, works fine
with flac, ogg, mp3, etc. Tried it once with WMV didn't go so well. But
then I don't really have any WMV files stored so a non-issue for me.

I have the version from:
easytag x86_64 2.1-2.el6.rf @rpmforge 2.4 M

Other repo's may hold it, I'm not sure. But that's where mine came
from :-).

Hope this helps, 
Jake Shipton (JakeMS)
GPG Key: 0xE3C31D8F
GPG Fingerprint: 7515 CC63 19BD 06F9 400A DE8A 1D0B A5CF E3C3 1D8F
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Possible Kernel user escalation issue for CentOS-6.4

2013-07-17 Thread Jake Shipton
On Wed, 17 Jul 2013 01:14:50 -0500
Johnny Hughes  wrote:

> On 07/02/2013 04:55 PM, Johnny Hughes wrote:
> > The following kernel has been built while waiting for upstream to
> > release a new kernel that addresses CVE-2013-2224:
> >
> >
> >
> > Please see this upstream bug for details:
> >
> >
> >
> > =
> >
> > Note:  This kernel has been minimally tested and is provided as is
> > for people who do not want to wait for the official kernel.  It is
> > the standard CentOS kernel with one added patch (
> >
> >
> > This kernel needs to be tested for fitness by each user before being
> > placed in production.  It is a best effort to mitigate an issue
> > that can cause local user escalation to root while waiting for
> > upstream to fix and QA the official kernel.  Use at your own risk.
> >
> There has been a new upstream kernel released
> (kernel-2.6.32-358.14.1.el6.src.rpm) and we have released a testing
> kernel that addresses this issue.  Same warnings and bugzilla links
> apply (this is a best effort, use at your own risk, yada yada yada !):
> Thanks,
> Johnny Hughes

Thanks for these Johnny much appreciated, I was quite surprised to find
the fix was not in the .14.1 kernel update from upstream.

I guess upstream does not see this as "important" enough.

Jake Shipton (JakeMS)
GPG Key: 0xE3C31D8F
GPG Fingerprint: 7515 CC63 19BD 06F9 400A DE8A 1D0B A5CF E3C3 1D8F
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] problems with apache downgrade

2013-07-11 Thread Jake Shipton
On Thu, 11 Jul 2013 17:56:52 -0400 wrote:

> There was an upgrade on a couple of our servers yesterday,
> mid-afternoon our time, of httpd and httpd-devel, and suddenly
> SiteMinder (bleah) stopped working correctly, and is now pegging a
> cpu, according to top. So, as a last resort, I tried downgrading both
> of them. When I did so, the server that uses ssl *erased* mod-ssl,
> not downgrading it, and I'll have to find where I can get the
> previous version tomorrow... but that shouldn't happen, I should
> think. Downgrade *should* get everything, unless it's brand new, and
> this isn't.
> ___
> CentOS mailing list


If you are refering to the standard ones in C6 you should be able to
just yum-downgrade it.

A quick test on my desktop:
[root@main-linux-box ~]# yum downgrade *mod_ssl*
Loaded plugins: changelog, downloadonly, fastestmirror, priorities,
security, : verify
Setting up Downgrade Process
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
 * base:
 * clnrepo:
 * clnrepo-extras:
 * clnrepo-extras-noarch:
 * clnrepo-noarch:
 * elrepo:
 * elrepo-kernel:
 * epel:
 * extras:
 * fasttrack:
 * nux-dextop:
 * updates:
89 packages excluded due to repository priority protections
Resolving Dependencies
--> Running transaction check
---> Package mod_ssl.x86_64 1:2.2.15-26.el6.centos will be a downgrade
--> Processing Dependency: httpd = 2.2.15-26.el6.centos for package:
1:mod_ssl-2.2.15-26.el6.centos.x86_64 ---> Package mod_ssl.x86_64
1:2.2.15-28.el6.centos will be erased --> Finished Dependency Resolution
Error: Package: 1:mod_ssl-2.2.15-26.el6.centos.x86_64 (base)
   Requires: httpd = 2.2.15-26.el6.centos
   Installed: httpd-2.2.15-28.el6.centos.x86_64 (@updates)
   httpd = 2.2.15-28.el6.centos
   Available: httpd-2.2.15-26.el6.centos.x86_64 (base)
   httpd = 2.2.15-26.el6.centos
 You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem
 You could try running: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest

Ignoring the Dep errors, it seems to be all there :-).

You can get v2.2.15-28 (current) here:

and v2.2.15-26 (previous) here:

Hope this helps :-).

Jake Shipton (JakeMS)
GPG Key: 0xE3C31D8F
GPG Fingerprint: 7515 CC63 19BD 06F9 400A DE8A 1D0B A5CF E3C3 1D8F

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Re: [CentOS] Steam for Linux Fedora 17 -> CentOS 6.x

2013-07-02 Thread Jake Shipton
On Tue, 02 Jul 2013 13:58:34 +0100
Nux!  wrote:

> On 01.07.2013 23:13, Ljubomir Ljubojevic wrote:
> > Can somebody contact "Spot" and ask him if Steam for Linux can be
> > compiled on CentOS 6.x?
> > 
> > or will someone try it from src rpm's (same folder)?
> > 
> > or is someone willing to take over building the rpm the old
> > fashioned way from ?
> > 
> > I am to relocate to another town for new job and can not afford the
> > spare time :-/
> I remember trying to "build" Steam for Centos a while ago and
> failing, did not insist too much though.
> I'm not optimistic.

I tried this too, however was also unsuccessful, I found steam would
not run with the version of glibc shipped with CentOS/RHEL.

Although it was quite a bit of time ago since I last tried running it,
perhaps someone could bypass that issue?

Jake Shipton (JakeMS)
GPG Key: 0xE3C31D8F
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CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] No more support for chrome/chromium on rhel6

2013-06-08 Thread Jake Shipton
On Fri, 07 Jun 2013 22:27:46 -0500
Johnny Hughes  wrote:

> On 05/02/2013 10:50 PM, Robert Arkiletian wrote:
> > 
> > On Mon, Apr 15, 2013 at 3:48 PM, Johnny Hughes 
> > wrote:
> >> On 04/15/2013 01:26 AM, Robert Arkiletian wrote:
> >>> 
> OK guys,
> Here is the test version of Chromium  version 28 for CentOS-6 (the
> current beta release).
> Thanks,
> Johnny Hughes

Thanks Johnny! I'm not a fan of chrome myself however I have to to keep
it around for development projects for QA/Testing purposes. So having a
handy RPM is always helpful :-).

I'll post back if I hit any bugs with the package :-).

Jake Shipton (JakeMS)
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CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] CVE-2013-2094 and CentOS 6.x

2013-05-16 Thread Jake Shipton
On Wed, 15 May 2013 11:48:14 -0700 (PDT)
"David C. Miller"  wrote:

> For those who don't know yet here is the redhat bugzilla on this
> exploit.
> Does anyone know if CentOS 6 have the debug packages available to
> apply the temp patch for this listed in the bugzilla link?
> David.
> ___
> CentOS mailing list

Redhat have released a new kernel to fix the bug :-).

Jake Shipton (JakeMS)
GPG Key: 0xE3C31D8F
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CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] OT: memory brands?

2013-02-20 Thread Jake Shipton
On Wed, 20 Feb 2013 16:40:01 +
Ian Stirling  wrote:

> On 20/02/13 14:38, Patrick Lists wrote:
> > On 02/20/2013 02:57 PM, wrote:
> >> 
> > I like Crucial. Quality stuff, never had a memory stick failing and
> > good service. Once I had an unopened box with some Crucial memory
> > (purchased almost a year before) and asked if I could exchange it
> > for a different set. They responded quickly and allowed me to
> > exchange the memory no questions asked.
> >
> > Regards,
> > Patrick
> Seconded - I was just going to post exactly the same thing.   I have 
> used Crucial memory and SSD for as long as I can remember and have
> never had a single failure
Running Crucial RAM here as well never had any problems. :-).

Jake Shipton (JakeMS)
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CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] rpmbuild for different architecture [OT?]

2013-02-09 Thread Jake Shipton
On Fri, 8 Feb 2013 15:08:15 -0500
Steve  wrote:

> As far as I can tell, the rpm-list went defunct circa 2008 so I'm
> asking here. No doubt someone will let me know if this is not OK.
> I'm trying to build an RPM on a CentOS VM targeted to run on an ARM
> architecture machine.
> I have a test program, prime, that I cross compiled on my VM and when
> I copy it onto my target machine it runs correctly. Now I want to
> package it in an RPM.
> On my target machine, I run
> $ uname -m
> armv71
> so on the VM I wrote my spec file and ran
> $ rpmbuild -ba --target armv71 prime.spec
> ...
> processing files: prime-1.0-1.armv71
> unknown, 0: Warning using regular magic file '/etc/magic'
> Requires(rpmlib): rpmlib(payloadFilesHavePrefix) <= 4.0-1
> rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) <= 3.0.4-1 ...
> Wrote /home/steve/rpmbuild/RPMS/armv71/prime-1.0-1.armv71.rpm
> ...
> So it seems that some parts of rpm realize that I've cross compiled
> and some parts don't. Any ideas on how to get rid of these warning
> messages? I tried putting 'Autoreq: 0' in the spec file but that
> didn't help.
> A second problem is that when I go to install the rpm on the target
> machine, I get an error saying that the architecture doesn't match. I
> had to use --ignorarch to get it to install. What does rpm use to
> determine what the architecture is if not uname?
> With the --ignorearch option, the RPM installs and the program runs
> as expected.
> Thanks,
> Steve
> ___
> CentOS mailing list

I would recommend using "Mock" for this as it would both provide a
clean build environment (chroot) and the ability to cross compile

Once you get mock all configured and set up, it's actually a really
nice tool and handy :-). I highly recommend it.

Good luck! :-)

Jake Shipton (JakeMS)
GPG Key: 0xE3C31D8F
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CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] off-topic: firefox & noscript - bad solution

2012-12-18 Thread Jake Shipton
On Tue, 18 Dec 2012 15:30:41 -0500 wrote:

> Jake Shipton wrote:
> I did try that, in options->xss? abe? but it complained that it didn't
> have an EOF or some such.
> ___
> CentOS mailing list

I believe they are under Options > Advanced > XSS

Did your lines look like these?


(These are defaults I believe on mine)

Jake Shipton (JakeMS)
GPG Key: 0xE3C31D8F
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CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] off-topic: firefox & noscript - bad solution

2012-12-18 Thread Jake Shipton
On Tue, 18 Dec 2012 15:06:16 -0500 wrote:

> wrote:
> > Not a biggie, but definitely annoying: I try to register for a
> > media site, so I can put in a comment, and every time I hit
> > "register", noscript pops up telling me it's protecting me from
> > cross-site scripting... and if it's giving me any way to say,
> > "that's ok for this site", I don't see it. I've tried typing in a
> > pattern for xss, and no joy.
> >
> > Clues for the annoyed?
> >
> Well, I managed to do it... by unchecking both check boxes in
> options->xss, doing the sign-up, then resetting them. You'd think that
> there'd be an allow option for the script, just as there is for
> flash
>   mark
> ___
> CentOS mailing list

It has this, that is the pattern thing, but you've got to make sure you
have the pattern correct :-).

Jake Shipton (JakeMS)
GPG Key: 0xE3C31D8F
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CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] XFCE4 group missing on Centos 5.x?

2012-11-17 Thread Jake Shipton
On Tue, 13 Nov 2012 21:20:28 + (GMT)
Keith Roberts  wrote:

> On Tue, 13 Nov 2012, Johnny Hughes wrote:
> > To:
> > From: Johnny Hughes 
> > Subject: Re: [CentOS] XFCE4 group missing on Centos 5.x?
> > 
> > On 11/13/2012 02:41 PM, Keith Roberts wrote:
> >> On Tue, 13 Nov 2012, Johnny Hughes wrote:
> >>
> >>> To:
> >>> From: Johnny Hughes 
> >>> Subject: Re: [CentOS] XFCE4 group missing on Centos 5.x?
> >>>
> >>> On 11/13/2012 01:55 PM, Keith Roberts wrote:
> >>>> I had XFCE group installed and working on C5.8 32 bit.
> >>>>
> >>>> I have done a fresh installation using the C 5.5 DVD.
> >>>>
> >>>> I cannot seem to find the XFCE group now. Has this been
> >>>> removed from Centos 5.x ?
> >>>>
> >>> There is a version in CentOS Extras ... however, it is outdated.
> >>>
> >>> I was going to upgrade it ... BUT ... I found that it is now being
> >>> maintained in EPEL for EL5.
> >>>
> >>> I would recommend that you use the EPEL version of XFCE.
> >> Thanks Johnny.
> >>
> >> This is what I'm getting now:
> >>
> >> [root@karsites ~]# yum groupinfo XFCE
> >> Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, priorities
> >> Setting up Group Process
> >> Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
> >>   * base:
> >>   * epel:
> >>   * extras:
> >>   * rpmforge:
> >>   * updates:
> >> Warning: Group XFCE does not exist.
> >>
> >> I was installing xfce4 with:
> >>
> >> yum -y groupinstall "XFCE"
> >>
> >> Has the name been changed?
> >
> > The CentOS extras group name is:
> >
> > XFCE-4.4
> >
> > I don't think the EPEL version has groups.
> [root@karsites ~]# yum groupinfo "XFCE-4.4"
> Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, priorities
> Setting up Group Process
> Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
>   * base:
>   * epel:
>   * extras:
>   * rpmforge:
>   * updates:
> Warning: Group XFCE-4.4 does not exist.
> Maybe it's been removed now from extras as it's old?
> OK - got it now Johnny. So I just install every xfce* 
> package from EPEL and that's dealt with it?
> Name   : xfce4-session
> Arch   : i386
> Version: 4.6.2
> Release: 1.el5
> Size   : 662 k
> Repo   : epel
> Summary: Xfce session manager
> URL:
> License: GPLv2+
> Description: xfce4-session is the session manager for the
>  : Xfce desktop environment.
> Kind Regards,
> Keith
> ---
> Websites:
> All email addresses are challenge-response protected with
> TMDA []
> ---
> ___
> CentOS mailing list


This may or may not be helpful, but I'll put this out there anyway just
in case :-)

In the CentOS 6 version of EPEL repository the group is
called "Xfce" (Case Sensitive)


yum groupinstall "Xfce"

Should do the trick. 

If that doesn't work try "yum grouplist" and find a group related to
XFCE. :-).

Hope this helps.

Jake Shipton (JakeMS)
GPG Key: 0xE3C31D8F
GPG Fingerprint: 7515 CC63 19BD 06F9 400A DE8A 1D0B A5CF E3C3 1D8F

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CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Slightly OT: Red Hat vs Twin Peaks

2012-09-17 Thread Jake Shipton
On Mon, 17 Sep 2012 11:11:41 -0400
Mark LaPierre  wrote:

> Interesting story at Groklaw...just thought I would share:

I find that quite amusing :-D.

TwinPeaks "Let's Sue a company that's a lot bigger than us!"
Redhat "Ha, you can do that, but while you do, We are going to counter
sue as you are copying GPL code, and not keeping to the license! :-)
Have a nice day"

Sorry, but this one truly deserves a "FAIL!" (to TwinPeaks) Haha :-).

Thanks for the laughs :-).

Jake Shipton (JakeMS)
GPG Key: 0xE3C31D8F
GPG Fingerprint: 7515 CC63 19BD 06F9 400A DE8A 1D0B A5CF E3C3 1D8F

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CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] SRPM build exceptions list 6.3

2012-08-20 Thread Jake Shipton
On Mon, 20 Aug 2012 14:27:50 -0400 wrote:

> Leonard den Ottolander wrote:
> > CentOS renamed:
> > redhat-release-* -> centos-release
> >
> Will lsb_release -a give the correct result?
>   mark
> ___
> CentOS mailing list

I believe so... 

[Jake@main-linux-box ~]$ lsb_release -a
Distributor ID: CentOS 
Description:CentOS release 6.3 (Final) 
Codename:   Final
[Jake@main-linux-box ~]$ ls -l /etc/*-release
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 27 Jun 26 10:30 /etc/centos-release
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 14 Jul 10 20:22 /etc/redhat-release ->
centos-release lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 14 Jul 10
20:22 /etc/system-release -> centos-release 
[Jake@main-linux-box ~]$ 


Jake Shipton (JakeMS)
GPG Key: 0xE3C31D8F
GPG Fingerprint: 7515 CC63 19BD 06F9 400A DE8A 1D0B A5CF E3C3 1D8F

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CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] called a spammer today

2012-04-03 Thread Jake Shipton
On Mon, 02 Apr 2012 22:02:36 -0400
Bob Hoffman  wrote:

> thought you would find this interesting...
> I get a LOT of political spam on one of my mails due to hosting a 
> political site once.
> I have been slowly blacklisting the bulk companies and 'the net' of 
> private people
> pushing political spam.
> There is one guy who has been sending me stuff for years and I just
> have it go to the junk folder and deleted..forgot about it.
> New server, new rules. His came today.
> I wrote his university a nasty letter. I wrote him a nasty letter. (I 
> had contacted him a few times in the years past to make him stop but
> he never did.)
> Well, tonight I got home...looked at his spam. Hey, it had his number
> on it. So I called him and told him to stop...told him why it
> bothered me. Told him somethings that happened to me in the past,
> what I like about websites.
> all sorts of junk, kept talking and making him listen to me..
> He was getting impatient but I said 'now you know what it is like to 
> have your uninteresting cr#p come in my mailbox.'
> He has agreed to stop spamming meI told Him I blacklisted him
> anyway.
> I felt really good about that call...I think he will rethink his
> phone number on spam from now on.
> lol
> ___
> CentOS mailing list

Nice plan! :-)

I'll have to remember that one :-). 

Thanks for the laugh.

Jake Shipton (JakeMS)
GPG Key: 0xE3C31D8F
GPG Fingerprint: 7515 CC63 19BD 06F9 400A DE8A 1D0B A5CF E3C3 1D8F

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CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] LibreOffice rpm's vs Centos testing repo

2012-03-19 Thread Jake Shipton
On Mon, 19 Mar 2012 09:50:21 + wrote:

> Jake,
> Sure, 3.5 is on the to do list.
> I see this trend a lot, to make repos out of official rpms (at least 
> Ljubomir is also doing it). Maybe it's worth doing this on a bigger
> scale. Care to share what exactly you are doing? Are you using any
> "meta" packages?

The setup is pretty basic (imo) because the repo is used only in a LAN
and never used outside of this LAN, I do not worry about generating
delta's or stuff like that. I don't even GPG sign them.

The local repo is also used for other self compiled RPM's. These would
usually be tagged with a ".hr" tag (ie, for easy removal. 

But as far as I am aware to do that, with official RPM's it would
require a rebuild.

So what I tend to do is just open up filezilla, ftp to a libreoffice
mirror, browse my way to libreoffice stable RPM's, and download them to
"/var/www/html/repository/" (Which is actually just a link
to /home//rpmbuild/RPMS)

Obviously the repository it's self is pre-setup because of the other
packages, so as my normal user next up I would just run:

createrepo --update ~/rpmbuild/RPMS/
createrepo --update ~/rpmbuild/RPMS/SRPMS

A quick check for SELinux permission's and it's good to go :-). Now
from local machines on the LAN I would just use "yum install libobasis*
libreoffice*" etc, then pick and remove the unnecessary extra packages.
and "yum update" takes care of updates :-) (after I have redone the

This is something most user could easily do them selves, and it could
also be done publicly, however it is still a "messy" method even if
somebody else does it for you (and you just enable/add the repo).

I would still prefer to be able to have RPM's built specifically for

I guess that raises the question of "You have the repo, rpmbuild
etc setup, why don't you build them your self?", and to answer it:

Because I do not have the CPU Power :-) (Still got a Single core

But yeah.. that's basically all I do :-).

PS: Sorry for any typo's etc I was tired when I wrote this email, had
been awake only a few minutes.

Jake Shipton (JakeMS)
GPG Key: 0xE3C31D8F
GPG Fingerprint: 7515 CC63 19BD 06F9 400A DE8A 1D0B A5CF E3C3 1D8F

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CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] LibreOffice rpm's vs Centos testing repo

2012-03-18 Thread Jake Shipton
On Mon, 19 Mar 2012 01:33:36 + wrote:
> Hi,
> I've just updated the RPMs for Libreoffice to match version 3.4.5
> (from Fedora 16). If you have my repo[1] installed simply do a:
> yum --enablerepo=nux-libreoffice-testing update libreoffice*
> If you have RPMs from in use ignore this message as
> you will run into conflicts!

Thanks for your efforts Nux :-). 

If at some point it would be possible for you to support 3.5 that would
be great :-). I am currently using the 3.5.1 official RPM's in a home
repo (so it's also shared to another CentOS box). But none-the-less
it's good to see some progress regarding Libreoffice & CentOS :-).

Jake Shipton (JakeMS)
GPG Key: 0xE3C31D8F
GPG Fingerprint: 7515 CC63 19BD 06F9 400A DE8A 1D0B A5CF E3C3 1D8F

Description: PGP signature
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] t-bird, followup

2012-03-15 Thread Jake Shipton
On Thu, 15 Mar 2012 06:38:56 -0500
Johnny Hughes  wrote:

> On 03/14/2012 07:58 PM, KevinO wrote:
> > On 03/13/2012 08:14 AM, wrote:
> >> Well, I updated my system late last week, and just thought to
> >> look: yes, I'm on t-bird 10.0.1, and I pull up the search messages
> >> window, and click on the dropdown... and there is NO OPTION to
> >> search the content of the messages.
> >>
> > View => Toolbars => Quick Filter Bar
> >
> > will do what you want...
> >
> > Using T-Bird 10.0.2 here, clicking on the account name and then
> > choosing "Search Messages" offers a pull-down entry for 'body', so
> > I don't know what your issue is.
> This is exactly my experience too ... I can easily both filter and
> search on body.
> Might I recommend that you move your .thunderbird to .thunderbird.old
> (or use a linux user) to set up a new profile for testing and see what
> that looks like.
> If it works as expected, then you might have customized your current
> profile to somehow remove Body from the search.  I'm sure it can be
> undone if that is the case.

Rather than renaming the ".thunderbird" directory, there is an easier
way to do this :-)

start thunderbird with "-ProfileManager". Example

$ thunderbird -ProfileManager

This will allow you to create, delete, rename profiles and choose a
different one :-)

I know on firefox you can use "-no-remote -P " to run two
profiles and instances of firefox at the same time. I am not sure if
this will work with Thunderbird (I don't have it installed to check),
but if it does, it would allow you to compare them and configure the
new one similar to your old one.

Hope this helps :-).

Jake Shipton (JakeMS)
GPG Key: 0xE3C31D8F
GPG Fingerprint: 7515 CC63 19BD 06F9 400A DE8A 1D0B A5CF E3C3 1D8F

Description: PGP signature
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] t-bird, followup

2012-03-13 Thread Jake Shipton
On Tue, 13 Mar 2012 12:42:44 -0500
Les Mikesell  wrote:

> On Tue, Mar 13, 2012 at 12:29 PM, Jake Shipton
>  wrote:
> >
> > Oh? I have, I found Claws to have quite advanced search, filters,
> > actions etc. It's one of the main reasons I switched :-)
> >
> > Here's a screenshot of claws extended search:
> >
> >
> Nothing in particular jumps out at me that you can't do in t-bird.
> Did you find something specific?  In t-bird, the handiest thing is the
> toolbar 'search all messages' box that is very fast and does partial
> matches as you type.  But, for non-work mail these days I just use a
> free gmail account and google obviously knows how to search.

I was merely saying, that Claws Mail can search just as advanced as
TB, and sometimes better and more precise (or so it does for me).

However, for me, it is not only the search which drags me to claws-mail
it is the advanced filtering, actions after mail is fetched, the light
resource usage etc. Personally it just suits me.

But of course, everybody is different and prefer different things :-).

I was a Thunderbird user for a very long time (since it's early days) I
watched it grow, and become a great client, but then I personally find
it went down hill after. But just my personal opinion.

As for webmail, good idea if you are on the move, very handy, but I'll
always prefer a proper client over a web gui :-). Gmail it's self is a
good service however. I use it, but usually only via IMAP. :-)

I am just suggesting, if someone feels like "it's time for a change"
they should check out claws, if they are happy with Thunderbird, by all
means carry on using it :-).

Jake Shipton (JakeMS)
GPG Key: 0xE3C31D8F
GPG Fingerprint: 7515 CC63 19BD 06F9 400A DE8A 1D0B A5CF E3C3 1D8F

Description: PGP signature
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] t-bird, followup

2012-03-13 Thread Jake Shipton
On Tue, 13 Mar 2012 12:01:10 -0500
Johnny Hughes  wrote:

> On 03/13/2012 10:14 AM, wrote:
> > Well, I updated my system late last week, and just thought to look:
> > yes, I'm on t-bird 10.0.1, and I pull up the search messages
> > window, and click on the dropdown... and there is NO OPTION to
> > search the content of the messages.
> >
> > Maybe kmail, or maybe mutt
> >
> I am not sure what you mean.
> In thunderbird, Shift-Ctrl-K allows you to set a filter for
> messages ... it allows you to filter on Sender, Recipient, Subject,
> or Body
> If you press Shift-Ctrl-F you can search messages and there is a
> dropdown box for searching that has more than 20 things you can search
> including body.
> Body == message content(it is everything that is not headers and
> attachments)
> I have never seen a client that is as easy to search from ... not sure
> what the issue is.  The main reason I use thunderbird is because of
> the unbelievable search features and indexes.

Oh? I have, I found Claws to have quite advanced search, filters,
actions etc. It's one of the main reasons I switched :-)

Here's a screenshot of claws extended search:

Jake Shipton (JakeMS)
GPG Key: 0xE3C31D8F
GPG Fingerprint: 7515 CC63 19BD 06F9 400A DE8A 1D0B A5CF E3C3 1D8F

Description: PGP signature
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] t-bird, followup

2012-03-13 Thread Jake Shipton
On Tue, 13 Mar 2012 11:14:30 -0400 wrote:

> Well, I updated my system late last week, and just thought to look:
> yes, I'm on t-bird 10.0.1, and I pull up the search messages window,
> and click on the dropdown... and there is NO OPTION to search the
> content of the messages.
> Maybe kmail, or maybe mutt
> ___
> CentOS mailing list

If you are thinking of switching, I switched to Claws-Mail a while back
due to Thunderbird being a , I really like Claws now :-). It has
that "Old School" feel to it... and it can search bodies :-D. (Right
click folder, search folder)

Once you get it set up and configured (this may take a while for
some..) it is a powerful client.

So yeah, if you get bored with Thunderbird, check out claws (I believe
it installed from EPEL repo.)

Anyhow, as for Thunderbird's search, I believe there was either an
addon for more advanced search, or it was hidden away in a menu
somewhere. Try right-clicking a folder and hitting search, I think it
is there aswell.

Just my 2c.

Jake Shipton (JakeMS)
GPG Key: 0xE3C31D8F
GPG Fingerprint: 7515 CC63 19BD 06F9 400A DE8A 1D0B A5CF E3C3 1D8F

Description: PGP signature
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] [RESOLVED] -- Re: anyone else having flash trouble?

2012-02-16 Thread Jake Shipton
Hash: SHA1

On Thu, 16 Feb 2012 13:09:08 -0800
Akemi Yagi  wrote:

> On Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 12:34 PM, fred smith
>  wrote:
> > On Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 09:15:18AM -0600, Johnny Hughes wrote:
> >> I used to use the NVIDIA drivers directly from the, but
> >> since I upgraded my workstation to CentOS-6.x I have been using
> >> elrepo's rpms for nvidia with no issues.
> >>
> >> I certainly know how to build things (being that I build most of
> >> the c4 and c5 updates that we release), but I love the convenience
> >> that elrepo provides.  I highly recommend the elrepo site for
> >> anything that they currently maintain, they do a great job.
> >
> > without having yet switched to a repo instead of using the package
> > from nvidia's web site, I just reinstalled the previous version of
> > the nvidia drivers and now flash works. go figure.
> >
> > the one that was NOT working for me was 290.10, and the next newest
> > one I had (the one I am now using again) is 285.05.09.
> Now that you know which version of the Nvidia driver to use, it is
> time to switch to ELRepo. :-)  Otherwise you have to keep
> re-installing it for each kernel update. You can see here (for
> example):
> that ELRepo maintains earlier versions of the driver. Install the one
> you want, and exclude it in yum.conf so that the "good" one stays on
> your system.
> Akemi
> ___
> CentOS mailing list

Glad to hear Fred fixed his issue :-).

Just for the record, I too manually install Nvidia drivers without a
repo on all my machines (Both CentOS & Fedora). This issue can be
triggered by xorg updates etc. It can be a bit of a pain having to
reinstall the drivers manually, but for me I always run into some weird
problem or other with the repository versions. So I just keep a good
version of the driver at "/" and run it after each xorg or kernel
update :-). But that is my personal preference.

But if you do not get problems with the RPM versions I would recommend
you get them :-). 

- -- 
Jake Shipton (JakeMS)
GPG Key: 0xE3C31D8F
GPG Fingerprint: 7515 CC63 19BD 06F9 400A DE8A 1D0B A5CF E3C3 1D8F

Version: GnuPG v2.0.18 (GNU/Linux)

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] anyone else having flash trouble?

2012-02-15 Thread Jake Shipton
Hash: SHA1

On Wed, 15 Feb 2012 22:36:14 -0500
fred smith  wrote:

> On my centos 5.7 system, using Firefox 10.1, suddenly flash videos
> have stopped working, like, today. they worked yesterday. Now all I
> get is an error message that the flash plugin has crashed, reload
> page and try again.
> strangely, my centos-6 machine using the same firefox and the same
> flash plugin works fine.
> Clues?

Hi there,

I had a similar issue to this a while back on a Fedora box, I found out
it was not flash plugin or firefox causing the issue, it turned out
that it was the proprietary Nvidia driver that I was using. So if you
are using Nvidia driver, it might be worth looking into. My issue was
resolved by updating the driver.

Your issue may be different, but I thought I would mention it just in
case :-).

- -- 
Jake Shipton (JakeMS)
GPG Key: 0xE3C31D8F
GPG Fingerprint: 7515 CC63 19BD 06F9 400A DE8A 1D0B A5CF E3C3 1D8F
Version: GnuPG v2.0.18 (GNU/Linux)

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] CentOS 6.2 progress.

2011-12-12 Thread Jake Shipton
On 12/12/11 16:25, Lamar Owen wrote:
> For those who don't follow the QA RSS, see:
> to get the latest info on the status of 6.2.  Looks good so far!
> ___
> CentOS mailing list
Ah, I forgot about that qaweb thing :-). Thanks for reminding me.

And for the CentOS Team:
Great progress, and thank you :-D.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] When will 6.2 be released.

2011-12-10 Thread Jake Shipton
On 10/12/11 01:01, Johnny Hughes wrote:
> Let's go ahead and get this flame thread started now to save time.
> The CentOS team sucks ... it took  days to do 6.1 ... it is going to
> take twice as long to get 6.2
> My mom said CentOS blows.
> kbsingh is ugly.
> hughesjr is old and fat.
> OK ... that should do.
> This body part will be downloaded on demand.
Haha :-). Made me laugh.

In all seriousness though, I would just like to say:

Thank you CentOS team for the work you put in, I'm updating my Grandma's
PC to 6.1 now (from 6.0 CR enabled) :-), So again:

Thank You :-).

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Reinstall boot lodear.

2011-09-18 Thread Jake Shipton
On 09/18/2011 07:27 PM, Ashish Shaligram wrote:
> Hi,
> I have install 2 os, windows & centos6.0 x86. and after format of
> windows os cent os bootlodear not showing, how can i active my cent os
> with healp of centos dvd ?
> Thank You
> -- 
> *Regards,*
> Ashish A. Shaigram
> All-Tech Computer Solutions
> 9722537772
> ___
> CentOS mailing list

There is a CentOS Wiki article regarding this.

That should help you on your way to fixing your bootloader (assuming
your using grub) :-)

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Web Site is down

2011-08-17 Thread Jake Shipton
On 08/17/2011 07:20 PM, Always Learning wrote:
> Oh well must move to Plus Net for off-site use (they give extra IPs and
> are owned by BT). Tried unsuccessfully via Claranet and Talk Talk
> Business (formerly Nildram, Pipex, Tiscali, Opal)
Never tried Plus Net to be honest, so I don't know what they are like.
However I'm only with BT because I don't have much of a choice out here
in Lincolnshire.

I Had Tiscali, I was glad to get off of them. Though I was sad to leave
"Be*" ISP when I moved from Essex to Lincs. Going from a Steady
1.6/1.5MB/s (Not a typo, Megabytes not Megabits) to a Steady 1.0 to
3.0Mb/s was a harsh drop! (ADSL2+ to ADSL)

Feels like I went back to dial up.. but it works.. :-).

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Web Site is down

2011-08-17 Thread Jake Shipton
On 08/17/2011 06:57 PM, Always Learning wrote:
> On Wed, 2011-08-17 at 19:54 +0200, Leen de Braal wrote:
>> It's working from here (NL).
> and Digimer says it works from Canada, so it must be English related :-(
> Thank you (Dank U wel).
I wouldn't be so sure, from a BT Home connection here in England it's
working fine for me.

-- Ping Results --

[Jake@localhost ~]$ ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from ( icmp_req=1 ttl=41 time=154 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_req=2 ttl=41 time=143 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_req=3 ttl=41 time=142 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_req=4 ttl=41 time=155 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_req=5 ttl=41 time=143 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_req=6 ttl=41 time=142 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_req=7 ttl=41 time=142 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_req=8 ttl=41 time=145 ms
--- ping statistics ---
8 packets transmitted, 8 received, 0% packet loss, time 7007ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 142.177/146.163/155.328/5.149 ms
[Jake@localhost ~]$ ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=41 time=142 ms
64 bytes from icmp_req=2 ttl=41 time=142 ms
64 bytes from icmp_req=3 ttl=41 time=143 ms
64 bytes from icmp_req=4 ttl=41 time=143 ms
64 bytes from icmp_req=5 ttl=41 time=142 ms
--- ping statistics ---
5 packets transmitted, 5 received, 0% packet loss, time 4004ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 142.392/142.840/143.343/0.375 ms
[Jake@localhost ~]$

-- End Ping Results --

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Adding the [SOLVED] Tag to break threads -- multiple factors

2011-07-29 Thread Jake Shipton
On 07/29/2011 12:48 PM, Thomas Harold wrote:
> Heck, I'd settle for people coming back to a "problem / issue" thread 
> and updating on how or what the actual problem was or what they did to 
> get the thing to work properly.
> So often you'll see a thread talking about trying X, Y & Z, then the 
> person having the problem never responds back as to whether X, Y or Z 
> worked.  Which is especially troublesome a year or two later when you're 
> digging through threads in GMane trying to find a solution to a 
> particular issue.
> (Pet peeve of the day -- dead end threads on mail lists.)
Couldn't Agree more.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Adding the [SOLVED] Tag to break threads -- multiple factors

2011-07-28 Thread Jake Shipton
On 07/28/2011 06:54 PM, Karanbir Singh wrote:
> My argument here is that not 
> all mail clients do, therefore sticking with subject line sanity would 
> help increase the number of threads that can stay together.
I agree with KB on this one.

Way I see it is, you could go everyone to install a new mail client, or
contact their administrators to do so (corporate environment) if they
want to keep threads in one piece. Don't think that would go so well...


You could simply choose not to modify the thread title thus keeping
everyone happy. Granted Mailing Lists will never be perfect threading
wise due to so many variations of mail clients etc. However would be
nice to see some people simply at least try to keep the list clean :-)

I too use threaded mode on my mail client (Thunderbird 3.1.11) and often
threads are indeed broken because someone decided to change the subject
line or change something or other.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] CentOS-6 dhcpd

2011-07-15 Thread Jake Shipton
On 07/15/2011 05:45 PM, Timothy Murphy wrote:
> I've installed CentOS-6 on my server
> (in parallel to CentOS-5.6)
> and now I'm trying to set up dhcpd.
> I'm not sure if there has been a change in dhcpd
> under CentOS-6, but I'm getting the dreaded message
> "Not configured to listen on any interfaces!"
> when I "sudo service dhcpd restart".
> I realise now that I have never known
> how the connection between interface (eth0 and eth1, in my case)
> and network ( and, in my case)
> is established.
> I have DHCPDARGS=eth1 in /etc/sysconfig/dhcpd
> but evidently I need to say something more somewhere.
> Can one actually specify the interface in /etc/dhcpd.conf 
> and if so how?
> Any suggestions or enlightenment gratefully received.
Hi, I had this problem on my Fedora 12 & 14 box a while back, and I
found by adding a "dummy" network fixed the issue. I would assume the
fix to be the same on CentOS6 as their so closely related.

Here's an example of what I mean by dummy network in my dhcpd.conf

-- Begin --

ddns-update-style none;
ignore client-updates;

subnet netmask {
# This remains blank.

subnet netmask {
# Here would go the settings you wish for eth1.

-- end --

Basically as you can see, there is a subnet "" this would be for
eth0 while the other subnet below is in use and configured how you would

This for me fixed the error you mentioned. Also just a note, you will
often see "service dhcpd start" fail, if their is no device connected to it.

I do not know why, however command dhcpd will work. However, the service
appears to start anyway, it just reports a fail. as connected said
device to eth1 works even though service apparently failed to start.
device connected and powered up, service reports to start OK.

I hope this can help you and fixes your issues. :-)

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Duplicate Mails

2011-03-21 Thread Jake Shipton
On 03/21/2011 11:53 PM, Max Hetrick wrote:
> On 03/21/2011 05:57 PM, Ralph Angenendt wrote:
>> Apologies if this caused any inconveniences.
> No apology necessary from you. Much appreciated for fixing it quickly, 
> Ralph.
> If anyone is using Thunderbird, there's a handy add-on called Remove 
> Duplicate Messages on Mozilla's add-on site.
> <>
> Regards,
> Max
> ___
> CentOS mailing list
Yes, I will be using that :-). Already had it installed though :-). I to
recommend that add-on :-).

Ralph, thanks for sorting out the mess :-).

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] New list ?

2010-11-25 Thread Jake Shipton
Hash: SHA1

On 24/11/10 20:41, wrote:
(WoW!!! I just installed CentOS, ain't I l33t, now how do I log
> in?!?!?!).
>  mark

Lol Ironically I've actually seen people ask questions like that.

As for the separate lists idea, I think it would be a good thing in one
way but bad in another. It would be good because it would split things
up and attempt to make less noise.

But on the other hand it would be bad because people could get lost in
the transaction and the lists could end up dull as people join different
lists and end up spread out (Eg, you ask a question, have to wait a few
weeks for an answer, that would be bad.)

And we could start seeing 80+ replies to threads saying "Wrong list
newb" therefore causing more noise.

I personally think the list is good as is, yes there is some minor
noise, but that's just it, minor noise.

However I would just tag along, and join up to yet another list (I like
to keep in the 'loop' of things) :-)

Just my £00.02p :-)

- -- 
Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Remi -

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] RHEL 6 Officially Released

2010-11-11 Thread Jake Shipton
On 11/11/10 00:45, Matthew Miller wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 10, 2010 at 02:57:10PM -0600, Barry Brimer wrote:
>> Absolutely.  Red Hat does a tremendous amount of heavy lifting to produce
>> RHEL, without which there would be no CentOS. Red Hat also gets paid
>> pretty well to do so, and unless I am mistaken the CentOS team does not.
>> In any case, I appreciate the work of Red Hat and the CentOS team.
> Remember also that a lot of the original heavy lifting is done in Fedora,
> which, while sponsored by Red Hat, is very much a community project with
> significant work done without (direct) pay. So while you're appreciating,
> don't forget those folks either. :)
Ah, but don't forget the upstream folks from Fedora, such as the Kernel
guys the Gnome guys, KDE guys etc etc. :-P.

They all help make GNU/Linux distributions what they are today :-).

And yes, I too would like to thank the CentOS team and everyone else for
all their hard work :-). I would help them, and contribute, but aside
from money (Which I don't have at the mo :-( ) I fail to see anything I
can contribute with effectively :-(.

My Fedora 12 is coming to EOL soon, so I must upgrade my Fedora, but I
plan to switch to CentOS6 instead :-) Albeit EL doesn't have XFCE (Last
time I checked) I can sort that out, and a few other things I can easily
fix (make and build custom RPM's for my self)

Fedora 12 has become stable like no other Fedora release for me, so I
hope that has been carried over into EL6 :-) I'm guessing it has. If not
made better :-).

Anyhow, once again: Thanks to all the folk that make CentOS/RHEL/Linux
what it is today :-)

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Memtest86+ running time

2010-11-03 Thread Jake Shipton
On 03/11/10 22:03, Akemi Yagi wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 3, 2010 at 2:47 PM, Keith Roberts  wrote:
>> I have run one full test and got no errors on the memory
>> module. Is it worth keeping it running overnight, just to
>> see if temperature changes will afect the test?
> I had a system that started crashing randomly. I ran memtest overnight
> (about 10 hrs) but it did not report any errors. Next time I extended
> the run to 18 hrs or so and finally saw errors.  Replacing the RAM
> solved the crash problem. So, I would recommend running memtest for
> one full day.
> Akemi
> ___
> CentOS mailing list
I agree. Usually, when systems crash due to possibly memory related
errors I let them run testing for 24 hours, or if they have lots of
memory possibly longer (48 hours) to allow all memory to be fully
tested. :-)

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] OT: linux desktop market share more than 1%

2010-10-08 Thread Jake Shipton
you've mentioned are actually slowly (but surely) being solved.

Lets take Wine for example (The application, not the drink).

For many years it's always essentially been "The Program will work...
However, you may need to put on this dll override, disable alsa enable
pulseaudio, make program run in a virtual desktop and apply a No-CD
patch etc (Depending on the program)" now for many people this could be
far to complicated and make them just say "You know what? stuff it I'll
just go use Windows"

But we now have an application called "PlayOnLinux" which is handy for
new users (or experienced, saved me a bunch of time.. lol) which
essentially is the "click and go" what their used to, and for
experienced users it still allows you to install anything and manually
edit settings. However, wine still doesn't make all "Windows" programs
work sadly.

But that leads to the other problem of installing applications.. most
people don't (want to) know how to open up a terminal, and run commands
to go install a package, or grab it from a URL import the gpg key of the
repository etc. They want to just click it, click next a few times and
be done with it (Like everything on Windows).

But, if you check out recent Fedora's that's almost possible, though
still requested to enter password, but I think that's a *good* thing.

But (Jeez, I could call this the "But" email..) we have yet another
problem as previously mentioned.. Choices Choices Choices, how do you
make so many choices? As you said, most people just want it to "work"
and be done with it. But technically a default install of a Linux
distribution do "Just work" minus various codecs and sometimes hardware
driver issues. But, you can't tell me, that on *every* windows machine,
no ones ever had to go hunt down drivers for their hardware and install
them (or use a provided CD) I know I have before (ever tried that with a
machine with a Network adapter driver not detected, and no spare machine
at the time? :| not fun)

Same thing with Linux sometimes, and on Windows not *all* programs are
pre-installed and ready to go, for example, you can't go out, buy
Windows 7, and start using office applications, you got to then go out
and buy MS Office, and install it your self, essentially the same thing
with Linux (Except you got to use OO.o, wine or whatever suits your

Now, codecs is a common issue people find with Linux and the common
question is "Why doesn't MP3 just work like on Windows?!" but contrary
to popular belief, MP3 doesn't just "Always work" on Windows like they
claim, I had a virtual machine, that had no Network connection
what-so-ever, I put a MP3 on it to test, guess what? it had no MP3
codec, going through the settings I found an option "Download Codecs on
first run" or something to that extent, which means they wasn't included
with the OS (WinXP SP3) which isn't that different from Linux, except
you got to add repository's and install a whole bunch of programs. That
I do agree is a slight problem for new comers, maybe someday it will be
fixed, but I doubt it.

As for things being updated "too often" this is where the "EL" class of
OS's come in.. (albeit the EL series is quite old now and is missing
quite a lot of new stuff, that is till EL6 gets here) but in a way I
like my OS to be updated more often, as I like having the latest
features and what not :-). Personal preference there though.

But personally, I don't think Linux is for everybody, nor will it ever be.

People aren't willing to learn, and this is where the problem lies when
it comes to OS migration, that and the fact we tend to "get used" to
things, and it becomes what we're used to, and we don't want it to
change. Compared to a Linux from pre-2000 Linux is a *lot* more user
friendly now also.

The other problem people have, is that when they try Linux they tend to
go with an attitude of subconsciously wanting it not to work so they can
say it's crap and go back to Windows..

But it's far from perfect. Give it another 5 years and I personally
think Linux will be easy enough for "most" people to use.

After-all if my 75 year old Grandma is quite happily using a machine I
set up for her with Fedora 12, it can't be THAT hard, as she doesn't
know squat about computers (Mainly music, card games & email is all she
uses) :-)

As for Market Share.. I threw in my vote.. I personally am not to
worried about market shares of Linux. We are not a Corporation or
Company.. so why should it matter? :-|

Anyhow, just my 2p :-)
PS: Sorry for the short email, in a rush. :-)
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] OpenOffice or LibreOffice?

2010-10-06 Thread Jake Shipton
On 05/10/10 02:49, Yves Bellefeuille wrote:
> On Monday 04 October 2010 12:35, Mark wrote:
>> I'll probably put LO beta on my laptop and play with it a little
>> before I decide.  There is a caveat that LO might install over OO in
>> this beta, but future releases won't.
> The warning that LibreOffice overwrites OpenOffice only applies to 
> Windows. On my system, LibreOffice installed itself neatly 
> in /opt/libreoffice3.
Indeed. :-)

Redhat have stated they will support LibreOffice, but considering
LibreOffice is merely a beta at the moment an early one at that, I
highly doubt RH would put that into RHEL5/6, bearing in mind that RHEL
is all about stability and reliability. Imagine 50 networked machines,
using LibreOffice Beta, after they just added a new feature, and the new
feature accidentally causes constant segfaults, it would be a disaster
in an enterprise environment. :-O

I'd expect Fedora 15/16 (Possibly 14, but I think it's too far it for
them to change it now, not sure though) to see LibreOffice first. Then
after it'll fall into RHEL, at which point I don't know, possibly 6.2?
6.4? All depends on stability of the product, however it may not ever
make it into RHEL6 and end up only in RHEL7+. As for RHEL5? I'm not sure.

But, of course all this is speculation, and could be wrong.

I too checked out LibreOffice when it was released (F12 here at the
moment) I soon switched back to 3.1 though :-( but, it's
an early product, you can't expect it to be perfect just yet :-). (even
if it is a fork)

LibreOffice has the potential to be great, and the publicity/support
they needed. Lets just hope they do just that.

Anyhow, just my 2p :-)
Sorry for any spelling/grammar issues, been up all night and am tired,
only coffee keeping me going right now :D.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Sick and wrong!

2010-05-29 Thread Jake
On Sat, May 29, 2010 at 2:38 PM, David  wrote:

> What's going on?
> --
> Best regards,
> David

I'm going to guess someone snuck in and installed Windows Vista on his
fully-perfected Gentoo box that he lovingly installed from stage1. I had a
similar experience recently, and it is truly horrible. (this may be
a metaphor)

> On 05/29/2010 10:35 PM, Gilbert Sebenste wrote:
> > Karanbir,
> >
> > No one should ever have to go through that. I am sorry to hear that
> > someone has done that evil deed to you. May they be forgiven, but know
> the
> > pain that they have caused you and repent of their sins. And if there's
> > something I can do to help, please let me know.
> >
> >
> ***
> > Gilbert Sebenste
> > (My opinions only!)
>  **
> >
> ***
> > ___
> > CentOS mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> >
> ___
> CentOS mailing list

Jake Paulus
CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] warnquota email domain ?

2010-04-19 Thread Jake Grimmett
Dear All,

Sorry if this is the wrong place for this question, or if I'm just being daft, 
but I can't get warnquota to send emails to the right address.

When I put a test user (gollum) over quota, and run warnquota on a server 
(nfs2.lmb.internal), the email generated by warnquota appears in the maillog 
as "to=," What I need is the email to go 
to "gol...@lmb.internal"

I have four NFS servers, using NIS / automounts (no LDAP), my users all have 
email addresses . Any ideas on how to get warnquota to 
work, or should I just write a script to parse `repquota -avgu` ?

many thanks

Jake Grimmett
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Virtualization - what do You recommend?

2010-02-02 Thread Jake Shipton
On 02/02/10 11:20, Rafał Radecki wrote:
> Hi All.
> I plan to use virtualization in my production environment. I plan to use one
> of the following options:
> - KVM;
> - VMWare Esxi;
> - VMWare Workstation.
> I plan to install Windows 2008 as a guest. I want to use something like LVM
> snapshots for backups. Stability is also very important, the guest will be
> used as a production server.
> Which option could You recommend and why?
> Thank You very much in advance :)
> With regards,
> R.
> ___
> CentOS mailing list
Hi, Personally, I'd recommend VMware Workstation. Always been good for
me, however lately I have been trying out Virtualbox (PUEL) :-). They
have an Open Source Edition also (Virtualbox), only it lacks USB
Support. If you go on there website, you can see the 3 missing features.

Tried KVM, but it didn't like my box not having AMD-V.

I think the best way to determine what's best for you, would be to try
them all, and see which you prefer :-)

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] CentOS Directory Server 8.0

2010-01-30 Thread Jake
On Sat, Jan 30, 2010 at 8:51 AM, adrian kok wrote:

> Hi
> What is the different between Centos 5.4 and CentOS Directory Server 8.0?

CentOS Directory Server is an application that can run on Centos 4, CentOS 5
and even HP-UX and Solaris. To better understand what Directory Server is,
you may want to read this page:

> How can I download this CentOS Directory Server 8.0?

First, you have to enable the "extras" yum repository. You'll probably want
to read the installation guide here: and the other guides
you'll find under "CentOS Directory Server 8.0" here:

Jake Paulus
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] yum install -y gcc?

2010-01-14 Thread Jake Shipton
On 14/01/10 09:49, Peter Kjellstrom wrote:
> On Thursday 14 January 2010, John Doe wrote:
>> From: hadi motamedi 
>>> I tried to install GCC3.x , required to compile Asterisk , on my CentOS 5
>>> server as the followings : #yum install -y gcc
>> First, didn't you intend to install compat-gcc-34 ?
>> 'yum install gcc' would install gcc 4.x
>>> But in the middle of the installation , my server went down from
>> sudden power cut . After power recovery , I tried again but I am facing
>> with the following error :
>>> "Error:Missing dependency : libstdc++-devel = 4.1.2-46.el5_4.1 is needed
>>> by package gcc-c++" Can you please let me know what is its meaning and
>>> how I can proceed to re-install it ?
>> Try 'yum clean all'.
> He may want "yum-complete-transaction" from the pkg yum-utils if transactions 
> were interrupted.
> /Peter
> ___
> CentOS mailing list
Yes, that's what you want to do (or should) :-)

If that don't work just generally try stuff such as:

yum remove gcc
That should remove a half installed package, if it managed to be
partially installed. (and marked as installed. Doesn't always work)

yum install libstdc++-devel
Possibly to see if it can find the package?

else, try all things others have suggested (Mostly,
yum-complete-transaction & yum clean all)

Also you may want to invest in a UPS ;-)

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Laptop for CentOS-5

2010-01-07 Thread Jake Shipton
On 07/01/10 18:37, James B. Byrne wrote:
> I have a defective HP-Compaq nx9420 and so I am looking to replace
> it.  I have pretty much decided to buy no further MicroSoft based
> products and would very much like to hear recommendations for a
> suitable notebook host to provide me with Linux based alternative.
> Given that all the basic functionality required is provided, the
> main thing that I am looking for is reliability of the host itself. 
> I do a deal of traveling so physical robustness is an issue.  But I
> also use my notebook for hours at a time, generally every day. This
> means that I am typically on a/c current rather than batteries and
> that power regulation and heat dissipation are also concerns.  The
> power regulator circuit is in fact what I believe has failed on the
> nx9420.
> Not infrequently I have the notebook on my chest or lap while
> working at home.  So the ventilation clearances provided by a flat
> desk support are frequently absent and the notebook design must
> accommodate this.
> I would like to use CentOs as this is what I am most familiar with. 
> But, I am open to CentOS alternatives like Ubuntu or even a
> non-Linux alternative like a PowerMac with OS-X.
> I have already looked at the Dell site on the basis of a friends
> recommendation. While Dell mentions Ubuntu is available for some of
> their notebook computers they do not seem to provide any way to
> actually configure a system with it.
> So, my desires are:
> Robust construction
> Reliable quality
> Reasonable weight (< 2.5 kg all in)
> Supported sound and video reproduction of reasonable quality
> 15-17" lcd screen
> Out-of-the-box support for wireless networking
> Battery life > 2.0 hrs.
> Not MS-Windows
> 64 bit
> core duo 2
> 2-4+ Gb RAM
> 120+ Gb HDD
> writable multi-mode DVD/CD drive
> CentOS-5+
> Your system suggestions, both for hardware and OS, are most welcome.
I'm not really into the whole laptop market scene my self, so I'm not
going to suggest any hardware. However, I do wonder, why you don't
simply buy a laptop that suits your needs, then simply wipe the OS off?
(If it was the evil that is MS on it)

Though it may get price changes (Due to MS Tax), but sometimes I find in
laptops the price tax isn't all that high any more.

For example, you could get choose a Windoze machine, but before buying,
look into the technical details, then Google the parts to see what will
work and what won't and if need be, choose another :-).

As for OS Choice, my personal preferences are:

Absolutely needs reliability (Such as Server): CentOS/RHEL
General Use (Such as Standard PC): Fedora (Latest, upgrade as soon as
new one is out)

I've never used Mac OSX so I have no comments with it :-)

Just my 2c :-)

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Dear Centos Mailing List, If you can't find in google, try JUSTDIAL.COM

2010-01-07 Thread Jake Shipton
Oh, that's just great, I finally get my Thunderbird, filtering nicely,
and everything, rarely see spam.. it was all "Thunderbirds are Go!"...
and then.. it pops in through mailing list :| Didn't see that one
coming. (I have my mailing list on full mode, rather than digest, which
is why I'm a tad late to the "party" :p (Personal preference)

Thankfully mailing list spam is rare :-).

As for blocking "known" spam addresses, trust me, that really does not
work. Tried doing that oh, so many times with my inbox(s), in the end I
just set up specific "word" filtering, which basically, if an email
comes through with known common words used for spam (Such as your bank
account is insecure, change your online password etc from banks I'm not
even with :| Even if I was signed up with the bank, I would check the
link first see where it really goes :-)) (Staying smart is the best way
to not get conned ;-) )

But if you want to truly block spam, you'll need to block out all
accounts from: gmail, hotmail, yahoo & any other free provider, but
clearly that cannot happen for fairly obvious reasons :| Though if you
don't already block out all the "temporary" 1 hour or 10 minute inbox
providers then go block those ;-)

But to be honest, one spam message on the list, isn't bad, it could of
actually been a "human bot" basically, a someone who actually sends spam
rare now, but it still goes on :-), when it's actually people sending
the spam, it's hard to block.

No need to go around rushing for spam filtering at this moment of time
in my opinion, one or two messages can slip through any mailing list,
heck could even slip through the "worlds most spam blocking machine" (If
there is one). It happens. Also, everyone has to apply to the mailing
list (I assume), which helps prevent spam on it's own. Until you guys
start getting regular spam, there's nothing to worry about :-)

I'm gonna stop now, before I put you guys "asleep" :-D. Surprised you
read this far though. :-D Also gotta close the window, before the snow
makes my window shelf white. (Or gets into my comp) (It's snowing here :-D)

Just my 2p (Or rather, rambling on lol.)

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] RHCE

2009-12-29 Thread Jake
On Tue, Dec 29, 2009 at 1:22 PM, Jim Wildman  wrote:
> I realize this is a CentOS mailing list but because it is based directly on
>> RHEL, I would assume there are a few individuals who frequent the list
>> that
>> have passed the RHCE exam. I plan on taking the exam this March and was
>> wondering if there are any tips you RHCEs out there could provide that may
>> help me.
>> Thanks!
>> Dan
With the RHCE, you have the advantage that this is a performance-based
test...not multiple choice. If you can get the job done right, you can pass.
This isn't just a memorization exercise. I'd take a look at the list of the
topics covered by the exam here and make sure you can
can build and troubleshoot each item listed. I wouldn't skip anything
because you did it a year ago and think you remember.

Also, I don't think the RHCE is as hard as it once was. If you've read the
war stories about the folks struggling through the exam and barely passing
or not passing at all, you're probably reading about someone who didn't
understand all of the technologies on the list like they should have or
(maybe more likely) someone who took the exam a few years ago. I was RHCT
certified and went to the 1-week training with the exam at the end and
passed without any issues at all. If you have the money, this might be the
way to go especially if the certification is important for you to have.

Good luck,

Jake Paulus
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] mkdir this "." directory

2009-12-29 Thread Jake Shipton
On 28/12/09 23:49, adrian kok wrote:
> Hi 
> I have this . folder under tmp
> 1/ How they can make it this folder?
> 2/ How can I remove it?
> Thank you
> Send instant messages to your online friends 
> ___
> CentOS mailing list
Your question may be amusing to some. Just take no notice of them :p

I'll give you a quick briefing though, you will find the "." in every
single directory, without it, you probably would be completely unable
to browse through directories at all.

The "." can be used as follows:

"cd ../" - This would step you to a lower directory. in other words you
would go from "/home/you/folder" to "/home/you"

This could also be used more for example to go from "/home/you/folder
/folder\ 2/" to simply the main "/" (This is the very top directory of
a drive) you could do:

"cd ../../../../" (or in this case you could cheat and just do "cd /",
but I'm just using this as an example ;-))

another use for the dots is like this:

"./configure" - Generally used when configuring make files, but this
tells the system to stay in directory in right now, and run that file.

Also could be used like this:

"sh ./" which pretty much does the same thing as above, only
this time your telling an application to run first, and then telling
the app to do above.

Oh and eh, do *not* delete those dots ;)

Also, you cannot create directory with just a dot. However, you could
make a directory starting with a dot.

For example ".folder" this will hide the directory from normal view
(However can still be seen given the right commands)

If you run with a gui, you'll probably have a few dotted folders in
your home dir. If so run "ls" and then "ls -a" and you'll see a few
folders magically appear. Bare in mind, if your out of ~ you will
need to pop back to it, to jump back to home dir just run "cd ~". :-)

Hope this helps :-)

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Monitor Network Traffic

2009-12-21 Thread Jake
Whatever you decide to go with, if you are graphing a gigabit
interface, make sure you use 64-bit counters. The standard 32-bit
counters overflow just past 100Mbit/sec and will give you innacurate

On 12/21/09, Marcelo M. Garcia  wrote:
> On 21/12/2009 16:05, Thomas Harold wrote:
>> You can also (ab)use MRTG to graph things like CPU usage&  CPU
>> temperature, disk utilization, or anything else that you can query via a
>> remote shell command or SNMP query.
> Hi
> In this case why not use Ganglia. Look how MediaWiki uses Ganglia with
> Nagios, and other tools:
> Regards
> mg.
> ___
> CentOS mailing list

Sent from my mobile device

Jake Paulus
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Monitor Network Traffic

2009-12-21 Thread Jake
On Mon, Dec 21, 2009 at 11:05 AM, Thomas Harold wrote:

> In the past I've used Nagios & NTop.  Unfortunately, NTop was a bit of a
> CPU hog and I had stability issues with it that I never tracked down.
> So at the moment, we're mostly relying on MRTG to see traffic.

We had the same problems with Ntop (we monitor netflows, not local
interfaces). There was a thread about a good netflow tool a week or two ago
where someone suggested NfSen + nfdump. I set it up Thursday (took 30 mins
or so) and it totally rocks. We've gone to production with it to monitor
flows from around 50 devices. I highly recommend you take a look if you have
serious needs to see what's really on the wire.

Jake Paulus
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Monitoring Dynamic IPs using Some network monitoring tool

2009-12-21 Thread Jake
On Mon, Dec 21, 2009 at 8:50 AM, Rajagopal Swaminathan <> wrote:

> Greetings,
> I have one centos server for network monitoring.
> there are remote devices which are connected through ADSL lines and
> hence Dynamic IPs
> Q1. Is there any tool which is capable of handling this type of situation?
> Q2. Is there a workaround for this problem
I think it really depends on the type of monitoring you'd like to do and the
type of tool you're trying to use now. For example, we use Nagios to monitor
our systems. With Nagios, you could use passive checks. This is where the
programs that monitor your server run locally on the server and submit
results to the central monitoring server. The central Nagios server can
alert based on the results it receives or based on the fact that it hasn't
received results for a period of time.

Jake Paulus
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Monitor Network Traffic

2009-12-21 Thread Jake
On Mon, Dec 21, 2009 at 9:08 AM, sadas sadas  wrote:

> What is the best way to monitor the total incoming / outcoming network
> traffic of CentOS server. I think that the solution is to monitor the
> network interfaces and to send SNMP packets to remote server. But is it
> possible?

Absolutely. Check out Cacti

There are lots of alternatives to Cacti too (MRTG, even doing graphing in
your system monitoring tool like Nagios.) You might also find it easier to
monitor the switch instead of the servers if that's possible with your gear.
This way, you configure the switch once and can monitor all the servers on
it instead of having to configure each server individually to allow snmp

Jake Paulus
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Silly question x64 vs i386

2009-12-16 Thread Jake Shipton
On 16/12/09 23:37, Marko Vojinovic wrote:
> On Wednesday 16 December 2009 21:52:05 Jake Shipton wrote:
>> On 16/12/09 19:53, Scot P. Floess wrote:
>>> I have one box on my home network that is x86_64 capable...
>> Personally, if you had asked this 3 years ago, I'd have said "Go i686"
>> due to compatibility.
>> But now-a-days with up-to-date distributions there isn't many packages
>> that aren't for x86_64.
>> Heck even flash finally got a x86_64 Linux version now :-D (Took them
>> long enough though!)
>> Any machine I have that can run in x86_64, I normally install a x86_64
>> OS, and recently,
>> I haven't found anything I need that is only i686.
> Skype?
> Best, :-)
> Marko
I knew someone would find something that isn't 64-bit, in fact, I was 
waiting for it. :-p

But, after a quick Google search, it's possible to run Skype on x86_64. 
;) just install the i686 libs,
job done (apparently) :-)

Same way as any OpenSim/Secondlife viewer is installed :-)

Not the most ideal way to run programs on 64, but it works :-)

Though I personally don't "need" or "use" Skype ;-)

*waits for someone else to go list a bunch of anti-64 packages*

PS: Seemingly, Your "Reply-To" makes my email client want to reply to 
you only (Which I put back to CentOS instead) may cause others to also. 
Just letting you know :-)


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Silly question x64 vs i386

2009-12-16 Thread Jake Shipton
On 16/12/09 19:53, Scot P. Floess wrote:
> I have a really silly question... but just want to ask...
> I have one box on my home network that is x86_64 capable...  My other
> boxes are all i386.  As this x86_64 machine can, at most, house 4 GB of
> RAM (currently only has 1 GB) - is there any advantage to my running
> x86_64 on that machine instead of i386...  Long story as to why I am
> asking - but before I go off and moveit down to i386 - just wanted some
> opinions :)
> Scot P. Floess
> 27 Lake Royale
> Louisburg, NC  27549
> 252-478-8087 (Home)
> 919-890-8117 (Work)
> Chief Architect JPlate
> Chief Architect JavaPIM
> Architect Keros
> ___
> CentOS mailing list
Personally, if you had asked this 3 years ago, I'd have said "Go i686" 
due to compatibility.
But now-a-days with up-to-date distributions there isn't many packages 
that aren't for x86_64.
Heck even flash finally got a x86_64 Linux version now :-D (Took them 
long enough though!)

Any machine I have that can run in x86_64, I normally install a x86_64 
OS, and recently,
I haven't found anything I need that is only i686.

And usually, when you *do* need a i686 package it's usually possible to 
install the i686
versions of the packages (depending on the repo of course) where a 
command such as:

yum install httpd.i686
(or .i386 again depending on repo)

would come in handy :-) and then you have the i686 version, though there 
not always stable
like that :-|

x86_64 has matured over the years and it's done it well :-)

But then, personally, I'd say, keep the current OS, unless there is 
actually something
that makes you actually need x86_64. As they say "If it ain't broke, 
Don't fix it".

Though if you build/acquire a new x86_64 box, throw a x86_64 OS on it :-)
But still, check make sure they are x86_64 binarys available. or sources 
that will compile
on x86_64. In most cases, it will.

Oh, and there's no such thing as a silly question ;-)


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Future of MySQL

2009-12-14 Thread Jake Shipton
On 13/12/09 16:31, Kai Schaetzl wrote:
> I thought I post this link
> in case anyone isn't aware of this yet and wants to email the EC.
> Kai
Sent my email off, I've used MySQL for a long time, and would hate to 
see MySQL die :-(

Thanks :-)


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] CentOS 5.4 x86_64 only detects 32GB RAM while Fedora x86_64 correctly lists 128GB

2009-12-07 Thread Jake
On Mon, Dec 7, 2009 at 4:35 PM, Lucian @ wrote:

> On Mon, Dec 7, 2009 at 12:24 PM, Diederick Stoffers
>  wrote:
> > [r...@localhost ~]# uname -a
> > Linux localhost.localdomain 2.6.18-164.6.1.el5xen #1 SMP Tue Nov 3
> 16:48:13
> > EST 2009 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
> >
> > On 7 dec 2009, at 13:12, Rudi Ahlers wrote:
> >
> > what kernel are you running?
> >
> > On Mon, Dec 7, 2009 at 2:05 PM, Diederick Stoffers  >
> > wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > We have a new 24-core Dell PowerEdge R905 server with 128GB's RAM. The 64
> >
> > bits version of Fedora 12 lists the correct amount of 128GB, CentOS only
> >
> > finds 32GB (and so does Scientific Linux). I would much prefer to use
> CentOS
> >
> > (most of the software we use is specifically designed for CentOS). Does
> >
> > anyone know what is causing this/how to fix it?
> >
> > Many Thanks,
> >
> > Diederick


"The Red Hat Enterprise Linux Virtualization kernel does not support more
than 32GB of memory for x86_64 systems. If you need to boot the
virtualization kernel on systems with more than 32GB of physical memory
installed, you must append the kernel command line with mem=32G. This
example shows how to enable the proper parameters in the grub.conf file:

title Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server  (2.6.18-4.elxen)
root  (hd0, 0)
kernel   /xen.gz-2.6.18-4-el5 mem=32G
module   /vmlinuz -2.6.18-4.el5xen ro root=LABEL=/
module   /initrd-2.6.18-4.el5xen.img"

Jake Paulus
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] netflow colelction and analysis

2009-12-06 Thread Jake
On Sun, Dec 6, 2009 at 5:53 PM, Ray Van Dolson  wrote:

> OP wants nfdump[1].  Great tool.  The web front-end is called nfsen and is
> a separate package.
> Ray
> [1]

Needs, but maybe not "wants." :-P

I used to be in love with ntop, but it has shown to be very unstable in the
last few years (memory leaks, crashing, etc. for version in fedora-epel as
well as latest stable and latest svn checkout..) Ntop is what you want (at
least close to what you want the interface to look like) but i have yet to
find any good netflow analyser that blows my skirt up after having sampled
ntop (stability issues), solarwinds realtime netflow analyser (unknown
reliability, plus only meant for live troubleshooting, not trending),
solarwinds orion netflow module (too cumbersome to navigate to find simple
answers like "what was on the wire during a certain time frame), and the
cisco network analysis module for the 6500 (maybe the best i've seen even if
its interface is ugly as hell.) If anyone has had a good experience with
something user-friendly on the reporting side at least, I'd be thrilled to
hear about it.

nfdump/nfsen does look like it could hold some value but i haven't evaluated
it yet.

Jake Paulus
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Passenger Best Practice

2009-10-18 Thread Jake
On Sun, Oct 18, 2009 at 12:13 PM, Stephen Nelson-Smith
> I want to move from running puppet under it's own web brick server, to
> using passenger.
> I'd like to get an idea of how folk are  running passenger?  Ideally
> I'd like to keep everything rpm based, so would need ruby enterprise
> rpms, and then the mod_rails / passenger plugin?
> How are you folk doing it?
> I've seen:
> And I've also seen:
> Which seems to do some enterprise ruby.
> What else is out there?  I'm more than happy to do it all myself, but
> if so it ought to be done in the way which best serves the project...

I used the guide found here on a RHEL 5
server with success. You'll see that most things are installed via yum
repositories except for rack and passenger, which are installed as
ruby gems. You'll probably find better answers for this type of
questions and any issues you might run into during implementation on
the puppet users mailing list (

Jake Paulus
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] CentOS 5.4? anyone?

2009-10-16 Thread Jake Shipton
On 16/10/09 14:13, Toby Bluhm wrote:
> You Centos guys just aren't getting the message are you?
> We need to know EXACTLY what is going on with the release! None of this
> "soon" crap will do. Please post a progress report on packages built,
> isos transfered, server update progress by region, hours worked,
> keystrokes typed, bathroom breaks, hours slept, family time taken. Bar
> charts would be a nice touch. We need to know these things! Our very
> lives hang upon this release. Strap a wireless webcam to your head for
> god's sake and broadcast your every move. Verbalized every action. Quit
> leaving us in the lurch!
> Thank you
Good idea! Who wants to chip in and help pay for those web-cams? :D

Lets all buy one web-cam each for them, we'll need something like 200, 
so that we can have them put, in each corner
of their workspace, so we know exactly what their doing, even if it's 
something we don't want to see them doing at night.

While we're at it, we could also install VNC to their machines so we can 
watch from their also.

We also need cameras in their kitchen, and local food shops, so we can 
even see what they eat!


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] CentOS 5.4? anyone?

2009-10-16 Thread Jake Shipton

On 16/10/09 09:38, Ian Blackwell wrote:

Jake Shipton wrote:

Post #148.


You count your posts?
CentOS mailing list

No, that's the post # in the thread, of which I linked to (Eg, the one 
to look at).


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] CentOS build scripts (or equivalent) acessible?

2009-10-16 Thread Jake Shipton

On 16/10/09 08:06, Ian Wilson wrote:

On Thu, Oct 15, 2009 at 4:02 PM, Miguel Di Ciurcio Filho

There really doesn't look like there's a lot of packages there.

Why haven't we tried to set up Koji?  (If the answer's not enough
time, or not-enough knowledge, I'm willing to help if needed)


There are SRPM's there. If that's what you mean.

I believe CentOS still uses Plague (internally)


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] CentOS 5.4? anyone?

2009-10-15 Thread Jake Shipton
On 15/10/09 14:41, Jeremy Rosengren wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 15, 2009 at 7:07 AM, Miguel Di Ciurcio Filho 
>>> wrote:
> mbneto wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > The last status (from twitter) is 2 days old with the '5.4 is baked!
> > centos internal network will start syncing up today. Release ~
> soon!'.
> > Any ETA?
> >
> Just relax and wait, this is a _volunteer_ based project. Want a
> release
> date? Go pay for RHEL.
> This response is just as annoying as the request for an update.
> -- j
> ___
> CentOS mailing list
Agreed, doesn't really help. But "mbneto", in the forum, in the "When 
will 5.4 be released" thread, (Massive flame war going on their if you 
want to join in ;-) ) hughesjr said it should be out in a couple of 
days. so not long to wait now :-)

Which you can see here:

Post #148.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Launch applications on GNOME startup ?

2009-10-11 Thread Jake Shipton
On 11/10/09 17:28, Niki Kovacs wrote:
> Hi,
> I just installed and configured Conky, and I'd like to automatically
> launch it whenever I start a GNOME session. I expected to see some sort
> of Preferences>Launch Applications on Startup, some user-specific
> equivalent of rc.local, but there doesn't seem to be such an entry.
> Any suggestions?
> Niki
> ___
> CentOS mailing list
Hi, assuming the application can be started from terminal without issues 
you could go to:

System > Preferences > More Preferences > Sessions

And onto the "Start up" tab.

Click "Add" and here, you will need to enter a command (such as 

Not quite sure what conky is, as I've never used it, so this may or may 
not work for you. But give it a try :-)

Hope this helps.



CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Where to download rpm packages for centos?

2009-09-17 Thread Jake Shipton
On 17/09/09 08:12, Nicolas Thierry-Mieg wrote:
> Christopher Chan wrote:
>>> I think you're in for a tough road.  Try buying the sysadmin flowers.
>> Flowers? I'd thought a R/C helicopter might get somewhere.
> well since your system is still C5.0 you could always use that good old
> vmsplice exploit and become root to install your packages discreetly ;-)
> I deny it all. I didn't say that, someone's pretending to be me.
> ___
> CentOS mailing list
Actually, that may not be a bad idea for him to do. If he does that, he 
could then prove to his very lazy (So it seems) SYS Admin that the 
systems are simply no longer secure, and thus getting him to upgrade them.

But on the other hand it may get him the sack for breaking into the 
systems. Hmm.

However, I don't see how letting a system become very out of date, will 
keep it stable, if anything it could cause more problems.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Securely backing up Linux machines to NAS?

2009-09-12 Thread Jake
You'll want to look into rsync over ssh with ssh key-based authentication.

On 9/12/09, Les Mikesell  wrote:
> Scott Ehrlich wrote:
>> I have been tasked with having a Buffalo Terastation Pro 2 NAS box,
>> likely to be connected to a Linux box via samba, be the storage device
>> to back up mostly Ubuntu and Centos systems.  The trick is, the
>> machines to be backed up need to do so in an automated fashion and
>> make a secure, encrypted connection to my Linux box hosting the NAS.
>> The NAS does have SSL enabled for web admin access, though the same
>> login credentials are used to authenticate the Linux host via samba to
>> the NAS.
>> So what are the simplest options to back up the Linux hosts?   rsync
>> does come to mind, but how to do so securely from each host?   I'd
>> consider something via ssh, but that would mean an interactive login,
>> and encrypting individual files on the hosts is not an option.
>> NFS is also available on the NAS, but considering the security
>> concerns, I will not use that, nor do I want to enable any more
>> services on the linux machines being backed up than necessary, meaning
>> samba is not an option, unless it remains the ONLY one.
>> I ONLY plan to use samba to mount the NAS to my Linux server, unless
>> someone comes up with a more secure method, or even away to negate the
>> need of the Linux server and permit the hosts to back up directly to
>> the NAS...
> I always recommend looking at backuppc first for an online backup service
> because it gets almost everything right and has a simple web interface for
> configuration and acces.  It's not a real good fit for a NAS though.  You
> could
> probably make it work over NFS - and fix the security issue by connecting it
> directly to a 2nd NIC on the linux box and nothing else, but it would be
> much
> easier to just add some large drives either internally or via eSATA on the
> linux
> box itself.  It can't use samba-mounted storage for it's archive because it
> uses
> hard links to save space for duplicate files.
> --
>Les Mikesell
> ___
> CentOS mailing list

Sent from my mobile device

Jake Paulus
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Battery condition tools CentOS/Dell

2009-08-06 Thread Jake Shipton
On 06/08/09 16:21, Robert Moskowitz wrote:
> Johnny Hughes wrote:
>> Anne Wilson wrote:
>>> My laptop is four years old, and yes the battery is aging.  When I bought 
>>> the
>>> laptop there were instructions that if a laptop is used mainly on mains, you
>>> should run it on battery, say once a month or so, until you are down to 10%.
>>> It was claimed that the periodic discharge in this way actually lengthens 
>>> the
>>> life-span of the battery.
>>> Anne
>> Lithium Ion type batteries do not have the Memory issue of older battery
>> types, where you need to discharge fully to cycle it from low to high to
>> build capacity.
>> It is better that you never discharge a Lithium Battery if possible.
> Except recent kernels (or something else) have interferred? with AC
> state, and I will be running on battery, even though the OS thinks it is
> on AC, so I am NOT watching how long I was on battery and all of a
> sudden, POOF!  System off
> GRRR.  Maybe this new 2.6.18-128.1.14.el5 will get it working right again...
> ___
> CentOS mailing list
Although that last bit made me laugh. I hope for your sake it gets 
sorted soon :-) Could cause HDD damage instant power off's are never good.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Million linux virtual machines

2009-08-05 Thread Jake Shipton
On 05/08/09 14:15, Bob Hoffman wrote:
> ~Snip~
> Scientists get a million Linux kernels to run at once
> ~Snip~
> (how long before shared hosts use thislol)
> ~Snip! ~
> ___
> CentOS mailing list
Awesome news :D But I hope that computer is "Energy efficient" and 
doesn't use to much power.. well OK maybe not. (I also kinda don't care)

I'm guessing that box pulls some power :-D Imagine your power bill after 
running that constantly for a month :o

Thus I doubt "Shared Hosts" could afford to run one, let alone more.

PS: Was the box running CentOS?


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Web

2009-08-02 Thread Jake Shipton
On 02/08/09 14:41, madunix wrote:
> I have the following issues on a website, would like to know how would
> you resolve these issue?
> 1- CSS is not used efficient.
> 2- Search engine need to be optimized.
> 3- Java Scripts are placed between HTML tags.
> 4- Redirecting homepage through JS code, using client side
> 5- Web page delay, a lot of objects.
> 6- Disable listings directories from apache (how)
> 7- web not compatible with Firefox
> Thanks
> -mu
> ___
> CentOS mailing list
Hmm, seems to be like it needs a "complete overhaul" meaning...
probably best to start from scratch.

As for disabling listings. There is two methods.
one of which is to edit httpd.conf and the other is if .htaccess is
enabled, then you could use some .htaccess lines to do so.

Be careful with .htaccess, could lead to exploitation if not made

And it does not compatible with Firefox either? Who would do that?
It's kind of like disabling half the internet users.

Anyhow, assuming the web server is Linux, to disable directory
listing edit this file: /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf

You should fine a line like so:* *

Options All Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews

Change to:

Options All FollowSymLinks MultiViews

That should do the trick :-)

Hope this helps somewhat :-)


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] CentOS on Acer Laptop

2009-07-31 Thread Jake Shipton

On 31/07/09 22:01, Lanny Marcus wrote:

On Fri, Jul 31, 2009 at 6:56 AM, sam R  wrote:

I have very basic question:
I have downloaded CentOS-5.3-i386-LiveCD from CentOS website. Now I need to
install it on my Acer Laptop permanently not as a liveCD. How do I burn it
to a DVD to be able to install it by simply restarting my laptop?

I suggest you go ahead and burn the LiveCD image you downloaded to a
CD and see if this OS will run, properly, on your HW, before you
install it. If so, then download the CD's or DVD for a regular
install. Hang onto the LiveCD, in case you need to test on other HW,
in case you have a problem and need to rescue, or if go out of town
and want to run on someone elses HW without leaving tracks.

May also want to consider using the "netinstall" images if you have a 
constant network
connection during install. Saves downloading a whole DVD or a bunch of 
CD's ;-)

Although do try the LiveCD as stated above.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] web filtering for remote computers

2009-05-22 Thread Jake
On Fri, May 22, 2009 at 12:55 AM, Dhaval Thakar
> John R Pierce wrote:
>> Dhaval Thakar wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I am using Squid for local users since two years & is working fine.
>>> I am trying to implement web filtering for remote computers e.g few laptops 
>>> & branch / franchise computers on dynamic ips.
>>> I do not want to use Squid proxy for it, if all remote computers will use 
>>> Squid from my public ip, bandwidth utilization will increase.
>>> Need valuable suggestion to achieve this.
>> how are these remote computers connected to the network, and what OS are
>> they running?
> all are windows clients
> connecting through internet using dynamic ips.
>> filtering, by necessity, has to be between the user and the thing you
>> want to filter.
> ___
> CentOS mailing list

Good morning:

If your needs are simple (e.g. you are able to apply one filtering
policy to roughly all users at the same time and you aren't concerned
with per-user reporting on usage for accountability, etc.) you can try
OpenDNS. I just use this service for normal name resolution but they
have a filtering service as well.

Of course you can get around this filtering scheme but then no web
filtering technique is fool-proof...and blocking outbound dns requests
to all resolvers except the IP addresses of OpenDNS (there are just
two to put in your firewall) would go a long way towards preventing
users from escaping the filter.

Jake Paulus
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] df -h shows system at 100% used, but there is space left

2009-04-24 Thread Jake
On Fri, Apr 24, 2009 at 12:43 PM, dnk  wrote:
> Has anyone seen output like this before? Notice on my /dev/md0 That it
> reports 100% used, but also 5.3 Gb available. What would cause this?
> # df -h
> Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
> /dev/sda2              71G  1.6G   66G   3% /
> /dev/sda1              99M   22M   73M  23% /boot
> tmpfs                 506M     0  506M   0% /dev/shm
> /dev/md0              903G  851G  5.3G 100% /home

This is completely normal rounding. 5.3/903=.005 or .5% - the "human
readable" output doesn't show fractions of a rounds.

Jake Paulus
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] iptables question

2009-02-19 Thread Jake
On Thu, Feb 19, 2009 at 7:46 PM,  wrote:

> I need to redirect input from one of the vips ( on BOX
> A to BOX B ( and I'm about to pull my hair out.

While i haven't done this before, i believe the answer you're looking for
lies in SNAT. It would seem the requirements would be that the traffic needs
to wind up at the right destination (NAT would get you that far) but the
return traffic must also appear to come from the original VIP or else the
source device would not already think it has an open session with that
device. Take a look here:

Good luck!

Jake Paulus
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] tinydns/djbdns opinion poll

2009-02-09 Thread Jake
Thank you very much for all of your feedback. It really sounds like i
got two general replies:

"eh, I wouldn't use it" (a minority) and "We do some complicated stuff
to make it meet our needs and we love it." (majority)

For us, ease of management is really key to having success with our
technical staff. I think we'll likely stick with BIND.


On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 1:02 PM, Bill Campbell  wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 09, 2009, Rainer Duffner wrote:
>>Ray Van Dolson schrieb:
>>> On Mon, Feb 09, 2009 at 07:58:38AM -0800, wrote:
>>The problem is that it is not very modular.
>>You must decided on which features (=patches) you want to incorporate
>>and then build the RPM accordingly.
>>We use tinydns+dnscache almost exclusively (it's not good if you need to
>>play 2ndary for a true BIND) and are very happy with it.
> We have been using djbdns for years with excellent results, and
> user very few non-standard patches (mainly a hack to dnscache to
> allow it to respond to the world on one of our servers that we
> allowed customers to use in the mid '90s, and can't change).
> We are secondaries for a few hundred BIND domains, and have no
> problems with that using djb tcpclient axfr-get to pull the data
> from these under control of a cron job.
> We are also provide secondary DNS for many of our customer's
> sites which run djbdns, and they simply use rsync to copy their
> zone files to our primary server.
> We use the rbldns daemon extensively to handle DNSRBLs.
> The data formats for djbdns are quite simple, particularly
> compared to the ugly kludge of BIND.  Setting up forward and
> reverse DNS for a host for which one is authoritative for the
> in-addr address requires a single line, at a minimum:
> =fqdn:ipaddress:
> The startup times are essentially zero, as are updates to remote
> servers using rsync to copy the tinydns and rbldns data files to
> our secondary servers.
> The version we run on all our Linux systems has been hacked into
> SRPMS for the OpenPKG portable package management system, and we
> run it on various Linux distributions, FreeBSD, and OS X.
> I don't remember exactly when we started using djbdns, but it was
> at least 8 years ago.  Other than a simple hack I did years ago
> to have dnscache ignore CVS and RCS directories, it has been dead
> solid with zero problems.
> Bill
> --
> INTERNET:  Bill Campbell; Celestial Software LLC
> URL:  PO Box 820; 6641 E. Mercer Way
> Voice:  (206) 236-1676  Mercer Island, WA 98040-0820
> Fax:(206) 232-9186
> Those who cast the vote decide nothing.
> Those who count the vote decide everything. (Joseph Stalin)
> ___
> CentOS mailing list

Jake Paulus
CentOS mailing list

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