Re: [CentOS] php 5.1.6 vulnerability in CentosPlus repo

2011-07-03 Thread Spike Turner
--- On Sat, 2/7/11, John R. Dennison  wrote:

> That's not been supported in, literally, ages.  You
> may want to consider
> a "yum update" once in a while.
> And yes, that specific version has multiple known and
> exploitable
> security issues.
>     John

I'm running it on an internal box not accessible from the internet. I do run a 
yum update and that seems to be the latest CentOS Plus version.

You can see that the kernels are updated but the php is not, so I don't see why 
you said I should consider "running a yum update once in a while". 


CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] php 5.1.6 vulnerability in CentosPlus repo

2011-07-02 Thread Spike Turner
Hi Guys,

I'm looking at php php-5.1.6-3.el4s1.10.i386.rpm in the CentOS plus repo dated 
from 31st July 2008. Is it vulnerable from the exploits in php 5.1.x and 5.2?

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] CentOS 4.8 Availability?

2009-07-25 Thread Spike Turner

Upstream released 4.8 on 18th May 2009. Here is the announcement for those who 
missed it.

When can we expect CentOS 4.8? When it is ready? Soon?



CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] PHP 5.2

2008-10-30 Thread Spike Turner
Ralph Angenendt  wrote:

> My mails had *three* locations in it where you can download
> php 5.2 if
> you need that.

There is no evidence supplied by yourself or by the OP that
upstream have not backported a fix to an issue 2 years old.
As the saying goes if its not in bugzilla its not a bug.
There is no reason for the cart to lead the horse on this 

If its not in bugzilla its not a bug.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] PHP 5.2

2008-10-30 Thread Spike Turner
Eduardo Silvestre  wrote:

> i have some customers with php 5.1.6 and they have a
> problem because this version have a bug on gd library. 
> Link 
> Need install other version to use this feature. 
> Regards, 

Don't assume that because the bug is in php 5.1.6 that
upstream have not addressed it by backporting a fix see
Have you filed any bugs in or checked to 
see if the bug is present in CentOS? 



CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Dazuko module Panda Antivirus

2008-10-30 Thread Spike Turner
Gopinath Achari  wrote:

> I installed Panda antivirus for linux  but
> it uses
> Dazuko module for updating virus definition downloaded from
> internet to
> virus definitions database. So i downloaded dazuko ( tar
> package)
> software and tryed to install. But it generates the below
> defined
> errors, Which module in the kernel has to be enabled.
> Please help me i
> am using Centos 5.2 with kernel version of 
> 2.6.18-92.1.13.el5xen

Have you spoken to the Panda people? Have you tried getting 
an rpm version. Have you looked in the 3rd party repos? There
is a reason for using an rpm-based distro rather than Slackware.



CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Question re RHEL 5.3

2008-10-30 Thread Spike Turner
MHR  wrote:

> I've heard now from more than one source about problems
> with CentOS
> (and RH) at least up through 5.2 w.r.t. SATA drive
> handling, and I've
> even reported on this myself in this list before.
> My question is, do we have any idea if 5.3 has any
> improvements in this area?
> One of my cohorts here, who happens to be a Fedora fan,
> says that
> these problems are fixed in F9, but I have grave concerns
> about
> putting an enterprise lifeline main application on any
> Fedora release.
>  If 5.3 solves these issues, I'd much rather go with
> that.

You seem to be relying on hearsay and rumor-mongering.
Any bug reports you have filed on the CentOS bug tracker?

> Any ideas?  Any places I might look to see for myself?

You have to install 5.3 beta and test it yourself. Then
again if your "alleged problems" only surface in a 
conversation with your "fedora buddy" you have to have 
more than your word for it.




CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Installer stopped short

2008-10-29 Thread Spike Turner
Niki Kovacs wrote:

> I just tried to install a CentOS 5 desktop on very recent
> hardware, an Acer desktop machine. The installer stopped
> short very early. I gave Ubuntu 8.04 a shot, and it
> installed without a problem. Now what can I do about this?
> Is there a way to use some "enhanced" kernel
> (like the kernel) to perform the install? I
> guess what's missing there is a specific driver for
> something (SATA drive? Processor?).

You have to provide specific error messages from the install 
logs and be very specific on your hardware. Do some
"homework" however. With 5.3 beta out you can become a beta 
tester with your hardware.



CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] RHEL 5.3 Beta released, beta-testers needed

2008-10-29 Thread Spike Turner
Dag Wieers wrote:
> So if we can improve the testing during the RHEL Beta
> program, everyone in the CentOS community directly benefits
> from that as well. Therefor it makes a lot of sense to
> encourage the large CentOS community to take part in the
> RHEL Beta program and help with improving the next CentOS
> releases. (You don't need my back patting, start already
> !)

These are the release notes

One commentary on RHEL 5.3 beta states "Support for Windows 
Vista and 2008 is provided by Red Hat's rebased Samba 3.0.32."
I would have like to have seen Red Hat release a rebased Samba 
3.0.32  through fastrack for 4.7 and 5.2



CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] OT - Please don't feed the Troll(s)

2008-10-29 Thread Spike Turner
William L. Maltby  wrote:

> Folks,
> I fully understand the emotional need to respond to one who
> throws
> around terms like "Communist",
> "Tyrannical", etc. even if ostensibly
> framed as a rhetorical question. Certain terms and phrases
> are by nature
> pejorative and I;m sure the OP knew this when he entered
> his post.

Bill, unfortunately for you many of us are in the free world.
BTW where was "Tyrannical", used? Have you been watching too
much of the Presidential race?



CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] CentOS 4.7 Server CD - update frontpage

2008-10-29 Thread Spike Turner
Tru Huynh wrote:

> welcome to my kill file, I have not taken my 
> medication so i may be unstable

Tru you need to find your tru calling. Meanwhile
take your medication and try this
dd if=/dev/zero of=/killfile bs=1024 count=1048576



CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] CentOS 4.7 Server CD - update frontpage

2008-10-29 Thread Spike Turner
Johnny Hughes  wrote:

> It is not about you ... please stop bring a complete ass.
> I edit the CentOS main page ... and you know what, there
> are only so
> many hours in a day, where I have to do $work so I can eat
> and pay for
> my house, as well as spend 40-60 hours a week on a free
> project so you
> can have a free operating system that you do not
> appreciate.  So that
> you can then tell me that I do not do enough things for
> free to suit
> your taste ... you know what ... i do not give a flying
> F$$$ what you
> think.  I do not care at all ... not one tiny little bit. 
> Nope, nada,
> don't care ... I CAN'T HEAR YOU ... LA LA LA LA
> The main CentOS page is there to explain the product and
> provide links,
>  The main website is not our major concern,
> though we
> would like it to be up2date, and did try to update it.
> If you don't like it .. GREAT .. please move to another
> distro that has
> more tolerance for whining, non-appreciative, 12 year-old
> antics.

Calm down Johnny, don't lose it. Some constructive criticism 
should be welcomed. I thought the withholding of kernel updates
for two weeks and the non-update of the CentOS webpage were a 
deliberate action by the same individual(s) but I may have been 

I would not like CentOS to go the same way as Whitebox and 10-20
devs "should" in a community share the roles rather than leaving 
it all to one person.



CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] CentOS 4.7 Server CD - update frontpage

2008-10-29 Thread Spike Turner
Lanny Marcus wrote:

> I believe Johnny's words were very well chosen,
> accurate, excellent
> and to the point. He and the other CentOS Developers should
> know how
> much 99% of the CentOS user base appreciate their hard
> work, time and
> dedication to this project. Very rare for us to see Johnny
> respond
> like this and he was correct to do this. I don't think
> I have ever
> seen him write something like that before.  How easy it is
> to be
> critical and call people "Communists", on a
> public, technical mailing
> list.

I believe it was a rhetorical question if the C is for
the non-existent "Community participation" or if the C is
for "Communism". Nowhere were people called "Communists".



CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] RHEL 4 + 5 wallpaper?

2008-10-26 Thread Spike Turner
Niki Kovacs wrote:

> So let me insist: I want *that* specific wallpaper. 
> On *my* desktop.

Would you like your wallpaper with cream and  
sugar as well? 1-800-WALLPAPER.



CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] RHEL 4 + 5 wallpaper?

2008-10-26 Thread Spike Turner
Niki Kovacs wrote:

> I know I know: upstream minus artwork. Nevertheless, I
> admit I'd like to 
> simply use the RHEL background wallpaper for my desktop.
> Something like:
> Can't seem to find these (4 and 5). Any idea?

Is that a screenshot of RHEL or "Unbreakable Linux" Oracles 
own rebuild? I use CentOS as a server but I would have 
thought the CentOS 4 rpms

- desktop-backgrounds-basic.noarch 
- desktop-backgrounds-extra.noarch 

would give you a decent variety?



CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] CentOS 4.7 Server CD - update frontpage

2008-10-26 Thread Spike Turner
R P Herrold  wrote:

> yada, yada, grumble, mumble

You know after all this time the CentOS frontpage 
is still showing out of date info. You and Ralph
could have stopped wasting time and simply edited
the link to 4.7 instead of 4.4 as is the case now.

Is the "C" in CentOS supposed to be "Community" or 
"Communist"? Maybe "T" from "Totalitarian" would be more



CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Re: CentOS 4.7 Server CD - update frontpage

2008-10-23 Thread Spike Turner
Scott Silva wrote:
> I don't expect up to the minute changes here, because
> ... frankly... You get
> what you pay for. And since most users of CentOS aren't
> paying, the developers
> have to keep day jobs for those luxuries like food and
> heat, a roof over their
> heads, etc...

Interesting. Yet volunteer-run projects like Debian run
without the same hiccups? How so may I ask?



CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Re: CentOS 4.7 Server CD - update frontpage

2008-10-23 Thread Spike Turner
Akemi Yagi  wrote:

> Eh?  If you are saying that the Fedora forum is a success
> and the
> CentOS forums are a failure, then I would certainly
> disagree.
> I would like to point out that, although I am helping the
> CentOS
> project as one of the forum moderators, I have been
> participating in
> several CentOS mailing lists as well.  I know how both
> venues work and
> address different audience.  And I can say both are serving
> their
> purposes very well in the CentOS community, often
> complimenting each
> other.

I'm not saying "failure" - but community participation.
For example the fedora forum contains relevant news and is a goldmine compared to the 
centos website. There is even a fedora weekly news.

I was reading the comments on Slashdot of the Wikipedia guy 
who migrated his servers from Red Hat 9/Fedora to CentOS 
and he asked who "uses CentOS as a desktop"?. 
Why didn't he ask the same of Fedora or Ubuntu?



CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Re: CentOS 4.7 Server CD - update frontpage

2008-10-23 Thread Spike Turner
Scott Silva wrote:

> I think the problem is that the volunteer that created the
> CD and announced it
> isn't the same volunteer that updates the website.
> Volunteers usually have varying amounts of free time.

I would have thought that updating the website, wikis etc
should be delegated to several individuals in case one person
is too busy. Isn't open source and community participation
more than an individual?

The success of the Fedora Project is not about the muscle
of Red Hat Inc but the participation of many volunteers and
the community at large. That is why for the example the Fedora
Forum or Fedora website are relevant because of continued
updates. (Even If Toracat from the CentOS forum disagrees).



CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] KIVIO

2008-10-23 Thread Spike Turner
Gopinath Achari  wrote:

> Hi all,
> I need Koffice-kivio package for centos
> 5.2 (i386)
> I downloaded this package from site. when i
> installed. It
> generated lots of dependency errors even though the
> dependency packages
> are installed
> please Help me out . I need kivio ( Equivalent to Visio)

Talk to the people. Did you first check to see 
the package was not in any 3rd party repos? When you
do what you have done and break your system you get
to keep the pieces.



CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] CentOS 4.7 Server CD - update frontpage

2008-10-23 Thread Spike Turner
Ralph Angenendt  wrote:

> Spike Turner wrote:
> > Perhaps with the release of the CentOS 4.7 Server CD
> > the frontpage at could be updated to
> > reflect this new development rather than 4.4?
> In cases like this - could you open a bug at
> <>?
> I'll take this further, though, thanks.

This is one of the things I don't understand at the
totalitarian republic of CentOS. I believe an announcement
was made also to distrowatch and when people come looking
they find out of date information.

Bugs/bugzilla should be for reporting bugs at least that
is the way it is elsewhere.



CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Redhat enterprise rpm

2008-10-23 Thread Spike Turner
ann kok wrote:

> We are difficult to get rpm in our system running redhat
> enterpirse 
> Can you use the centos rpm to install in redhat
> eneterprise?

What rpm are you trying to install? Care to give more details?
There could be an rpm for RHEL/CentOS in one of the 3rd party 

> ARe they compatible?
> Thank you

CentOS is basically RHEL without the trademarks so it is



CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] KDE Versions in CentOS ?

2008-10-21 Thread Spike Turner
kevin kempter wrote:

> What version of KDE is included in the latest version of
> CentOS ?
> Also, is there a way to get KDE4 in CentOS ?  If so, Can I
> have both  
> KDE3.x and KDE4 installed and switch back and forth between
> the 2  
> versions if needed ?

CentOS has a cousin called Fedora that has the latest and
greatest KDE, Gnome etc which you could look at. Why are 
you using CentOS if you have the luxury of considering 
"upgrading" KDE? 



CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] CentOS 4.7 Server CD - update frontpage

2008-10-21 Thread Spike Turner
Perhaps with the release of the CentOS 4.7 Server CD
the frontpage at could be updated to
reflect this new development rather than 4.4?

Here is the announcement for those who missed it


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CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Recent CentOS4 kernel update

2008-10-20 Thread Spike Turner
James Fidell  wrote:

> I see an update for the CentOS4 kernel, to 2.6.9-78.0.5.EL,
> has appeared over the weekend.  I've not seen anything on the
> announce list for it though.  Have I missed something?

The kernels were actually in the updates directory on the
same date as they were released upstream.

Maybe the announcement was posted to the Nahant-list? :-)


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CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] cannot start Mysql

2008-10-19 Thread Spike Turner
Duncan  wrote:

> Yum install mysql-server

There are many tutorials on teh web for getting LAMP on CentOS
5 specifically and this is a cut and paste from one of them :-

Install Required Packages :-

Enter yum install mysql mysql-devel mysql-server to download and 
install MySQL then Enter chkconfig --levels 235 mysqld on to set 
MySQL to start when your server boots 

As easy as ABC, I don't know where he is getting information for 
FC3 when the info on CentOS 5 is sufficient.


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CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] How to view djvu files?

2008-10-17 Thread Spike Turner
Marko Vojinovic wrote:
> So yum does not help here, or I need another repository
> which has djvulibre package for CentOS 5.2, or some other
> way to be able to view djvu files. Please give some advise
> on this.

A quick glance at the kbs repo
shows an rpm in testing djvulibre-3.5.19-4.el5.kb.i386.rpm
but you can have a glance at the repoview.

Also configure the yum plugins and the priorities of which 
the details are on the CentOS wiki.

Hope this helps!


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CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] new list proposal

2008-10-17 Thread Spike Turner
Akemi Yagi  wrote:

> Spike Turner wrote:
> > Who would like the mailing list to be as fragmented
> > as the CentOS forum? Fragmentation means erosion of
> > the userbase and is not good for the community.
> >
> > Spike.
> Once again you are referring to the CentOS forum.  Are you
> saying that
> the forums are fragmented and therefore "not good for
> the community"
> ???  What is your point?  By the way, you have not answered
> my earlier
> inquiry:

This is my own personal view based on :-

- the differences between the fedora and centos forum
- (the lack of) participation of known members in the 
community in the centos forum as compared to fedora.
- some may not view the centos forum as fragmented
but is the participation at the same level as the
unfragmented mailing list?


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CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] How to view djvu files?

2008-10-17 Thread Spike Turner
Marko Vojinovic wrote:

> On Fedora I used to use djvulibre package for djvu files,
> but I cannot seem to find this in any CentOS repositores out
> there. Google also does not help, nor searching list
> archives. :-(
> I have found the .rpm file for RHEL 4, but when I tried to
> install it (hoping that it just might work) rpm refused to
> install with the error:
> file /usr/share/mimelnk/image/x-djvu.desktop from install
> of djvulibre-3.5.17-1.el4.rf conflicts with file from
> package kdelibs-3.5.4-16.el5.centos
> CentOS 5.2, fully updated.

You cannot get an rpm for CentOS 4 and hope it will "just work"
on CentOS 5. What repositories have you got configured as
djvulibre-3.5.17-1.el4.rf is for el4?

Try and use yum with properly configured 3rd party repos 
or you will break your system chunking in rpms from all 
over the place.



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CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] new list proposal

2008-10-17 Thread Spike Turner
Niki Kovacs wrote:

> Given the popularity of this thread, I suggest creating a 
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] list, where folks can discuss
> list-related stuff.

Popular huh? Let as see some stats on the
posts by user

* Karanbir Singh (15)
* Spike Turner (10)
* Spiro Harvey (8)
* Kenneth Price (5)
* Frank Cox (4)
* Bob Taylor (4)
* John Hinton (3)
* MHR (3)

CentOS is supposed to be a community supported
distro unlike the one where some guy respun it
for his library and so could do whatever he 

Fedora has not seen a need to split the main list
but has addressed the problem of OT posts or posts
without research in the wiki page
Upstream/Fedora may be blamed by some but the way
they have handled this is real professional.

Who would like the mailing list to be as fragmented
as the CentOS forum? Fragmentation means erosion of
the userbase and is not good for the community.


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CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] new list proposal

2008-10-16 Thread Spike Turner
Ralph Angenendt wrote:

> > Out of curiosity which major linux distro operates
> > a fragmented mailing list such as the one proposed?
> Compared to those CentOS really has few lists.

So the need for a new list is to compete with the big 
boys rather than improving the CentOS community? Those
are full-flavoured distros with hundreds of thousands
if not millions of users. Last time I checked the
average Fedora user would not need more than the
fedora-list and the un-fragmented fedora forum.

See and tell
me which of the many lists at redhat a typical user 
needs? Even something as global as fedora has not
considered such a liberal idea as that proposed.



CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] new list proposal - meaningless

2008-10-16 Thread Spike Turner
Spiro Harvey wrote:

> well, if they're running Gnome, then they're
> probably not using the
> machine in an "enterprise" capacity. nobody in
> their right mind would
> install X on a server.

Really? What about SLED (Suse Linux Enterprise Desktop) or
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Desktop? Read something like

When you hear of Linux migration what do you think that
encompasses? Moving from IIS to LAMP?



CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] new list proposal - meaningless

2008-10-16 Thread Spike Turner
Karanbir Singh wrote:

> Thats a bit of a dribveby waste of space post that does not
> really merit 
> a reply from anyone. Also if that was something that
> concerns you so 
> much, what have you done about it ?
> >
> Johnny has been working on those.
> > If the CentOS devs don't have time to answer key
> questions such as
> > on the kernel but have time to consider fragmenting
> the mailing list
> > who wins/loses?
> What barriers did you run into when you tried to help with
> the situation 
> and try to be a better member of the community ?

A driveby waste of space post was one by a certain Karanbir
telling someone to recklessly upgrade Gnome when this is supposed
to be an enterprise distro.

What do you mean barriers? I have perused through a few lists
and none of the the devs on other lists have an attitude like 
yours. This is why I think this fragmentation of the mailing
lists is not to solve any "problem" other than that perceived 
by those 17 foot tall with egos to match.

If people using CentOS are having problems e.g with the kernel
and the devs don't have time to respond to questions on the
list or on the forum, they don't have any extra sensory perception
powers to automagically know that Johnny is working on those do 



CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] new list proposal

2008-10-16 Thread Spike Turner
Kai Schaetzl wrote:

> I agree with all you said and I think that a distinction
> along the lines 
> of how one uses CentOS might indeed help, say
> centos-server-users and 
> centos-desktop-users or a list that is just about hardware
> and making it 
> work with CentOS.

Out of curiosity which major linux distro operates
a fragmented mailing list such as the one proposed?
I personally don't see why CentOS should be so elitist
seeing it hasn't got the user-base/support-base of the
major distros.

Recently Wikipedia migrated from Red Hat/Fedora to
Ubuntu? Why didn't they consider CentOS?

I think I've seen Dag Wieers and Johhny Hughes posting questions 
on the Nahant-list, why not on this list or the Centos forum?
Such a fragmentation as that proposed is one guaranteed to
turn the CentOS mailing list along the lines of the CentOS forum.



CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] new list proposal - meaningless

2008-10-16 Thread Spike Turner
Karanbir Singh  wrote:

> Over a period of time, we would like to see the CentOS list
> become a 
> more user help and distro specific list, with generic
> conversations 
> moving to the centos-tech list.

perhaps that is why "core" issues in CentOS like the kernel 
and samba are ignored by the developers? Examples :-

Upsream is blamed/misunderstood for a lot of things but even 
their developers take time to answer questions on the nahant-list 
or fedora-list in their spare time.

If the CentOS devs don't have time to answer key questions such as
on the kernel but have time to consider fragmenting the mailing list
who wins/loses?

If the devs have the choice to ignore the core stuff there is also
the option of ignoring the non-core stuff.



CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] New CentOS 4 Kernels cannot be seen by yum

2008-10-15 Thread Spike Turner
William L. Maltby  wrote:

> Since CentOS has not announced them yet, I would guess that
> is the case.
> There would also be a small delay while the mirrors get
> synchronized.

This appears to be the upstream details on the kernel

Even after a week the kernel update has not been announced 
yet by CentOS? 

With posts like these
about a buggy kernel one would expect the newest kernel to be eagerly awaited.



CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] New CentOS 4 Kernels cannot be seen by yum

2008-10-11 Thread Spike Turner
I don't know if those are new kernels in


but as yum cannot "see" them is it because the headers are not updated?




CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Good [L]AMP tutorial for CentOS 5.2 ?

2008-10-11 Thread Spike Turner
Rene Fournier wrote:

> From: Rene Fournier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [CentOS] Good [L]AMP tutorial for CentOS 5.2 ?
> To:
> Date: Saturday, October 11, 2008, 9:22 AM
> Being slightly familiar with BSD, I'm trying to get my
> feet wet with  
> Linux, and was wondering if anyone can suggest a good
> walkthrough of  
> setting up a CentOS server with Apache, PHP, and MySQL...
> I realize there are step-by-step guides of the sort
> "copy-this-line- 
> paste-into-terminal-and-hit-enter", but I'd like
> to understand what's  
> going on when I issue a single wget command and numerous
> packages and  
> libraries start downloading Specifically:

Getting LAMP on Linux is easy unless you use a distro
where you need to compile everything.

This is a quick one

phpMyadmin and Webmin do not come with CentOS but come in
rpm form though phpMyadmin has a horrible security record.



CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Any problems in the CentOS Samba?

2008-10-11 Thread Spike Turner
Upstream bugzilla says :-

Rebasing to Samba 3.0.32 would fix various current RHEL4 bugs.

I have looked at the but did not find
user reported bugs.

Is anyone experiencing problems using the CentOS 4 samba?



CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Samba 3.0.28/3.0.32

2008-10-09 Thread Spike Turner
Ralph Angenendt wrote:

> More than the 25MB(!) of documentation which are in the
> samba packages we release?

Yes the Enterprise Samba Docs are more than 28 Mb but are
raw in that they refer to Samba 3.2.x as well as having links 
not working and charset specified in some files and unspecified 
in others. There are also countless examples but you have to 
figure out for yourself what applies to 3.0.32 and what does not.

Unless you have a specific problem covered by the bug fixes in
3.0.29 to 3.0.32 in my opinion, I would say stick with the version 
shipped by CentOS. The smb.conf shipped by CentOS is also a good 
working start as compared to a blank smb.conf and a tonne of 
examples in 3.0.32



CentOS mailing list

RE: [CentOS] Samba 3.0.28/3.0.32

2008-10-09 Thread Spike Turner
John  wrote:
> Check out the tcp nodelay samba option in smb.conf.

I have the following in my smb.conf

# Most people will find that this option gives better performance.
# See speed.txt and the manual pages for details
 socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=8192 SO_SNDBUF=8192

Actually it looks as if the problem with the slow browsing may 
not be Samba related since XP Pro and Win2K Pro clients browse 
the network very fast. It is XP Home that is slow. XP Home was 
purposefully "crippled" by MS so it lacks networking features 
in XP Pro and Win2k Pro.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Samba 3.0.28/3.0.32

2008-10-08 Thread Spike Turner
Rob Townley wrote:

> You may want to look at a third party samba packager for 
> better documentation such as:

My 3.0.32 is from the enterprise samba and coincidentally the
html charset problem (mentioned separately) is from viewing 
the enterprise docs.

Someone mentioned SWAT. I don't use SWAT or system-config-samba 
as I admin the server from the CLI. Also its easy to get up and 
running but the problem is not to get up and running. The 
following problems remain :-

1. The CentOS server with Enterprise Samba 3.0.32 is also the DNS 
server but "View Workgroup Computers" is slow from windows. Even 
after tweaking /etc/nsswitch and specifying the CentOS server as 
the browser master and wins server. I've googled and looked at 
people from other distros with the same problem but no joy here. 
I've turned off the computer browser on XP but no avail.



CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Apache Charset vs html file charset

2008-10-08 Thread Spike Turner
Kai Schaetzl wrote:

> Because that page is served with UTF-8 by Apache. What you
> want to do is 
> comment that line in the Apache config out. It's a
> really stupid setting, 
> not really understandable why they put it in the default
> config.

The apache docs state that it does no harm and there are some 
security reasons for having a default

# Specify a default charset for all pages sent out. This is
# always a good idea and opens the door for future internationalisation
# of your web site, should you ever want it. Specifying it as
# a default does little harm; as the standard dictates that a page
# is in iso-8859-1 (latin1) unless specified otherwise i.e. you
# are merely stating the obvious. There are also some security
# reasons in browsers, related to javascript and URL parsing
# which encourage you to always set a default char set.



CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Samba 3.0.28/3.0.32

2008-10-08 Thread Spike Turner
I've looked at the CentOS docs-list as well as the Wiki as I was interested 
in Samba.

On one CentOS box I've got 3.0.32 (the latest bug-fixed version from
and on another I've got 3.0.28 (the latest from upstream). The docs look almost 
the same and the docs refer to security = share. However 3.0.32 comes with a 
blank smb.conf making it harder to get a secure server up and running.

Is there a plan for a quick and dirty guide on the Wiki for setting up Samba
with secure settings as well as TDB rather than deprecated settings?

In tips and tricks there is
Without writing a book as someone suggested, a few one-liners could be put 
together in the wiki.



CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Apache Charset vs html file charset

2008-10-08 Thread Spike Turner
The apache httpd.conf has AddDefaultCharset UTF-8 while 
the page I'm viewing on my CentOS server is charset=ISO-8859-1
The page appears funny on the browser showing ��

Given that apache has the default charset shouldn't it honor it?
Why the �� characters?


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Request for additional patch in CentOS Plus kernel

2008-10-08 Thread Spike Turner
Matthew Kent wrote:

> Any luck with this? :)

Not wanting to sound like a spoil sport but if its critical
to your server(s) can't you build your own kernel, pretty 
sure I've seen this discussed on the docs list. I suppose
the CentOS plus one has to go through QA and regression 
testing no?



CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] How to upgrade GNOME in CentOS?

2008-10-08 Thread Spike Turner
Karanbir Singh wrote:

> > fwiw, a garnome build normally works fine anywhere.

> I just got my head kicked in offlist by someone who tried
> this so I 
> want to elaborate a bit : while garnome builds do work
> fine, they work 
> fine only for the stuff that you build with it, pretty much
> everything 
> else you expect to work with some level of integration into
> the gnome 
> environment will break, almost certainly. So dont expect
> for the entire 
> 'distro' to stay 'together' post
> gnome-update.

I hate to say i told you so. :-)



CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Samba 3.0.28/3.0.32

2008-10-08 Thread Spike Turner
I've looked at the CentOS docs-list as well as the Wiki as I was interested
in Samba.

On one CentOS box I've got 3.0.32 (the latest bug-fixed version from
and on another I've got 3.0.28 (the latest from upstream). The docs look almost
the same and the docs refer to security = share. However 3.0.32 comes with a
blank smb.conf making it harder to get a secure server up and running.

Is there a plan for a quick and dirty guide on the Wiki for setting up Samba
with secure settings as well as TDB rather than deprecated settings?

In tips and tricks there is
Without writing a book as someone suggested, a few one-liners could be put
together in the wiki.



CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] How to upgrade GNOME in CentOS?

2008-10-07 Thread Spike Turner
Stephen John Smoogen  wrote:

> There are multiple ways, many of them will make your system
> unworkable.. all of them will break getting many updates
> from CentOS.

Why not run another distro with the latest and greatest Gnome 
or Kde if that is what you want? Trying to upgrade a CentOS 
box will mean you have something else. Its doomed to failure



CentOS mailing list