[CentOS] Failing Hard Disk?

2009-10-06 Thread Stewart Williams
Hi All,

I am fairly certain that this disk is failing in my server, and I am
replacing it straight away anyway.

However, I'd appreciate the views of the list just to be sure as I value
your opinion(s).

I got these errors, once only so far, in /var/log/messages. This disk
has / on it.

Oct  5 08:34:47 server1 kernel: ata1.00: exception Emask 0x0 SAct 0x7
SErr 0x0 action 0x0
Oct  5 08:34:47 server1 kernel: ata1.00: irq_stat 0x4001
Oct  5 08:34:47 server1 kernel: ata1.00: cmd
60/f8:00:b9:1e:71/00:00:14:00:00/40 tag 0 ncq 126976 in
Oct  5 08:34:47 server1 kernel:  res
41/40:00:40:1f:71/a0:00:14:00:00/00 Emask 0x409 (media error) F
Oct  5 08:34:47 server1 kernel: ata1.00: status: { DRDY ERR }
Oct  5 08:34:47 server1 kernel: ata1.00: error: { UNC }
Oct  5 08:34:47 server1 kernel: ata1.00: cmd
60/08:08:b1:1f:71/00:00:14:00:00/40 tag 1 ncq 4096 in
Oct  5 08:34:47 server1 kernel:  res
41/04:f8:40:1f:71/00:00:14:00:00/00 Emask 0x1 (device error)
Oct  5 08:34:47 server1 kernel: ata1.00: status: { DRDY ERR }
Oct  5 08:34:47 server1 kernel: ata1.00: error: { ABRT }
Oct  5 08:34:47 server1 kernel: ata1.00: cmd
60/00:10:b9:1f:71/01:00:14:00:00/40 tag 2 ncq 131072 in
Oct  5 08:34:47 server1 kernel:  res
41/04:f8:40:1f:71/00:00:14:00:00/00 Emask 0x1 (device error)
Oct  5 08:34:47 server1 kernel: ata1.00: status: { DRDY ERR }
Oct  5 08:34:53 server1 kernel: ata1.00: error: { ABRT }
Oct  5 08:34:54 server1 kernel: ata1.00: configured for UDMA/133
Oct  5 08:34:58 server1 kernel: ata1: EH complete
Oct  5 08:35:02 server1 kernel: SCSI device sda: 488397168 512-byte hdwr
sectors (250059 MB)
Oct  5 08:35:06 server1 kernel: sda: Write Protect is off
Oct  5 08:35:13 server1 kernel: SCSI device sda: drive cache: write through

I am also getting these errors every 30 minutes:

Oct  5 06:22:06 server1 smartd[3118]: Device: /dev/sda, 12 Offline
uncorrectable sectors

Below is the smart selftest log:

smartctl version 5.38 [x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu] Copyright (C) 2002-8
Bruce Allen
Home page is http://smartmontools.sourceforge.net/

Device Model: GB0250C8045
Serial Number:9SF0H82R
Firmware Version: HPG2
User Capacity:250,059,350,016 bytes
Device is:Not in smartctl database [for details use: -P showall]
ATA Version is:   7
ATA Standard is:  ATA/ATAPI-7 T13 1532D revision 4a
Local Time is:Tue Oct  6 18:58:31 2009 BST
SMART support is: Available - device has SMART capability.
SMART support is: Enabled

SMART overall-health self-assessment test result: PASSED

General SMART Values:
Offline data collection status:  (0x82) Offline data collection activity
was completed without error.
Auto Offline Data Collection: Enabled.
Self-test execution status:  ( 121) The previous self-test completed
the read element of the test failed.
Total time to complete Offline
data collection: ( 625) seconds.
Offline data collection
capabilities:(0x7b) SMART execute Offline immediate.
Auto Offline data collection on/off 
Suspend Offline collection upon new
Offline surface scan supported.
Self-test supported.
Conveyance Self-test supported.
Selective Self-test supported.
SMART capabilities:(0x0003) Saves SMART data before entering
power-saving mode.
Supports SMART auto save timer.
Error logging capability:(0x01) Error logging supported.
General Purpose Logging supported.
Short self-test routine
recommended polling time:(   2) minutes.
Extended self-test routine
recommended polling time:(  58) minutes.
Conveyance self-test routine
recommended polling time:(   3) minutes.
SCT capabilities:  (0x103f) SCT Status supported.
SCT Feature Control supported.
SCT Data Table supported.

SMART Attributes Data Structure revision number: 10
Vendor Specific SMART Attributes with Thresholds:
  1 Raw_Read_Error_Rate 0x000f   062   061   044Pre-fail  Always
  -   173060773
  3 Spin_Up_Time0x0003   099   099   000Pre-fail  Always
  -   0
  4 Start_Stop_Count0x0032   100   100   020Old_age   Always
  -   17
  5 Reallocated_Sector_Ct   0x0033   089   089   036Pre-fail  Always
  -   243

Re: [CentOS] problem with installing centos 5.3 on sata ahci

2009-10-04 Thread Stewart Williams
Maciej Jan Broniarz wrote:
 I am trying to install Centos on sata ahci. The installer first waits 
 few minutes while loading ahci module. Then, the installer cannot detect 
 any disk during the partitioning phase. What might be the problem? I 
 have switched to IDE in bios and it still is the same.
 Best regards,

Try adding pci=nomsi to the end of the kernel line from the grub menu.
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] rescan usb hd

2009-09-23 Thread Stewart Williams
Quoting Yves Bellefeuille y...@storm.ca:

 On Tuesday 22 September 2009 18:59, William L. Maltby wrote:

 On Tue, 2009-09-22 at 22:16 +0100, Stewart Williams wrote:

  What does 'sdparm -a /dev/sdc' yield? And what make/model is the

 On 5.3 # sdparm -a /dev/sdc
 -bash: sdparm: command not found

 He meant hdparm, I think.

 Yves Bellefeuille y...@storm.ca
 Yves Bellefeuille: Eterna malvenkanto en UEA -- Heroldo Komunikas,
 n-ro 389

No I definitely mean't sdparm, it's available from RPMForge and it's  
different from hdparm.

[stew...@# ~]$ whatis sdparm
sdparm   (8)  - access SCSI modes pages; read VPD pages;  
send simple SCSI commands
sdparm  (rpm) - List or change SCSI disk parameters
[stew...@# ~]$ whatis hdparm
hdparm   (8)  - get/set hard disk parameters
hdparm  (rpm) - A utility for displaying and/or setting  
hard disk parameters.

[stew...@# ~]$ sudo yum whatprovides */sdparm


sdparm-1.03-1.el5.rf.x86_64 : List or change SCSI disk parameters
Matched from:
Filename: /usr/bin/sdparm


[stew...@# ~]$ sudo /usr/bin/sdparm -a /dev/sde
 /dev/sde: MaxtorOneTouch  0125
Power condition mode page:
   IDLE0  [cha: n, def:  0, sav:  0]
   STANDBY 0  [cha: y, def:  1, sav:  0]
   ICT 0  [cha: n, def:  0, sav:  0]
   SCT   4294967286  [cha: y, def:9000, sav:4294967286]

The 'STANDBY' condition is what were interested in.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] rescan usb hd

2009-09-23 Thread Stewart Williams
William L. Maltby wrote:
 Power condition - old version mode page:
 warning: mode page seems malformed
The page number field should be 0x0d, but is 0x05
   IDLE-OLD0  [cha: n, def:  0, sav:  0]
   STBY-OLD0  [cha: n, def:  0, sav:  0]
   ICT-OLD   272564736  [cha: y, def:272564736, sav:272564736]
   SCT-OLD   1073676288  [cha: y, def:1073676288, sav:1073676288]
 Power condition mode page:
 warning: mode page seems malformed
The page number field should be 0x1a, but is 0x05
   IDLE0  [cha: n, def:  0, sav:  0]
   STANDBY 0  [cha: n, def:  0, sav:  0]
   ICT   272564736  [cha: y, def:272564736, sav:272564736]
   SCT   1073676288  [cha: y, def:1073676288, sav:1073676288]

From those results, it doesn't look like your problem is a power issue.
_Unless_ the drive itself has a fault. But that doesn't sound like the
case, as it's fine on your other box.

Maybe a problem with your USB port that you are plugging it into? Try
another drive or USB device (e.g. USB flash drive) in the same port to
see if you get any errors.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] rescan usb hd

2009-09-22 Thread Stewart Williams
William L. Maltby wrote:
 On Mon, 2009-09-21 at 17:05 -0700, Bazooka Joe wrote:
 I have a usb hd that I use for backup.  Occasionally it dies.

 scsi 6:0:0:0: rejecting I/O to dead device
 scsi 6:0:0:0: rejecting I/O to dead device
 scsi 6:0:0:0: rejecting I/O to dead device
 scsi 6:0:0:0: rejecting I/O to dead device
 Buffer I/O error on device sdc1, logical block 0
 lost page write due to I/O error on sdc1
 EXT2-fs error (device sdc1): read_inode_bitmap: Cannot read inode
 bitmap - block_group = 129, inode_bitmap = 4227073
 scsi 6:0:0:0: rejecting I/O to dead device
 scsi 6:0:0:0: rejecting I/O to dead device
 scsi 6:0:0:0: rejecting I/O to dead device
 Buffer I/O error on device sdc1, logical block 0
 lost page write due to I/O error on sdc1
 EXT2-fs error (device sdc1): ext2_readdir: bad page in #2
 scsi 6:0:0:0: rejecting I/O to dead device
 scsi 6:0:0:0: rejecting I/O to dead device
 Buffer I/O error on device sdc1, logical block 0
 lost page write due to I/O error on sdc1
 EXT2-fs error (device sdc1): ext2_get_inode: unable to read inode
 block - inode=2, block=1027
 scsi 6:0:0:0: rejecting I/O to dead device
 scsi 6:0:0:0: rejecting I/O to dead device
 Buffer I/O error on device sdc1, logical block 0
 lost page write due to I/O error on sdc1
 EXT2-fs error (device sdc1): ext2_readdir: bad page in #2

 If i unmount it and try to remount it it says sdc1 does not exist.
 It may not be the USB drive. I have one that daoe the same, usually only
 after long periods oh high (in)activity.
 On another node, no problems ever using that same drive.
 On the system with the problem, CentOS 4.7, Via Kt-400A chipset.
 One the other system, Centos 5.3, Via KT-880 chipset.
 I've not bothered to google yet, since it seems to occur after leaving
 it attached for long periods and what I do doesn't take long
 Maybe there's a clue?

This can happen if the drive has power-saving features and it's gone to
sleep after no activity.

What does 'sdparm -a /dev/sdc' yield? And what make/model is the disk?
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Can not remind my password for mailing list

2009-09-17 Thread Stewart Williams
Alexander Bykov wrote:
 Password reminder dont work. No mail in my inbox:(((
 Is there any other method to unsubscribe via email?

Sending a message to centos-unsubscr...@centos.org should work.

You should receive an e-mail asking you to confirm your request. Just
reply to the message leaving the subject line intact.
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Slow network

2009-09-16 Thread Stewart Williams
nate wrote:
 cen...@911networks.com wrote:

 I have problem with a Centos 5.3 computer. The networking is very
 slow. The networking card is a RealTek 1GigE.
 Get a better NIC, Realtek is absolute crap. CentOS is an
 enterprise grade OS, use an enterprise grade NIC such as
 Intel or Broadcom.


What chipset are they?

I've had poor results with cards featuring the 8169 chip.
CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Rsync, SSH and authorized_keys problem

2009-06-16 Thread Stewart Williams

I'm trying to backup from one machine to the other (automatically via
cron) using rsync and ssh password-less public key authentication.

I having been trying to set this up following an article in a Linux
magazine[1] by only allowing the specific rsync command to run on the
remote box.

I am using the following rsync command:

$ rsync -avz -e ssh -i ~/.ssh/backup-key /backup

This runs, connects using keys asking for no password and completes
successfully until I add the above command to my authorized_keys file on
the remote box:

command=rsync -avz -e ssh -i ~/.ssh/backup-key /backup
stew...@name.of.remote.server:/backup ssh-dss ... key ...

The client then says it cannot find the key, so the connection fails.

Is it because it's trying to find the private key in the ~/.ssh
directory on the remote box?

Is the article wrong?

Or am I doing something wrong?

Should I use the $SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND variable?

Stewart Williams

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Rsync, SSH and authorized_keys problem

2009-06-16 Thread Stewart Williams
Tom Brown wrote:
 command=rsync -avz -e ssh -i ~/.ssh/backup-key /backup
 stew...@name.of.remote.server:/backup ssh-dss ... key ...
 which user is doing this as maybe the env of that user in cron is not 
 the same as when logged in using a shell ?

It's the same user, I haven't added the cron job yet. That's just what I
intend on doing, at the moment I am having this problem from the shell.
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Rsync, SSH and authorized_keys problem

2009-06-16 Thread Stewart Williams
nate wrote:
 Stewart Williams wrote:

 I'm trying to backup from one machine to the other (automatically via
 cron) using rsync and ssh password-less public key authentication.

 I having been trying to set this up following an article in a Linux
 magazine[1] by only allowing the specific rsync command to run on the
 remote box.

 I am using the following rsync command:

 $ rsync -avz -e ssh -i ~/.ssh/backup-key /backup

 This runs, connects using keys asking for no password and completes
 successfully until I add the above command to my authorized_keys file on
 the remote box:

 command=rsync -avz -e ssh -i ~/.ssh/backup-key /backup
 stew...@name.of.remote.server:/backup ssh-dss ... key ...
 I think your issue is the command your specifying is only what
 is run on the client end, not on the server end. the server
 runs rsync-server, e.g. from one of my rsync servers:
 logrsync  5244  0.0  0.0   2152   256 ?S14:03   0:00 rsync
 --server -vltpre.is --timeout=600 .
 the command I executed on the client is much, much bigger.
 rsync -rlptve /usr/bin/hpnssh -v -o TcpRcvBufPoll=yes -o NoneEnabled=yes -o
 NoneSwitch=yes --timeout=600  --files-from=/home
 /logrsync/jobs/rsync_list_00 --log-format=[%p] %t %o %f (%l/%b)
 /var/xrt/pickup logrs...@pd3-dc01rsync-vip.pod.xxx.net:
 /home/logrsync/logs/rsync_worker_00_20090616_153501.log 21
 There may be other commands that are executed as well  as part of
 the file sync process other than rsync-server.
 I suggest if your really paranoid about only allowing file transfers
 then use the rsync protocol itself. You can encrypt it via a VPN
 or a ssl tunneling app like stunnel if you want.
 For me I am happy with just locking the system down so only ssh
 keys are allowed to login. don't feel the need to try to lock down
 what keys a particular app can use. And even if I did it wouldn't
 work since there are about 120 systems that share the same private
 key to upload and download data to different locations(couple TB
 of data transferred per day).
 CentOS mailing list

I am the only user with shell access to these systems and they are on a
private network, so maybe I am going a bit OTT. :)
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Rsync, SSH and authorized_keys problem

2009-06-16 Thread Stewart Williams
Filipe Brandenburger wrote:
 On Tue, Jun 16, 2009 at 17:10, Filipe Brandenburgerfilbran...@gmail.com 
 On Tue, Jun 16, 2009 at 16:59, Stewart Williamsli...@pinkyboots.co.uk 
 command=rsync -avz -e ssh -i ~/.ssh/backup-key /backup
 stew...@name.of.remote.server:/backup ssh-dss ... key ...
 You actually have to include the command that rsync will call on the
 server side, not the command you use to call rsync on the client
 If you add -v to the SSH command line on the client:
 $ rsync -avz -e ssh -v -i ...
 It will print something like this:
 debug1: Sending command: rsync --server -vlogDtprze.is . /backup
 That is the exact string you should add to command= on the
 authorized_keys file on the other end.

Thank you Filipe, I will try this and let you know if it works.
CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] yum-updatesd no longer working

2009-05-15 Thread Stewart Williams
I recently enabled yum-updatesd on two identical servers and configured
it to notify me of updates via e-mail.

This worked fine to start with and it notified me on both machines when
the kernel-2.6.18-128.1.10.el5.x86_64.rpm update was released last week.

However, today I realised that yum-updatesd was not running and thought
it was due to rebooting after the kernel update and that I'd forgotten
to set it to start at boot.

But this was not the case, it is set to start, however running
'/sbin/service yum-updatesd start' yields:

yum-updatesd dead but subsys locked

I have tried removing /var/lock/subsys/yum-updatesd, but when I restart
the service it says [OK] and yum-updatesd doesn't run, but the lock file
is re-created.

yum-updatesd --debug does not help either.

Any help or idea's greatly appreciated.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] tty login hangs

2009-02-15 Thread Stewart Williams
Richard Karhuse wrote:
 From: Stewart Williams li...@pinkyboots.co.uk
 Sometimes (more often than not) when I log in at the physical console
 (e.g. tty1, tty2, etc.) I will be logged in and it stops responding even
 if the shell is not doing anything.
 When this happens I can still switch to another VT with alt+f2 and login
 as normal.
 I don't know if bash, mingetty or whatever process is locking up. If I
 I assume that you've tried typing Ctl+Q -- just in case of
 flow control, yes/no?

No I haven't tried this. I will let you know if it works.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] tty login hangs

2009-02-15 Thread Stewart Williams
John Doe wrote:
 From: Stewart Williams li...@pinkyboots.co.uk
 Sometimes (more often than not) when I log in at the physical console
 (e.g. tty1, tty2, etc.) I will be logged in and it stops responding even
 if the shell is not doing anything.
 When this happens I can still switch to another VT with alt+f2 and login
 as normal.
 I don't know if bash, mingetty or whatever process is locking up. If I
 Maybe try an strace on the shell to see on what it is stuck...

I'll do this when it happens again, but it's been OK for a while.
CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] tty login hangs

2009-02-12 Thread Stewart Williams
Hi all,

I have two servers both identical in hardware and I have just done a
clean install of CentOS 5.2 x86_64 on both.

Sometimes (more often than not) when I log in at the physical console
(e.g. tty1, tty2, etc.) I will be logged in and it stops responding even
if the shell is not doing anything.

When this happens I can still switch to another VT with alt+f2 and login
as normal.

I don't know if bash, mingetty or whatever process is locking up. If I
do a `ps ax` all processes are sleeping.

Any idea's what could cause this?

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Poor RAID performance new Xeon server?

2009-01-13 Thread Stewart Williams
John R Pierce wrote:
 Stewart Williams wrote:
 John R Pierce wrote:
 Stewart Williams wrote:
 The block I/O is the thing that concerns me as mostly I am serving a 
 650MB file via samba to 5 clients and I think this is where I need the 
 is this a sequential or random access application thats using this 
 file?   is it read only/mostly, or is it random update?
 I'm not sure, how can I find this out?
 well, what is the nature of the application thats using this file? 
 do you really mean just a single 650MB (sub 1GB) file?
 is this something like a quickbooks file? (thats kind of what it sounds 
 like from your other answers).
 given what you have now, and what information we've been given, I would
 A) disable BIOS raid, configuring it for JBOD w/ ACHI enabled
 B) mdadm mirror disks 0 and 1, and put the OS on that
 C) mdadm mirror disks 2 and 3, and put your shared SMB filesystem on 

I disabled RAID in the BIOS (with SATA native mode set to auto), and the 
CentOS install runs fine to start with, then I setup my RAID 
configuration in disk-druid, continue and the system virtually grinds to 
a halt when it get's to the formating filesytem stage; the progress bar 
goes up a little then stops. The mouse cursor moves and the disk light 
flashes frequently but nothing is happening (even after hours). I can't 
switch to a debugging VT as the system is so un-responisve.

However, if I enable the RAID in the BIOS again, and proceed with the 
above, the install finishes fine.

Upon POST it says 4 drives JBOD.

The only thing that concerns me is that the drives are running at best 
speeds and not in PIO mode as William stated. I assume as I have created 
the array with mdadm and not HP's config utility that this is not the 
case, but just want some clarification.

CentOS loads the ahci driver and it looks OK to me. Here is my dmesg output:

scsi0 : ahci
scsi1 : ahci
scsi2 : ahci
scsi3 : ahci
ata1: SATA max UDMA/133 abar m2...@0xec000800 port 0xec000900 irq 233
ata2: SATA max UDMA/133 abar m2...@0xec000800 port 0xec000980 irq 233
ata3: SATA max UDMA/133 abar m2...@0xec000800 port 0xec000a00 irq 233
ata4: SATA max UDMA/133 abar m2...@0xec000800 port 0xec000a80 irq 233
ata1: SATA link up 1.5 Gbps (SStatus 113 SControl 300)
ata1.00: ATA-7: GB0250C8045, HPG1, max UDMA/133
ata1.00: 488397168 sectors, multi 16: LBA48 NCQ (depth 31/32)
ata1.00: configured for UDMA/133
ata2: SATA link up 3.0 Gbps (SStatus 123 SControl 300)
ata2.00: ATA-7: MAXTOR STM3250310AS, 4.AAA, max UDMA/133
ata2.00: 488397168 sectors, multi 16: LBA48 NCQ (depth 31/32)
ata2.00: configured for UDMA/133
ata3: SATA link up 1.5 Gbps (SStatus 113 SControl 300)
ata3.00: ATA-7: MAXTOR STM3250310AS, 3.AAF, max UDMA/133
ata3.00: 488397168 sectors, multi 16: LBA48 NCQ (depth 31/32)
ata3.00: configured for UDMA/133
ata4: SATA link up 3.0 Gbps (SStatus 123 SControl 300)
ata4.00: ATA-7: MAXTOR STM3250310AS, 4.AAA, max UDMA/133
ata4.00: 488397168 sectors, multi 16: LBA48 NCQ (depth 31/32)
ata4.00: configured for UDMA/133

Also, it shows 2 of the ports are running as 3.0Gbps (which is strange 
as I thought all of the ports on the mainboard were the same 1.5Gbps speed)

The 3 maxtor drives were purchased as SATA2 spec.

Is there a way to tell what ata?.00 corresponds to sd[a-d]? So that I 
can RAID the 2 faster drives together. Or does the kernel assign in 
order (e.g. ata2.00 = sdb)? Or won't it make much difference?



CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Poor RAID performance new Xeon server?

2009-01-11 Thread Stewart Williams
John R Pierce wrote:
 Stewart Williams wrote:
 I have just purchased an HP ProLiant HP ML110 G5 server and install ed 
 CentOS 5.2 x86_64 on it.

 It has the following spec:

 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU 3065  @ 2.33GHz
 4GB ECC memory
 4 x 250GB SATA hard disks running at 1.5GB/s

 Onboard RAID controller is enabled but at the moment I have used mdadm 
 to configure the array.

 RAID bus controller: Intel Corporation 82801 SATA RAID Controller

 that is essentially desktop grade disk IO
 For a simple striped array I ran:

 # mdadm --create /dev/md0 --level=0 --raid-devices=2 /dev/sdb1 /dev/sdc1
 # mke2fs -j /dev/md0
 # mount -t ext3 /dev/md0 /mnt

 Attached are the results of 2 bonnie++ tests I made to test the 

 # bonnie++ -s 256m -d /mnt -u 0 -r 0


 # bonnie++ -s 1g -d /mnt -u 0 -r 0

 I also tried 3 of the drives in a RAID 5 setup with gave similar results.

 Is it me or are the results poor?

 Is this the best I can expect from the hardware or is something wrong?

 I would appreciate any advice or possible tweaks I can make to the 
 system to make the performance better.

 The block I/O is the thing that concerns me as mostly I am serving a 
 650MB file via samba to 5 clients and I think this is where I need the 
 is this a sequential or random access application thats using this 
 file?   is it read only/mostly, or is it random update?

I'm not sure, how can I find this out?

 its rather hard to read your bonnie output logs as they aren't very 
 columnar. but it appears the sequetial read speed at least is really high.
 i'm seeing 55MB/sec random(block) and 1.4GB/sec sequential reads on the 
 1GB file,


 so I dunno what your issues are...   of course, a 1GB file 
 sits entirely in the system cache assuming a reasonable amount of 
 otherwise idle memory

I'm not sure whether the performance would suffice as I've not tried 
putting it in production.

I am going to benchmark the old server (currently in production) that 
this is replacing.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Poor RAID performance new Xeon server?

2009-01-11 Thread Stewart Williams
William Warren wrote:
 Stewart Williams wrote:
 I have just purchased an HP ProLiant HP ML110 G5 server and install ed 
 CentOS 5.2 x86_64 on it.

 It has the following spec:

 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU 3065  @ 2.33GHz
 4GB ECC memory
 4 x 250GB SATA hard disks running at 1.5GB/s

 Onboard RAID controller is enabled but at the moment I have used mdadm 
 to configure the array.

 RAID bus controller: Intel Corporation 82801 SATA RAID Controller

 For a simple striped array I ran:

 # mdadm --create /dev/md0 --level=0 --raid-devices=2 /dev/sdb1 /dev/sdc1
 # mke2fs -j /dev/md0
 # mount -t ext3 /dev/md0 /mnt

 Attached are the results of 2 bonnie++ tests I made to test the 

 # bonnie++ -s 256m -d /mnt -u 0 -r 0


 # bonnie++ -s 1g -d /mnt -u 0 -r 0

 I also tried 3 of the drives in a RAID 5 setup with gave similar results.

 Is it me or are the results poor?

 Is this the best I can expect from the hardware or is something wrong?

 I would appreciate any advice or possible tweaks I can make to the 
 system to make the performance better.

 The block I/O is the thing that concerns me as mostly I am serving a 
 650MB file via samba to 5 clients and I think this is where I need the 

 Plus I am hoping to run some virtualised guests on it eventually, but 
 nothing too heavy.


 CentOS mailing list
 That onbard raid is fakeraid..so when you dialup raid 5 you effectivly 
 put hte hdd's in pio mode since ALL data has to be routed through your 
 cpu.  Please get a raid card from HP or go get a 3ware card so you ahve 
 real hardware raid.
 fake and real raid chpsets:
 Why using fakeraid at all is bad:
 MDM under linux is kernel raid that does not use a binary 
 driver..however you don't want to do ANY software raid 5. 

Thanks William,

I am no expert on RAID, so you have opened my eyes to somethings I 
wasn't aware of.

I am considering disabling the onboard RAID in the BIOS and 
re-installing CentOS and configuring the 4 drives as RAID 10 just to see 
what the performance is like.

Or I may purchase a card as you advise. Would I benefit from buying a 
SCSI/or SAS card and drives for my requirements? Basically the main role 
of the machine is to serve a ~600MB file via samba to 5 Windows XP cient 
PC's on a gigabit network.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Poor RAID performance new Xeon server?

2009-01-11 Thread Stewart Williams
Ross Walker wrote:
 On Jan 11, 2009, at 10:13 AM, Stewart Williams  
 li...@pinkyboots.co.uk wrote:
 William Warren wrote:
 Stewart Williams wrote:
 I have just purchased an HP ProLiant HP ML110 G5 server and  
 install ed
 CentOS 5.2 x86_64 on it.

 It has the following spec:

 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU 3065  @ 2.33GHz
 4GB ECC memory
 4 x 250GB SATA hard disks running at 1.5GB/s

 Onboard RAID controller is enabled but at the moment I have used  
 to configure the array.

 RAID bus controller: Intel Corporation 82801 SATA RAID Controller

 For a simple striped array I ran:

 # mdadm --create /dev/md0 --level=0 --raid-devices=2 /dev/sdb1 / 
 # mke2fs -j /dev/md0
 # mount -t ext3 /dev/md0 /mnt

 Attached are the results of 2 bonnie++ tests I made to test the

 # bonnie++ -s 256m -d /mnt -u 0 -r 0


 # bonnie++ -s 1g -d /mnt -u 0 -r 0

 I also tried 3 of the drives in a RAID 5 setup with gave similar  

 Is it me or are the results poor?

 Is this the best I can expect from the hardware or is something  

 I would appreciate any advice or possible tweaks I can make to the
 system to make the performance better.

 The block I/O is the thing that concerns me as mostly I am serving a
 650MB file via samba to 5 clients and I think this is where I need  

 Plus I am hoping to run some virtualised guests on it eventually,  
 nothing too heavy.


 CentOS mailing list
 That onbard raid is fakeraid..so when you dialup raid 5 you  
 put hte hdd's in pio mode since ALL data has to be routed through  
 cpu.  Please get a raid card from HP or go get a 3ware card so you  
 real hardware raid.

 fake and real raid chpsets:

 Why using fakeraid at all is bad:

 MDM under linux is kernel raid that does not use a binary
 driver..however you don't want to do ANY software raid 5.
 Thanks William,

 I am no expert on RAID, so you have opened my eyes to somethings I
 wasn't aware of.

 I am considering disabling the onboard RAID in the BIOS and
 re-installing CentOS and configuring the 4 drives as RAID 10 just to  
 what the performance is like.

 Or I may purchase a card as you advise. Would I benefit from buying a
 SCSI/or SAS card and drives for my requirements? Basically the main  
 of the machine is to serve a ~600MB file via samba to 5 Windows XP  
 PC's on a gigabit network.
 If all your doing is serving a single file to a handful of PCs then a  
 2 drive mirror will be more then enough.

That is what I currently have setup on the old server, but it only has 
1GB ram and AMD Duron 1300MHz CPU.

The performance on the clients gets slower as the file size grows and 
now it has got very slow - hence the new server.

 You should stick with the OS RAID though as the onboard RAID will  
 bring nothing but pain.

That is what I have read. So understood :-)

 For sequential IO expect 60MB/s read and 40MB/s write (with the  
 drive's write cache enabled) per drive. Random IO is an order of  
 magnitude less.

Should that be OK for my needs or for the clients to be happy should I 
be wanting more? what figure should I be looking at?


Sorry for all the questions and thanks for the help.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Poor RAID performance new Xeon server?

2009-01-11 Thread Stewart Williams
Stewart Williams wrote:
 John R Pierce wrote:
 Stewart Williams wrote:
 I have just purchased an HP ProLiant HP ML110 G5 server and install ed 
 CentOS 5.2 x86_64 on it.

 It has the following spec:

 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU 3065  @ 2.33GHz
 4GB ECC memory
 4 x 250GB SATA hard disks running at 1.5GB/s

 Onboard RAID controller is enabled but at the moment I have used mdadm 
 to configure the array.

 RAID bus controller: Intel Corporation 82801 SATA RAID Controller

 that is essentially desktop grade disk IO

 For a simple striped array I ran:

 # mdadm --create /dev/md0 --level=0 --raid-devices=2 /dev/sdb1 /dev/sdc1
 # mke2fs -j /dev/md0
 # mount -t ext3 /dev/md0 /mnt

 Attached are the results of 2 bonnie++ tests I made to test the 

 # bonnie++ -s 256m -d /mnt -u 0 -r 0


 # bonnie++ -s 1g -d /mnt -u 0 -r 0

 I also tried 3 of the drives in a RAID 5 setup with gave similar results.

 Is it me or are the results poor?

 Is this the best I can expect from the hardware or is something wrong?

 I would appreciate any advice or possible tweaks I can make to the 
 system to make the performance better.

 The block I/O is the thing that concerns me as mostly I am serving a 
 650MB file via samba to 5 clients and I think this is where I need the 
 is this a sequential or random access application thats using this 
 file?   is it read only/mostly, or is it random update?
 I'm not sure, how can I find this out?
 its rather hard to read your bonnie output logs as they aren't very 
 columnar. but it appears the sequetial read speed at least is really high.

 i'm seeing 55MB/sec random(block) and 1.4GB/sec sequential reads on the 
 1GB file,
 so I dunno what your issues are...   of course, a 1GB file 
 sits entirely in the system cache assuming a reasonable amount of 
 otherwise idle memory
 I'm not sure whether the performance would suffice as I've not tried 
 putting it in production.
 I am going to benchmark the old server (currently in production) that 
 this is replacing.

I've ran the same bonnie++ test on my old server using a 1GB file.

The machine has only 1GB ram and 2 IDE ATA100 hard disks in a RAID 1 
mirror on seperate IDE channels on the motherboard.

I got about 38MB/s write w/ 13% CPU and  80MB/s read w/ 97% CPU. Also if 
I watch `top` with only one user, and run a quick-report in quickbooks 
on a stock item, the iowait is about 50% and the cached ram fills to 
around 200-300MB. So with 5 users I expect it that to go up quite 
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Poor RAID performance new Xeon server?

2009-01-11 Thread Stewart Williams
Hi Rob,

Rob Kampen wrote:
 Hi, I too run quickbooks (2007) and offer the following scenario - 5 
 user licences (actually 2 times three user package were purchased).
 Previously I used version 2004 and this allows much better sharing of 
 the data file, unfortunately I got sucked into an upgrade that in 
 reality was a significant downgrade!!

Yeah I know exactly what you mean. We are currently on 2005 Pro and got 
sucked into upgrading from 2003 Pro, which was working fine for us; 
but 2005 did have a couple of features we liked the sound of. Little did 
we know that 2005 was a zillion times slower than 2003 (in our 
experience) and once you convert your data file and work with it for a 
week or so, adding information, there is no way back and the data you've 
added since is too precious to loose, that you can't afford to revert to 
a week old backup. If only the files were version independent.

 Anyway - my set-up:-/
 For multiple simultaneous users, one machine has to be the defacto 
 server, i.e. it opens the file and shares access to the underlying 
 data store on behalf of other users. (why they can't develop a decent 
 client server product defies understanding).

I've always been annoyed by this too, as it has never really been made 
into a proper networkable application. They also say that the company 
file should never reach to a size greater than 125MB. Ha! no chance.

 So what I have done is establish a W2K client running in virtualbox 
 (thanks to Sun for keeping this product FOSS). This client accesses the 
 data file from my main server (running a HW based raid 5  disk array). I 
 have lots of ram on my virtual box client, and allocate sufficient to 
 ensure all is in ram. Thus far the system has been very robust and no 
 data loss. I keep this client running in share mode 24x7 and only go 
 single user to create backups. Unfortunately Quickbooks does not provide 
 an automated method of backing up (another gross over-sight).

I can't really see the benefit in this, samba shares the company file 
just as well as Windows as long as you configure the permissions 
correctly and set oplock settings in smb.conf

That said, I have read, when spending endless hours googling for tips on 
running QB from a server, that it can be best to serve it from a Windows 
box and intuit only supports that method.

 All the other users (on Windoze XP at this time) access the virtualbox 
 W2K for the data file.
 Performance while not stellar is adequate, my file is only 10% the size 
 of yours, but it runs basically from ram, and only save writes
 Apparently Quickbooks do offer more expensive products that may work 
 better from a client server perspective but only on Windoze and MAC, but 
 for my small business the cost is WAY TOO HIGH and I love FOSS and Linux.

I think the performance difference would be far worse in this 
configuration with the size of our file.

 I must say, it took me many dozens of hours to get this working properly 
 (mostly due to my ignorance, and Quickbooks poor design), so I hope this 
 may assist you.

Thanks for your reply Rob.

It's a shame that there are these issues, as it's an excellent program 
and suit's our needs perfectly in every other way than that mentioned.

And like you, I'd rather use FOSS and GNU/Linux. And that's not through 
cost, but through choice!

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Poor RAID performance new Xeon server?

2009-01-10 Thread Stewart Williams
I have just purchased an HP ProLiant HP ML110 G5 server and install ed 
CentOS 5.2 x86_64 on it.

It has the following spec:

Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU 3065  @ 2.33GHz
4GB ECC memory
4 x 250GB SATA hard disks running at 1.5GB/s

Onboard RAID controller is enabled but at the moment I have used mdadm 
to configure the array.

RAID bus controller: Intel Corporation 82801 SATA RAID Controller

For a simple striped array I ran:

# mdadm --create /dev/md0 --level=0 --raid-devices=2 /dev/sdb1 /dev/sdc1
# mke2fs -j /dev/md0
# mount -t ext3 /dev/md0 /mnt

Attached are the results of 2 bonnie++ tests I made to test the performance:

# bonnie++ -s 256m -d /mnt -u 0 -r 0


# bonnie++ -s 1g -d /mnt -u 0 -r 0

I also tried 3 of the drives in a RAID 5 setup with gave similar results.

Is it me or are the results poor?

Is this the best I can expect from the hardware or is something wrong?

I would appreciate any advice or possible tweaks I can make to the 
system to make the performance better.

The block I/O is the thing that concerns me as mostly I am serving a 
650MB file via samba to 5 clients and I think this is where I need the 

Plus I am hoping to run some virtualised guests on it eventually, but 
nothing too heavy.

Version  1.94   --Sequential Output-- --Sequential Input- --Random-
Concurrency   1 -Per Chr- --Block-- -Rewrite- -Per Chr- --Block-- --Seeks--
MachineSize K/sec %CP K/sec %CP K/sec %CP K/sec %CP K/sec %CP  /sec %CP
localhost  256M   512  98 74517  19 107776  19  1451  99 + +++  3752  16
Latency 80784us7458us  50us6489us 201us5670us
Version  1.94   --Sequential Create-- Random Create
localhost   -Create-- --Read--- -Delete-- -Create-- --Read--- -Delete--
  files  /sec %CP  /sec %CP  /sec %CP  /sec %CP  /sec %CP  /sec %CP
 16 24866  67 + +++ + +++ 26588  73 + +++ + +++
Latency  9668us 139us 328us   13409us  14us 339us


Version  1.94   --Sequential Output-- --Sequential Input- --Random-
Concurrency   1 -Per Chr- --Block-- -Rewrite- -Per Chr- --Block-- --Seeks--
MachineSize K/sec %CP K/sec %CP K/sec %CP K/sec %CP K/sec %CP  /sec %CP
localhost1G   506  98 55430  13 53909   8  1431  98 1414238  97  1484   9
Latency 75827us 562ms   36504us   11904us 329us5926us
Version  1.94   --Sequential Create-- Random Create
localhost   -Create-- --Read--- -Delete-- -Create-- --Read--- -Delete--
  files  /sec %CP  /sec %CP  /sec %CP  /sec %CP  /sec %CP  /sec %CP
 16 21333  55 + +++ + +++ 25931  70 + +++ + +++
Latency 23775us 167us 173us   11528us  26us  97us
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] CentOS PPC architecture support

2008-12-15 Thread Stewart Williams
Karanbir Singh wrote:
 Stewart Williams wrote:
 I have a system with a PowerPC cpu which I'd like to run CentOS on in a
 production environment (albeit for a home personal server.)

 Does anyone know if the CentOS team are actually going to support PPC?
 I have found a page which states release 4 is in beta[1]. But little else.
 Is there lack of demand for support for this aging arch?
 somewhat. About the same level of demand there is for CentOS s390
 Is there a lack of volunteers?

 I'd be willing to test the releases and bug report, or help out in
 anyway I can.
 sounds good. What kind of a machine do you have ?

It's a Mac Mini G4 currently running Fedora.

$ cat /proc/cpuinfo

processor   : 0
cpu : 7447A, altivec supported
clock   : 1333.28MHz
revision: 0.5 (pvr 8003 0105)
bogomips: 82.94
timebase: 41600571
platform: PowerMac
model   : PowerMac10,2
machine : PowerMac10,2
motherboard : PowerMac10,2 MacRISC3 Power Macintosh
detected as : 287 (Unknown Intrepid-based)
pmac flags  : 
L2 cache: 512K unified
pmac-generation : NewWorld

AFAIK this is a 32-bit CPU.

 Fedora has good support, however, I don't really want to update the
 system often.

 [1] http://www.centos.org/modules/news/article.php?storyid=65
 You should be clear that there is no real 'ppc' support in EL at all, 
 they only support a ppc64 based cpu. However, ppc support is something 
 that I plan on getting into CentOS. Timeline ? perhaps in sync with 5.3

Ah. I did not realise that. I assumed they supported both.

As I said, I'd be glad to help in anyway I can. s390 is something I've 
always mean't to get into too, running under hercules; but never got 
round to it yet.
CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] CentOS PPC architecture support

2008-12-14 Thread Stewart Williams
I have a system with a PowerPC cpu which I'd like to run CentOS on in a
production environment (albeit for a home personal server.)

Does anyone know if the CentOS team are actually going to support PPC?

I have found a page which states release 4 is in beta[1]. But little else.

Is there lack of demand for support for this aging arch?

Is there a lack of volunteers?

I'd be willing to test the releases and bug report, or help out in
anyway I can.

Fedora has good support, however, I don't really want to update the
system often.

[1] http://www.centos.org/modules/news/article.php?storyid=65

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] reuse the history

2008-10-17 Thread Stewart Williams

ann kok wrote:

Hi all

I want to reuse command in the shell historys 
Which command I can only select traceroute to run?

$ history |grep traceroute
   26  traceroute
   27  traceroute -n
   28  traceroute
   29  traceroute yahoo.com
   46  traceroute


history |grep traceroute | awk '{ print$2   print$3}' | grep 26 

Thank you

$ !26
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Re: Moving folder just vanished??

2008-10-02 Thread Stewart Williams

Stewart Williams wrote:
Also that is odd, is when I drag anything to the Trash icon, and open 
it, there are no files. However when I use a terminal and look in 
~/.Trash all deleted files are show.


Update: I've Found the problem with this, it's a bug[1] in gnome-vfs. 
The Trash doesn't work with FUSE file systems.

The version I have installed is:


I cannot find any updates, so I don't know if it's been fixed with this 
Gnome version.

[1] http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=349622

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Re: Moving folder just vanished??

2008-10-01 Thread Stewart Williams

MHR wrote:

On Tue, Sep 30, 2008 at 2:15 PM, Stewart Williams

Also that is odd, is when I drag anything to the Trash icon, and open it,
there are no files. However when I use a terminal and look in ~/.Trash all
deleted files are show.

This could be a synchronization issue, but I have another thought
about your missing files.

What file systems do you have mounted?  Is there any chance that your
files got moved to a mount point that is now hiding any files that are
actually located under it?  Try unmounting any file system you don't
need and see what's there underneath.

It's probably not the case, but it doesn't hurt to look.


Thanks, but I have tried already. The partition is an LVM volume, 
formatted and mounted as ext3. Then I have fuse-encfs mounted over that.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Re: Moving folder just vanished??

2008-09-30 Thread Stewart Williams

William L. Maltby wrote:


and the missing files are now listed.

Now or not?

Not. Typo sorry.


Last stab in the dark: any undelete capability on that file system? If
the files are not found, I am guessing they have been deleted. Barring
that facility, I hope you have a recent backup.

Not as I am aware.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Re: Moving folder just vanished??

2008-09-30 Thread Stewart Williams
Thank you for all of the suggestions. So far I have tried them all but 
still cannot fathom it out. The files have just disappeared and I don't 
know how or why.

I think all I can conclude is that they are gone for good.
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Re: Moving folder just vanished??

2008-09-30 Thread Stewart Williams

William L. Maltby wrote:

On Tue, 2008-09-30 at 21:54 +0100, Stewart Williams wrote:
Thank you for all of the suggestions. So far I have tried them all but 
still cannot fathom it out. The files have just disappeared and I don't 
know how or why.

I think all I can conclude is that they are gone for good.

Last gasp: any chance of FS corruption? Maybe an fsck run will show some
errors, corrections and put some goodies in lost+found?

snip sig stuff


Hi Williams

I have already tried this and gave no errors (even with fsck -f) and 
nothing appeared in lost+found.

Strange one.

Stewart Williams
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Re: Moving folder just vanished??

2008-09-30 Thread Stewart Williams
Also that is odd, is when I drag anything to the Trash icon, and open 
it, there are no files. However when I use a terminal and look in 
~/.Trash all deleted files are show.

Stewart Williams
CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Moving folder just vanished??

2008-09-28 Thread Stewart Williams

Hi all,

Can anyone explain or give an clues as to what just happened?

I'm running CentOS 5.2 as a desktop with Gnome. Fully up to date, etc.

I was dragging a folder of image (.jpg) files to another folder on the 
same filesystem (LVM ext3) with the mouse and as I dropped the folder 
into the new folder - poof! - it disappeared like a puff of smoke.

I've searched everywhere for the files/and or folder and they are 
totally gone.

I must also point out that the filesystem was an encrypted one using 

In all my years of using Linux, I've never seen this happen before.

Sadly I have no backup as I'd just copied them from an SD card to the 
HDD then formated the card - maybe I was too quick doing that step.

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Re: Moving folder just vanished??

2008-09-28 Thread Stewart Williams

Thanks for both of your responses.

Sorry for the non-threaded post, but I'm e-mailing from somewhere else.

@ Mogens Kjaer

I have tried this already

@ William L. Maltby

I have looked everywhere on the drive using programs such as 'find'. I 
have ran:

$ find / -iname *.jpg -or *.JPG

and the missing files are now listed.

I know enough to be able to find files. This is whats got me because 
I've never know an ext3 fs to do this; unless it's a bug with fuse-encfs.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] yum provides on centos 5.2

2008-08-28 Thread Stewart Williams

Tony Schreiner wrote:

Jerry Geis wrote:
I am trying things like yum provides alsamixer on centox 5.2 i386 
and x86_64

also yum provides vi
yum provides gvimdiff
yum provides dumpiso
yum provides uname

All of these return no matches found

is something broke???

These are just examples. I was trying to do yum provides xf86Modes.h 
it returns no matches also.

CentOS mailing list

For files try

yum provides '*/vi'

I think this is new behavior for yum

Tony Schreiner
CentOS mailing list

I recently discovered this feature in a thread on fedora-list[1].

I did mention that maybe the yum manpage ought to be updated to inform 
the user, as I always wondered why it never worked for me until I saw 
the post. Although I knew that globs could be used with certain yum 
commands, I wasn't aware you needed to use them with this one.

[1] http://www.redhat.com/archives/rhl-list/2008-August/msg00884.html
CentOS mailing list